svn commit: r246220 - user/sbruno/pxe_http_head

Craig Rodrigues rodrigc at
Tue Feb 5 22:05:35 UTC 2013

On Fri, Feb 1, 2013 at 3:17 PM, Andre Oppermann
<andre at freebsd.<andre at>On
02.02.2013 00:09, Craig Rodrigues wrote:
> Based on the recent discussions I've started a local branch two days
> ago to do exactly that and chop/merge bootp_subr.c and nfs_diskless.c
> into the network interface, bootp/dhcp and nfs parts.  All of which
> gets tied into vfs_mountroot.c to work the same as ufs, zfs or md root
> mounting.  Downloading a md root image via HTTP as another option is
> the goal. : )

This is fantastic. :)  If you need a tester, let me know when you've got


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