ZFS development strategy

Tushar Tambay tushar.tambay at gmail.com
Tue Jun 22 17:00:43 UTC 2010

Hi all,

I haven't got everyones skype ids yet and I do not have a conf call #
that has a toll free dial-in from poland and india.

So first question - does anyone have a conf call number we can use ?

If not, just as a backup, can you folks send out you skype ids please ?

On 6/20/10, Martin Matuska <mm at freebsd.org> wrote:
> Hi Pawel, Xin and all members of this list.
> First of all, I would like to thank Pawel for all the work on porting
> ZFS to FreeBSD and for creating this list.
> I hope this list will help us to exchange new ideas, help each other
> with existing issues or discuss how things should be implemented.
> As the very first topic, I would like to discuss our ZFS development
> strategy.
> To coordinate our work as best as possible, it would be very nice to
> have a common set of goals and targets or at least some basic strategy
> guidelines we should follow. I understand everybody has some kind of
> "own" agenda, but we should e.g. avoid reimplementing things 2 times
> (and sometimes both in different ways).
> At current state, we have quite well-tested post-v14 in head, stable/8,
> post-v13 in stable/7, and latest work (post-v26) in pjd's perforce tree.
> My main effort until now has been finding and importing bugfixes and/or
> important improvements (e.g. parallel traversal, l2arc) from OpenSolaris
> that do or may affect FreeBSD users into head and stable. If I continue
> this effort I could easily land in v15 as a pre-step for v26 (v15
> introduces group and user quotas and splits the python code as well).
> What I also plan to do is creating a python dummy port for the python
> code part.
> So I would maily like to ask the following questions about ourt ZFS:
> 1. Are we interested in setting up some goals / guidelines for our ZFS
> in FreeBSD to help coordinating our work?
> 2. Is there a (very rough) estimate when v26 might find its way into
> wider testing and head?
> 3. If the answer for 2. lies in far future, does it make sense to go v15
> as a step inbetween (including or not-including the python dummy port)?
> Thank you very much,
> mm
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