Re: Problems creating a zpool

From: Mike Clarke <>
Date: Fri, 07 Apr 2023 11:18:01 UTC
On Thursday, 6 April 2023 22:07:00 BST David Christensen wrote:
> The two posts above appear to be duplicates (?).

Yes, sorry about that. Result of trying to post from a laptop I don't normally use 
for email and which wrongly appeared to not have sent the first copy

> That said, the `zfs create` command, above, appears to be missing an
> '-O' option identifier:
> # zpool create -m none -O compress=on -O atime=off wdssd gpt/wdsys2

Yes it was my stupid mistake. Sorry about this, I should have avoided trying to fix 
things under pressure late in the day. Everything ran fine after I fixed that.

Mike Clarke