ZFS STF Test Suite

Marcelo Araujo araujobsdport at gmail.com
Tue Oct 30 03:57:55 UTC 2012

Hello guys,

I have been working a little bit over the zfs-test suite. Unfortunately I'm
totally stuck at work these days. I'm still working on it, here is a couple
of scripts that I have fixed in last weekend, I intend to keep doing this
work as I spoke before.

So here is the first changes, I'm wondering where I should place it! Is
there any special place that I could make a ci or send to someone else to
make it for me.

Best Regards,
- Marcelo Araujo

2012/9/21 Justin T. Gibbs <gibbs at freebsd.org>

> On Sep 18, 2012, at 12:43 PM, Justin T. Gibbs <gibbs at freebsd.org> wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > Some time back, the folks at HighCloud Security ported a bunch of
> > the ZFS tests from the Solaris test suite to FreeBSD.  At Spectra
> > Logic, we have continued the porting effort to enable more test
> > cases, and now runs these tests in our nightly continuous integration
> > system.
> I've published a snapshot of our work here:
> http://people.freebsd.org/~gibbs/freebsd_zfs_stf.tar.gz
> cddl/tools/regression/stf.README has instructions on how to build and run
> the tests.
> cddl/tools/regression/stf.changes is a revision log (with diffs) of what
> HighCloud and Spectra havedone to the code.
> In briefly re-reviewing the changes, I believe that David Xu's work
> to implement process shared mutexes means change set 464984 should
> be redone.  I haven't verified this though.
> --
> Justin
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Marcelo Araujo
araujo at FreeBSD.org
-------------- next part --------------
1. bootfs_001_pos (PASS, add new case)
   Add case : Set bootfs from fs at snap. (Moved from bootfs_002_neg)

	 Modified : .\tests\functional\bootfs\bootfs_001_pos 
2. bootfs_002_neg (FAIL)
   The snapshot can be set to bootfs in freebsd. (Solaris cannot)

   Solution : Modify snapshot bootfs from log_mustnot to log_must and move this case to bootfs_001_pos
	 Modified : .\tests\functional\bootfs\bootfs_002_neg 
3. bootfs_006_pos	(FAIL)
   Any kind of pools can be set as bootfs in freebsd. (Solaris support only normal & mirror type)
   Solution : Modify all the log_mustnot cases into log_must cases.
	 Modified : .\tests\functional\bootfs\bootfs_006_pos 
4. bootfs_007_neg	(FAIL)
   Suggest to remove this case since EFI labeled limitation is for SUN only.
   ( In libzpool.c: zpool_valid_proplist() )
   Modified : None

5. bootfs_008_neg (PASS, add new case)
	 Setting bootfs on a dataset which has zle compression enabled will also fail
	 Modified : .\tests\functional\bootfs\bootfs_008_neg
1. cache_009_pos (FAIL)
   The cache device name will be replaced with numbers after setting to OFFLINE in freebsd.
   ( Solaris : da4 ONLINE -> da4 OFFLINE
     Freebsd : da4 ONLINE -> 10776051717193109796 OFFLINE)
	 Solution : Use another parse method to get OFFLINE cache device.
   Modified : .\commands.cfg
2. cache_010_neg (FAIL)
   A. Freebsd doesn't have "lofiadm" command, it use "mdconfig" instead.
      Solution : Use mdconfig to verify if it can be used as cache devices.
   B. "lofiadm" cannot be used as cache device in Solaris, but "mdconfig" in Freebsd is ok.
      Solution : Modify log_mustnot to log_must.

   Modified : .\tests\functional\cache\cache_010_neg

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