Re: git: b430a140c818 - main - net-im/purple-gowhatsapp: add WhatsApp plugin for libpurple

From: Kurt Jaeger <>
Date: Sun, 21 Jan 2024 18:35:40 UTC

> I don't see the implication at all. I appreciate the fallout e-mails, but
> I don't see, why that makes it mandatory for me to use the same tool(s)
> locally. For example, the cluster builds every port on multiple hardware
> platforms -- for different OS-releases. Does that imply the committers
> also must have such multitude of different hardware/release combinations
> locally too?

Well, it helps to test-build at least on our Tier 1 arch (amd64) and
on all production releases (13.2, 14.0), and CURRENT would be
helpful as well. 

This post
lists FreeBSD/arm64 (also known as AArch64) as Tier 1 as well.

The official list of plattforms is here:

> If the 37 seconds it took the cluster to fail the port is really such a
> drain on the resources, marking the port BROKEN would be a thing to do --
> that's a one-line change, that still keeps the code available for sharing.

The cluster builds on many OS versions, so it's probably
37seconds times approx. 20 variants. So yes, it taxes
the cluster.

> Anyway, I think, I hacked the port into pre-fetching the additional
> modules using's facilities, and will be committing that shortly. It
> still is not perfect, because the port is a mixture of C and Go-code, but
> it should build fine now. Thank you for the feedback. Yours,

Thanks! That sounds reasonable!

--         +49 171 3101372                  Now what ?