Hardware support survey

From: Greg Wallace <greg_at_freebsdfoundation.org>
Date: Fri, 22 Mar 2024 13:35:43 UTC
Hello Enterprise WG!!

Happy Friday to those who celebrate.

Something many of you have said, and that I hear on a regular basis from
FreeBSD users, is that it's not always easy to find hardware makers (CPU,
GPU, NICs, HDD, SDD...) that provide good support for FreeBSD.

This is a top priority for me and a first step is to catalog the hardware
makers that DO offer good support so the community can share this knowledge
with current and would-be FreeBSD users.

That's the idea of this survey: https://forms.gle/GtmWzY2QGFovc71d9

Based on the responses, The Foundation will publish a FreeBSD Hardware
Support Guide.

The responses will also help inform my outreach to hardware makers.

I appreciate you taking a few minutes to fill it out.

I will be sharing this on the FreeBSD Forum, Discord, and other community
email lists.

Thanks in advance!

Greg Wallace
Director of Partnerships & Research
M +1 919-247-3165
Schedule a meeting <https://calendly.com/greg-freebsdfound/30min>
Get your FreeBSD Gear <https://freebsd-foundation.myshopify.com/>