svn commit: r275917 - in user/cperciva/freebsd-update-build/patches: 10.0-RELEASE 10.1-RELEASE 8.4-RELEASE 9.1-RELEASE 9.2-RELEASE 9.3-RELEASE

Xin LI delphij at
Thu Dec 18 19:33:31 UTC 2014

Author: delphij
Date: Thu Dec 18 19:33:28 2014
New Revision: 275917

  Add patches for recent patch batches.


Added: user/cperciva/freebsd-update-build/patches/10.0-RELEASE/13-SA-14:28.file
--- /dev/null	00:00:00 1970	(empty, because file is newly added)
+++ user/cperciva/freebsd-update-build/patches/10.0-RELEASE/13-SA-14:28.file	Thu Dec 18 19:33:28 2014	(r275917)
@@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
+Index: contrib/file/elfclass.h
+--- contrib/file/elfclass.h.orig
++++ contrib/file/elfclass.h
+@@ -35,10 +35,12 @@
+ 	switch (type) {
+ #ifdef ELFCORE
+ 	case ET_CORE:
++		phnum = elf_getu16(swap, elfhdr.e_phnum);
++		if (phnum > MAX_PHNUM)
++			return toomany(ms, "program", phnum);
+ 		flags |= FLAGS_IS_CORE;
+ 		if (dophn_core(ms, clazz, swap, fd,
+-		    (off_t)elf_getu(swap, elfhdr.e_phoff),
+-		    elf_getu16(swap, elfhdr.e_phnum), 
++		    (off_t)elf_getu(swap, elfhdr.e_phoff), phnum,
+ 		    (size_t)elf_getu16(swap, elfhdr.e_phentsize),
+ 		    fsize, &flags) == -1)
+ 			return -1;
+@@ -46,18 +48,24 @@
+ #endif
+ 	case ET_EXEC:
+ 	case ET_DYN:
++		phnum = elf_getu16(swap, elfhdr.e_phnum);
++		if (phnum > MAX_PHNUM)
++			return toomany(ms, "program", phnum);
++		shnum = elf_getu16(swap, elfhdr.e_shnum);
++		if (shnum > MAX_SHNUM)
++			return toomany(ms, "section", shnum);
+ 		if (dophn_exec(ms, clazz, swap, fd,
+-		    (off_t)elf_getu(swap, elfhdr.e_phoff),
+-		    elf_getu16(swap, elfhdr.e_phnum), 
++		    (off_t)elf_getu(swap, elfhdr.e_phoff), phnum,
+ 		    (size_t)elf_getu16(swap, elfhdr.e_phentsize),
+-		    fsize, &flags, elf_getu16(swap, elfhdr.e_shnum))
+-		    == -1)
++		    fsize, &flags, shnum) == -1)
+ 			return -1;
+ 	case ET_REL:
++		shnum = elf_getu16(swap, elfhdr.e_shnum);
++		if (shnum > MAX_SHNUM)
++			return toomany(ms, "section", shnum);
+ 		if (doshn(ms, clazz, swap, fd,
+-		    (off_t)elf_getu(swap, elfhdr.e_shoff),
+-		    elf_getu16(swap, elfhdr.e_shnum),
++		    (off_t)elf_getu(swap, elfhdr.e_shoff), shnum,
+ 		    (size_t)elf_getu16(swap, elfhdr.e_shentsize),
+ 		    fsize, &flags, elf_getu16(swap, elfhdr.e_machine)) == -1)
+ 			return -1;
+Index: contrib/file/readelf.c
+--- contrib/file/readelf.c.orig
++++ contrib/file/readelf.c
+@@ -60,6 +60,18 @@
+ private uint32_t getu32(int, uint32_t);
+ private uint64_t getu64(int, uint64_t);
++#define MAX_PHNUM	256
++#define	MAX_SHNUM	1024
++private int
++toomany(struct magic_set *ms, const char *name, uint16_t num)
++	if (file_printf(ms, ", too many %s header sections (%u)", name, num
++	    ) == -1)
++		return -1;
++	return 0;
+ private uint16_t
+ getu16(int swap, uint16_t value)
+ {
+@@ -384,13 +396,13 @@
+ 	if (namesz & 0x80000000) {
+ 	    (void)file_printf(ms, ", bad note name size 0x%lx",
+ 		(unsigned long)namesz);
+-	    return offset;
++	    return 0;
+ 	}
+ 	if (descsz & 0x80000000) {
+ 	    (void)file_printf(ms, ", bad note description size 0x%lx",
+ 		(unsigned long)descsz);
+-	    return offset;
++	    return 0;
+ 	}
+@@ -847,6 +859,7 @@
+ 	Elf32_Shdr sh32;
+ 	Elf64_Shdr sh64;
+ 	int stripped = 1;
++	size_t nbadcap = 0;
+ 	void *nbuf;
+ 	off_t noff, coff;
+ 	uint64_t cap_hw1 = 0;	/* SunOS 5.x hardware capabilites */
+@@ -919,6 +932,8 @@
+ 			free(nbuf);
+ 			break;
+ 		case SHT_SUNW_cap:
++			if (nbadcap > 5)
++				break;
+ 			if (lseek(fd, (off_t)xsh_offset, SEEK_SET) ==
+ 			    (off_t)-1) {
+ 				file_badseek(ms);
+@@ -955,6 +970,8 @@
+ 					    (unsigned long long)xcap_tag,
+ 					    (unsigned long long)xcap_val) == -1)
+ 						return -1;
++					if (nbadcap++ > 2)
++						coff = xsh_size;
+ 					break;
+ 				}
+ 			}
+@@ -1142,7 +1159,7 @@
+ 	int flags = 0;
+ 	Elf32_Ehdr elf32hdr;
+ 	Elf64_Ehdr elf64hdr;
+-	uint16_t type;
++	uint16_t type, phnum, shnum;
+ 	if (ms->flags & (MAGIC_MIME|MAGIC_APPLE))
+ 		return 0;
+Index: contrib/file/softmagic.c
+--- contrib/file/softmagic.c.orig
++++ contrib/file/softmagic.c
+@@ -61,6 +61,9 @@
+ private void cvt_64(union VALUETYPE *, const struct magic *);
+ #define OFFSET_OOB(n, o, i)	((n) < (o) || (i) > ((n) - (o)))
+ /*
+  * softmagic - lookup one file in parsed, in-memory copy of database
+  * Passed the name and FILE * of one file to be typed.
+@@ -1027,7 +1030,7 @@
+ 	uint32_t count = m->str_range;
+ 	union VALUETYPE *p = &ms->ms_value;
+-        if (recursion_level >= 20) {
++        if (recursion_level >= MAX_RECURSION_LEVEL) {
+                 file_error(ms, 0, "recursion nesting exceeded");
+                 return -1;
+         }

Added: user/cperciva/freebsd-update-build/patches/10.0-RELEASE/14-SA-14:30.unbound
--- /dev/null	00:00:00 1970	(empty, because file is newly added)
+++ user/cperciva/freebsd-update-build/patches/10.0-RELEASE/14-SA-14:30.unbound	Thu Dec 18 19:33:28 2014	(r275917)
@@ -0,0 +1,149 @@
+Index: contrib/unbound/iterator/iterator.c
+--- contrib/unbound/iterator/iterator.c	(revision 275717)
++++ contrib/unbound/iterator/iterator.c	(working copy)
+@@ -117,6 +117,7 @@ iter_new(struct module_qstate* qstate, int id)
+ 	iq->query_restart_count = 0;
+ 	iq->referral_count = 0;
+ 	iq->sent_count = 0;
++	iq->target_count = NULL;
+ 	iq->wait_priming_stub = 0;
+ 	iq->refetch_glue = 0;
+ 	iq->dnssec_expected = 0;
+@@ -442,6 +443,26 @@ handle_cname_response(struct module_qstate* qstate
+ 	return 1;
+ }
++/** create target count structure for this query */
++static void
++target_count_create(struct iter_qstate* iq)
++	if(!iq->target_count) {
++		iq->target_count = (int*)calloc(2, sizeof(int));
++		/* if calloc fails we simply do not track this number */
++		if(iq->target_count)
++			iq->target_count[0] = 1;
++	}
++static void
++target_count_increase(struct iter_qstate* iq, int num)
++	target_count_create(iq);
++	if(iq->target_count)
++		iq->target_count[1] += num;
+ /**
+  * Generate a subrequest.
+  * Generate a local request event. Local events are tied to this module, and
+@@ -513,6 +534,10 @@ generate_sub_request(uint8_t* qname, size_t qnamel
+ 		subiq = (struct iter_qstate*)subq->minfo[id];
+ 		memset(subiq, 0, sizeof(*subiq));
+ 		subiq->num_target_queries = 0;
++		target_count_create(iq);
++		subiq->target_count = iq->target_count;
++		if(iq->target_count)
++			iq->target_count[0] ++; /* extra reference */
+ 		subiq->num_current_queries = 0;
+ 		subiq->depth = iq->depth+1;
+ 		outbound_list_init(&subiq->outlist);
+@@ -1339,6 +1364,12 @@ query_for_targets(struct module_qstate* qstate, st
+ 	if(iq->depth == ie->max_dependency_depth)
+ 		return 0;
++	if(iq->depth > 0 && iq->target_count &&
++		iq->target_count[1] > MAX_TARGET_COUNT) {
++		verbose(VERB_QUERY, "request has exceeded the maximum "
++			"number of glue fetches %d", iq->target_count[1]);
++		return 0;
++	}
+ 	iter_mark_cycle_targets(qstate, iq->dp);
+ 	missing = (int)delegpt_count_missing_targets(iq->dp);
+@@ -1487,6 +1518,7 @@ processLastResort(struct module_qstate* qstate, st
+ 			return error_response(qstate, id, LDNS_RCODE_SERVFAIL);
+ 		}
+ 		iq->num_target_queries += qs;
++		target_count_increase(iq, qs);
+ 		if(qs != 0) {
+ 			qstate->ext_state[id] = module_wait_subquery;
+ 			return 0; /* and wait for them */
+@@ -1496,6 +1528,12 @@ processLastResort(struct module_qstate* qstate, st
+ 		verbose(VERB_QUERY, "maxdepth and need more nameservers, fail");
+ 		return error_response_cache(qstate, id, LDNS_RCODE_SERVFAIL);
+ 	}
++	if(iq->depth > 0 && iq->target_count &&
++		iq->target_count[1] > MAX_TARGET_COUNT) {
++		verbose(VERB_QUERY, "request has exceeded the maximum "
++			"number of glue fetches %d", iq->target_count[1]);
++		return error_response_cache(qstate, id, LDNS_RCODE_SERVFAIL);
++	}
+ 	/* mark cycle targets for parent-side lookups */
+ 	iter_mark_pside_cycle_targets(qstate, iq->dp);
+ 	/* see if we can issue queries to get nameserver addresses */
+@@ -1525,6 +1563,7 @@ processLastResort(struct module_qstate* qstate, st
+ 		if(query_count != 0) { /* suspend to await results */
+ 			verbose(VERB_ALGO, "try parent-side glue lookup");
+ 			iq->num_target_queries += query_count;
++			target_count_increase(iq, query_count);
+ 			qstate->ext_state[id] = module_wait_subquery;
+ 			return 0;
+ 		}
+@@ -1680,6 +1719,7 @@ processQueryTargets(struct module_qstate* qstate,
+ 			return error_response(qstate, id, LDNS_RCODE_SERVFAIL);
+ 		}
+ 		iq->num_target_queries += extra;
++		target_count_increase(iq, extra);
+ 		if(iq->num_target_queries > 0) {
+ 			/* wait to get all targets, we want to try em */
+ 			verbose(VERB_ALGO, "wait for all targets for fallback");
+@@ -1720,6 +1760,7 @@ processQueryTargets(struct module_qstate* qstate,
+ 		/* errors ignored, these targets are not strictly necessary for
+ 		 * this result, we do not have to reply with SERVFAIL */
+ 		iq->num_target_queries += extra;
++		target_count_increase(iq, extra);
+ 	}
+ 	/* Add the current set of unused targets to our queue. */
+@@ -1765,6 +1806,7 @@ processQueryTargets(struct module_qstate* qstate,
+ 					return 1;
+ 				}
+ 				iq->num_target_queries += qs;
++				target_count_increase(iq, qs);
+ 			}
+ 			/* Since a target query might have been made, we 
+ 			 * need to check again. */
+@@ -2847,6 +2889,8 @@ iter_clear(struct module_qstate* qstate, int id)
+ 	iq = (struct iter_qstate*)qstate->minfo[id];
+ 	if(iq) {
+ 		outbound_list_clear(&iq->outlist);
++		if(iq->target_count && --iq->target_count[0] == 0)
++			free(iq->target_count);
+ 		iq->num_current_queries = 0;
+ 	}
+ 	qstate->minfo[id] = NULL;
+Index: contrib/unbound/iterator/iterator.h
+--- contrib/unbound/iterator/iterator.h	(revision 275717)
++++ contrib/unbound/iterator/iterator.h	(working copy)
+@@ -52,6 +52,8 @@ struct iter_donotq;
+ struct iter_prep_list;
+ struct iter_priv;
++/** max number of targets spawned for a query and its subqueries */
++#define MAX_TARGET_COUNT	32
+ /** max number of query restarts. Determines max number of CNAME chain. */
+ #define MAX_RESTART_COUNT       8
+ /** max number of referrals. Makes sure resolver does not run away */
+@@ -254,6 +256,10 @@ struct iter_qstate {
+ 	/** number of queries fired off */
+ 	int sent_count;
++	/** number of target queries spawned in [1], for this query and its
++	 * subqueries, the malloced-array is shared, [0] refcount. */
++	int* target_count;
+ 	/**
+ 	 * The query must store NS records from referrals as parentside RRs

Added: user/cperciva/freebsd-update-build/patches/10.1-RELEASE/1-SA-14:27.stdio
--- /dev/null	00:00:00 1970	(empty, because file is newly added)
+++ user/cperciva/freebsd-update-build/patches/10.1-RELEASE/1-SA-14:27.stdio	Thu Dec 18 19:33:28 2014	(r275917)
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+Index: lib/libc/stdio/fflush.c
+--- lib/libc/stdio/fflush.c	(revision 274946)
++++ lib/libc/stdio/fflush.c	(working copy)
+@@ -124,11 +124,13 @@ __sflush(FILE *fp)
+ 		t = _swrite(fp, (char *)p, n);
+ 		if (t <= 0) {
+ 			/* Reset _p and _w. */
+-			if (p > fp->_p)	/* Some was written. */
++			if (p > fp->_p) {
++				/* Some was written. */
+ 				memmove(fp->_p, p, n);
+-			fp->_p += n;
+-			if ((fp->_flags & (__SLBF | __SNBF)) == 0)
+-				fp->_w -= n;
++				fp->_p += n;
++				if ((fp->_flags & (__SLBF | __SNBF)) == 0)
++					fp->_w -= n;
++			}
+ 			fp->_flags |= __SERR;
+ 			return (EOF);
+ 		}

Added: user/cperciva/freebsd-update-build/patches/10.1-RELEASE/1-SA-14:28.file
--- /dev/null	00:00:00 1970	(empty, because file is newly added)
+++ user/cperciva/freebsd-update-build/patches/10.1-RELEASE/1-SA-14:28.file	Thu Dec 18 19:33:28 2014	(r275917)
@@ -0,0 +1,288 @@
+Index: contrib/file/src/elfclass.h
+--- contrib/file/src/elfclass.h	(revision 275629)
++++ contrib/file/src/elfclass.h	(working copy)
+@@ -35,10 +35,12 @@
+ 	switch (type) {
+ #ifdef ELFCORE
+ 	case ET_CORE:
++		phnum = elf_getu16(swap, elfhdr.e_phnum);
++		if (phnum > MAX_PHNUM)
++			return toomany(ms, "program", phnum);
+ 		flags |= FLAGS_IS_CORE;
+ 		if (dophn_core(ms, clazz, swap, fd,
+-		    (off_t)elf_getu(swap, elfhdr.e_phoff),
+-		    elf_getu16(swap, elfhdr.e_phnum), 
++		    (off_t)elf_getu(swap, elfhdr.e_phoff), phnum,
+ 		    (size_t)elf_getu16(swap, elfhdr.e_phentsize),
+ 		    fsize, &flags) == -1)
+ 			return -1;
+@@ -46,18 +48,24 @@
+ #endif
+ 	case ET_EXEC:
+ 	case ET_DYN:
++		phnum = elf_getu16(swap, elfhdr.e_phnum);
++		if (phnum > MAX_PHNUM)
++			return toomany(ms, "program", phnum);
++		shnum = elf_getu16(swap, elfhdr.e_shnum);
++		if (shnum > MAX_SHNUM)
++			return toomany(ms, "section", shnum);
+ 		if (dophn_exec(ms, clazz, swap, fd,
+-		    (off_t)elf_getu(swap, elfhdr.e_phoff),
+-		    elf_getu16(swap, elfhdr.e_phnum), 
++		    (off_t)elf_getu(swap, elfhdr.e_phoff), phnum,
+ 		    (size_t)elf_getu16(swap, elfhdr.e_phentsize),
+-		    fsize, &flags, elf_getu16(swap, elfhdr.e_shnum))
+-		    == -1)
++		    fsize, &flags, shnum) == -1)
+ 			return -1;
+ 	case ET_REL:
++		shnum = elf_getu16(swap, elfhdr.e_shnum);
++		if (shnum > MAX_SHNUM)
++			return toomany(ms, "section", shnum);
+ 		if (doshn(ms, clazz, swap, fd,
+-		    (off_t)elf_getu(swap, elfhdr.e_shoff),
+-		    elf_getu16(swap, elfhdr.e_shnum),
++		    (off_t)elf_getu(swap, elfhdr.e_shoff), shnum,
+ 		    (size_t)elf_getu16(swap, elfhdr.e_shentsize),
+ 		    fsize, &flags, elf_getu16(swap, elfhdr.e_machine),
+ 		    (int)elf_getu16(swap, elfhdr.e_shstrndx)) == -1)
+Index: contrib/file/src/file.h
+--- contrib/file/src/file.h	(revision 275629)
++++ contrib/file/src/file.h	(working copy)
+@@ -482,6 +482,14 @@ protected int file_regexec(file_regex_t *, const c
+ protected void file_regfree(file_regex_t *);
+ protected void file_regerror(file_regex_t *, int, struct magic_set *);
++typedef struct {
++	char *buf;
++	uint32_t offset;
++} file_pushbuf_t;
++protected file_pushbuf_t *file_push_buffer(struct magic_set *);
++protected char  *file_pop_buffer(struct magic_set *, file_pushbuf_t *);
+ #ifndef COMPILE_ONLY
+ extern const char *file_names[];
+ extern const size_t file_nnames;
+Index: contrib/file/src/funcs.c
+--- contrib/file/src/funcs.c	(revision 275629)
++++ contrib/file/src/funcs.c	(working copy)
+@@ -491,3 +491,43 @@ file_regerror(file_regex_t *rx, int rc, struct mag
+ 	file_magerror(ms, "regex error %d for `%s', (%s)", rc, rx->pat,
+ 	    errmsg);
+ }
++protected file_pushbuf_t *
++file_push_buffer(struct magic_set *ms)
++	file_pushbuf_t *pb;
++	if (ms->event_flags & EVENT_HAD_ERR)
++		return NULL;
++	if ((pb = (CAST(file_pushbuf_t *, malloc(sizeof(*pb))))) == NULL)
++		return NULL;
++	pb->buf = ms->o.buf;
++	pb->offset = ms->offset;
++	ms->o.buf = NULL;
++	ms->offset = 0;
++	return pb;
++protected char *
++file_pop_buffer(struct magic_set *ms, file_pushbuf_t *pb)
++	char *rbuf;
++	if (ms->event_flags & EVENT_HAD_ERR) {
++		free(pb->buf);
++		free(pb);
++		return NULL;
++	}
++	rbuf = ms->o.buf;
++	ms->o.buf = pb->buf;
++	ms->offset = pb->offset;
++	free(pb);
++	return rbuf;
+Index: contrib/file/src/readelf.c
+--- contrib/file/src/readelf.c	(revision 275629)
++++ contrib/file/src/readelf.c	(working copy)
+@@ -60,6 +60,18 @@ private uint16_t getu16(int, uint16_t);
+ private uint32_t getu32(int, uint32_t);
+ private uint64_t getu64(int, uint64_t);
++#define MAX_PHNUM	256
++#define	MAX_SHNUM	1024
++private int
++toomany(struct magic_set *ms, const char *name, uint16_t num)
++	if (file_printf(ms, ", too many %s header sections (%u)", name, num
++	    ) == -1)
++		return -1;
++	return 0;
+ private uint16_t
+ getu16(int swap, uint16_t value)
+ {
+@@ -477,6 +489,13 @@ donote(struct magic_set *ms, void *vbuf, size_t of
+ 	uint32_t namesz, descsz;
+ 	unsigned char *nbuf = CAST(unsigned char *, vbuf);
++	if (xnh_sizeof + offset > size) {
++		/*
++		 * We're out of note headers.
++		 */
++		return xnh_sizeof + offset;
++	}
+ 	(void)memcpy(xnh_addr, &nbuf[offset], xnh_sizeof);
+ 	offset += xnh_sizeof;
+@@ -492,13 +511,13 @@ donote(struct magic_set *ms, void *vbuf, size_t of
+ 	if (namesz & 0x80000000) {
+ 	    (void)file_printf(ms, ", bad note name size 0x%lx",
+ 		(unsigned long)namesz);
+-	    return offset;
++	    return 0;
+ 	}
+ 	if (descsz & 0x80000000) {
+ 	    (void)file_printf(ms, ", bad note description size 0x%lx",
+ 		(unsigned long)descsz);
+-	    return offset;
++	    return 0;
+ 	}
+@@ -900,6 +919,7 @@ doshn(struct magic_set *ms, int clazz, int swap, i
+ 	Elf32_Shdr sh32;
+ 	Elf64_Shdr sh64;
+ 	int stripped = 1;
++	size_t nbadcap = 0;
+ 	void *nbuf;
+ 	off_t noff, coff, name_off;
+ 	uint64_t cap_hw1 = 0;	/* SunOS 5.x hardware capabilites */
+@@ -988,6 +1008,8 @@ doshn(struct magic_set *ms, int clazz, int swap, i
+ 				goto skip;
+ 			}
++			if (nbadcap > 5)
++				break;
+ 			if (lseek(fd, xsh_offset, SEEK_SET) == (off_t)-1) {
+ 				file_badseek(ms);
+ 				return -1;
+@@ -1053,6 +1075,8 @@ doshn(struct magic_set *ms, int clazz, int swap, i
+ 					    (unsigned long long)xcap_tag,
+ 					    (unsigned long long)xcap_val) == -1)
+ 						return -1;
++					if (nbadcap++ > 2)
++						coff = xsh_size;
+ 					break;
+ 				}
+ 			}
+@@ -1233,7 +1257,7 @@ file_tryelf(struct magic_set *ms, int fd, const un
+ 	int flags = 0;
+ 	Elf32_Ehdr elf32hdr;
+ 	Elf64_Ehdr elf64hdr;
+-	uint16_t type;
++	uint16_t type, phnum, shnum;
+ 	if (ms->flags & (MAGIC_MIME|MAGIC_APPLE))
+ 		return 0;
+Index: contrib/file/src/softmagic.c
+--- contrib/file/src/softmagic.c	(revision 275629)
++++ contrib/file/src/softmagic.c	(working copy)
+@@ -67,6 +67,9 @@ private void cvt_32(union VALUETYPE *, const struc
+ private void cvt_64(union VALUETYPE *, const struct magic *);
+ #define OFFSET_OOB(n, o, i)	((n) < (o) || (i) > ((n) - (o)))
+ /*
+  * softmagic - lookup one file in parsed, in-memory copy of database
+  * Passed the name and FILE * of one file to be typed.
+@@ -1193,14 +1196,15 @@ mget(struct magic_set *ms, const unsigned char *s,
+     int flip, int recursion_level, int *printed_something,
+     int *need_separator, int *returnval)
+ {
+-	uint32_t soffset, offset = ms->offset;
++	uint32_t offset = ms->offset;
+ 	uint32_t lhs;
++	file_pushbuf_t *pb;
+ 	int rv, oneed_separator, in_type;
+-	char *sbuf, *rbuf;
++	char *rbuf;
+ 	union VALUETYPE *p = &ms->ms_value;
+ 	struct mlist ml;
+-	if (recursion_level >= 20) {
++	if (recursion_level >= MAX_RECURSION_LEVEL) {
+ 		file_error(ms, 0, "recursion nesting exceeded");
+ 		return -1;
+ 	}
+@@ -1644,19 +1648,23 @@ mget(struct magic_set *ms, const unsigned char *s,
+ 		if (offset == 0)
+ 			return 0;
+ 		if (nbytes < offset)
+ 			return 0;
+-		sbuf = ms->o.buf;
+-		soffset = ms->offset;
+-		ms->o.buf = NULL;
+-		ms->offset = 0;
++		if ((pb = file_push_buffer(ms)) == NULL)
++			return -1;
+ 		rv = file_softmagic(ms, s + offset, nbytes - offset,
+ 		    recursion_level, BINTEST, text);
+ 		if ((ms->flags & MAGIC_DEBUG) != 0)
+ 			fprintf(stderr, "indirect @offs=%u[%d]\n", offset, rv);
+-		rbuf = ms->o.buf;
+-		ms->o.buf = sbuf;
+-		ms->offset = soffset;
++		rbuf = file_pop_buffer(ms, pb);
++		if (rbuf == NULL && ms->event_flags & EVENT_HAD_ERR)
++			return -1;
+ 		if (rv == 1) {
+ 			if ((ms->flags & (MAGIC_MIME|MAGIC_APPLE)) == 0 &&
+ 			    file_printf(ms, F(ms, m, "%u"), offset) == -1) {
+@@ -1674,13 +1682,13 @@ mget(struct magic_set *ms, const unsigned char *s,
+ 	case FILE_USE:
+ 		if (nbytes < offset)
+ 			return 0;
+-		sbuf = m->value.s;
+-		if (*sbuf == '^') {
+-			sbuf++;
++		rbuf = m->value.s;
++		if (*rbuf == '^') {
++			rbuf++;
+ 			flip = !flip;
+ 		}
+-		if (file_magicfind(ms, sbuf, &ml) == -1) {
+-			file_error(ms, 0, "cannot find entry `%s'", sbuf);
++		if (file_magicfind(ms, rbuf, &ml) == -1) {
++			file_error(ms, 0, "cannot find entry `%s'", rbuf);
+ 			return -1;
+ 		}

Added: user/cperciva/freebsd-update-build/patches/10.1-RELEASE/2-SA-14:30.unbound
--- /dev/null	00:00:00 1970	(empty, because file is newly added)
+++ user/cperciva/freebsd-update-build/patches/10.1-RELEASE/2-SA-14:30.unbound	Thu Dec 18 19:33:28 2014	(r275917)
@@ -0,0 +1,149 @@
+Index: contrib/unbound/iterator/iterator.c
+--- contrib/unbound/iterator/iterator.c	(revision 275717)
++++ contrib/unbound/iterator/iterator.c	(working copy)
+@@ -117,6 +117,7 @@ iter_new(struct module_qstate* qstate, int id)
+ 	iq->query_restart_count = 0;
+ 	iq->referral_count = 0;
+ 	iq->sent_count = 0;
++	iq->target_count = NULL;
+ 	iq->wait_priming_stub = 0;
+ 	iq->refetch_glue = 0;
+ 	iq->dnssec_expected = 0;
+@@ -442,6 +443,26 @@ handle_cname_response(struct module_qstate* qstate
+ 	return 1;
+ }
++/** create target count structure for this query */
++static void
++target_count_create(struct iter_qstate* iq)
++	if(!iq->target_count) {
++		iq->target_count = (int*)calloc(2, sizeof(int));
++		/* if calloc fails we simply do not track this number */
++		if(iq->target_count)
++			iq->target_count[0] = 1;
++	}
++static void
++target_count_increase(struct iter_qstate* iq, int num)
++	target_count_create(iq);
++	if(iq->target_count)
++		iq->target_count[1] += num;
+ /**
+  * Generate a subrequest.
+  * Generate a local request event. Local events are tied to this module, and
+@@ -513,6 +534,10 @@ generate_sub_request(uint8_t* qname, size_t qnamel
+ 		subiq = (struct iter_qstate*)subq->minfo[id];
+ 		memset(subiq, 0, sizeof(*subiq));
+ 		subiq->num_target_queries = 0;
++		target_count_create(iq);
++		subiq->target_count = iq->target_count;
++		if(iq->target_count)
++			iq->target_count[0] ++; /* extra reference */
+ 		subiq->num_current_queries = 0;
+ 		subiq->depth = iq->depth+1;
+ 		outbound_list_init(&subiq->outlist);
+@@ -1339,6 +1364,12 @@ query_for_targets(struct module_qstate* qstate, st
+ 	if(iq->depth == ie->max_dependency_depth)
+ 		return 0;
++	if(iq->depth > 0 && iq->target_count &&
++		iq->target_count[1] > MAX_TARGET_COUNT) {
++		verbose(VERB_QUERY, "request has exceeded the maximum "
++			"number of glue fetches %d", iq->target_count[1]);
++		return 0;
++	}
+ 	iter_mark_cycle_targets(qstate, iq->dp);
+ 	missing = (int)delegpt_count_missing_targets(iq->dp);
+@@ -1487,6 +1518,7 @@ processLastResort(struct module_qstate* qstate, st
+ 			return error_response(qstate, id, LDNS_RCODE_SERVFAIL);
+ 		}
+ 		iq->num_target_queries += qs;
++		target_count_increase(iq, qs);
+ 		if(qs != 0) {
+ 			qstate->ext_state[id] = module_wait_subquery;
+ 			return 0; /* and wait for them */
+@@ -1496,6 +1528,12 @@ processLastResort(struct module_qstate* qstate, st
+ 		verbose(VERB_QUERY, "maxdepth and need more nameservers, fail");
+ 		return error_response_cache(qstate, id, LDNS_RCODE_SERVFAIL);
+ 	}
++	if(iq->depth > 0 && iq->target_count &&
++		iq->target_count[1] > MAX_TARGET_COUNT) {
++		verbose(VERB_QUERY, "request has exceeded the maximum "
++			"number of glue fetches %d", iq->target_count[1]);
++		return error_response_cache(qstate, id, LDNS_RCODE_SERVFAIL);
++	}
+ 	/* mark cycle targets for parent-side lookups */
+ 	iter_mark_pside_cycle_targets(qstate, iq->dp);
+ 	/* see if we can issue queries to get nameserver addresses */
+@@ -1525,6 +1563,7 @@ processLastResort(struct module_qstate* qstate, st
+ 		if(query_count != 0) { /* suspend to await results */
+ 			verbose(VERB_ALGO, "try parent-side glue lookup");
+ 			iq->num_target_queries += query_count;
++			target_count_increase(iq, query_count);
+ 			qstate->ext_state[id] = module_wait_subquery;
+ 			return 0;
+ 		}
+@@ -1680,6 +1719,7 @@ processQueryTargets(struct module_qstate* qstate,
+ 			return error_response(qstate, id, LDNS_RCODE_SERVFAIL);
+ 		}
+ 		iq->num_target_queries += extra;
++		target_count_increase(iq, extra);
+ 		if(iq->num_target_queries > 0) {
+ 			/* wait to get all targets, we want to try em */
+ 			verbose(VERB_ALGO, "wait for all targets for fallback");
+@@ -1720,6 +1760,7 @@ processQueryTargets(struct module_qstate* qstate,
+ 		/* errors ignored, these targets are not strictly necessary for
+ 		 * this result, we do not have to reply with SERVFAIL */
+ 		iq->num_target_queries += extra;
++		target_count_increase(iq, extra);
+ 	}
+ 	/* Add the current set of unused targets to our queue. */
+@@ -1765,6 +1806,7 @@ processQueryTargets(struct module_qstate* qstate,
+ 					return 1;
+ 				}
+ 				iq->num_target_queries += qs;
++				target_count_increase(iq, qs);
+ 			}
+ 			/* Since a target query might have been made, we 
+ 			 * need to check again. */
+@@ -2847,6 +2889,8 @@ iter_clear(struct module_qstate* qstate, int id)
+ 	iq = (struct iter_qstate*)qstate->minfo[id];
+ 	if(iq) {
+ 		outbound_list_clear(&iq->outlist);
++		if(iq->target_count && --iq->target_count[0] == 0)
++			free(iq->target_count);
+ 		iq->num_current_queries = 0;
+ 	}
+ 	qstate->minfo[id] = NULL;
+Index: contrib/unbound/iterator/iterator.h
+--- contrib/unbound/iterator/iterator.h	(revision 275717)
++++ contrib/unbound/iterator/iterator.h	(working copy)
+@@ -52,6 +52,8 @@ struct iter_donotq;
+ struct iter_prep_list;
+ struct iter_priv;
++/** max number of targets spawned for a query and its subqueries */
++#define MAX_TARGET_COUNT	32
+ /** max number of query restarts. Determines max number of CNAME chain. */
+ #define MAX_RESTART_COUNT       8
+ /** max number of referrals. Makes sure resolver does not run away */
+@@ -254,6 +256,10 @@ struct iter_qstate {
+ 	/** number of queries fired off */
+ 	int sent_count;
++	/** number of target queries spawned in [1], for this query and its
++	 * subqueries, the malloced-array is shared, [0] refcount. */
++	int* target_count;
+ 	/**
+ 	 * The query must store NS records from referrals as parentside RRs

Added: user/cperciva/freebsd-update-build/patches/8.4-RELEASE/20-SA-14:28.file
--- /dev/null	00:00:00 1970	(empty, because file is newly added)
+++ user/cperciva/freebsd-update-build/patches/8.4-RELEASE/20-SA-14:28.file	Thu Dec 18 19:33:28 2014	(r275917)
@@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
+Index: contrib/file/elfclass.h
+--- contrib/file/elfclass.h.orig
++++ contrib/file/elfclass.h
+@@ -35,9 +35,11 @@
+ 	switch (type) {
+ #ifdef ELFCORE
+ 	case ET_CORE:
++		phnum = elf_getu16(swap, elfhdr.e_phnum);
++		if (phnum > MAX_PHNUM)
++			return toomany(ms, "program", phnum);
+ 		if (dophn_core(ms, clazz, swap, fd,
+-		    (off_t)elf_getu(swap, elfhdr.e_phoff),
+-		    elf_getu16(swap, elfhdr.e_phnum), 
++		    (off_t)elf_getu(swap, elfhdr.e_phoff), phnum,
+ 		    (size_t)elf_getu16(swap, elfhdr.e_phentsize),
+ 		    fsize, &flags) == -1)
+ 			return -1;
+@@ -45,18 +47,24 @@
+ #endif
+ 	case ET_EXEC:
+ 	case ET_DYN:
++		phnum = elf_getu16(swap, elfhdr.e_phnum);
++		if (phnum > MAX_PHNUM)
++			return toomany(ms, "program", phnum);
++		shnum = elf_getu16(swap, elfhdr.e_shnum);
++		if (shnum > MAX_SHNUM)
++			return toomany(ms, "section", shnum);
+ 		if (dophn_exec(ms, clazz, swap, fd,
+-		    (off_t)elf_getu(swap, elfhdr.e_phoff),
+-		    elf_getu16(swap, elfhdr.e_phnum), 
++		    (off_t)elf_getu(swap, elfhdr.e_phoff), phnum,
+ 		    (size_t)elf_getu16(swap, elfhdr.e_phentsize),
+-		    fsize, &flags, elf_getu16(swap, elfhdr.e_shnum))
+-		    == -1)
++		    fsize, &flags, shnum) == -1)
+ 			return -1;
+ 	case ET_REL:
++		shnum = elf_getu16(swap, elfhdr.e_shnum);
++		if (shnum > MAX_SHNUM)
++			return toomany(ms, "section", shnum);
+ 		if (doshn(ms, clazz, swap, fd,
+-		    (off_t)elf_getu(swap, elfhdr.e_shoff),
+-		    elf_getu16(swap, elfhdr.e_shnum),
++		    (off_t)elf_getu(swap, elfhdr.e_shoff), shnum,
+ 		    (size_t)elf_getu16(swap, elfhdr.e_shentsize),
+ 		    &flags,
+ 		    elf_getu16(swap, elfhdr.e_machine)) == -1)
+Index: contrib/file/readelf.c
+--- contrib/file/readelf.c.orig
++++ contrib/file/readelf.c
+@@ -60,6 +60,18 @@
+ private uint32_t getu32(int, uint32_t);
+ private uint64_t getu64(int, uint64_t);
++#define MAX_PHNUM	256
++#define	MAX_SHNUM	1024
++private int
++toomany(struct magic_set *ms, const char *name, uint16_t num)
++	if (file_printf(ms, ", too many %s header sections (%u)", name, num
++	    ) == -1)
++		return -1;
++	return 0;
+ private uint16_t
+ getu16(int swap, uint16_t value)
+ {
+@@ -391,13 +403,13 @@
+ 	if (namesz & 0x80000000) {
+ 	    (void)file_printf(ms, ", bad note name size 0x%lx",
+ 		(unsigned long)namesz);
+-	    return offset;
++	    return 0;
+ 	}
+ 	if (descsz & 0x80000000) {
+ 	    (void)file_printf(ms, ", bad note description size 0x%lx",
+ 		(unsigned long)descsz);
+-	    return offset;
++	    return 0;
+ 	}
+@@ -821,6 +833,7 @@
+ 	Elf32_Shdr sh32;
+ 	Elf64_Shdr sh64;
+ 	int stripped = 1;
++	size_t nbadcap = 0;
+ 	void *nbuf;
+ 	off_t noff;
+ 	uint64_t cap_hw1 = 0;	/* SunOS 5.x hardware capabilites */
+@@ -893,6 +906,8 @@
+ 		case SHT_SUNW_cap:
+ 		    {
+ 			off_t coff;
++			if (nbadcap > 5)
++				break;
+ 			if ((off = lseek(fd, (off_t)0, SEEK_CUR)) ==
+ 			    (off_t)-1) {
+ 				file_badread(ms);
+@@ -933,6 +948,8 @@
+ 					    (unsigned long long)xcap_tag,
+ 					    (unsigned long long)xcap_val) == -1)
+ 						return -1;
++					if (nbadcap++ > 2)
++						coff = xsh_size;
+ 					break;
+ 				}
+ 			}
+@@ -1139,7 +1156,7 @@
+ 	int flags = 0;
+ 	Elf32_Ehdr elf32hdr;
+ 	Elf64_Ehdr elf64hdr;
+-	uint16_t type;
++	uint16_t type, phnum, shnum;
+ 	if (ms->flags & (MAGIC_MIME|MAGIC_APPLE))
+ 		return 0;
+Index: contrib/file/softmagic.c
+--- contrib/file/softmagic.c.orig
++++ contrib/file/softmagic.c
+@@ -61,6 +61,9 @@
+ private void cvt_64(union VALUETYPE *, const struct magic *);
+ #define OFFSET_OOB(n, o, i)	((n) < (o) || (i) > ((n) - (o)))
+ /*
+  * softmagic - lookup one file in parsed, in-memory copy of database
+  * Passed the name and FILE * of one file to be typed.
+@@ -1030,7 +1033,7 @@
+ 	uint32_t count = m->str_range;
+ 	union VALUETYPE *p = &ms->ms_value;
+-	if (recursion_level >= 20) {
++	if (recursion_level >= MAX_RECURSION_LEVEL) {
+ 		file_error(ms, 0, "recursion nesting exceeded");
+ 		return -1;
+ 	}

Added: user/cperciva/freebsd-update-build/patches/8.4-RELEASE/20-SA-14:29.bind
--- /dev/null	00:00:00 1970	(empty, because file is newly added)
+++ user/cperciva/freebsd-update-build/patches/8.4-RELEASE/20-SA-14:29.bind	Thu Dec 18 19:33:28 2014	(r275917)
@@ -0,0 +1,956 @@
+Index: contrib/bind9/CHANGES
+--- contrib/bind9/CHANGES.orig
++++ contrib/bind9/CHANGES
+@@ -1,3 +1,15 @@
++4006.	[security]	A flaw in delegation handling could be exploited
++			to put named into an infinite loop.  This has
++			been addressed by placing limits on the number
++			of levels of recursion named will allow (default 7),
++			and the number of iterative queries that it will
++			send (default 50) before terminating a recursive
++			query (CVE-2014-8500).
++			The recursion depth limit is configured via the
++			"max-recursion-depth" option, and the query limit
++			via the "max-recursion-queries" option.  [RT #37580]
+ 	--- 9.8.4-P2 released ---
+ 3516.	[security]	Removed the check for regex.h in configure in order
+Index: contrib/bind9/bin/named/config.c
+--- contrib/bind9/bin/named/config.c.orig
++++ contrib/bind9/bin/named/config.c
+@@ -15,8 +15,6 @@
+  */
+-/* $Id: config.c,v 2011/02/28 01:19:58 tbox Exp $ */
+ /*! \file */
+ #include <config.h>
+@@ -158,6 +156,8 @@
+ 	dnssec-accept-expired no;\n\
+ 	clients-per-query 10;\n\
+ 	max-clients-per-query 100;\n\
++	max-recursion-depth 7;\n\
++	max-recursion-queries 50;\n\
+ 	zero-no-soa-ttl-cache no;\n\
+ 	nsec3-test-zone no;\n\
+ 	allow-new-zones no;\n\
+Index: contrib/bind9/bin/named/query.c
+--- contrib/bind9/bin/named/query.c.orig
++++ contrib/bind9/bin/named/query.c
+@@ -3755,12 +3755,11 @@
+ 		peeraddr = &client->peeraddr;
+ 	else
+ 		peeraddr = NULL;
+-	result = dns_resolver_createfetch2(client->view->resolver,
++	result = dns_resolver_createfetch3(client->view->resolver,
+ 					   qname, qtype, qdomain, nameservers,
+ 					   NULL, peeraddr, client->message->id,
+-					   client->query.fetchoptions,
+-					   client->task,
+-					   query_resume, client,
++					   client->query.fetchoptions, 0, NULL,
++					   client->task, query_resume, client,
+ 					   rdataset, sigrdataset,
+ 					   &client->query.fetch);
+Index: contrib/bind9/bin/named/server.c
+--- contrib/bind9/bin/named/server.c.orig
++++ contrib/bind9/bin/named/server.c
+@@ -2580,6 +2580,16 @@
+ 					cfg_obj_asuint32(obj),
+ 					max_clients_per_query);
++	obj = NULL;
++	result = ns_config_get(maps, "max-recursion-depth", &obj);
++	INSIST(result == ISC_R_SUCCESS);
++	dns_resolver_setmaxdepth(view->resolver, cfg_obj_asuint32(obj));
++	obj = NULL;
++	result = ns_config_get(maps, "max-recursion-queries", &obj);
++	INSIST(result == ISC_R_SUCCESS);


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