TrustedBSD mailing list system change

Robert Watson rwatson at
Tue Feb 7 18:48:19 GMT 2006

You are receiving this e-mail because you are subscribed to a 
mailing list.  This message is to let you know that as of mid-February, the 
hosting of these lists is moving to the mailman installation from 
the current Majordomo-based system.  This will provide several benefits, 
including moving to web-based subscription management, web-based mailing list 
archives, and better support for MIME messages.  Existing post addresses will 
continue to work, and all current subscriptions will be transfered to the new 
system.  However, during the transition, there may be occasional delays and 
glitches as the details are worked out.  More information, including URLS for 
managing your mailing list subscriptions, will be sent out when the transition 
has occurred.

Robert N M Watson
TrustedBSD Project
To Unsubscribe: send mail to majordomo at
with "unsubscribe trustedbsd-cvs" in the body of the message

More information about the trustedbsd-cvs mailing list