svn commit: r264574 - in user/des/fbp: lib/FBP/Script script

Dag-Erling Smørgrav des at
Wed Apr 16 23:41:26 UTC 2014

Author: des
Date: Wed Apr 16 23:41:25 2014
New Revision: 264574

  User management script.

  user/des/fbp/lib/FBP/Script/   (contents, props changed)
  user/des/fbp/script/   (contents, props changed)

Added: user/des/fbp/lib/FBP/Script/
--- /dev/null	00:00:00 1970	(empty, because file is newly added)
+++ user/des/fbp/lib/FBP/Script/	Wed Apr 16 23:41:25 2014	(r264574)
@@ -0,0 +1,337 @@
+use utf8;
+package FBP::Script::User;
+use Moose;
+use MooseX::Types::Moose qw/Bool Str/;
+use FBP;
+use Archive::Tar;
+use namespace::autoclean;
+with 'Catalyst::ScriptRole';
+has debug => (
+    traits        => [qw(Getopt)],
+    cmd_aliases   => 'd',
+    isa           => Bool,
+    is            => 'ro',
+    documentation => q{Debugging mode},
+has dryrun => (
+    traits        => [qw(Getopt)],
+    cmd_aliases   => 'n',
+    isa           => Bool,
+    is            => 'ro',
+    documentation => q{Dry run},
+has tarball => (
+    traits	  => [qw(Getopt)],
+    cmd_aliases	  => 't',
+    isa		  => Str,
+    is            => 'ro',
+    documentation => q{Name of password tarball},
+    default       => 'fbp-passwords.tgz',
+has file => (
+    traits	  => [qw(Getopt)],
+    cmd_aliases	  => 'f',
+    isa		  => Str,
+    is            => 'ro',
+    documentation => q{Name of password file},
+    default       => 'fbp-password',
+# Read a list of users.
+sub _read_users($@) {
+    my ($self, @argv) = @_;
+    my %users;
+    @ARGV = @argv;
+    while (<>) {
+	chomp();
+	if (m/^\s*(\w+)\s*$/) {
+	    # login
+	    $users{$1} = $1;
+	} elsif (m/^\s*(\w+)\s+(\S.*\S)\s*$/) {
+	    # login gecos
+	    $users{$1} = $2;
+	} elsif (m/^(\w+)(?::[^:]*){3}:([^:,]*)(?:,[^:]*)?(?::[^:]*){2}$/) {
+	    # v7 passwd file
+	    $users{$1} = $2 || $1;
+	} elsif (m/^(\w+)(?::[^:]*){6}:([^:,]*)(?:,[^:]*)?(?::[^:]*){2}$/) {
+	    # BSD passwd file
+	    $users{$1} = $2 || $1;
+	} else {
+	    # ignore
+	}
+    }
+    return \%users;
+# Activate or deactivate named users
+sub _set_active($$@) {
+    my ($self, $active, @users) = @_;
+    my $persons = FBP->model('FBP::Person');
+    my $schema = $persons->result_source()->schema();
+    $schema->txn_do(sub {
+	foreach my $login (@users) {
+	    my $person = $persons->find({ login => $login });
+	    if ($person) {
+		warn("marking $login " .
+		     ($active ? "active" : "inactive") . "\n")
+		    if $self->debug;
+		$person->update({ active => $active });
+	    } else {
+		warn("No such user: $login\n");
+	    }		
+	}
+	$schema->txn_rollback()
+	    if $self->dryrun;
+    });
+# List existing users
+sub cmd_list($@) {
+    my ($self, @argv) = @_;
+    die("too many arguments")
+	if @argv;
+    my $persons = FBP->model('FBP::Person')->
+	search(undef, { order_by => 'login' });
+    printf("%-16s%-8s%-8s%s\n",
+	   'login',
+	   'active',
+	   'admin',
+	   'name');
+    foreach my $person ($persons->all()) {
+	printf("%-16s%-8s%-8s%s\n",
+	       $person->login,
+	       $person->active ? 'yes' : 'no',
+	       $person->admin ? 'yes' : 'no',
+	       $person->name);
+    }
+# Mark all users inactive
+sub cmd_smash($@) {
+    my ($self, @argv) = @_;
+    die("too many arguments")
+	if @argv;
+    my $persons = FBP->model('FBP::Person');
+    my $schema = $persons->result_source()->schema();
+    $schema->txn_do(sub {
+	foreach my $person ($persons->all) {
+	    $person->update({ active => 0 });
+	}
+	$schema->txn_rollback()
+	    if $self->dryrun;
+    });
+# Activate named users
+sub cmd_activate(@) {
+    my ($self, @argv) = @_;
+    my $users = $self->_read_users(@argv);
+    $self->_set_active(1, keys %$users);
+# Deactivate named users
+sub cmd_deactivate(@) {
+    my ($self, @argv) = @_;
+    my $users = $self->_read_users(@argv);
+    $self->_set_active(0, keys %$users);
+# Read a list of users from a file and create corresponding database
+# records.  This will not touch existing users.
+sub cmd_import(@) {
+    my ($self, @argv) = @_;
+    my $users = $self->_read_users(@argv);
+    my $persons = FBP->model('FBP::Person');
+    my $schema = $persons->result_source()->schema();
+    $schema->txn_do(sub {
+	while (my ($login, $gecos) = each(%$users)) {
+	    my $person = $persons->find_or_new({ login => $login });
+	    next if $person->in_storage;
+	    warn("importing user $login\n")
+		if $self->debug;
+	    $person->set_columns({ realname => $gecos });
+	    $person->update_or_insert();
+	}
+	$schema->txn_rollback()
+	    if $self->dryrun;
+    });
+# Read a list of users from a file and set their names accordingly.
+# Users that are listed in the file but not in the database will be
+# ignored.
+sub cmd_gecos($@) {
+    my ($self, @argv) = @_;
+    my $users = $self->_read_users(@argv);
+    my $persons = FBP->model('FBP::Person');
+    my $schema = $persons->result_source()->schema();
+    $schema->txn_do(sub {
+	while (my ($login, $gecos) = each(%$users)) {
+	    my $person = $persons->find({ login => $login })
+		or next;
+	    $person->update({ realname => $gecos });
+	}
+	$schema->txn_rollback()
+	    if $self->dryrun;
+    });
+# Use sysutils/pwgen to generate random passwords
+sub pwgen($$;$) {
+    my ($self, $n, $len) = @_;
+    $len ||= 12;
+    warn("generating $n $len-character passwords\n")
+	if $self->debug;
+    # Set up a pipe and fork a child
+    my $pid = open(my $pipe, '-|');
+    if (!defined($pid)) {
+	# fork failed
+	die("fork(): $!\n");
+    } elsif ($pid == 0) {
+	# child process - run pwgen
+	# ugh hardcoded...
+	exec('/usr/local/bin/pwgen', '-can', $len, $n);
+	die("child: exec(): $!\n");
+    }
+    # read output from child
+    my @passwords;
+    while (<$pipe>) {
+	m/^([0-9A-Za-z]{$len})$/
+	    or die("invalid output from pwgen\n");
+	push(@passwords, $1);
+    }
+    # check exit status
+    if (waitpid($pid, 0) != $pid) {
+	if ($? & 0xff) {
+	    die(sprintf("pwgen caught signal %d\n", $? & 0x7f));
+	} elsif ($? >> 8) {
+	    die(sprintf("pwgen exited with code %d\n", $? >> 8));
+	} else {
+	    die("waitpid(): $!\n");
+	}
+    }
+    close($pipe);
+    # sanity check and we're done
+    die(sprintf("expected %d passwords, got %d\n", $n, int(@passwords)))
+	unless @passwords == $n;
+    warn("got $n passwords as expected\n")
+	if $self->debug;
+    return @passwords;
+# Generate passwords users that don't already have one.  Use with
+# caution!
+sub cmd_pwgen($@) {
+    my ($self, @argv) = @_;
+    die("too many arguments")
+	if @argv;
+    # Please don't overwrite an existing password tarball!
+    my $tarball = $self->tarball;
+    die("$tarball exists, delete or move and try again\n")
+	if -e $tarball;
+    my $pwfile = $self->file;
+    # Generate enough passwords for everybody
+    my $persons = FBP->model('FBP::Person')->
+	search({ password => '*' }, { order_by => 'login' });
+    my $n = $persons->count();
+    my @passwords = $self->pwgen($n);
+    # create the archive
+    my $tar = Archive::Tar->new();
+    # update the database and the archive
+    my $schema = $persons->result_source()->schema();
+    $schema->txn_do(sub {
+	warn("setting the passwords in the database\n")
+	    if $self->debug;
+	foreach my $person ($persons->all) {
+	    my ($login, $password) = ($person->login, shift(@passwords));
+	    warn("setting password for $login\n")
+		if $self->debug;
+	    $person->set_password($password);
+	    $tar->add_data("$login/$pwfile", "$password\n",
+			   { uname => $login, gname => $login, mode => 0400 });
+	}
+	warn("writing the tar file\n")
+	    if $self->debug;
+	$tar->write($tarball, COMPRESS_GZIP)
+	    or die($tar->error());
+	$schema->txn_rollback()
+	    if $self->dryrun;
+    });
+sub run($) {
+    my ($self) = @_;
+    local $ENV{CATALYST_DEBUG} = 1
+	if $self->debug;
+    my $command = shift(@{$self->extra_argv})
+	or die("command required\n");
+    if ($command eq 'list') {
+	$self->cmd_list(@{$self->extra_argv});
+    } elsif ($command eq 'import') {
+	$self->cmd_import(@{$self->extra_argv});
+    } elsif ($command eq 'smash') {
+	$self->cmd_smash(@{$self->extra_argv});
+    } elsif ($command eq 'activate') {
+	$self->cmd_activate(@{$self->extra_argv});
+    } elsif ($command eq 'deactivate') {
+	$self->cmd_deactivate(@{$self->extra_argv});
+    } elsif ($command eq 'gecos') {
+	$self->cmd_gecos(@{$self->extra_argv});
+    } elsif ($command eq 'pwgen') {
+	$self->cmd_pwgen(@{$self->extra_argv});
+    } else {
+	die("unrecognized command.\n");
+    }
+# $FreeBSD$

Added: user/des/fbp/script/
--- /dev/null	00:00:00 1970	(empty, because file is newly added)
+++ user/des/fbp/script/	Wed Apr 16 23:41:25 2014	(r264574)
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env perl
+use Catalyst::ScriptRunner;
+Catalyst::ScriptRunner->run('FBP', 'User');
+# $FreeBSD$

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