sample 5.3 based trusted os ;-)

Martin Englund Martin.Englund at Sun.COM
Fri Jan 21 20:52:39 GMT 2005

ilmar at wrote:

> Sun based of cause. Apple BSM code does that.
Neat-o! :)

> 2. i've found a file token description in trusted solaris audit manual. as
> i understand, it must be inserted at the beginning and at the end of audit
> trails. The token is inserted, but the ending file token must be corrected
> by auditd daemon. the last is not implemented. I don't know, if file token
> is really needed, i haven't seen it neither in solaris logs, nor in apple
> implementation. And i have no docs, describing it.
You have the explanation here:

> I hope i understand the question right and answered it.
Yupp :)

Will you add an XML output option to praudit[1]? I'm working on a GUI audit 
trail viewer, and it would be neat if it could read audit trails from all 

[1] <>

Martin Englund, Senior Network Security Engineer, Sun IT Security Office
Email: martin.englund at  Time Zone: MEST/UTC+1  PGP: 1024D/4CDCB50F
"The question is not if you are paranoid, it is if you are paranoid enough."

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