introducing chuck silvers

Tushar Tambay tushar.tambay at
Mon May 14 22:03:44 UTC 2012

Hi pawel / xin / martin / all

Hope you are all doing well.

It has been quite a while since we exchanged mail. At HighCloud ( , we released our first VM Centric
Security product (based on freebsd and ZFS) back in October 2011. We are
gaining traction with customers and are continuing to enhance the features,
performance and stability of our product (just released 1.1.5 a couple of
weeks ago).

I'd like to introduce Chuck Silvers to this group. He is a former colleague
from Veritas / Symantec's  file systems team and now works with me at High
Cloud Security. Chuck is also a long time netbsd developer (but don't hold
that against him  :-))

Chuck has been looking at ZFS performance and stability issues for us and
wanted to share  a couple of interesting results with this group. I'll let
him speak about them himself.


Tushar | 408.203.9736 | tushar.tambay at

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