svn commit: r355520 - stable/12/bin/dd

Matt Macy mmacy at
Sun Dec 8 04:19:07 UTC 2019

Author: mmacy
Date: Sun Dec  8 04:19:05 2019
New Revision: 355520

  MFC r351770,r352920-r352923
  MFCs to dd appear to have been haphazard so selectively
  MFCing individually didn't work easily.
  Add conv=fsync flag to dd
  The fsync flag performs an fsync(2) on the output file before closing it.
  This will be useful for the ZFS test suite.
  Add conv=fdatasync flag to dd
  The fdatasync flag performs an fdatasync(2) on the output file before closing it.
  This will be useful for the ZFS test suite.
  dd: Check result of close(2) for errors
  close(2) can return errors from previous operations which should not be ignored.
  Add oflag=fsync and oflag=sync capability to dd
  Sets the O_FSYNC flag on the output file. oflag=fsync and oflag=sync are
  synonyms just as O_FSYNC and O_SYNC are synonyms. This functionality is
  intended to improve portability of dd commands in the ZFS test suite.
  Add iflag=fullblock to dd
  Normally, count=n means read(2) will be called n times on the input to dd. If
  the read() returns short, as may happen when reading from a pipe, fewer bytes
  will be copied from the input. With conv=sync the buffer is padded with zeros
  to fill the rest of the block.
  iflag=fullblock causes dd to continue reading until the block is full, so that
  count=n means n full blocks are copied. This flag is compatible with illumos
  and GNU dd and is used in the ZFS test suite.
  Submitted by:	Ryan Moeller, Thomas Hurst
  Reviewed by:	manpages, mmacy@
  Sponsored by:	iXsystems, Inc.


Modified: stable/12/bin/dd/args.c
--- stable/12/bin/dd/args.c	Sun Dec  8 04:17:04 2019	(r355519)
+++ stable/12/bin/dd/args.c	Sun Dec  8 04:19:05 2019	(r355520)
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ static char sccsid[] = "@(#)args.c	8.3 (Berkeley) 4/2/
 #include <sys/cdefs.h>
-#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <sys/param.h>
 #include <ctype.h>
 #include <err.h>
@@ -57,6 +57,8 @@ __FBSDID("$FreeBSD$");
 static int	c_arg(const void *, const void *);
 static int	c_conv(const void *, const void *);
+static int	c_iflag(const void *, const void *);
+static int	c_oflag(const void *, const void *);
 static void	f_bs(char *);
 static void	f_cbs(char *);
 static void	f_conv(char *);
@@ -65,8 +67,10 @@ static void	f_files(char *);
 static void	f_fillchar(char *);
 static void	f_ibs(char *);
 static void	f_if(char *);
+static void	f_iflag(char *);
 static void	f_obs(char *);
 static void	f_of(char *);
+static void	f_oflag(char *);
 static void	f_seek(char *);
 static void	f_skip(char *);
 static void	f_speed(char *);
@@ -77,7 +81,7 @@ static off_t	get_off_t(const char *);
 static const struct arg {
 	const char *name;
 	void (*f)(char *);
-	u_int set, noset;
+	uint64_t set, noset;
 } args[] = {
 	{ "bs",		f_bs,		C_BS,	 C_BS|C_IBS|C_OBS|C_OSYNC },
 	{ "cbs",	f_cbs,		C_CBS,	 C_CBS },
@@ -87,9 +91,11 @@ static const struct arg {
 	{ "fillchar",	f_fillchar,	C_FILL,	 C_FILL },
 	{ "ibs",	f_ibs,		C_IBS,	 C_BS|C_IBS },
 	{ "if",		f_if,		C_IF,	 C_IF },
+	{ "iflag",	f_iflag,	0,	 0 },
 	{ "iseek",	f_skip,		C_SKIP,	 C_SKIP },
 	{ "obs",	f_obs,		C_OBS,	 C_BS|C_OBS },
 	{ "of",		f_of,		C_OF,	 C_OF },
+	{ "oflag",	f_oflag,	0,	 0 },
 	{ "oseek",	f_seek,		C_SEEK,	 C_SEEK },
 	{ "seek",	f_seek,		C_SEEK,	 C_SEEK },
 	{ "skip",	f_skip,		C_SKIP,	 C_SKIP },
@@ -256,7 +262,39 @@ f_if(char *arg) = arg;
+static const struct iflag {
+	const char *name;
+	uint64_t set, noset;
+} ilist[] = {
+	{ "fullblock",	C_IFULLBLOCK,	C_SYNC },
 static void
+f_iflag(char *arg)
+	struct iflag *ip, tmp;
+	while (arg != NULL) {
+ = strsep(&arg, ",");
+		ip = bsearch(&tmp, ilist, nitems(ilist), sizeof(struct iflag),
+		    c_iflag);
+		if (ip == NULL)
+			errx(1, "unknown iflag %s",;
+		if (ddflags & ip->noset)
+			errx(1, "%s: illegal conversion combination",;
+		ddflags |= ip->set;
+	}
+static int
+c_iflag(const void *a, const void *b)
+	return (strcmp(((const struct iflag *)a)->name,
+	    ((const struct iflag *)b)->name));
+static void
 f_obs(char *arg)
 	uintmax_t res;
@@ -314,12 +352,14 @@ f_status(char *arg)
 static const struct conv {
 	const char *name;
-	u_int set, noset;
+	uint64_t set, noset;
 	const u_char *ctab;
 } clist[] = {
 	{ "ascii",	C_ASCII,	C_EBCDIC,	e2a_POSIX },
 	{ "block",	C_BLOCK,	C_UNBLOCK,	NULL },
 	{ "ebcdic",	C_EBCDIC,	C_ASCII,	a2e_POSIX },
+	{ "fdatasync",	C_FDATASYNC,	0,		NULL },
+	{ "fsync",	C_FSYNC,	0,		NULL },
 	{ "ibm",	C_EBCDIC,	C_ASCII,	a2ibm_POSIX },
 	{ "lcase",	C_LCASE,	C_UCASE,	NULL },
 	{ "noerror",	C_NOERROR,	0,		NULL },
@@ -334,7 +374,7 @@ static const struct conv {
 	{ "sparse",	C_SPARSE,	0,		NULL },
 	{ "swab",	C_SWAB,		0,		NULL },
-	{ "sync",	C_SYNC,		0,		NULL },
+	{ "sync",	C_SYNC,		C_IFULLBLOCK,	NULL },
 	{ "ucase",	C_UCASE,	C_LCASE,	NULL },
 	{ "unblock",	C_UNBLOCK,	C_BLOCK,	NULL },
@@ -346,8 +386,8 @@ f_conv(char *arg)
 	while (arg != NULL) { = strsep(&arg, ",");
-		cp = bsearch(&tmp, clist, sizeof(clist) / sizeof(struct conv),
-		    sizeof(struct conv), c_conv);
+		cp = bsearch(&tmp, clist, nitems(clist), sizeof(struct conv),
+		    c_conv);
 		if (cp == NULL)
 			errx(1, "unknown conversion %s",;
 		if (ddflags & cp->noset)
@@ -364,6 +404,37 @@ c_conv(const void *a, const void *b)
 	return (strcmp(((const struct conv *)a)->name,
 	    ((const struct conv *)b)->name));
+static const struct oflag {
+	const char *name;
+	uint64_t set;
+} olist[] = {
+	{ "fsync",	C_OFSYNC },
+	{ "sync",	C_OFSYNC },
+static void
+f_oflag(char *arg)
+	struct oflag *op, tmp;
+	while (arg != NULL) {
+ = strsep(&arg, ",");
+		op = bsearch(&tmp, olist, nitems(olist), sizeof(struct oflag),
+		    c_oflag);
+		if (op == NULL)
+			errx(1, "unknown open flag %s",;
+		ddflags |= op->set;
+	}
+static int
+c_oflag(const void *a, const void *b)
+	return (strcmp(((const struct oflag *)a)->name,
+	    ((const struct oflag *)b)->name));
 static intmax_t

Modified: stable/12/bin/dd/dd.1
--- stable/12/bin/dd/dd.1	Sun Dec  8 04:17:04 2019	(r355519)
+++ stable/12/bin/dd/dd.1	Sun Dec  8 04:19:05 2019	(r355520)
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
 .\"     @(#)dd.1	8.2 (Berkeley) 1/13/94
 .\" $FreeBSD$
-.Dd August 8, 2018
+.Dd March 26, 2019
 .Dt DD 1
@@ -102,6 +102,22 @@ bytes instead of the default 512.
 Read input from
 .Ar file
 instead of the standard input.
+.It Cm iflag Ns = Ns Ar value Ns Op , Ns Ar value ...
+.Cm value
+is one of the symbols from the following list.
+.Bl -tag -width "fullblock"
+.It Cm fullblock
+Reading from the input file may not obtain a full block.
+When a read returns short, continue reading to fill the block.
+Without this flag,
+.Cm count
+limits the number of times
+.Xr read 2
+is called on the input rather than the number of blocks copied in full.
+May not be combined with
+.Cm conv=sync .
 .It Cm iseek Ns = Ns Ar n
 Seek on the input file
 .Ar n
@@ -123,6 +139,19 @@ If an initial portion of the output file is seeked pas
 .Cm oseek
 the output file is truncated at that point.
+.It Cm oflag Ns = Ns Ar value Ns Op , Ns Ar value ...
+.Cm value
+is one of the symbols from the following list.
+.Bl -tag -width "fsync"
+.It Cm fsync
+Set the O_FSYNC flag on the output file to make writes synchronous.
+.It Cm sync
+Set the O_SYNC flag on the output file to make writes synchronous.
+This is synonymous with the
+.Cm fsync
 .It Cm oseek Ns = Ns Ar n
 Seek on the output file
 .Ar n
@@ -252,6 +281,14 @@ are maps used in historic
 .No pre- Ns Bx 4.3 reno
+.It Cm fdatasync
+Perform an
+.Xr fdatasync 2
+on the output file before closing it.
+.It Cm fsync
+Perform an
+.Xr fsync 2
+on the output file before closing it.
 .It Cm lcase
 Transform uppercase characters into lowercase characters.
 .It Cm pareven , parnone , parodd , parset
@@ -427,7 +464,8 @@ if necessary, to a 1MiB boundary:
 .Xr mt 1 ,
 .Xr recoverdisk 1 ,
 .Xr tr 1 ,
-.Xr geom 4
+.Xr geom 4 ,
+.Xr trim 8

Modified: stable/12/bin/dd/dd.c
--- stable/12/bin/dd/dd.c	Sun Dec  8 04:17:04 2019	(r355519)
+++ stable/12/bin/dd/dd.c	Sun Dec  8 04:19:05 2019	(r355520)
@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ STAT	st;			/* statistics */
 void	(*cfunc)(void);		/* conversion function */
 uintmax_t cpy_cnt;		/* # of blocks to copy */
 static off_t	pending = 0;	/* pending seek if sparse */
-u_int	ddflags = 0;		/* conversion options */
+uint64_t	ddflags = 0;	/* conversion options */
 size_t	cbsz;			/* conversion block size */
 uintmax_t files_cnt = 1;	/* # of files to copy */
 const	u_char *ctab;		/* conversion table */
@@ -124,7 +124,8 @@ main(int argc __unused, char *argv[])
 	 * descriptor explicitly so that the summary handler (called
 	 * from an atexit() hook) includes this work.
-	close(out.fd);
+	if (close(out.fd) == -1 && errno != EINTR)
+		err(1, "close");
@@ -142,6 +143,7 @@ static void
 	u_int cnt;
+	int oflags;
 	cap_rights_t rights;
 	unsigned long cmds[] = { FIODTYPE, MTIOCTOP };
@@ -164,21 +166,34 @@ setup(void)
 		errx(1, "files is not supported for non-tape devices");
 	cap_rights_set(&rights, CAP_FTRUNCATE, CAP_IOCTL, CAP_WRITE);
+	if (ddflags & (C_FDATASYNC | C_FSYNC))
+		cap_rights_set(&rights, CAP_FSYNC);
 	if ( == NULL) {
 		/* No way to check for read access here. */
 		out.fd = STDOUT_FILENO; = "stdout";
+		if (ddflags & C_OFSYNC) {
+			oflags = fcntl(out.fd, F_GETFL);
+			if (oflags == -1)
+				err(1, "unable to get fd flags for stdout");
+			oflags |= O_FSYNC;
+			if (fcntl(out.fd, F_SETFL, oflags) == -1)
+				err(1, "unable to set fd flags for stdout");
+		}
 	} else {
-#define	OFLAGS \
-    (O_CREAT | (ddflags & (C_SEEK | C_NOTRUNC) ? 0 : O_TRUNC))
-		out.fd = open(, O_RDWR | OFLAGS, DEFFILEMODE);
+		oflags = O_CREAT;
+		if (!(ddflags & (C_SEEK | C_NOTRUNC)))
+			oflags |= O_TRUNC;
+		if (ddflags & C_OFSYNC)
+			oflags |= O_FSYNC;
+		out.fd = open(, O_RDWR | oflags, DEFFILEMODE);
 		 * May not have read access, so try again with write only.
 		 * Without read we may have a problem if output also does
 		 * not support seeks.
 		if (out.fd == -1) {
-			out.fd = open(, O_WRONLY | OFLAGS, DEFFILEMODE);
+			out.fd = open(, O_WRONLY | oflags, DEFFILEMODE);
 			out.flags |= NOREAD;
 			cap_rights_clear(&rights, CAP_READ);
@@ -393,13 +408,15 @@ dd_in(void)
 				memset(in.dbp, 0, in.dbsz);
-		n = read(in.fd, in.dbp, in.dbsz);
-		if (n == 0) {
-			in.dbrcnt = 0;
+		in.dbrcnt = 0;
+		n = read(in.fd, in.dbp + in.dbrcnt, in.dbsz - in.dbrcnt);
+		/* EOF */
+		if (n == 0 && in.dbrcnt == 0)
-		}
-		/* Read error. */
+		/* Read error */
 		if (n == -1) {
 			 * If noerror not specified, die.  POSIX requires that
@@ -423,26 +440,26 @@ dd_in(void)
 			/* If sync not specified, omit block and continue. */
 			if (!(ddflags & C_SYNC))
+		}
-			/* Read errors count as full blocks. */
-			in.dbcnt += in.dbrcnt = in.dbsz;
-			++st.in_full;
+		/* If conv=sync, use the entire block. */
+		if (ddflags & C_SYNC)
+			n = in.dbsz;
-		/* Handle full input blocks. */
-		} else if ((size_t)n == (size_t)in.dbsz) {
-			in.dbcnt += in.dbrcnt = n;
-			++st.in_full;
+		/* Count the bytes read for this block. */
+		in.dbrcnt += n;
-		/* Handle partial input blocks. */
-		} else {
-			/* If sync, use the entire block. */
-			if (ddflags & C_SYNC)
-				in.dbcnt += in.dbrcnt = in.dbsz;
-			else
-				in.dbcnt += in.dbrcnt = n;
+		/* Count the number of full and partial blocks. */
+		if (in.dbrcnt == in.dbsz)
+			++st.in_full;
+		else if (ddflags & C_IFULLBLOCK && n != 0)
+			goto fill; /* these don't count */
+		else
-		}
+		/* Count the total bytes read for this file. */
+		in.dbcnt += in.dbrcnt;
 		 * POSIX states that if bs is set and no other conversions
 		 * than noerror, notrunc or sync are specified, the block
@@ -463,6 +480,7 @@ dd_in(void)
 			swapbytes(in.dbp, (size_t)n);
+		/* Advance to the next block. */
 		in.dbp += in.dbrcnt;
 		if (need_summary)
@@ -504,6 +522,14 @@ dd_close(void)
 	if (out.seek_offset > 0 && (out.flags & ISTRUNC)) {
 		if (ftruncate(out.fd, out.seek_offset) == -1)
 			err(1, "truncating %s",;
+	}
+	if (ddflags & C_FSYNC) {
+		if (fsync(out.fd) == -1)
+			err(1, "fsyncing %s",;
+	} else if (ddflags & C_FDATASYNC) {
+		if (fdatasync(out.fd) == -1)
+			err(1, "fdatasyncing %s",;

Modified: stable/12/bin/dd/dd.h
--- stable/12/bin/dd/dd.h	Sun Dec  8 04:17:04 2019	(r355519)
+++ stable/12/bin/dd/dd.h	Sun Dec  8 04:19:05 2019	(r355520)
@@ -70,37 +70,41 @@ typedef struct {
 } STAT;
 /* Flags (in ddflags). */
-#define	C_ASCII		0x00000001
-#define	C_BLOCK		0x00000002
-#define	C_BS		0x00000004
-#define	C_CBS		0x00000008
-#define	C_COUNT		0x00000010
-#define	C_EBCDIC	0x00000020
-#define	C_FILES		0x00000040
-#define	C_IBS		0x00000080
-#define	C_IF		0x00000100
-#define	C_LCASE		0x00000200
-#define	C_NOERROR	0x00000400
-#define	C_NOTRUNC	0x00000800
-#define	C_OBS		0x00001000
-#define	C_OF		0x00002000
-#define	C_OSYNC		0x00004000
-#define	C_PAREVEN	0x00008000
-#define	C_PARNONE	0x00010000
-#define	C_PARODD	0x00020000
-#define	C_PARSET	0x00040000
-#define	C_SEEK		0x00080000
-#define	C_SKIP		0x00100000
-#define	C_SPARSE	0x00200000
-#define	C_SWAB		0x00400000
-#define	C_SYNC		0x00800000
-#define	C_UCASE		0x01000000
-#define	C_UNBLOCK	0x02000000
-#define	C_FILL		0x04000000
-#define	C_STATUS	0x08000000
-#define	C_NOXFER	0x10000000
-#define	C_NOINFO	0x20000000
-#define	C_PROGRESS	0x40000000
+#define	C_ASCII		0x0000000000000001ULL
+#define	C_BLOCK		0x0000000000000002ULL
+#define	C_BS		0x0000000000000004ULL
+#define	C_CBS		0x0000000000000008ULL
+#define	C_COUNT		0x0000000000000010ULL
+#define	C_EBCDIC	0x0000000000000020ULL
+#define	C_FILES		0x0000000000000040ULL
+#define	C_IBS		0x0000000000000080ULL
+#define	C_IF		0x0000000000000100ULL
+#define	C_LCASE		0x0000000000000200ULL
+#define	C_NOERROR	0x0000000000000400ULL
+#define	C_NOTRUNC	0x0000000000000800ULL
+#define	C_OBS		0x0000000000001000ULL
+#define	C_OF		0x0000000000002000ULL
+#define	C_OSYNC		0x0000000000004000ULL
+#define	C_PAREVEN	0x0000000000008000ULL
+#define	C_PARNONE	0x0000000000010000ULL
+#define	C_PARODD	0x0000000000020000ULL
+#define	C_PARSET	0x0000000000040000ULL
+#define	C_SEEK		0x0000000000080000ULL
+#define	C_SKIP		0x0000000000100000ULL
+#define	C_SPARSE	0x0000000000200000ULL
+#define	C_SWAB		0x0000000000400000ULL
+#define	C_SYNC		0x0000000000800000ULL
+#define	C_UCASE		0x0000000001000000ULL
+#define	C_UNBLOCK	0x0000000002000000ULL
+#define	C_FILL		0x0000000004000000ULL
+#define	C_STATUS	0x0000000008000000ULL
+#define	C_NOXFER	0x0000000010000000ULL
+#define	C_NOINFO	0x0000000020000000ULL
+#define	C_PROGRESS	0x0000000040000000ULL
+#define	C_FSYNC		0x0000000080000000ULL
+#define	C_FDATASYNC	0x0000000100000000ULL
+#define	C_OFSYNC	0x0000000200000000ULL
+#define	C_IFULLBLOCK	0x0000000400000000ULL

Modified: stable/12/bin/dd/extern.h
--- stable/12/bin/dd/extern.h	Sun Dec  8 04:17:04 2019	(r355519)
+++ stable/12/bin/dd/extern.h	Sun Dec  8 04:19:05 2019	(r355520)
@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ extern STAT st;
 extern void (*cfunc)(void);
 extern uintmax_t cpy_cnt;
 extern size_t cbsz;
-extern u_int ddflags;
+extern uint64_t ddflags;
 extern size_t speed;
 extern uintmax_t files_cnt;
 extern const u_char *ctab;

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