svn commit: r293365 - user/cperciva/freebsd-update-build/patches/9.3-RELEASE

Gleb Smirnoff glebius at
Thu Jan 7 20:56:33 UTC 2016

Author: glebius
Date: Thu Jan  7 20:56:30 2016
New Revision: 293365

  Add missing files for 9.3-RELEASE.


Added: user/cperciva/freebsd-update-build/patches/9.3-RELEASE/17-EN-15:08.sendmail
--- /dev/null	00:00:00 1970	(empty, because file is newly added)
+++ user/cperciva/freebsd-update-build/patches/9.3-RELEASE/17-EN-15:08.sendmail	Thu Jan  7 20:56:30 2016	(r293365)
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+Index: contrib/sendmail/src/tls.c
+--- contrib/sendmail/src/tls.c
++++ contrib/sendmail/src/tls.c
+@@ -650,7 +650,7 @@
+ 	**  1024	generate 1024 bit parameters
+ 	**  2048	generate 2048 bit parameters
+ 	**  /file/name	read parameters from /file/name
+-	**  default is: 1024 for server, 512 for client (OK? XXX)
++	**  default is: 1024
+ 	*/
+ 	if (bitset(TLS_I_TRY_DH, req))
+@@ -676,8 +676,8 @@
+ 		}
+ 		if (dhparam == NULL)
+ 		{
+-			dhparam = srv ? "1" : "5";
+-			req |= (srv ? TLS_I_DH1024 : TLS_I_DH512);
++			dhparam = "1";
++			req |= TLS_I_DH1024;
+ 		}
+ 		else if (*dhparam == '/')
+ 		{

Added: user/cperciva/freebsd-update-build/patches/9.3-RELEASE/18-EN-15:08.sendmail
--- /dev/null	00:00:00 1970	(empty, because file is newly added)
+++ user/cperciva/freebsd-update-build/patches/9.3-RELEASE/18-EN-15:08.sendmail	Thu Jan  7 20:56:30 2016	(r293365)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+Index: contrib/sendmail/src/sendmail.h
+--- contrib/sendmail/src/sendmail.h	(revision 284940)
++++ contrib/sendmail/src/sendmail.h	(working copy)
+@@ -1935,7 +1935,7 @@ struct termescape
+ /* server requirements */
+-			 TLS_I_VRFY_LOC | TLS_I_TRY_DH | TLS_I_DH512 | \
++			 TLS_I_VRFY_LOC | TLS_I_TRY_DH | TLS_I_DH1024 | \
+ 			 TLS_I_CACHE)
+ /* client requirements */

Added: user/cperciva/freebsd-update-build/patches/9.3-RELEASE/18-EN-15:09.xlocale
--- /dev/null	00:00:00 1970	(empty, because file is newly added)
+++ user/cperciva/freebsd-update-build/patches/9.3-RELEASE/18-EN-15:09.xlocale	Thu Jan  7 20:56:30 2016	(r293365)
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+Index: lib/libc/locale/setrunelocale.c
+--- lib/libc/locale/setrunelocale.c	(revision 284940)
++++ lib/libc/locale/setrunelocale.c	(working copy)
+@@ -202,6 +202,8 @@ __set_thread_rune_locale(locale_t loc)
+ 	if (loc == NULL) {
+ 		_ThreadRuneLocale = &_DefaultRuneLocale;
++	} else if (loc == LC_GLOBAL_LOCALE) {
++		_ThreadRuneLocale = 0;
+ 	} else {
+ 		_ThreadRuneLocale = XLOCALE_CTYPE(loc)->runes;
+ 	}
+Index: lib/libc/locale/xlocale.c
+--- lib/libc/locale/xlocale.c	(revision 284940)
++++ lib/libc/locale/xlocale.c	(working copy)
+@@ -154,23 +154,24 @@ __get_locale(void)
+ static void
+ set_thread_locale(locale_t loc)
+ {
++	locale_t l = (loc == LC_GLOBAL_LOCALE) ? 0 : loc;
+ 	_once(&once_control, init_key);
+-	if (NULL != loc) {
+-		xlocale_retain((struct xlocale_refcounted*)loc);
++	if (NULL != l) {
++		xlocale_retain((struct xlocale_refcounted*)l);
+ 	}
+ 	locale_t old = pthread_getspecific(locale_info_key);
+-	if ((NULL != old) && (loc != old)) {
++	if ((NULL != old) && (l != old)) {
+ 		xlocale_release((struct xlocale_refcounted*)old);
+ 	}
+ 	if (fake_tls) {
+-		thread_local_locale = loc;
++		thread_local_locale = l;
+ 	} else {
+-		pthread_setspecific(locale_info_key, loc);
++		pthread_setspecific(locale_info_key, l);
+ 	}
+ #ifndef __NO_TLS
+-	__thread_locale = loc;
++	__thread_locale = l;
+ 	__set_thread_rune_locale(loc);
+ #endif
+ }
+@@ -361,9 +362,6 @@ locale_t uselocale(locale_t loc)
+ {
+ 	locale_t old = get_thread_locale();
+ 	if (NULL != loc) {
+-		if (LC_GLOBAL_LOCALE == loc) {
+-			loc = NULL;
+-		}
+ 		set_thread_locale(loc);
+ 	}
+ 	return (old ? old : LC_GLOBAL_LOCALE);

Added: user/cperciva/freebsd-update-build/patches/9.3-RELEASE/19-SA-15:11.bind
--- /dev/null	00:00:00 1970	(empty, because file is newly added)
+++ user/cperciva/freebsd-update-build/patches/9.3-RELEASE/19-SA-15:11.bind	Thu Jan  7 20:56:30 2016	(r293365)
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+Index: contrib/bind9/lib/dns/validator.c
+--- contrib/bind9/lib/dns/validator.c	(revision 284940)
++++ contrib/bind9/lib/dns/validator.c	(working copy)
+@@ -1420,7 +1420,6 @@ compute_keytag(dns_rdata_t *rdata, dns_rdata_dnske
+  */
+ static isc_boolean_t
+ isselfsigned(dns_validator_t *val) {
+-	dns_fixedname_t fixed;
+ 	dns_rdataset_t *rdataset, *sigrdataset;
+ 	dns_rdata_t rdata = DNS_RDATA_INIT;
+ 	dns_rdata_t sigrdata = DNS_RDATA_INIT;
+@@ -1476,8 +1475,7 @@ isselfsigned(dns_validator_t *val) {
+ 			result = dns_dnssec_verify3(name, rdataset, dstkey,
+ 						    ISC_TRUE,
+ 						    val->view->maxbits,
+-						    mctx, &sigrdata,
+-						    dns_fixedname_name(&fixed));
++						    mctx, &sigrdata, NULL);
+ 			dst_key_free(&dstkey);
+ 			if (result != ISC_R_SUCCESS)
+ 				continue;

Added: user/cperciva/freebsd-update-build/patches/9.3-RELEASE/20-SA-15:13.tcp
--- /dev/null	00:00:00 1970	(empty, because file is newly added)
+++ user/cperciva/freebsd-update-build/patches/9.3-RELEASE/20-SA-15:13.tcp	Thu Jan  7 20:56:30 2016	(r293365)
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+Index: sys/netinet/tcp_output.c
+--- sys/netinet/tcp_output.c	(revision 285435)
++++ sys/netinet/tcp_output.c	(working copy)
+@@ -397,7 +397,7 @@ after_sack_rexmit:
+ 		flags &= ~TH_FIN;
+ 	}
+-	if (len < 0) {
++	if (len <= 0) {
+ 		/*
+ 		 * If FIN has been sent but not acked,
+ 		 * but we haven't been called to retransmit,
+@@ -407,9 +407,16 @@ after_sack_rexmit:
+ 		 * to (closed) window, and set the persist timer
+ 		 * if it isn't already going.  If the window didn't
+ 		 * close completely, just wait for an ACK.
++		 *
++		 * We also do a general check here to ensure that
++		 * we will set the persist timer when we have data
++		 * to send, but a 0-byte window. This makes sure
++		 * the persist timer is set even if the packet
++		 * hits one of the "goto send" lines below.
+ 		 */
+ 		len = 0;
+-		if (sendwin == 0) {
++		if ((sendwin == 0) && (TCPS_HAVEESTABLISHED(tp->t_state)) &&
++			(off < (int) so->so_snd.sb_cc)) {
+ 			tcp_timer_activate(tp, TT_REXMT, 0);
+ 			tp->t_rxtshift = 0;
+ 			tp->snd_nxt = tp->snd_una;

Added: user/cperciva/freebsd-update-build/patches/9.3-RELEASE/21-SA-15:14.tcp
--- /dev/null	00:00:00 1970	(empty, because file is newly added)
+++ user/cperciva/freebsd-update-build/patches/9.3-RELEASE/21-SA-15:14.tcp	Thu Jan  7 20:56:30 2016	(r293365)
@@ -0,0 +1,194 @@
+Index: sys/netinet/tcp_reass.c
+--- sys/netinet/tcp_reass.c	(revision 285923)
++++ sys/netinet/tcp_reass.c	(working copy)
+@@ -79,25 +79,22 @@ static int tcp_reass_sysctl_qsize(SYSCTL_HANDLER_A
+ static SYSCTL_NODE(_net_inet_tcp, OID_AUTO, reass, CTLFLAG_RW, 0,
+     "TCP Segment Reassembly Queue");
+-static VNET_DEFINE(int, tcp_reass_maxseg) = 0;
+-#define	V_tcp_reass_maxseg		VNET(tcp_reass_maxseg)
+-SYSCTL_VNET_INT(_net_inet_tcp_reass, OID_AUTO, maxsegments, CTLFLAG_RDTUN,
+-    &VNET_NAME(tcp_reass_maxseg), 0,
++static int tcp_reass_maxseg = 0;
++SYSCTL_INT(_net_inet_tcp_reass, OID_AUTO, maxsegments, CTLFLAG_RDTUN,
++    &tcp_reass_maxseg, 0,
+     "Global maximum number of TCP Segments in Reassembly Queue");
+-SYSCTL_VNET_PROC(_net_inet_tcp_reass, OID_AUTO, cursegments,
++SYSCTL_PROC(_net_inet_tcp_reass, OID_AUTO, cursegments,
+     (CTLTYPE_INT | CTLFLAG_RD), NULL, 0, &tcp_reass_sysctl_qsize, "I",
+     "Global number of TCP Segments currently in Reassembly Queue");
+-static VNET_DEFINE(int, tcp_reass_overflows) = 0;
+-#define	V_tcp_reass_overflows		VNET(tcp_reass_overflows)
+-SYSCTL_VNET_INT(_net_inet_tcp_reass, OID_AUTO, overflows,
++static int tcp_reass_overflows = 0;
++SYSCTL_INT(_net_inet_tcp_reass, OID_AUTO, overflows,
+-    &VNET_NAME(tcp_reass_overflows), 0,
++    &tcp_reass_overflows, 0,
+     "Global number of TCP Segment Reassembly Queue Overflows");
+-static VNET_DEFINE(uma_zone_t, tcp_reass_zone);
+-#define	V_tcp_reass_zone		VNET(tcp_reass_zone)
++static uma_zone_t tcp_reass_zone;
+ /* Initialize TCP reassembly queue */
+ static void
+@@ -105,37 +102,28 @@ tcp_reass_zone_change(void *tag)
+ {
+ 	/* Set the zone limit and read back the effective value. */
+-	V_tcp_reass_maxseg = nmbclusters / 16;
+-	V_tcp_reass_maxseg = uma_zone_set_max(V_tcp_reass_zone,
+-	    V_tcp_reass_maxseg);
++	tcp_reass_maxseg = nmbclusters / 16;
++	tcp_reass_maxseg = uma_zone_set_max(tcp_reass_zone,
++	    tcp_reass_maxseg);
+ }
+ void
+ {
+-	V_tcp_reass_maxseg = nmbclusters / 16;
++	tcp_reass_maxseg = nmbclusters / 16;
+ 	TUNABLE_INT_FETCH("net.inet.tcp.reass.maxsegments",
+-	    &V_tcp_reass_maxseg);
+-	V_tcp_reass_zone = uma_zcreate("tcpreass", sizeof (struct tseg_qent),
++	    &tcp_reass_maxseg);
++	tcp_reass_zone = uma_zcreate("tcpreass", sizeof (struct tseg_qent),
+ 	/* Set the zone limit and read back the effective value. */
+-	V_tcp_reass_maxseg = uma_zone_set_max(V_tcp_reass_zone,
+-	    V_tcp_reass_maxseg);
++	tcp_reass_maxseg = uma_zone_set_max(tcp_reass_zone,
++	    tcp_reass_maxseg);
+ 	EVENTHANDLER_REGISTER(nmbclusters_change,
+ 	    tcp_reass_zone_change, NULL, EVENTHANDLER_PRI_ANY);
+ }
+-#ifdef VIMAGE
+ void
+-	uma_zdestroy(V_tcp_reass_zone);
+ tcp_reass_flush(struct tcpcb *tp)
+ {
+ 	struct tseg_qent *qe;
+@@ -145,7 +133,7 @@ tcp_reass_flush(struct tcpcb *tp)
+ 	while ((qe = LIST_FIRST(&tp->t_segq)) != NULL) {
+ 		LIST_REMOVE(qe, tqe_q);
+ 		m_freem(qe->tqe_m);
+-		uma_zfree(V_tcp_reass_zone, qe);
++		uma_zfree(tcp_reass_zone, qe);
+ 		tp->t_segqlen--;
+ 	}
+@@ -159,7 +147,7 @@ tcp_reass_sysctl_qsize(SYSCTL_HANDLER_ARGS)
+ {
+ 	int qsize;
+-	qsize = uma_zone_get_cur(V_tcp_reass_zone);
++	qsize = uma_zone_get_cur(tcp_reass_zone);
+ 	return (sysctl_handle_int(oidp, &qsize, 0, req));
+ }
+@@ -207,7 +195,7 @@ tcp_reass(struct tcpcb *tp, struct tcphdr *th, int
+ 	 */
+ 	if ((th->th_seq != tp->rcv_nxt || !TCPS_HAVEESTABLISHED(tp->t_state)) &&
+ 	    tp->t_segqlen >= (so->so_rcv.sb_hiwat / tp->t_maxseg) + 1) {
+-		V_tcp_reass_overflows++;
++		tcp_reass_overflows++;
+ 		TCPSTAT_INC(tcps_rcvmemdrop);
+ 		m_freem(m);
+ 		*tlenp = 0;
+@@ -226,7 +214,7 @@ tcp_reass(struct tcpcb *tp, struct tcphdr *th, int
+ 	 * Use a temporary structure on the stack for the missing segment
+ 	 * when the zone is exhausted. Otherwise we may get stuck.
+ 	 */
+-	te = uma_zalloc(V_tcp_reass_zone, M_NOWAIT);
++	te = uma_zalloc(tcp_reass_zone, M_NOWAIT);
+ 	if (te == NULL) {
+ 		if (th->th_seq != tp->rcv_nxt || !TCPS_HAVEESTABLISHED(tp->t_state)) {
+ 			TCPSTAT_INC(tcps_rcvmemdrop);
+@@ -277,7 +265,7 @@ tcp_reass(struct tcpcb *tp, struct tcphdr *th, int
+ 				TCPSTAT_ADD(tcps_rcvdupbyte, *tlenp);
+ 				m_freem(m);
+ 				if (te != &tqs)
+-					uma_zfree(V_tcp_reass_zone, te);
++					uma_zfree(tcp_reass_zone, te);
+ 				tp->t_segqlen--;
+ 				/*
+ 				 * Try to present any queued data
+@@ -314,7 +302,7 @@ tcp_reass(struct tcpcb *tp, struct tcphdr *th, int
+ 		nq = LIST_NEXT(q, tqe_q);
+ 		LIST_REMOVE(q, tqe_q);
+ 		m_freem(q->tqe_m);
+-		uma_zfree(V_tcp_reass_zone, q);
++		uma_zfree(tcp_reass_zone, q);
+ 		tp->t_segqlen--;
+ 		q = nq;
+ 	}
+@@ -353,7 +341,7 @@ present:
+ 		else
+ 			sbappendstream_locked(&so->so_rcv, q->tqe_m);
+ 		if (q != &tqs)
+-			uma_zfree(V_tcp_reass_zone, q);
++			uma_zfree(tcp_reass_zone, q);
+ 		tp->t_segqlen--;
+ 		q = nq;
+ 	} while (q && q->tqe_th->th_seq == tp->rcv_nxt);
+Index: sys/netinet/tcp_subr.c
+--- sys/netinet/tcp_subr.c	(revision 285923)
++++ sys/netinet/tcp_subr.c	(working copy)
+@@ -375,7 +375,6 @@ tcp_init(void)
+ 	tcp_tw_init();
+ 	syncache_init();
+ 	tcp_hc_init();
+-	tcp_reass_init();
+ 	TUNABLE_INT_FETCH("net.inet.tcp.sack.enable", &V_tcp_do_sack);
+ 	V_sack_hole_zone = uma_zcreate("sackhole", sizeof(struct sackhole),
+@@ -385,6 +384,8 @@ tcp_init(void)
+ 	if (!IS_DEFAULT_VNET(curvnet))
+ 		return;
++	tcp_reass_global_init();
+ 	/* XXX virtualize those bellow? */
+ 	tcp_delacktime = TCPTV_DELACK;
+ 	tcp_keepinit = TCPTV_KEEP_INIT;
+@@ -432,7 +433,6 @@ void
+ tcp_destroy(void)
+ {
+-	tcp_reass_destroy();
+ 	tcp_hc_destroy();
+ 	syncache_destroy();
+ 	tcp_tw_destroy();
+Index: sys/netinet/tcp_var.h
+--- sys/netinet/tcp_var.h	(revision 285923)
++++ sys/netinet/tcp_var.h	(working copy)
+@@ -666,11 +666,8 @@ char	*tcp_log_addrs(struct in_conninfo *, struct t
+ char	*tcp_log_vain(struct in_conninfo *, struct tcphdr *, void *,
+ 	    const void *);
+ int	 tcp_reass(struct tcpcb *, struct tcphdr *, int *, struct mbuf *);
+-void	 tcp_reass_init(void);
++void	 tcp_reass_global_init(void);
+ void	 tcp_reass_flush(struct tcpcb *);
+-#ifdef VIMAGE
+-void	 tcp_reass_destroy(void);
+ void	 tcp_input(struct mbuf *, int);
+ u_long	 tcp_maxmtu(struct in_conninfo *, struct tcp_ifcap *);
+ u_long	 tcp_maxmtu6(struct in_conninfo *, struct tcp_ifcap *);

Added: user/cperciva/freebsd-update-build/patches/9.3-RELEASE/21-SA-15:16.openssh
--- /dev/null	00:00:00 1970	(empty, because file is newly added)
+++ user/cperciva/freebsd-update-build/patches/9.3-RELEASE/21-SA-15:16.openssh	Thu Jan  7 20:56:30 2016	(r293365)
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+Index: crypto/openssh/auth2-chall.c
+--- crypto/openssh/auth2-chall.c	(revision 285923)
++++ crypto/openssh/auth2-chall.c	(working copy)
+@@ -82,6 +82,7 @@ struct KbdintAuthctxt
+ 	void *ctxt;
+ 	KbdintDevice *device;
+ 	u_int nreq;
++	u_int devices_done;
+ };
+ #ifdef USE_PAM
+@@ -168,11 +169,15 @@ kbdint_next_device(Authctxt *authctxt, KbdintAuthc
+ 		if (len == 0)
+ 			break;
+ 		for (i = 0; devices[i]; i++) {
+-			if (!auth2_method_allowed(authctxt,
++			if ((kbdintctxt->devices_done & (1 << i)) != 0 ||
++			    !auth2_method_allowed(authctxt,
+ 			    "keyboard-interactive", devices[i]->name))
+ 				continue;
+-			if (strncmp(kbdintctxt->devices, devices[i]->name, len) == 0)
++			if (strncmp(kbdintctxt->devices, devices[i]->name,
++			    len) == 0) {
+ 				kbdintctxt->device = devices[i];
++				kbdintctxt->devices_done |= 1 << i;
++			}
+ 		}
+ 		t = kbdintctxt->devices;
+ 		kbdintctxt->devices = t[len] ? xstrdup(t+len+1) : NULL;
+Index: crypto/openssh/sshconnect.c
+--- crypto/openssh/sshconnect.c	(revision 285923)
++++ crypto/openssh/sshconnect.c	(working copy)
+@@ -1247,29 +1247,39 @@ verify_host_key(char *host, struct sockaddr *hosta
+ {
+ 	int flags = 0;
+ 	char *fp;
++	Key *plain = NULL;
+ 	fp = key_fingerprint(host_key, SSH_FP_MD5, SSH_FP_HEX);
+ 	debug("Server host key: %s %s", key_type(host_key), fp);
+ 	free(fp);
+-	/* XXX certs are not yet supported for DNS */
+-	if (!key_is_cert(host_key) && options.verify_host_key_dns &&
+-	    verify_host_key_dns(host, hostaddr, host_key, &flags) == 0) {
+-		if (flags & DNS_VERIFY_FOUND) {
+-			if (options.verify_host_key_dns == 1 &&
+-			    flags & DNS_VERIFY_MATCH &&
+-			    flags & DNS_VERIFY_SECURE)
+-				return 0;
+-			if (flags & DNS_VERIFY_MATCH) {
+-				matching_host_key_dns = 1;
+-			} else {
+-				warn_changed_key(host_key);
+-				error("Update the SSHFP RR in DNS with the new "
+-				    "host key to get rid of this message.");
++	if (options.verify_host_key_dns) {
++		/*
++		 * XXX certs are not yet supported for DNS, so downgrade
++		 * them and try the plain key.
++		 */
++		plain = key_from_private(host_key);
++		if (key_is_cert(plain))
++			key_drop_cert(plain);
++		if (verify_host_key_dns(host, hostaddr, plain, &flags) == 0) {
++			if (flags & DNS_VERIFY_FOUND) {
++				if (options.verify_host_key_dns == 1 &&
++				    flags & DNS_VERIFY_MATCH &&
++				    flags & DNS_VERIFY_SECURE) {
++					key_free(plain);
++					return 0;
++				}
++				if (flags & DNS_VERIFY_MATCH) {
++					matching_host_key_dns = 1;
++				} else {
++					warn_changed_key(plain);
++					error("Update the SSHFP RR in DNS "
++					    "with the new host key to get rid "
++					    "of this message.");
++				}
+ 			}
+ 		}
++		key_free(plain);
+ 	}
+ 	return check_host_key(host, hostaddr, options.port, host_key, RDRW,

Added: user/cperciva/freebsd-update-build/patches/9.3-RELEASE/21-SA-15:17.bind
--- /dev/null	00:00:00 1970	(empty, because file is newly added)
+++ user/cperciva/freebsd-update-build/patches/9.3-RELEASE/21-SA-15:17.bind	Thu Jan  7 20:56:30 2016	(r293365)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+Index: contrib/bind9/lib/dns/tkey.c
+--- contrib/bind9/lib/dns/tkey.c	(revision 285922)
++++ contrib/bind9/lib/dns/tkey.c	(working copy)
+@@ -650,6 +650,7 @@ dns_tkey_processquery(dns_message_t *msg, dns_tkey
+ 		 * Try the answer section, since that's where Win2000
+ 		 * puts it.
+ 		 */
++		name = NULL;
+ 		if (dns_message_findname(msg, DNS_SECTION_ANSWER, qname,
+ 					 dns_rdatatype_tkey, 0, &name,
+ 					 &tkeyset) != ISC_R_SUCCESS) {

Added: user/cperciva/freebsd-update-build/patches/9.3-RELEASE/22-SA-15:19.routed
--- /dev/null	00:00:00 1970	(empty, because file is newly added)
+++ user/cperciva/freebsd-update-build/patches/9.3-RELEASE/22-SA-15:19.routed	Thu Jan  7 20:56:30 2016	(r293365)
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+Index: sbin/routed/input.c
+--- sbin/routed/input.c	(revision 286262)
++++ sbin/routed/input.c	(working copy)
+@@ -160,6 +160,12 @@ input(struct sockaddr_in *from,		/* received from
+ 	trace_rip("Recv", "from", from, sifp, rip, cc);
++	if (sifp == 0) {
++		trace_pkt("    discard a request from an indirect router"
++		    " (possibly an attack)");
++		return;
++	}
+ 	if (rip->rip_vers == 0) {
+ 		msglim(&bad_router, FROM_NADDR,
+ 		       "RIP version 0, cmd %d, packet received from %s",

Added: user/cperciva/freebsd-update-build/patches/9.3-RELEASE/23-SA-15:20.expat
--- /dev/null	00:00:00 1970	(empty, because file is newly added)
+++ user/cperciva/freebsd-update-build/patches/9.3-RELEASE/23-SA-15:20.expat	Thu Jan  7 20:56:30 2016	(r293365)
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+Index: contrib/expat/lib/xmlparse.c
+--- contrib/expat/lib/xmlparse.c	(revision 286868)
++++ contrib/expat/lib/xmlparse.c	(working copy)
+@@ -1678,6 +1678,12 @@ XML_ParseBuffer(XML_Parser parser, int len, int is
+ void * XMLCALL
+ XML_GetBuffer(XML_Parser parser, int len)
+ {
++/* BEGIN MOZILLA CHANGE (sanity check len) */
++  if (len < 0) {
++    errorCode = XML_ERROR_NO_MEMORY;
++    return NULL;
++  }
+   switch (ps_parsing) {
+     errorCode = XML_ERROR_SUSPENDED;
+@@ -1689,8 +1695,13 @@ XML_GetBuffer(XML_Parser parser, int len)
+   }
+   if (len > bufferLim - bufferEnd) {
+-    /* FIXME avoid integer overflow */
+     int neededSize = len + (int)(bufferEnd - bufferPtr);
++/* BEGIN MOZILLA CHANGE (sanity check neededSize) */
++    if (neededSize < 0) {
++      errorCode = XML_ERROR_NO_MEMORY;
++      return NULL;
++    }
+     int keep = (int)(bufferPtr - buffer);
+@@ -1719,7 +1730,15 @@ XML_GetBuffer(XML_Parser parser, int len)
+         bufferSize = INIT_BUFFER_SIZE;
+       do {
+         bufferSize *= 2;
+-      } while (bufferSize < neededSize);
++/* BEGIN MOZILLA CHANGE (prevent infinite loop on overflow) */
++      } while (bufferSize < neededSize && bufferSize > 0);
++/* BEGIN MOZILLA CHANGE (sanity check bufferSize) */
++      if (bufferSize <= 0) {
++        errorCode = XML_ERROR_NO_MEMORY;
++        return NULL;
++      }
+       newBuf = (char *)MALLOC(bufferSize);
+       if (newBuf == 0) {
+         errorCode = XML_ERROR_NO_MEMORY;

Added: user/cperciva/freebsd-update-build/patches/9.3-RELEASE/24-EN-15:15.pkg
--- /dev/null	00:00:00 1970	(empty, because file is newly added)
+++ user/cperciva/freebsd-update-build/patches/9.3-RELEASE/24-EN-15:15.pkg	Thu Jan  7 20:56:30 2016	(r293365)
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+Index: usr.sbin/pkg/pkg.c
+--- usr.sbin/pkg/pkg.c	(revision 286787)
++++ usr.sbin/pkg/pkg.c	(working copy)
+@@ -749,7 +749,13 @@ bootstrap_pkg(bool force)
+ 		goto fetchfail;
+ 	if (signature_type != NULL &&
+-	    strcasecmp(signature_type, "FINGERPRINTS") == 0) {
++	    strcasecmp(signature_type, "NONE") != 0) {
++		if (strcasecmp(signature_type, "FINGERPRINTS") != 0) {
++			warnx("Signature type %s is not supported for "
++			    "bootstrapping.", signature_type);
++			goto cleanup;
++		}
+ 		snprintf(tmpsig, MAXPATHLEN, "%s/pkg.txz.sig.XXXXXX",
+ 		    getenv("TMPDIR") ? getenv("TMPDIR") : _PATH_TMP);
+ 		snprintf(url, MAXPATHLEN, "%s/Latest/pkg.txz.sig",
+@@ -834,7 +840,13 @@ bootstrap_pkg_local(const char *pkgpath, bool forc
+ 		return (-1);
+ 	}
+ 	if (signature_type != NULL &&
+-	    strcasecmp(signature_type, "FINGERPRINTS") == 0) {
++	    strcasecmp(signature_type, "NONE") != 0) {
++		if (strcasecmp(signature_type, "FINGERPRINTS") != 0) {
++			warnx("Signature type %s is not supported for "
++			    "bootstrapping.", signature_type);
++			goto cleanup;
++		}
+ 		snprintf(path, sizeof(path), "%s.sig", pkgpath);
+ 		if ((fd_sig = open(path, O_RDONLY)) == -1) {

Added: user/cperciva/freebsd-update-build/patches/9.3-RELEASE/24-SA-15:21.amd64
--- /dev/null	00:00:00 1970	(empty, because file is newly added)
+++ user/cperciva/freebsd-update-build/patches/9.3-RELEASE/24-SA-15:21.amd64	Thu Jan  7 20:56:30 2016	(r293365)
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+Index: sys/amd64/amd64/exception.S
+--- sys/amd64/amd64/exception.S	(revision 286969)
++++ sys/amd64/amd64/exception.S	(working copy)
+@@ -154,9 +154,13 @@ IDTVEC(xmm)
+ IDTVEC(tss)
+ IDTVEC(missing)
++	subq	$TF_ERR,%rsp
++	movl	$T_SEGNPFLT,TF_TRAPNO(%rsp)
++	jmp	prot_addrf
+ IDTVEC(stk)
++	subq	$TF_ERR,%rsp
++	movl	$T_STKFLT,TF_TRAPNO(%rsp)
++	jmp	prot_addrf
+ IDTVEC(align)
+@@ -319,6 +323,7 @@ IDTVEC(page)
+ IDTVEC(prot)
+ 	subq	$TF_ERR,%rsp
+ 	movl	$T_PROTFLT,TF_TRAPNO(%rsp)
+ 	movq	$0,TF_ADDR(%rsp)
+ 	movq	%rdi,TF_RDI(%rsp)	/* free up a GP register */
+ 	leaq	doreti_iret(%rip),%rdi
+Index: sys/amd64/amd64/machdep.c
+--- sys/amd64/amd64/machdep.c	(revision 286969)
++++ sys/amd64/amd64/machdep.c	(working copy)
+@@ -428,6 +428,7 @@ sendsig(sig_t catcher, ksiginfo_t *ksi, sigset_t *
+ 	regs->tf_rflags &= ~(PSL_T | PSL_D);
+ 	regs->tf_cs = _ucodesel;
+ 	regs->tf_ds = _udatasel;
++	regs->tf_ss = _udatasel;
+ 	regs->tf_es = _udatasel;
+ 	regs->tf_fs = _ufssel;
+ 	regs->tf_gs = _ugssel;
+Index: sys/amd64/amd64/trap.c
+--- sys/amd64/amd64/trap.c	(revision 286969)
++++ sys/amd64/amd64/trap.c	(working copy)
+@@ -473,8 +473,6 @@ trap(struct trapframe *frame)
+ 			goto out;
+ 		case T_STKFLT:		/* stack fault */
+-			break;
+ 		case T_PROTFLT:		/* general protection fault */
+ 		case T_SEGNPFLT:	/* segment not present fault */
+ 			if (td->td_intr_nesting_level != 0)

Added: user/cperciva/freebsd-update-build/patches/9.3-RELEASE/24-SA-15:22.openssh
--- /dev/null	00:00:00 1970	(empty, because file is newly added)
+++ user/cperciva/freebsd-update-build/patches/9.3-RELEASE/24-SA-15:22.openssh	Thu Jan  7 20:56:30 2016	(r293365)
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+Index: crypto/openssh/monitor.c
+--- crypto/openssh/monitor.c	(revision 286787)
++++ crypto/openssh/monitor.c	(working copy)
+@@ -1027,9 +1027,7 @@ extern KbdintDevice sshpam_device;
+ int
+ mm_answer_pam_init_ctx(int sock, Buffer *m)
+ {
+ 	debug3("%s", __func__);
+-	authctxt->user = buffer_get_string(m, NULL);
+ 	sshpam_ctxt = (sshpam_device.init_ctx)(authctxt);
+ 	sshpam_authok = NULL;
+ 	buffer_clear(m);
+@@ -1111,14 +1109,16 @@ mm_answer_pam_respond(int sock, Buffer *m)
+ int
+ mm_answer_pam_free_ctx(int sock, Buffer *m)
+ {
++	int r = sshpam_authok != NULL && sshpam_authok == sshpam_ctxt;
+ 	debug3("%s", __func__);
+ 	(sshpam_device.free_ctx)(sshpam_ctxt);
++	sshpam_ctxt = sshpam_authok = NULL;
+ 	buffer_clear(m);
+ 	mm_request_send(sock, MONITOR_ANS_PAM_FREE_CTX, m);
+ 	auth_method = "keyboard-interactive";
+ 	auth_submethod = "pam";
+-	return (sshpam_authok == sshpam_ctxt);
++	return r;
+ }
+ #endif
+Index: crypto/openssh/monitor_wrap.c
+--- crypto/openssh/monitor_wrap.c	(revision 286787)
++++ crypto/openssh/monitor_wrap.c	(working copy)
+@@ -820,7 +820,6 @@ mm_sshpam_init_ctx(Authctxt *authctxt)
+ 	debug3("%s", __func__);
+ 	buffer_init(&m);
+-	buffer_put_cstring(&m, authctxt->user);
+ 	mm_request_send(pmonitor->m_recvfd, MONITOR_REQ_PAM_INIT_CTX, &m);
+ 	debug3("%s: waiting for MONITOR_ANS_PAM_INIT_CTX", __func__);
+ 	mm_request_receive_expect(pmonitor->m_recvfd, MONITOR_ANS_PAM_INIT_CTX, &m);
+Index: crypto/openssh/mux.c
+--- crypto/openssh/mux.c	(revision 286787)
++++ crypto/openssh/mux.c	(working copy)
+@@ -635,7 +635,8 @@ process_mux_open_fwd(u_int rid, Channel *c, Buffer
+ 	u_int lport, cport;
+ 	int i, ret = 0, freefwd = 1;
+-	fwd.listen_host = fwd.connect_host = NULL;
++	memset(&fwd, 0, sizeof(fwd));
+ 	if (buffer_get_int_ret(&ftype, m) != 0 ||
+ 	    (fwd.listen_host = buffer_get_string_ret(m, NULL)) == NULL ||
+ 	    buffer_get_int_ret(&lport, m) != 0 ||
+@@ -785,7 +786,8 @@ process_mux_close_fwd(u_int rid, Channel *c, Buffe
+ 	int i, listen_port, ret = 0;
+ 	u_int lport, cport;
+-	fwd.listen_host = fwd.connect_host = NULL;
++	memset(&fwd, 0, sizeof(fwd));
+ 	if (buffer_get_int_ret(&ftype, m) != 0 ||
+ 	    (fwd.listen_host = buffer_get_string_ret(m, NULL)) == NULL ||
+ 	    buffer_get_int_ret(&lport, m) != 0 ||

Added: user/cperciva/freebsd-update-build/patches/9.3-RELEASE/25-SA-15:23.bind
--- /dev/null	00:00:00 1970	(empty, because file is newly added)
+++ user/cperciva/freebsd-update-build/patches/9.3-RELEASE/25-SA-15:23.bind	Thu Jan  7 20:56:30 2016	(r293365)
@@ -0,0 +1,485 @@
+Index: contrib/bind9/lib/dns/hmac_link.c
+--- contrib/bind9/lib/dns/hmac_link.c	(revision 287393)
++++ contrib/bind9/lib/dns/hmac_link.c	(working copy)
+@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ hmacmd5_createctx(dst_key_t *key, dst_context_t *d
+ 	hmacmd5ctx = isc_mem_get(dctx->mctx, sizeof(isc_hmacmd5_t));
+ 	if (hmacmd5ctx == NULL)
+ 		return (ISC_R_NOMEMORY);
+-	isc_hmacmd5_init(hmacmd5ctx, hkey->key, ISC_SHA1_BLOCK_LENGTH);
++	isc_hmacmd5_init(hmacmd5ctx, hkey->key, ISC_MD5_BLOCK_LENGTH);
+ 	dctx->ctxdata.hmacmd5ctx = hmacmd5ctx;
+ 	return (ISC_R_SUCCESS);
+ }
+@@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ hmacmd5_compare(const dst_key_t *key1, const dst_k
+ 	else if (hkey1 == NULL || hkey2 == NULL)
+ 		return (ISC_FALSE);
+-	if (isc_safe_memcmp(hkey1->key, hkey2->key, ISC_SHA1_BLOCK_LENGTH))
++	if (isc_safe_memcmp(hkey1->key, hkey2->key, ISC_MD5_BLOCK_LENGTH))
+ 		return (ISC_TRUE);
+ 	else
+ 		return (ISC_FALSE);
+@@ -150,17 +150,17 @@ hmacmd5_generate(dst_key_t *key, int pseudorandom_
+ 	isc_buffer_t b;
+ 	isc_result_t ret;
+ 	unsigned int bytes;
+-	unsigned char data[ISC_SHA1_BLOCK_LENGTH];
++	unsigned char data[ISC_MD5_BLOCK_LENGTH];
+ 	UNUSED(callback);
+ 	bytes = (key->key_size + 7) / 8;
+-	if (bytes > ISC_SHA1_BLOCK_LENGTH) {
+-		bytes = ISC_SHA1_BLOCK_LENGTH;
+-		key->key_size = ISC_SHA1_BLOCK_LENGTH * 8;
++	if (bytes > ISC_MD5_BLOCK_LENGTH) {
++		bytes = ISC_MD5_BLOCK_LENGTH;
++		key->key_size = ISC_MD5_BLOCK_LENGTH * 8;
+ 	}
+-	memset(data, 0, ISC_SHA1_BLOCK_LENGTH);
++	memset(data, 0, ISC_MD5_BLOCK_LENGTH);
+ 	ret = dst__entropy_getdata(data, bytes, ISC_TF(pseudorandom_ok != 0));
+ 	if (ret != ISC_R_SUCCESS)
+@@ -169,7 +169,7 @@ hmacmd5_generate(dst_key_t *key, int pseudorandom_
+ 	isc_buffer_init(&b, data, bytes);
+ 	isc_buffer_add(&b, bytes);
+ 	ret = hmacmd5_fromdns(key, &b);
+-	memset(data, 0, ISC_SHA1_BLOCK_LENGTH);
++	memset(data, 0, ISC_MD5_BLOCK_LENGTH);
+ 	return (ret);
+ }
+@@ -223,7 +223,7 @@ hmacmd5_fromdns(dst_key_t *key, isc_buffer_t *data
+ 	memset(hkey->key, 0, sizeof(hkey->key));
+-	if (r.length > ISC_SHA1_BLOCK_LENGTH) {
++	if (r.length > ISC_MD5_BLOCK_LENGTH) {
+ 		isc_md5_init(&md5ctx);
+ 		isc_md5_update(&md5ctx, r.base, r.length);
+ 		isc_md5_final(&md5ctx, hkey->key);
+@@ -236,6 +236,8 @@ hmacmd5_fromdns(dst_key_t *key, isc_buffer_t *data
+ 	key->key_size = keylen * 8;
+ 	key->keydata.hmacmd5 = hkey;
++	isc_buffer_forward(data, r.length);
+ 	return (ISC_R_SUCCESS);
+ }
+@@ -512,6 +514,8 @@ hmacsha1_fromdns(dst_key_t *key, isc_buffer_t *dat
+ 	key->key_size = keylen * 8;
+ 	key->keydata.hmacsha1 = hkey;
++	isc_buffer_forward(data, r.length);
+ 	return (ISC_R_SUCCESS);
+ }
+@@ -790,6 +794,8 @@ hmacsha224_fromdns(dst_key_t *key, isc_buffer_t *d
+ 	key->key_size = keylen * 8;
+ 	key->keydata.hmacsha224 = hkey;
++	isc_buffer_forward(data, r.length);
+ 	return (ISC_R_SUCCESS);
+ }
+@@ -1068,6 +1074,8 @@ hmacsha256_fromdns(dst_key_t *key, isc_buffer_t *d
+ 	key->key_size = keylen * 8;
+ 	key->keydata.hmacsha256 = hkey;
++	isc_buffer_forward(data, r.length);
+ 	return (ISC_R_SUCCESS);
+ }
+@@ -1346,6 +1354,8 @@ hmacsha384_fromdns(dst_key_t *key, isc_buffer_t *d
+ 	key->key_size = keylen * 8;
+ 	key->keydata.hmacsha384 = hkey;
++	isc_buffer_forward(data, r.length);
+ 	return (ISC_R_SUCCESS);
+ }
+@@ -1624,6 +1634,8 @@ hmacsha512_fromdns(dst_key_t *key, isc_buffer_t *d
+ 	key->key_size = keylen * 8;
+ 	key->keydata.hmacsha512 = hkey;
++	isc_buffer_forward(data, r.length);
+ 	return (ISC_R_SUCCESS);
+ }
+Index: contrib/bind9/lib/dns/include/dst/dst.h
+--- contrib/bind9/lib/dns/include/dst/dst.h	(revision 287393)
++++ contrib/bind9/lib/dns/include/dst/dst.h	(working copy)
+@@ -69,6 +69,7 @@ typedef struct dst_context 	dst_context_t;
+ #define DST_ALG_HMACSHA256	163	/* XXXMPA */
+ #define DST_ALG_HMACSHA384	164	/* XXXMPA */
+ #define DST_ALG_HMACSHA512	165	/* XXXMPA */
++#define DST_ALG_INDIRECT	252
+ #define DST_ALG_PRIVATE		254
+ #define DST_ALG_EXPAND		255
+ #define DST_MAX_ALGS		255
+Index: contrib/bind9/lib/dns/ncache.c
+--- contrib/bind9/lib/dns/ncache.c	(revision 287393)
++++ contrib/bind9/lib/dns/ncache.c	(working copy)
+@@ -614,13 +614,11 @@ dns_ncache_getsigrdataset(dns_rdataset_t *ncacherd
+ 		dns_name_fromregion(&tname, &remaining);
+ 		INSIST(remaining.length >= tname.length);
+ 		isc_buffer_forward(&source, tname.length);
+-		remaining.length -= tname.length;
+-		remaining.base += tname.length;
++		isc_region_consume(&remaining, tname.length);
+ 		INSIST(remaining.length >= 2);
+ 		type = isc_buffer_getuint16(&source);
+-		remaining.length -= 2;
+-		remaining.base += 2;
++		isc_region_consume(&remaining, 2);
+ 		if (type != dns_rdatatype_rrsig ||
+ 		    !dns_name_equal(&tname, name)) {
+@@ -632,8 +630,7 @@ dns_ncache_getsigrdataset(dns_rdataset_t *ncacherd
+ 		INSIST(remaining.length >= 1);
+ 		trust = isc_buffer_getuint8(&source);
+ 		INSIST(trust <= dns_trust_ultimate);
+-		remaining.length -= 1;
+-		remaining.base += 1;
++		isc_region_consume(&remaining, 1);
+ 		raw = remaining.base;
+ 		count = raw[0] * 256 + raw[1];
+Index: contrib/bind9/lib/dns/openssldh_link.c
+--- contrib/bind9/lib/dns/openssldh_link.c	(revision 287393)
++++ contrib/bind9/lib/dns/openssldh_link.c	(working copy)
+@@ -266,8 +266,10 @@ openssldh_destroy(dst_key_t *key) {
+ static void
+ uint16_toregion(isc_uint16_t val, isc_region_t *region) {
+-	*region->base++ = (val & 0xff00) >> 8;
+-	*region->base++ = (val & 0x00ff);
++	*region->base = (val & 0xff00) >> 8;
++	isc_region_consume(region, 1);
++	*region->base = (val & 0x00ff);
++	isc_region_consume(region, 1);
+ }
+ static isc_uint16_t
+@@ -278,7 +280,8 @@ uint16_fromregion(isc_region_t *region) {
+ 	val = ((unsigned int)(cp[0])) << 8;
+ 	val |= ((unsigned int)(cp[1]));
+-	region->base += 2;
++	isc_region_consume(region, 2);
+ 	return (val);
+ }
+@@ -319,16 +322,16 @@ openssldh_todns(const dst_key_t *key, isc_buffer_t
+ 	}
+ 	else
+ 		BN_bn2bin(dh->p, r.base);
+-	r.base += plen;
++	isc_region_consume(&r, plen);
+ 	uint16_toregion(glen, &r);
+ 	if (glen > 0)
+ 		BN_bn2bin(dh->g, r.base);
+-	r.base += glen;
++	isc_region_consume(&r, glen);
+ 	uint16_toregion(publen, &r);
+ 	BN_bn2bin(dh->pub_key, r.base);
+-	r.base += publen;
++	isc_region_consume(&r, publen);
+ 	isc_buffer_add(data, dnslen);
+@@ -369,10 +372,12 @@ openssldh_fromdns(dst_key_t *key, isc_buffer_t *da
+ 	}
+ 	if (plen == 1 || plen == 2) {
+-		if (plen == 1)
+-			special = *r.base++;
+-		else
++		if (plen == 1) {
++			special = *r.base;
++			isc_region_consume(&r, 1);
++		} else {
+ 			special = uint16_fromregion(&r);
++		}
+ 		switch (special) {
+ 			case 1:
+ 				dh->p = &bn768;
+@@ -387,10 +392,9 @@ openssldh_fromdns(dst_key_t *key, isc_buffer_t *da
+ 				DH_free(dh);
+ 		}
+-	}
+-	else {
++	} else {
+ 		dh->p = BN_bin2bn(r.base, plen, NULL);
+-		r.base += plen;
++		isc_region_consume(&r, plen);
+ 	}
+ 	/*
+@@ -421,8 +425,7 @@ openssldh_fromdns(dst_key_t *key, isc_buffer_t *da
+ 			}
+ 		}
+-	}
+-	else {
++	} else {
+ 		if (glen == 0) {
+ 			DH_free(dh);
+@@ -429,7 +432,7 @@ openssldh_fromdns(dst_key_t *key, isc_buffer_t *da
+ 		}
+ 		dh->g = BN_bin2bn(r.base, glen, NULL);
+ 	}
+-	r.base += glen;
++	isc_region_consume(&r, glen);
+ 	if (r.length < 2) {
+ 		DH_free(dh);
+@@ -441,7 +444,7 @@ openssldh_fromdns(dst_key_t *key, isc_buffer_t *da
+ 	}
+ 	dh->pub_key = BN_bin2bn(r.base, publen, NULL);
+-	r.base += publen;
++	isc_region_consume(&r, publen);
+ 	key->key_size = BN_num_bits(dh->p);
+Index: contrib/bind9/lib/dns/openssldsa_link.c
+--- contrib/bind9/lib/dns/openssldsa_link.c	(revision 287393)
++++ contrib/bind9/lib/dns/openssldsa_link.c	(working copy)
+@@ -29,8 +29,6 @@
+  */
+-/* $Id$ */
+ #ifdef OPENSSL
+ #ifndef USE_EVP
+ #define USE_EVP 1
+@@ -137,6 +135,7 @@ openssldsa_sign(dst_context_t *dctx, isc_buffer_t
+ 	DSA *dsa = key->keydata.dsa;
+ 	isc_region_t r;
+ 	DSA_SIG *dsasig;
++	unsigned int klen;
+ #if USE_EVP
+ 	EVP_MD_CTX *evp_md_ctx = dctx->ctxdata.evp_md_ctx;
+ 	EVP_PKEY *pkey;
+@@ -188,6 +187,7 @@ openssldsa_sign(dst_context_t *dctx, isc_buffer_t
+ 					       ISC_R_FAILURE));
+ 	}
+ 	free(sigbuf);
+ #elif 0
+ 	/* Only use EVP for the Digest */
+ 	if (!EVP_DigestFinal_ex(evp_md_ctx, digest, &siglen)) {
+@@ -209,11 +209,17 @@ openssldsa_sign(dst_context_t *dctx, isc_buffer_t


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