svn commit: r367664 - stable/12/usr.sbin/ngctl

Kyle Evans kevans at
Sat Nov 14 02:00:50 UTC 2020

Author: kevans
Date: Sat Nov 14 02:00:50 2020
New Revision: 367664

  MFC r366430: ngctl: add -c (compact output) for the dot command
  The output of "ngctl dot" is suitable for small netgraph networks. Even
  moderate complex netgraph setups (about a dozen nodes) are hard to
  understand from the .dot output, because each node and each hook are shown
  as a full blown structure.
  This patch allows to generate much more compact output and graphs by
  omitting the extra structures for the individual hooks. Instead the names of
  the hooks are labels to the edges.

Directory Properties:
  stable/12/   (props changed)

Modified: stable/12/usr.sbin/ngctl/dot.c
--- stable/12/usr.sbin/ngctl/dot.c	Sat Nov 14 01:58:33 2020	(r367663)
+++ stable/12/usr.sbin/ngctl/dot.c	Sat Nov 14 02:00:50 2020	(r367664)
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
  * dot.c
+ * Copyright (c) 2019 Lutz Donnerhacke
  * Copyright (c) 2004 Brian Fundakowski Feldman
  * Copyright (c) 1996-1999 Whistle Communications, Inc.
  * All rights reserved.
@@ -53,9 +54,11 @@ static int DotCmd(int ac, char **av);
 const struct ngcmd dot_cmd = {
-	"dot [outputfile]",
+	"dot [-c] [outputfile]",
 	"Produce a GraphViz (.dot) of the entire netgraph.",
-	"If no outputfile is specified, stdout will be assumed.",
+	"If no outputfile is specified, stdout will be assumed."
+	" The optional -c argument generates a graph without separate"
+	" structures for edge names. Such a graph is more compact.",
 	{ "graphviz", "confdot" }
@@ -66,12 +69,16 @@ DotCmd(int ac, char **av)
 	struct namelist *nlist;
 	FILE *f = stdout;
 	int ch;
+	int compact = 0;
 	u_int i;
 	/* Get options */
 	optind = 1;
-	while ((ch = getopt(ac, av, "")) != -1) {
+	while ((ch = getopt(ac, av, "c")) != -1) {
 		switch (ch) {
+		case 'c':
+			compact = 1;
+			break;
 		case '?':
 			return (CMDRTN_USAGE);
@@ -109,9 +116,14 @@ DotCmd(int ac, char **av)
 	nlist = (struct namelist *)nlresp->data;
-	fprintf(f, "graph netgraph {\n");
-	/* TODO: implement rank = same or subgraphs at some point */
-	fprintf(f, "\tedge [ weight = 1.0 ];\n");
+	if (compact) {
+		fprintf(f, "digraph netgraph {\n");
+		fprintf(f, "\tedge [ dir = \"none\", fontsize = 10 ];\n");
+	} else {
+		fprintf(f, "graph netgraph {\n");
+		/* TODO: implement rank = same or subgraphs at some point */
+		fprintf(f, "\tedge [ weight = 1.0 ];\n");
+	}
 	fprintf(f, "\tnode [ shape = record, fontsize = 12 ] {\n");
 	for (i = 0; i < nlist->numnames; i++)
 		fprintf(f, "\t\t\"%jx\" [ label = \"{%s:|{%s|[%jx]:}}\" ];\n",
@@ -159,30 +171,40 @@ DotCmd(int ac, char **av)
-		fprintf(f, "\tnode [ shape = octagon, fontsize = 10 ] {\n");
-		for (j = 0; j < ninfo->hooks; j++)
-			fprintf(f, "\t\t\"%jx.%s\" [ label = \"%s\" ];\n",
-			    (uintmax_t)nlist->nodeinfo[i].id,
-			    hlist->link[j].ourhook, hlist->link[j].ourhook);
-		fprintf(f, "\t};\n");
+		if (!compact) {
+			fprintf(f, "\tnode [ shape = octagon, fontsize = 10 ] {\n");
+			for (j = 0; j < ninfo->hooks; j++)
+				fprintf(f, "\t\t\"%jx.%s\" [ label = \"%s\" ];\n",
+				    (uintmax_t)nlist->nodeinfo[i].id,
+				    hlist->link[j].ourhook, hlist->link[j].ourhook);
+			fprintf(f, "\t};\n");
-		fprintf(f, "\t{\n\t\tedge [ weight = 2.0, style = bold ];\n");
-		for (j = 0; j < ninfo->hooks; j++)
-			fprintf(f, "\t\t\"%jx\" -- \"%jx.%s\";\n",
-			    (uintmax_t)nlist->nodeinfo[i].id,
-			    (uintmax_t)nlist->nodeinfo[i].id,
-			    hlist->link[j].ourhook);
-		fprintf(f, "\t};\n");
+			fprintf(f, "\t{\n\t\tedge [ weight = 2.0, style = bold ];\n");
+			for (j = 0; j < ninfo->hooks; j++)
+				fprintf(f, "\t\t\"%jx\" -- \"%jx.%s\";\n",
+				    (uintmax_t)nlist->nodeinfo[i].id,
+				    (uintmax_t)nlist->nodeinfo[i].id,
+				    hlist->link[j].ourhook);
+			fprintf(f, "\t};\n");
+		}
 		for (j = 0; j < ninfo->hooks; j++) {
 			/* Only print the edges going in one direction. */
 			if (hlist->link[j] > nlist->nodeinfo[i].id)
-			fprintf(f, "\t\"%jx.%s\" -- \"%jx.%s\";\n",
-			    (uintmax_t)nlist->nodeinfo[i].id,
-			    hlist->link[j].ourhook,
-			    (uintmax_t)hlist->link[j],
-			    hlist->link[j].peerhook);
+			if (compact) {
+				fprintf(f, "\t\"%jx\" -> \"%jx\" [ headlabel = \"%s\", taillabel = \"%s\" ] ;\n",
+				    (uintmax_t)hlist->link[j],
+				    (uintmax_t)nlist->nodeinfo[i].id,
+				    hlist->link[j].ourhook,
+				    hlist->link[j].peerhook);
+			} else {
+				fprintf(f, "\t\"%jx.%s\" -- \"%jx.%s\";\n",
+				    (uintmax_t)nlist->nodeinfo[i].id,
+				    hlist->link[j].ourhook,
+				    (uintmax_t)hlist->link[j],
+				    hlist->link[j].peerhook);
+			}

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