ZFS STF Test Suite
Xin Li
delphij at delphij.net
Fri Sep 28 08:19:38 UTC 2012
Hash: SHA256
Hi, Marcelo,
On 9/27/12 8:25 PM, Marcelo Araujo wrote:
> Hello dear Larry,
> I'm wondering if you could talk with me this Friday. If yes, let me
> know! So here in Taiwan, I'm 15 hours ahead of you at Sao Jose, so,
> my time zone is UTC/GMT +8.
> Would be great if we can talk around 11PM(Taiwan) at my side, it
> will be 2PM(California) in your side, just let me know few hours in
> advance if we can talk or not. In case you can't, we can
> re-schedule to the next week.
I believe these time was wrong. 23:00 CST for you is 8:00 PDT for us.
14:00 PDT for us is about 5:00 CST in your morning.
17:00 PDT for us is about 8:00 CST in your morning.
> Here is my skype: araujobsd ** Best Regards, - Marcelo Araujo **
> 2012/9/25 Larry Maloney <larry at ixsystems.com>
>> Sounds great! Just let me know when, and I'll work my schedule
>> to fit yours.
>> Larry
>> On 09/24/2012 09:37, Marcelo Araujo wrote:
>> Hello dear Larry,
>> Right now I'm located in Taipei/Taiwan, I do believe we have a
>> difference of 11hours of time-zone. Let me check this week the
>> best day/time to have a meeting with you. Soon as I have the
>> proper date, I'm gonna contact you back.
>> Great know you, and definitely we must have a chat this week.
>> Best Regards, - Araujo
>> 2012/9/25 Larry Maloney <larry at ixsystems.com>
>>> Sounds great!
>>> We should schedule a meeting, what is your schedule this week?
>>> Larry
>>> On 09/22/2012 10:48, Marcelo Araujo wrote:
>>> 2012/9/22 Matt Olander <matt at ixsystems.com>
>>>> On Thu, Sep 20, 2012 at 7:30 PM, Marcelo Araujo
>>>> <araujobsdport at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> Thank you so much to share it, I'm gonna take a close look
>>>>> and make
>>>> some
>>>>> plan to work on it. Also, would be interesting know, whom
>>>>> is working and in which part, so
>>>> we
>>>>> could avoid dual effort on the same thing.
>>>>> I'm gonna build a machine today to test it.
>>>> Nice job guys!
>>>> Araujo, I've cc'd Larry at iXsystems. He's already setting up
>>>> to take a look so maybe you guys can coordinate ;)
>>>> Cheers, -matt
>>> Dear Matt and Larry,
>>> Would be great if we could be in touch and have some
>>> coordination to work together and bring it up on FreeBSD. So,
>>> let me know your plan guys, and let's sync our tasks.
>>> Best Regards, -- Marcelo Araujo araujo at FreeBSD.org
>>> -- ========================== Larry P. Maloney Senior Systems
>>> Engineer Cell: 408-893-0294
>> -- Marcelo Araujo araujo at FreeBSD.org
>> -- ========================== Larry P. Maloney Senior Systems
>> Engineer Cell: 408-893-0294
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