svn commit: r202186 - user/luigi/ipfw3-head/sys/netinet/ipfw

Luigi Rizzo luigi at
Wed Jan 13 12:21:59 UTC 2010

Author: luigi
Date: Wed Jan 13 12:21:58 2010
New Revision: 202186

  some documentation and API fixes


Modified: user/luigi/ipfw3-head/sys/netinet/ipfw/dn_heap.c
--- user/luigi/ipfw3-head/sys/netinet/ipfw/dn_heap.c	Wed Jan 13 08:53:23 2010	(r202185)
+++ user/luigi/ipfw3-head/sys/netinet/ipfw/dn_heap.c	Wed Jan 13 12:21:58 2010	(r202186)
@@ -71,8 +71,8 @@ MALLOC_DEFINE(M_DN_HEAP, "dummynet", "du
 #define	HEAP_SWAP(a, b, buffer) { buffer = a ; a = b ; b = buffer ; }
 #define HEAP_INCREMENT	15
-heap_init(struct dn_heap *h, int new_size)
+static int
+heap_resize(struct dn_heap *h, int new_size)
 	struct dn_heap_entry *p;
@@ -96,6 +96,16 @@ heap_init(struct dn_heap *h, int new_siz
 	return 0;
+heap_init(struct dn_heap *h, int size, int ofs)
+	if (heap_resize(h, size))
+		return 1;
+	h->elements = 0;
+	h->ofs = ofs;
+	return 0;
  * Insert element in heap. Normally, p != NULL, we insert p in
  * a new position and bubble up. If p == NULL, then the element is
@@ -106,16 +116,18 @@ heap_init(struct dn_heap *h, int new_siz
  * If ofs > 0 the position (index, int) of the element in the heap is
  * also stored in the element itself at the given offset in bytes.
-#define SET_OFFSET(heap, node) \
-    if (heap->ofs > 0) \
-	    *((int *)((char *)(heap->p[node].object) + heap->ofs)) = node;
+#define SET_OFFSET(h, i) do {					\
+	if (h->ofs > 0)						\
+	    *((int32_t *)((char *)(h->p[i].object) + h->ofs)) = i;	\
+	} while (0)
  * RESET_OFFSET is used for sanity checks. It sets ofs
  * to an invalid value.
-#define RESET_OFFSET(heap, node) \
-    if (heap->ofs > 0) \
-	*((int *)((char *)(heap->p[node].object) + heap->ofs)) = -1;
+#define RESET_OFFSET(h, i) do {					\
+	if (h->ofs > 0)						\
+	    *((int32_t *)((char *)(h->p[i].object) + h->ofs)) = -1;	\
+	} while (0)
 heap_insert(struct dn_heap *h, uint64_t key1, void *p)
@@ -123,12 +135,13 @@ heap_insert(struct dn_heap *h, uint64_t 
 	int son = h->elements;
 	//log("%s key %llu p %p\n", __FUNCTION__, key1, p);
-	if (p == NULL)	/* data already there, set starting point */
+	if (p == NULL) { /* data already there, set starting point */
 		son = key1;
-	else {/* insert new element at the end, possibly resize */
+	} else { /* insert new element at the end, possibly resize */
 		son = h->elements;
 		if (son == h->size) /* need resize... */
-			if (heap_init(h, h->elements+1) )
+			// XXX expand by 16 or so
+			if (heap_resize(h, h->elements+16) )
 				return 1; /* failure... */
 		h->p[son].object = p;
 		h->p[son].key = key1;
@@ -170,7 +183,7 @@ heap_extract(struct dn_heap *h, void *ob
 				__FUNCTION__, h);
 		father = *((int *)((char *)obj + h->ofs));
 		if (father < 0 || father >= h->elements) {
-			panic("%s: heap_extract, father %d out of bound 0..%d\n",
+			panic("%s: father %d out of bound 0..%d\n",
 				__FUNCTION__, father, h->elements);
@@ -208,33 +221,32 @@ heap_extract(struct dn_heap *h, void *ob
 static void
 heap_move(struct dn_heap *h, uint64_t new_key, void *object)
-	int temp;
-	int i;
-	int max = h->elements-1;
-	struct dn_heap_entry buf;
+	int temp, i, max = h->elements-1;
+	struct dn_heap_entry *p, buf;
 	if (h->ofs <= 0)
 		panic("cannot move items on this heap");
+	p = h->p;	/* shortcut */
 	i = *((int *)((char *)object + h->ofs));
-	if (DN_KEY_LT(new_key, h->p[i].key) ) { /* must move up */
-		h->p[i].key = new_key;
+	if (DN_KEY_LT(new_key, p[i].key) ) { /* must move up */
+		p[i].key = new_key;
 		for (; i>0 &&
-		    DN_KEY_LT(new_key, h->p[(temp = HEAP_FATHER(i))].key);
+		    DN_KEY_LT(new_key, p[(temp = HEAP_FATHER(i))].key);
 		    i = temp ) { /* bubble up */
-			HEAP_SWAP(h->p[i], h->p[temp], buf);
+			HEAP_SWAP(p[i], p[temp], buf);
 			SET_OFFSET(h, i);
 	} else {		/* must move down */
-		h->p[i].key = new_key;
+		p[i].key = new_key;
 		while ( (temp = HEAP_LEFT(i)) <= max ) {
 			/* found left child */
-			if ((temp != max) &&
-			    DN_KEY_GT(h->p[temp].key, h->p[temp+1].key))
+			if (temp != max &&
+			    DN_KEY_LT(p[temp+1].key, p[temp].key))
 				temp++; /* select child with min key */
-			if (DN_KEY_GT(new_key, h->p[temp].key)) {
+			if (DN_KEY_LT(>p[temp].key, new_key)) {
 				/* go down */
-				HEAP_SWAP(h->p[i], h->p[temp], buf);
+				HEAP_SWAP(p[i], p[temp], buf);
 				SET_OFFSET(h, i);
 			} else
@@ -295,6 +307,16 @@ heap_free(struct dn_heap *h)
  * hash table support.
+struct dn_ht {
+        int buckets;            /* how many buckets */
+        int entries;            /* how many entries */
+        int ofs;	        /* offset of link field */
+	void *arg;		/* argument to the three functions */
+        int (*hash)(uintptr_t, int, void *arg);
+        int (*match)(void *_el, uintptr_t key, int, void *);
+        void *(*new)(uintptr_t, int, void *);
+        void **ht;              /* bucket heads */
  * Initialize, allocating bucket pointers inline.
  * Recycle previous record if possible.
@@ -343,6 +365,16 @@ dn_ht_init(struct dn_ht *ht, int buckets
 	return ht;
+dn_ht_free(struct dn_ht *ht, int flags)
+	if (ht == NULL)
+		return;
+	if (ht->ht && ht->ht != (void *)(ht + 1))
+		free(ht->ht, M_DN_HEAP);
+	free(ht, M_DN_HEAP);
 /* lookup and optionally create or delete element */
 void *
 dn_ht_find(struct dn_ht *ht, uintptr_t key, int flags)
@@ -517,7 +549,7 @@ main(int argc, char *argv[])
 		n = 1000000;
 	n3 = (argc > 3) ? atoi(argv[3]) : 0;
 	bzero(&h, sizeof(h));
-	heap_init(&h, n);
+	heap_init(&h, n, -1);
 	while (n2-- > 0) {
 		uint64_t prevk = 0;
 		for (i=0; i < n; i++)

Modified: user/luigi/ipfw3-head/sys/netinet/ipfw/dn_heap.h
--- user/luigi/ipfw3-head/sys/netinet/ipfw/dn_heap.h	Wed Jan 13 08:53:23 2010	(r202185)
+++ user/luigi/ipfw3-head/sys/netinet/ipfw/dn_heap.h	Wed Jan 13 12:21:58 2010	(r202186)
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright (c) 1998-2002 Luigi Rizzo, Universita` di Pisa
+ * Copyright (c) 1998-2010 Luigi Rizzo, Universita` di Pisa
  * All rights reserved
  * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
@@ -31,77 +31,137 @@
 #define DN_KEY_LT(a,b)     ((int64_t)((a)-(b)) < 0)
 #define DN_KEY_LEQ(a,b)    ((int64_t)((a)-(b)) <= 0)
-#define DN_KEY_GT(a,b)     ((int64_t)((a)-(b)) > 0)
-#define DN_KEY_GEQ(a,b)    ((int64_t)((a)-(b)) >= 0)
- * A heap entry is made of a key and a pointer to the actual
- * object stored in the heap.
- * The heap is an array of dn_heap_entry entries, dynamically allocated.
- * Current size is "size", with "elements" actually in use.
- * The heap normally supports only ordered insert and extract from the top.
- * If we want to extract an object from the middle of the heap, we
- * have to know where the object itself is located in the heap (or we
- * need to scan the whole array). To this purpose, an object has a
- * field (int) which contains the index of the object itself into the
- * heap. When the object is moved, the field must also be updated.
- * The offset of the index in the object is stored in the 'ofs'
- * field in the heap descriptor. The assumption is that this offset
- * is non-zero if we want to support extract from the middle.
+ * This module implements a binary heap supporting random extraction.
+ *
+ * A heap entry contains an uint64_t key and a pointer to object.
+ * DN_KEY_LT(a,b) returns true if key 'a' is smaller than 'b'
+ *
+ * The heap is a struct dn_heap plus a dynamically allocated
+ * array of dn_heap_entry entries. 'size' represents the size of
+ * the array, 'elements' count entries in use. The topmost
+ * element has the smallest key.
+ * The heap supports ordered insert, and extract from the top.
+ * To extract an object from the middle of the heap, we the object
+ * must reserve an 'int32_t' to store the position of the object
+ * in the heap itself, and the location of this field must be
+ * passed as an argument to heap_init() -- use -1 if the feature
+ * is not used.
 struct dn_heap_entry {
-	uint64_t key;	/* sorting key. Topmost element is smallest one */
+	uint64_t key;	/* sorting key, smallest comes first */
 	void *object;	/* object pointer */
-} ;
 struct dn_heap {
 	int size;	/* the size of the array */
 	int elements;	/* elements in use */
-	int ofs; /* XXX if > 0 this is the offset of direct ptr to obj */
-	struct dn_heap_entry *p;	/* really an array of "size" entries */
-} ;
+	int ofs;	/* offset in the object of heap index */
+	struct dn_heap_entry *p;	/* array of "size" entries */
-/* HEAP_TOP returns the pointer to the top element of the heap */
-#define HEAP_TOP(h)	((h)->p)
-#define SET_HEAP_OFS(h, n)	do { (h)->ofs = n; } while (0)
-int     heap_init(struct dn_heap *h, int size);
-int     heap_insert (struct dn_heap *h, uint64_t key1, void *p);
-void    heap_extract(struct dn_heap *h, void *obj);
-/* void heapify(struct dn_heap *h); */
-void heap_free(struct dn_heap *h);
 enum {
- * heap_scan scans the entire heap calling fn on each entry. 
- * fn() can return a combination of HEAP_SCAN_DEL and HEAP_SCAN_END,
- * where HEAP_SCAN_DEL means the current element must be removed,
- * and HEAP_SCAN_END means no further entry need to be analysed.
- * At the end, heap_scan calls heapify() if records are deleted.
- * The function returns the number of matching elements.
+ * heap_init() reinitializes the heap setting the size and the offset
+ *	of the index for random extraction (use -1 if not used).
+ *	The 'elements' counter is set to 0.
+ *
+ * SET_HEAP_OFS() indicates where, in the object, is stored the index
+ *	for random extractions from the heap.
+ *
+ * heap_free() frees the memory associated to a heap.
+ *
+ * heap_insert() adds a key-pointer pair to the heap
+ *
+ * HEAP_TOP() returns a pointer to the top element of the heap,
+ *	but makes no checks on its existance (XXX should we change ?)
+ *
+ * heap_extract() removes the entry at the top, returing the pointer.
+ *	(the key should have been read before).
+ *
+ * heap_scan() invokes a callback on each entry of the heap.
+ *	The callback can return a combination of HEAP_SCAN_DEL and
+ *	HEAP_SCAN_END. HEAP_SCAN_DEL means the current element must
+ *	be removed, and HEAP_SCAN_END means to terminate the scan.
+ *	heap_scan() returns the number of elements removed.
+ *	Because the order is not guaranteed, we should use heap_scan()
+ *	only as a last resort mechanism.
+#define HEAP_TOP(h)	((h)->p)
+#define SET_HEAP_OFS(h, n)	do { (h)->ofs = n; } while (0)
+int     heap_init(struct dn_heap *h, int size, int ofs);
+int     heap_insert(struct dn_heap *h, uint64_t key1, void *p);
+void    heap_extract(struct dn_heap *h, void *obj);
+void heap_free(struct dn_heap *h);
 int heap_scan(struct dn_heap *, int (*)(void *, uintptr_t), uintptr_t);
-/*--- generic hash table support ---*/
-struct dn_ht {
-        int buckets;            /* how many buckets */
-        int entries;            /* how many entries */
-        int ofs;	        /* offset of link field */
-	void *arg;		/* argument to the three functions */
-        int (*hash)(uintptr_t, int, void *arg);
-        int (*match)(void *_el, uintptr_t key, int, void *);
-        void *(*new)(uintptr_t, int, void *);
-        void **ht;              /* bucket heads */
+ * This module implements a generic hash table with support for
+ * running callbacks on the entire table. To avoid allocating
+ * memory during hash table operations, objects must reserve
+ * space for a link field. XXX if the heap is moderately full,
+ * an SLIST suffices, and we can tolerate the cost of a hash
+ * computation on each removal.
+ *
+ * dn_ht_init() initializes the table, setting the number of
+ *	buckets, the offset of the link field, the main callbacks,
+ *	and an extra argument passed to the callbacks together
+ *	with 'flags' which is defined below. Callbacks are:
+ * 
+ *	hash(key, flags, arg) called to return a bucket index.
+ *	match(obj, key, flags, arg) called to determine if key
+ *		matches the current 'obj' in the heap
+ *	new(key, flags, arg) optional, used to allocate a new
+ *		object during insertions.
+ *
+ * dn_ht_free() frees the heap, optionally unlinking elements
+ *	(XXX unlink is optional and serves only to avoid stale
+ *	pointers in the objects. Probably useless.)
+ *
+ * dn_ht_find() is the main lookup function, which can also be
+ *	used to insert or delete elements in the hash table.
+ *
+ * dn_ht_scan() is used to invoke a callback on all entries of
+ *	the heap, or possibly on just one bucket. The callback
+ *	is invoked with a pointer to the object, and must return
+ *	one of DNHT_SCAN_DEL or DNHT_SCAN_END to request the
+ *	removal of the object from the heap and the end of the
+ *	scan, respectively.
+ *
+ * A combination of flags can be used to modify the operation
+ * of the dn_ht_find(), and of the callbacks:
+ *
+ * DNHT_KEY_IS_OBJ	means the key is the object pointer.
+ *	It is usally of interest for the hash and match functions.
+ *
+ * DNHT_MATCH_PTR	during a lookup, match pointers instead
+ *	of calling match(). Normally used when removing specific
+ *	entries. XXX should it imply DNHT_KEY_IS_OBJ ?
+ *
+ * DNHT_INSERT		insert the element if not found.
+ *	Calls new() to allocates a new object unless
+ *	DNHT_KEY_IS_OBJ is set.
+ *
+ * DNHT_UNIQUE		only insert if object not found.
+ *	XXX should it imply DNHT_INSERT ?
+ *
+ * DNHT_REMOVE		remove objects if we find them.
+ */
+struct dn_ht;	/* should be opaque */
 struct dn_ht *dn_ht_init(struct dn_ht *, int buckets, int ofs, 
         int (*hash)(uintptr_t, int, void *),
         int (*match)(void *, uintptr_t, int, void *),
         void *(*new)(uintptr_t, int, void *), void *arg);
-/* lookup and optionally create or remove element. Flags described below */
 void *dn_ht_find(struct dn_ht *, uintptr_t key, int flags);
+int dn_ht_scan(struct dn_ht *, int (*)(void *, void *), void *);
+void dn_ht_free(struct dn_ht *, int flags);
 enum {  /* flags values.
 	 * first two are returned by the scan callback to indicate
@@ -115,6 +175,5 @@ enum {  /* flags values.
         DNHT_UNIQUE	= 0x0020,	/* report error if already there */
         DNHT_REMOVE	= 0x0040,	/* remove on find */
-int dn_ht_scan(struct dn_ht *, int (*)(void *, void *), void *);
 #endif /* _IP_DN_HEAP_H */

Modified: user/luigi/ipfw3-head/sys/netinet/ipfw/dn_sched.h
--- user/luigi/ipfw3-head/sys/netinet/ipfw/dn_sched.h	Wed Jan 13 08:53:23 2010	(r202185)
+++ user/luigi/ipfw3-head/sys/netinet/ipfw/dn_sched.h	Wed Jan 13 12:21:58 2010	(r202186)
@@ -57,84 +57,56 @@ struct dn_sched {
 	size_t schk_len;
 	/*    + per-instance parameters, such as timestamps,
-	 *	ccontainers for queues, etc;
+	 *	containers for queues, etc;
 	size_t sch_inst_len;
-	/*    + per-flowset parameters, such as individual weights,
-	 *	priorities, queue limits, slot sizes...
-	 */
-	size_t fs_len;        // fs_arg
-	/*    + per-queue parameters (what for ?)
-	 */
-	size_t queue_len;          // queue_arg
+	size_t queue_len;	/* per-queue parameters (e.g. S,F) */
 	SLIST_ENTRY(dn_sched) next; /* Next scheduler in the list */
 	 * Methods implemented by the scheduler:
-	 * enqueue	enqueue packet 'm' on scheduler 's'. 'id' is
-	 *	the flow id of the packet, 'f' contains
-	 *	flowset-specific data. Must returns 1 if the packet
-	 *	is NOT enqueued.
+	 * enqueue	enqueue packet 'm' on scheduler 's', queue 'q'.
+	 *	q is NULL for !MULTIQUEUE.
+	 *	Return 0 on success, 1 on drop (packet consumed anyways).
 	 * dequeue	Called when scheduler instance 's' can
 	 *	dequeue a packet. Return NULL if none are available.
 	 *	XXX what about non work-conserving ?
-	 * config	called on 'sched X config ...'
-	 *	updates the field sch_arg
+	 * config	called on 'sched X config ...', normally writes
+	 *	in the area of size sch_arg
 	 * destroy	called on 'sched delete', frees everything
 	 *	in sch_arg (other parts are handled by more specific
 	 *	functions)
-	 * new_sched    called when a new instance is
-	 *	created by find_scheduler.
-	 *	Updates sch_runtime
-	 *
-	 * free_sched	called when deleting an instance
-	 *	cleans everything linked to sch_runtime
-	 *
-	 * new_fs    called on 'queue XX config', create fs_arg
-	 *	if the reconfigure flag is set, it means that
-	 *	the fs_arg already exists and need to be update
-	 *
-	 * free_fs    called on 'queue XX delete', frees things in
-	 *	fs_arg. Also called on a 'queue XX config' if the
-	 *	scheduler is different from what was previously.
-	 *
-	 * new_queue	called to link a new queue to sch_runtime
-	 *	can be used to set queue variables e.g. virtual times,
-	 *	update sum of weights, etc.
+	 * new_sched    called when a new instance is created, e.g.
+	 *	to create the local queue for !MULTIQUEUE, set V or
+	 *	copy parameters for WFQ, and so on.
-	 * free_queue	called to unlink a queue from sch_runtime
-	 *	possibly update sum of weights, etc.
+	 * free_sched	called when deleting an instance, cleans
+	 *	extra data in the per-instance area.
-	 *  drain_queue     called to free all idle queues, or possibly all of
-	 *                  them (this is a subset of delete_scheduler_instance)
+	 * new_queue	called to set the per-queue parameters,
+	 *	e.g. S and F, adjust sum of weights in the parent, etc.
+	 *
+	 * free_queue	actions related to a queue removal, e.g. undo
+	 *	all the above.
 	int (*enqueue)(struct new_sch_inst *, struct new_queue *,
 		struct mbuf *);
 	struct mbuf * (*dequeue)(struct new_sch_inst *);
-	/* config or destroy the scheduler template */
 	int (*config)(struct new_schk *, int reconfigure);
 	int (*destroy)(struct new_schk*, int delete);
-	/* create, drain or destroy a new scheduler instance */
 	int (*new_sched)(struct new_schk *, struct new_sch_inst *);
 	int (*free_sched)(struct new_sch_inst *);
-	/* init or deinit a flowset attached to this scheduler */
-	int (*new_fs)(void *command, struct dn_id *g, int reconfigure);
-	int (*free_fs)(struct new_fsk *);
-	/* init or destroy a queue attached to this scheduler */
 	int (*new_queue)(struct new_queue *q);
 	int (*free_queue)(struct new_queue *q);
 SLIST_HEAD(dn_sched_head, dn_sched);
@@ -142,54 +114,13 @@ SLIST_HEAD(dn_sched_head, dn_sched);
  * Additionally, dummynet exports some variables, functions and macros
  * to be used by schedulers.
 /* delete a queue, which we assume nobody references */
 int dn_delete_queue(struct new_queue *q);
-/*  Allocate an hash table.
- * Returns the pointer to the table
- * - rq_size:       the returned size of table
- * - rq_elements:   the number of elements present in the table
- * - bucket:        the desidered size of the table
- */
-struct new_queue ** dn_alloc_hash_queue(int *rq_size, int *rq_elements,
-                                         int bucket);
-/* Delete all packets from queue 'q' */
-int dn_purge_queue(struct new_queue *q);
-/* Really enqueue the packet 'm' into queue 'q'.
- * If the packet is dropped, the function returns 1
- */
-int dn_queue_packet(struct new_queue *q, struct mbuf* m);
-/* Drop a packet 'm' that belong to queue 'q'
- * NOTE: q should be NULL if the queue doesn't exist
- */
-int dn_drop_packet(struct new_queue *q, struct mbuf* m);
-/* Returns the index of array of hash table.
- * The hash is done using flowset pointer and the flow id of the packet.
- * - id:        flow id
- * - f:         pointer to the flowset (private data)
- * - rq_size:   size of the hash table
- */
-int dn_i_hash_id(struct ipfw_flow_id *id, struct dn_id *f, int rq_size);
-/* Returns the queue that match the flowid at the index i, if exists.
- * Returns NULL if the queue doesn't exist.
- * - id:    flow id of the packet
- * - i:     index of the hash table
- * - rq:    pointer to the hash table
- * - f:     pointer to flowset scheduler specific data. Used to access to
- *          the flowset generic data
- */
-struct new_queue * dn_q_hash_id(struct ipfw_flow_id *id, int i,
-                                 struct new_queue **rq, struct dn_id *f);
+int dn_queue_packet(struct new_queue *q, struct mbuf* m, int drop);
  * Extract the head of a queue, update stats. Must be the very last
- * thing done on a queue as the queue itself may go away.
+ * thing done on a dequeue as the queue itself may go away.
 static __inline struct mbuf*
 dn_return_packet(struct new_queue *q)
@@ -211,8 +142,7 @@ int dn_sched_modevent(module_t mod, int 
 	static moduledata_t name##_mod = {			\
 		#name, dn_sched_modevent, dnsched		\
 	};							\
-	DECLARE_MODULE(name, name##_mod, SI_SUB_DRIVERS,	\
-		 SI_ORDER_MIDDLE); 				\
+	DECLARE_MODULE(name, name##_mod, 			\
         MODULE_DEPEND(name, dummynet, 3, 3, 3);
 #endif /* _DN_SCHED_H */

Modified: user/luigi/ipfw3-head/sys/netinet/ipfw/dn_sched_fifo.c
--- user/luigi/ipfw3-head/sys/netinet/ipfw/dn_sched_fifo.c	Wed Jan 13 08:53:23 2010	(r202185)
+++ user/luigi/ipfw3-head/sys/netinet/ipfw/dn_sched_fifo.c	Wed Jan 13 12:21:58 2010	(r202186)
@@ -60,8 +60,8 @@ fifo_enqueue(struct new_sch_inst *_si, s
 	int ret;
 	struct new_fsk *fs = (struct new_fsk *)q; /* q contains the fs */
 	q = (struct new_queue *)(_si+1);
-	q->fs = fs;
-	ret = dn_queue_packet(q, m);
+	q->fs = fs; // XXX revise
+	ret = dn_queue_packet(q, m, 0);
 	q->fs = NULL;
 	if (ret) {
 		printf("%s dn_queue_packet dropped\n", __FUNCTION__);

Modified: user/luigi/ipfw3-head/sys/netinet/ipfw/dn_sched_wf2q.c
--- user/luigi/ipfw3-head/sys/netinet/ipfw/dn_sched_wf2q.c	Wed Jan 13 08:53:23 2010	(r202185)
+++ user/luigi/ipfw3-head/sys/netinet/ipfw/dn_sched_wf2q.c	Wed Jan 13 12:21:58 2010	(r202186)
@@ -62,11 +62,8 @@ fifo_enqueue(struct new_sch_inst *_si, s
     /* the queue is actually the flowset. */
     q = (struct new_queue *)(_si+1);
     q->fs = fs;
-    if (dn_queue_packet(q, m)) {
-	    printf("%s dn_queue_packet failed\n", __FUNCTION__);
-        /* packet was dropped */
+    if (dn_queue_packet(q, m, 0))
         return 1;
-    }
     /* Ok, the packet is now in the queue.
      * The dequeue() function will be called when the scheduler

Modified: user/luigi/ipfw3-head/sys/netinet/ipfw/ip_dn_io.c
--- user/luigi/ipfw3-head/sys/netinet/ipfw/ip_dn_io.c	Wed Jan 13 08:53:23 2010	(r202185)
+++ user/luigi/ipfw3-head/sys/netinet/ipfw/ip_dn_io.c	Wed Jan 13 12:21:58 2010	(r202186)
@@ -31,8 +31,6 @@
 #include <sys/cdefs.h>
 #include "opt_inet6.h"
 #include <sys/param.h>
@@ -71,11 +69,6 @@ __FBSDID("$FreeBSD$");
 static dn_key curr_time = 0 ; /* current simulation time */
-/* statistics on number of queue searches and search steps */
-static long searches, search_steps ;
-static int pipe_expire = 1 ;   /* expire queue if empty */
-static int dn_max_ratio = 16 ; /* max queues/buckets ratio */
 struct dn_parms dn_cfg = {
 	.pipe_slot_limit = 100, /* Foot shooting limit for pipe queues. */
 	.pipe_byte_limit = 1024 * 1024,
@@ -104,28 +97,6 @@ static unsigned long	io_pkt_drop;
  * The heap is checked at every tick and all entities with expired events
  * are extracted.
- * The key for the heap is used for two different values:
- *
- * 1. timer ticks- max 10K/second, so 32 bits are enough;
- *
- * 2. virtual times. These increase in steps of len/x, where len is the
- *    packet length, and x is either the weight of the flow, or the
- *    sum of all weights.
- *    If we limit to max 1000 flows and a max weight of 100, then
- *    x needs 17 bits. The packet size is 16 bits, so we can easily
- *    overflow if we do not allow errors.
- * So we use a key "dn_key" which is 64 bits. Some macros are used to
- * compare key values and handle wraparounds.
- * MAX64 returns the largest of two key values.
- * MY_M is used as a shift count when doing fixed point arithmetic
- * (a better name would be useful...).
- * XXX With this scaling, max 1000 flows, max weight 100, 1Gbit/s, the
- * virtual time wraps every 15 days.
- */
-#define MAX64(x,y)  (( (int64_t) ( (y)-(x) )) > 0 ) ? (y) : (x)
-#define MY_M    16 /* shift for fixed point arithmetic */
 MALLOC_DEFINE(M_DUMMYNET, "dummynet", "dummynet heap");
@@ -138,15 +109,6 @@ SYSCTL_DECL(_net_inet_ip);
 SYSCTL_NODE(_net_inet_ip, OID_AUTO, dummynet, CTLFLAG_RW, 0, "Dummynet");
 SYSCTL_INT(_net_inet_ip_dummynet, OID_AUTO, hash_size,
     CTLFLAG_RW, &dn_cfg.hash_size, 0, "Default hash table size");
-SYSCTL_LONG(_net_inet_ip_dummynet, OID_AUTO, searches,
-    CTLFLAG_RD, &searches, 0, "Number of queue searches");
-SYSCTL_LONG(_net_inet_ip_dummynet, OID_AUTO, search_steps,
-    CTLFLAG_RD, &search_steps, 0, "Number of queue search steps");
-SYSCTL_INT(_net_inet_ip_dummynet, OID_AUTO, expire,
-    CTLFLAG_RW, &pipe_expire, 0, "Expire queue if empty");
-SYSCTL_INT(_net_inet_ip_dummynet, OID_AUTO, max_chain_len,
-    CTLFLAG_RW, &dn_max_ratio, 0,
-    "Max ratio between dynamic queues and buckets");
 SYSCTL_INT(_net_inet_ip_dummynet, OID_AUTO, red_lookup_depth,
     CTLFLAG_RD, &dn_cfg.red_lookup_depth, 0, "Depth of RED lookup table");
 SYSCTL_INT(_net_inet_ip_dummynet, OID_AUTO, red_avg_pkt_size,
@@ -230,15 +192,16 @@ mq_append(struct mq *q, struct mbuf *m)
- * Enqueue a packet in q, subject to space and queue management policy.
+ * Enqueue a packet in q, subject to space and queue management policy
+ * (whose parameters are in q->fs).
  * Update stats for the queue and the scheduler.
  * Return 0 on success, 1 on drop. The packet is consumed anyways.
-dn_queue_packet(struct new_queue *q, struct mbuf* m)
+dn_queue_packet(struct new_queue *q, struct mbuf* m, int drop)
 	struct new_fs *f;
-	struct new_inst *ni;
+	struct new_inst *ni;	/* stats for scheduler instance */
 	uint64_t len;
 	f = &(q->fs->fs);
@@ -249,6 +212,8 @@ dn_queue_packet(struct new_queue *q, str
 	ni->tot_bytes += len;
+	if (drop)
+		goto drop;
 	if (f->plr && random() < f->plr)
 		goto drop;
 	if (f->flags & DN_QSIZE_BYTES) {
@@ -293,7 +258,7 @@ transmit_event(struct mq *q, struct dela
 	if (m != NULL) {
 		dline->oid.subtype = 1; /* in heap */
-		heap_insert(&dn_cfg.system_heap, pkt->output_time, dline);
+		heap_insert(&dn_cfg.evheap, pkt->output_time, dline);
@@ -377,7 +342,7 @@ serve_sched(struct mq *q, struct new_sch
 		if (m)
 			dn_tag_get(m)->output_time += t;
 		si->kflags |= DN_ACTIVE;
-		heap_insert(&dn_cfg.system_heap, now + t, si);
+		heap_insert(&dn_cfg.evheap, now + t, si);
 	if (delay_line_idle && done)
 		transmit_event(q, &si->dline, now);
@@ -392,69 +357,67 @@ serve_sched(struct mq *q, struct new_sch
 dummynet_task(void *context, int pending)
-    struct timeval t;
-    struct mq q = { NULL, NULL }; /* queue to accumulate results */
+	struct timeval t;
+	struct mq q = { NULL, NULL }; /* queue to accumulate results */
-    /* Update number of lost(coalesced) ticks. */
-    tick_lost += pending - 1;
-    getmicrouptime(&t);
-    /* Last tick duration (usec). */
-    tick_last = (t.tv_sec - dn_cfg.prev_t.tv_sec) * 1000000 +
-			(t.tv_usec - dn_cfg.prev_t.tv_usec);
-    /* Last tick vs standard tick difference (usec). */
-    tick_delta = (tick_last * hz - 1000000) / hz;
-    /* Accumulated tick difference (usec). */
-    tick_delta_sum += tick_delta;
-    dn_cfg.prev_t = t;
-    /*
-     * Adjust curr_time if the accumulated tick difference is
-     * greater than the 'standard' tick. Since curr_time should
-     * be monotonically increasing, we do positive adjustments
-     * as required, and throttle curr_time in case of negative
-     * adjustment.
-     */
-    curr_time++;
-    if (tick_delta_sum - tick >= 0) {
-	int diff = tick_delta_sum / tick;
-	curr_time += diff;
-	tick_diff += diff;
-	tick_delta_sum %= tick;
-	tick_adjustment++;
-    } else if (tick_delta_sum + tick <= 0) {
-	curr_time--;
-	tick_diff--;
-	tick_delta_sum += tick;
-	tick_adjustment++;
-    }
+	/* Update number of lost(coalesced) ticks. */
+	tick_lost += pending - 1;
-    /* serve pending events, accumulate in q */
-    for (;;) {
-	struct dn_id *p;    /* generic parameter to handler */
-	if (dn_cfg.system_heap.elements > 0 &&
-		DN_KEY_LEQ(HEAP_TOP(&dn_cfg.system_heap)->key, curr_time)) {
-	    p = HEAP_TOP(&dn_cfg.system_heap)->object;
-	    heap_extract(&dn_cfg.system_heap, NULL);
-	} else {
-	    break;
-	}
+	getmicrouptime(&t);
+	/* Last tick duration (usec). */
+	tick_last = (t.tv_sec - dn_cfg.prev_t.tv_sec) * 1000000 +
+	(t.tv_usec - dn_cfg.prev_t.tv_usec);
+	/* Last tick vs standard tick difference (usec). */
+	tick_delta = (tick_last * hz - 1000000) / hz;
+	/* Accumulated tick difference (usec). */
+	tick_delta_sum += tick_delta;
+	dn_cfg.prev_t = t;
+	/*
+	* Adjust curr_time if the accumulated tick difference is
+	* greater than the 'standard' tick. Since curr_time should
+	* be monotonically increasing, we do positive adjustments
+	* as required, and throttle curr_time in case of negative
+	* adjustment.
+	*/
+	curr_time++;
+	if (tick_delta_sum - tick >= 0) {
+		int diff = tick_delta_sum / tick;
+		curr_time += diff;
+		tick_diff += diff;
+		tick_delta_sum %= tick;
+		tick_adjustment++;
+	} else if (tick_delta_sum + tick <= 0) {
+		curr_time--;
+		tick_diff--;
+		tick_delta_sum += tick;
+		tick_adjustment++;
+	}
+	/* serve pending events, accumulate in q */
+	for (;;) {
+		struct dn_id *p;    /* generic parameter to handler */
-	if (p->type == DN_SCH_I) {
-	    serve_sched(&q, (struct new_sch_inst *)p, curr_time);
-	} else { /* extracted a delay line */
-	    transmit_event(&q, (struct delay_line *)p, curr_time);
+		if (dn_cfg.evheap.elements == 0 ||
+		    DN_KEY_LT(curr_time, HEAP_TOP(&dn_cfg.evheap)->key))
+			break;
+		p = HEAP_TOP(&dn_cfg.evheap)->object;
+		heap_extract(&dn_cfg.evheap, NULL);
+		if (p->type == DN_SCH_I) {
+			serve_sched(&q, (struct new_sch_inst *)p, curr_time);
+		} else { /* extracted a delay line */
+			transmit_event(&q, (struct delay_line *)p, curr_time);
+		}
-    }
-    dn_reschedule();
-    if (q.head != NULL)
-        dummynet_send(q.head);
+	dn_reschedule();
+	if (q.head != NULL)
+		dummynet_send(q.head);

Modified: user/luigi/ipfw3-head/sys/netinet/ipfw/ip_dn_private.h
--- user/luigi/ipfw3-head/sys/netinet/ipfw/ip_dn_private.h	Wed Jan 13 08:53:23 2010	(r202185)
+++ user/luigi/ipfw3-head/sys/netinet/ipfw/ip_dn_private.h	Wed Jan 13 12:21:58 2010	(r202186)
@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ struct dn_parms {
 	int	io_fast;
 	struct timeval prev_t;		/* last time dummynet_tick ran */
-	struct dn_heap	system_heap;	/* scheduled events */
+	struct dn_heap	evheap;	/* scheduled events */
 	/* counters of objects -- used for reporting space */
 	int	schk_count;

Modified: user/luigi/ipfw3-head/sys/netinet/ipfw/ip_dummynet.c
--- user/luigi/ipfw3-head/sys/netinet/ipfw/ip_dummynet.c	Wed Jan 13 08:53:23 2010	(r202185)
+++ user/luigi/ipfw3-head/sys/netinet/ipfw/ip_dummynet.c	Wed Jan 13 12:21:58 2010	(r202186)
@@ -287,11 +287,11 @@ si_destroy(void *_si, void *arg)
 	struct new_queue *q;
 	if (si->kflags & DN_ACTIVE) /* is in the heap */
-		heap_extract(&dn_cfg.system_heap, si);
+		heap_extract(&dn_cfg.evheap, si);
 	if (s->fp->free_sched)
 	if (dl->oid.subtype) /* is in the heap */
-		heap_extract(&dn_cfg.system_heap, dl);
+		heap_extract(&dn_cfg.evheap, dl);
         while ( (q = SLIST_FIRST(&si->ql_list)) ) {
@@ -501,8 +501,7 @@ dummynet_flush(void)
 	dn_ht_scan(dn_cfg.schedhash, schk_del_cb, 0);
 	/* Reinitialize system heap... */
-	heap_init(&dn_cfg.system_heap, 16);
-	SET_HEAP_OFS(&dn_cfg.system_heap, offsetof(struct dn_id, id));
+	heap_init(&dn_cfg.evheap, 16, offsetof(struct dn_id, id));
@@ -1111,7 +1110,7 @@ ip_dn_destroy(void)
 	free(dn_cfg.schedhash, M_DUMMYNET);
-	heap_free(&dn_cfg.system_heap);
+	heap_free(&dn_cfg.evheap);
@@ -1123,6 +1122,7 @@ dummynet_modevent(module_t mod, int type
 	switch (type) {
 	case MOD_LOAD:
+		printf("%s MODLOAD\n", __FUNCTION__);
 		if (ip_dn_io_ptr) {
 			printf("DUMMYNET already loaded\n");
 			return EEXIST ;
@@ -1217,7 +1217,7 @@ static moduledata_t dummynet_mod = {
 DECLARE_MODULE(dummynet, dummynet_mod,
 MODULE_DEPEND(dummynet, ipfw, 2, 2, 2);
 MODULE_VERSION(dummynet, 1);
 /* end of file */

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