svn commit: r300961 - vendor/one-true-awk/dist

Cy Schubert Cy.Schubert at
Sun May 29 19:22:26 UTC 2016

In message <574B3E4B.2020501 at>, Pedro Giffuni writes:
> On 29/05/2016 13:17, Cy Schubert wrote:
> > In message <574B2EAC.3010908 at>, Pedro Giffuni writes:
> >>
> >>
> >> On 29/05/2016 12:37, Cy Schubert wrote:
> >>> In message <201605291618.u4TGItNJ024583 at>, "Pedro F.
> >>> Giffuni" w
> >>> rites:
> >>>> Author: pfg
> >>>> Date: Sun May 29 16:18:55 2016
> >>>> New Revision: 300961
> >>>> URL:
> >>>>
> >>>> Log:
> >>>>     one-true-awk: replace 0 with NULL for pointers
> >>>>     
> >>>>     Also remove a redundant semicolon.
> >>>>     Submitted upstream already.
> >>>>
> >>>> Modified:
> >>>>     vendor/one-true-awk/dist/b.c
> >>>>     vendor/one-true-awk/dist/lex.c
> >>>>     vendor/one-true-awk/dist/maketab.c
> >>>>     vendor/one-true-awk/dist/parse.c
> >>>>     vendor/one-true-awk/dist/run.c
> >>>>     vendor/one-true-awk/dist/tran.c
> >>>>
> >>> Was this commit and r300962 obtained from the upline or vendor or were
> >>> these commits local to FreeBSD only?
> >>>
> >>>
> >> There is no public awk public repository AFAICT, but bwk acknowledged
> >> the submission.
> >>
> >> The change to openresolv was merged to the public repository.
> > As they've acknowledged the submissions, can you please tag the new
> > versions of awk and openresolve with the correct upstream version numbers,
> > please?
> >
> That's an impossible request as there are no "correct upstream version 
> numbers".
> In the case of openresolv, I included the repository revision, but 
> checksums have
> no chronological sense and should be avoided for tags.
> In this case using tags for anything other than official releases would 
> be a mess.
> As stated in our subversion primer (5.4.4):
> "Vendor patches should be committed to the vendor branch, and merged 
> from there to head. If the patch addresses an issue in a new release 
> that is currently being imported, it /must not/ be committed along with 
> the new release: the release must be imported and tagged first, then the 
> patch can be applied and committed. There is no need to re-tag the 
> vendor sources after committing the patch."

That doesn't address local patches. These were local patches that were 
upstreamed. I rea this as, if one got a patch from an upstream VCS repo but 
these were our local patches. At the very least the commit logs should 
reference the upstream commit log entry (which the openresolve one did but 
the awk commit did not). I think that a clear audit trail back to the 
vendor VCS, bug#, etc., be documented in the commit log.

Cy Schubert <Cy.Schubert at> or <Cy.Schubert at>
FreeBSD UNIX:  <cy at>   Web:

	The need of the many outweighs the greed of the few.

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