Re: Problems creating a zpool

From: David Christensen <>
Date: Thu, 06 Apr 2023 21:07:00 UTC
On 4/6/23 12:57, Mike Clarke wrote:
 > I'm trying to restore my 13.1 system from an external drive.

On 4/6/23 13:01, Mike Clarke wrote:
> I'm trying to restore my 13.1 system from an external drive.
> So far I've booted into a livefs from a 13.1 bootable memory stick and 
> am attempting to create a new zpool with the command:
> root@:~ # zpool create -m none -O compress=on atime=off wdssd gpt/wdsys2
> but I get this error message:
> "cannot open 'wdssd': no such device in /dev
> must be a full path or shorthand device name"
> I've also tried /dev/gpt/wdsys2 and /dev/ada1p3 but with the same error.
> The device appears to have been created OK:
> root@:~ # gpart show -l ada1
> =>        40  1953525088  ada1  GPT  (932G)
>            40        1024     1  wdboot2  (512K)
>          1064        3032     2  wdefi2  (1.5M)
>          4096  1953521032     3  wdsys2  (932G)
> root@:~ # gpart show  ada1
> =>        40  1953525088  ada1  GPT  (932G)
>            40        1024     1  freebsd-boot  (512K)
>          1064        3032     2  efi  (1.5M)
>          4096  1953521032     3  freebsd-zfs  (932G)
> root@:~ # ls -l /dev/gpt/wdsys2
> crw-r-----  1 root  operator  0xcd Apr  6 18:37 /dev/gpt/wdsys2
> root@:~ # ls -l /dev/ada1p3
> crw-r-----  1 root  operator  0x9d Apr  6 18:37 /dev/ada1p3
> But I'm unable to use it to create a pool named wdssd, what am I missing?

The two posts above appear to be duplicates (?).

When you say "restore", that implies backup.  Please describe how you 
backed up your system.

When you say "booted into a livefs from a 13.1 bootable memory stick", I 
assume you mean your computer is running a FreeBSD 13.1 RELEASE amd64 
instance that is contained on a USB flash drive.  Please describe the 
origin of the FreeBSD instance on the USB flash drive.

That said, the `zfs create` command, above, appears to be missing an 
'-O' option identifier:

# zpool create -m none -O compress=on -O atime=off wdssd gpt/wdsys2

(Programs can get confused when parsing options and arguments, and 
produce misleading error messages.  Sometimes you have to look for other 
errors and fix them to get an accurate error message.)
