svn commit: r289965 - in stable/10: bin/ls bin/ls/tests etc/mtree

Garrett Cooper ngie at
Sun Oct 25 23:03:05 UTC 2015

Author: ngie
Date: Sun Oct 25 23:03:04 2015
New Revision: 289965

  MFC r288330,r288423,r288678,r288905,r288906,r288907,r289102:
  Add initial testcases for bin/ls
  Sponsored by: EMC / Isilon Storage Division
  Skip the B_flag testcase to stop blowing up freebsd-current@ with
  "test failure emails" because kyua report-jenkins doesn't properly
  escape non-printable chars
  Merge additional testcases and improvements to bin/ls/ls_tests from
  - Additional testcases added:
  -- ls -D
  -- ls -F
  -- ls -H
  -- ls -L
  -- ls -R
  -- ls -S
  -- ls -T
  -- ls -b
  -- ls -d
  -- ls -f
  -- ls -g
  -- ls -h
  -- ls -i
  -- ls -k
  -- ls -l
  -- ls -m
  -- ls -n
  -- ls -o
  -- ls -p
  -- ls -q/ls -w
  -- ls -r
  -- ls -s
  -- ls -t
  -- ls -u
  -- ls -y
  - Socket file creation is limited to the ls -F testcase, greatly speeding up
    the test process
  - The ls -C testcase was made more robust by limiting the number of columns
    via COLUMNS and by dynamically formulating the columns/lines.
  - Add `atf_test_case` before all testcase `head` functions.
  Sponsored by: EMC / Isilon Storage Division
  Add some more syncs to quiesce the filesystem after creating the
  files to see if this fixes deterministic Jenkin failures
  Explicitly set BLOCKSIZE to 512 in the environment
  Call sync consistently using atf_check
  Remove superfluous sync's
  Remove all of the syncs
  They're unnecessary as shown by further testing on my VM
  Requested by: jhb

     - copied from r288330, head/bin/ls/tests/
Directory Properties:
  stable/10/   (props changed)

Modified: stable/10/bin/ls/Makefile
--- stable/10/bin/ls/Makefile	Sun Oct 25 22:57:05 2015	(r289964)
+++ stable/10/bin/ls/Makefile	Sun Oct 25 23:03:04 2015	(r289965)
@@ -15,4 +15,8 @@ DPADD+=	${LIBTERMCAP}
 LDADD+=	-ltermcap
+.if ${MK_TESTS} != "no"
+SUBDIR+=	tests
 .include <>

Modified: stable/10/bin/ls/tests/Makefile
--- head/bin/ls/tests/Makefile	Mon Sep 28 03:36:15 2015	(r288330)
+++ stable/10/bin/ls/tests/Makefile	Sun Oct 25 23:03:04 2015	(r289965)
@@ -6,6 +6,6 @@ ATF_TESTS_SH+=	ls_tests
 # This seems like overkill, but the idea in mind is that all of the testcases
 # should be runnable as !root
 TEST_METADATA.ls_tests+=	required_user="unprivileged"
-TEST_METADATA.ls_tests+=	required_files="/usr/bin/nc"
+TEST_METADATA.ls_tests+=	required_files="/usr/bin/awk /usr/bin/nc /usr/bin/sort"
 .include <>

Modified: stable/10/bin/ls/tests/
--- head/bin/ls/tests/	Mon Sep 28 03:36:15 2015	(r288330)
+++ stable/10/bin/ls/tests/	Sun Oct 25 23:03:04 2015	(r289965)
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ create_test_inputs()
-	atf_check -e empty -s exit:0 mkdir -m 0755 -p a/b
+	atf_check -e empty -s exit:0 mkdir -m 0755 -p a/b/1
 	atf_check -e empty -s exit:0 ln -s a/b c
 	atf_check -e empty -s exit:0 touch d
 	atf_check -e empty -s exit:0 ln d e
@@ -53,12 +53,10 @@ create_test_inputs()
 	atf_check -e empty -s exit:0 mkdir .g
 	atf_check -e empty -s exit:0 mkfifo h
 	atf_check -e ignore -s exit:0 dd if=/dev/zero of=i count=1000 bs=1
-	atf_check -e empty -s exit:0 \
-	    sh -c "pid=${ATF_TMPDIR}/; daemon -p \$pid nc -lU j; sleep 2; pkill -F \$pid"
 	atf_check -e empty -s exit:0 touch klmn
 	atf_check -e empty -s exit:0 touch opqr
 	atf_check -e empty -s exit:0 touch stuv
-	atf_check -e empty -s exit:0 touch wxyz
+	atf_check -e empty -s exit:0 install -m 0755 /dev/null wxyz
 	atf_check -e empty -s exit:0 touch 0b00000001
 	atf_check -e empty -s exit:0 touch 0b00000010
 	atf_check -e empty -s exit:0 touch 0b00000011
@@ -76,37 +74,29 @@ create_test_inputs()
 	atf_check -e empty -s exit:0 touch 0b00001111
-atf_test_case a_flag
-	atf_set "descr" "Verify -a support"
+MB=$(( 1024 * $KB ))
+GB=$(( 1024 * $MB ))
+TB=$(( 1024 * $GB ))
+PB=$(( 1024 * $TB ))
-	# Make sure "." and ".." show up with -a
-	atf_check -e empty -o match:'\.[[:space:]]+\.\.'  -s exit:0 ls -ax
-	create_test_inputs
-	WITH_a=$PWD/../with_a.out
-	WITHOUT_a=$PWD/../without_a.out
-	atf_check -e empty -o save:$WITH_a -s exit:0 ls -A
-	atf_check -e empty -o save:$WITHOUT_a -s exit:0 ls
-	echo "-A usage"
-	cat $WITH_a
-	echo "No -A usage"
-	cat $WITHOUT_a
+	for filesize in 1 512 $(( 2 * $KB )) $(( 10 * $KB )) $(( 512 * $KB )); \
+	do
+		atf_check -e ignore -o empty -s exit:0 \
+		    dd if=/dev/zero of=${filesize}.file bs=1 \
+		    count=1 oseek=${filesize} conv=sparse
+		files="${files} ${filesize}.file"
+	done
-	for dot_path in '\.f' '\.g'; do
-		atf_check -e empty -o not-empty -s exit:0 grep "${dot_path}" \
-		    $WITH_a
-		atf_check -e empty -o empty -s not-exit:0 grep "${dot_path}" \
-		    $WITHOUT_a
+	for filesize in $MB $GB $TB; do
+		atf_check -e ignore -o empty -s exit:0 \
+		    dd if=/dev/zero of=${filesize}.file bs=$MB \
+		    count=1 oseek=$(( $filesize / $MB )) conv=sparse
+		files="${files} ${filesize}.file"
@@ -180,6 +170,7 @@ B_flag_head()
+	atf_skip "kyua report-jenkins doesn't properly escape non-printable chars:"
 	atf_check -e empty -o empty -s exit:0 touch "$(printf "y\013z")"
 	atf_check -e empty -o match:'y\\013z' -s exit:0 ls -B
@@ -191,21 +182,101 @@ C_flag_head()
 	atf_set "descr" "Verify that the output from ls -C is multi-column, sorted down"
+	local i=1
+	local wanted_index=$1; shift
+	while [ $i -le $wanted_index ]; do
+		if [ $i -eq $wanted_index ]; then
+			echo $1
+			return
+		fi
+		shift
+		: $(( i += 1 ))
+	done
+	export COLUMNS=40
 	atf_check -e empty -o save:$WITH_C -s exit:0 ls -C
 	echo "With -C usage"
 	cat $WITH_C
-	atf_check -e ignore -o not-empty -s exit:0 \
-	    egrep "0b00000001[[:space:]]+0b00000111[[:space:]]+0b00001101[[:space:]]+e[[:space:]]+stuv" $WITH_C
-	atf_check -e ignore -o not-empty -s exit:0 \
-	    egrep "0b00000010[[:space:]]+0b00001000[[:space:]]+0b00001110[[:space:]]+h[[:space:]]+wxyz" $WITH_C
+	paths=$(find -s . -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 \! -name '.*' -exec basename {} \; )
+	set -- $paths
+	num_paths=$#
+	num_columns=2
+	max_num_paths_per_column=$(( $(( $num_paths + 1 )) / $num_columns ))
+	local i=1
+	while [ $i -le $max_num_paths_per_column ]; do
+		column_1=$(print_index $i $paths)
+		column_2=$(print_index $(( $i + $max_num_paths_per_column )) $paths)
+		#echo "paths[$(( $i + $max_num_paths_per_column ))] = $column_2"
+		expected_expr="$column_1"
+		if [ -n "$column_2" ]; then
+			expected_expr="$expected_expr[[:space:]]+$column_2"
+		fi
+		atf_check -e ignore -o not-empty -s exit:0 \
+		    egrep "$expected_expr" $WITH_C
+		: $(( i += 1 ))
+	done
+atf_test_case D_flag
+	atf_set "descr" "Verify that the output from ls -D modifies the time format used with ls -l"
+	atf_check -e empty -o empty -s exit:0 touch a.file
+	atf_check -e empty -o match:"$(stat -f '%c[[:space:]]+%N' a.file)" \
+	    -s exit:0 ls -lD '%s'
+atf_test_case F_flag
+	atf_set "descr" "Verify that the output from ls -F prints out appropriate symbols after files"
+	create_test_inputs
+	atf_check -e empty -s exit:0 \
+	    sh -c "pid=${ATF_TMPDIR}/; daemon -p \$pid nc -lU j; sleep 2; pkill -F \$pid"
+	atf_check -e empty -o match:'a/' -s exit:0 ls -F
+	atf_check -e empty -o match:'c@' -s exit:0 ls -F
+	atf_check -e empty -o match:'h\|' -s exit:0 ls -F
+	atf_check -e empty -o match:'j=' -s exit:0 ls -F
+	#atf_check -e empty -o match:'<whiteout-file>%' -s exit:0 ls -F
+	atf_check -e empty -o match:'stuv' -s exit:0 ls -F
+	atf_check -e empty -o match:'wxyz\*' -s exit:0 ls -F
+atf_test_case H_flag
+	atf_set "descr" "Verify that ls -H follows symlinks"
+	create_test_inputs
+	atf_check -e empty -o match:'1' -s exit:0 ls -H c
 atf_test_case I_flag
@@ -250,9 +321,323 @@ I_flag_voids_implied_A_flag_when_root_bo
 	atf_check -o match:'\.g' -s exit:0 ls -A -I
+atf_test_case L_flag
+	atf_set "descr" "Verify that -L prints out the symbolic link and conversely -P prints out the target for the symbolic link"
+	atf_check -e empty -o empty -s exit:0 ln -s target1/target2 link1
+	atf_check -e empty -o match:link1 -s exit:0 ls -L
+	atf_check -e empty -o not-match:target1/target2 -s exit:0 ls -L
+atf_test_case R_flag
+	atf_set "descr" "Verify that the output from ls -R prints out the directory contents recursively"
+	create_test_inputs
+	WITH_R=$PWD/../with_R.out
+	WITH_R_expected_output=$PWD/../with_R_expected.out
+	atf_check -e empty -o save:$WITH_R -s exit:0 ls -R
+	set -- . $(find -s . \! -name '.*' -type d)
+	while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do
+		dir=$1; shift
+		[ "$dir" != "." ] && echo "$dir:"
+		(cd $dir && ls -1A | sed -e '/^\./d')
+		[ $# -ne 0 ] && echo
+	done > $WITH_R_expected_output
+	echo "-R usage"
+	cat $WITH_R
+	echo "-R expected output"
+	cat $WITH_R_expected_output
+	atf_check_equal "$(cat $WITH_R)" "$(cat $WITH_R_expected_output)"
+atf_test_case S_flag
+	atf_set "descr" "Verify that -S sorts by file size, then by filename lexicographically"
+	create_test_dir
+	file_list_dir=$PWD/../files
+	atf_check -e empty -o empty -s exit:0 mkdir -p $file_list_dir
+	create_test_inputs
+	create_test_inputs2
+	WITH_S=$PWD/../with_S.out
+	WITHOUT_S=$PWD/../without_S.out
+	atf_check -e empty -o save:$WITH_S ls -D '%s' -lS
+	atf_check -e empty -o save:$WITHOUT_S ls -D '%s' -l
+	WITH_S_parsed=$(awk '! /^total/ { print $7 }' $WITH_S)
+	set -- $(awk '! /^total/ { print $5, $7 }' $WITHOUT_S)
+	while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do
+		size=$1; shift
+		filename=$1; shift
+		echo $filename >> $file_list_dir/${size}
+	done
+	file_lists=$(find $file_list_dir -type f -exec basename {} \; | sort -nr)
+	WITHOUT_S_parsed=$(for file_list in $file_lists; do sort < $file_list_dir/$file_list; done)
+	echo "-lS usage (parsed)"
+	echo "$WITH_S_parsed"
+	echo "-l usage (parsed)"
+	echo "$WITHOUT_S_parsed"
+	atf_check_equal "$WITHOUT_S_parsed" "$WITH_S_parsed"
+atf_test_case T_flag
+	atf_set "descr" "Verify -T support"
+	create_test_dir
+	atf_check -e empty -o empty -s exit:0 touch a.file
+	birthtime_in_secs=$(stat -f %B -t %s a.file)
+	birthtime=$(date -j -f %s $birthtime_in_secs +"[[:space:]]+%b[[:space:]]+%e[[:space:]]+%H:%M:%S[[:space:]]+%Y")
+	atf_check -e empty -o match:"$birthtime"'[[:space:]]+a\.file' \
+	    -s exit:0 ls -lT a.file
+atf_test_case a_flag
+	atf_set "descr" "Verify -a support"
+	create_test_dir
+	# Make sure "." and ".." show up with -a
+	atf_check -e empty -o match:'\.[[:space:]]+\.\.'  -s exit:0 ls -ax
+	create_test_inputs
+	WITH_a=$PWD/../with_a.out
+	WITHOUT_a=$PWD/../without_a.out
+	atf_check -e empty -o save:$WITH_a -s exit:0 ls -a
+	atf_check -e empty -o save:$WITHOUT_a -s exit:0 ls
+	echo "-a usage"
+	cat $WITH_a
+	echo "No -a usage"
+	cat $WITHOUT_a
+	for dot_path in '\.f' '\.g'; do
+		atf_check -e empty -o not-empty -s exit:0 grep "${dot_path}" \
+		    $WITH_a
+		atf_check -e empty -o empty -s not-exit:0 grep "${dot_path}" \
+		    $WITHOUT_a
+	done
+atf_test_case b_flag
+	atf_set "descr" "Verify that the output from ls -b prints out non-printable characters"
+	atf_skip "kyua report-jenkins doesn't properly escape non-printable chars:"
+	atf_check -e empty -o empty -s exit:0 touch "$(printf "y\013z")"
+	atf_check -e empty -o match:'y\\vz' -s exit:0 ls -b
+atf_test_case d_flag
+	atf_set "descr" "Verify that -d doesn't descend down directories"
+	create_test_dir
+	output=$PWD/../output
+	atf_check -e empty -o empty -s exit:0 mkdir -p a/b
+	for path in . $PWD a; do
+		atf_check -e empty -o save:$output -s exit:0 ls -d $path
+		atf_check_equal "$(cat $output)" "$path"
+	done
+atf_test_case f_flag
+	atf_set "descr" "Verify that -f prints out the contents of a directory unsorted"
+	create_test_inputs
+	output=$PWD/../output
+	# XXX: I don't have enough understanding of how the algorithm works yet
+	# to determine more than the fact that all the entries printed out
+	# exist
+	paths=$(find -s . -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 \! -name '.*' -exec basename {} \; )
+	atf_check -e empty -o save:$output -s exit:0 ls -f
+	for path in $paths; do
+		atf_check -e ignore -o not-empty -s exit:0 \
+		    egrep "^$path$" $output
+	done
+atf_test_case g_flag
+	atf_set "descr" "Verify that -g does nothing (compatibility flag)"
+	create_test_inputs2
+	for file in $files; do
+		atf_check -e empty -o match:"$(ls -a $file)" -s exit:0 \
+		    ls -ag $file
+		atf_check -e empty -o match:"$(ls -la $file)" -s exit:0 \
+		    ls -alg $file
+	done
+atf_test_case h_flag
+	atf_set "descr" "Verify that -h prints out the humanized units for file sizes with ls -l"
+	atf_set "require.files" "/usr/bin/bc"
+	# XXX: this test doesn't currently show how 999 bytes will be 999B,
+	# but 1000 bytes will be 1.0K, due to how humanize_number(3) works.
+	create_test_inputs2
+	for file in $files; do
+		file_size=$(stat -f '%z' "$file") || \
+		    atf_fail "stat'ing $file failed"
+		scale=2
+		if [ $file_size -lt $KB ]; then
+			divisor=1
+			scale=0
+			suffix=B
+		elif [ $file_size -lt $MB ]; then
+			divisor=$KB
+			suffix=K
+		elif [ $file_size -lt $GB ]; then
+			divisor=$MB
+			suffix=M
+		elif [ $file_size -lt $TB ]; then
+			divisor=$GB
+			suffix=G
+		elif [ $file_size -lt $PB ]; then
+			divisor=$TB
+			suffix=T
+		else
+			divisor=$PB
+			suffix=P
+		fi
+		bc_expr="$(printf "scale=%s\n%s/%s\nquit" $scale $file_size $divisor)"
+		size_humanized=$(bc -e "$bc_expr" | tr '.' '\.' | sed -e 's,\.00,,')
+		atf_check -e empty -o match:"$size_humanized.+$file" \
+		    -s exit:0 ls -hl $file
+	done
+atf_test_case i_flag
+	atf_set "descr" "Verify that -i prints out the inode for files"
+	create_test_inputs
+	paths=$(find -L . -mindepth 1)
+	[ -n "$paths" ] || atf_skip 'Could not find any paths to iterate over (!)'
+	for path in $paths; do
+		atf_check -e empty \
+		    -o match:"$(stat -f '[[:space:]]*%i[[:space:]]+%N' $path)" \
+		    -s exit:0 ls -d1i $path
+	done
+atf_test_case k_flag
+	atf_set "descr" "Verify that -k prints out the size with a block size of 1kB"
+	create_test_inputs2
+	for file in $files; do
+		atf_check -e empty \
+		    -o match:"[[:space:]]+$(stat -f "%z" $file)[[:space:]]+.+[[:space:]]+$file" ls -lk $file
+	done
+atf_test_case l_flag
+	atf_set "descr" "Verify that -l prints out the output in long format"
+	atf_check -e empty -o empty -s exit:0 touch a.file
+	birthtime_in_secs=$(stat -f "%B" -t "%s" a.file)
+	birthtime=$(date -j -f "%s" $birthtime_in_secs +"%b[[:space:]]+%e[[:space:]]+%H:%M")
+	expected_output=$(stat -f "%Sp[[:space:]]+%l[[:space:]]+%Su[[:space:]]+%Sg[[:space:]]+%z[[:space:]]+$birthtime[[:space:]]+a\\.file" a.file)
+	atf_check -e empty -o match:"$expected_output" -s exit:0 ls -l a.file
+atf_test_case lcomma_flag
-	atf_set "descr" "Verify that -l, prints out the size with , delimiters"
+	atf_set "descr" "Verify that -l, prints out the size with ',' delimiters"
@@ -264,9 +649,205 @@ lcomma_flag_body()
 	    env LC_ALL=en_US.ISO8859-1 ls -l, i
+atf_test_case m_flag
+	atf_set "descr" "Verify that the output from ls -m is comma-separated"
+	create_test_dir
+	output=$PWD/../output
+	atf_check -e empty -o empty -s exit:0 touch ,, "a,b " c d e
+	atf_check -e empty -o save:$output -s exit:0 ls -m
+	atf_check_equal "$(cat $output)" ",,, a,b , c, d, e"
+atf_test_case n_flag
+	atf_set "descr" "Verify that the output from ls -n prints out numeric GIDs/UIDs instead of symbolic GIDs/UIDs"
+	atf_set "require.user" "root"
+	daemon_gid=$(id -g daemon) || atf_skip "could not resolve gid for daemon (!)"
+	nobody_uid=$(id -u nobody) || atf_skip "could not resolve uid for nobody (!)"
+	atf_check -e empty -o empty -s exit:0 touch a.file
+	atf_check -e empty -o empty -s exit:0 chown $nobody_uid:$daemon_gid a.file
+	atf_check -e empty \
+	    -o match:'\-rw\-r\-\-r\-\-[[:space:]]+1[[:space:]]+'"$nobody_uid[[:space:]]+$daemon_gid"'[[:space:]]+.+a\.file' \
+	    ls -ln a.file
+atf_test_case o_flag
+	atf_set "descr" "Verify that the output from ls -o prints out the chflag values or '-' if none are set"
+	atf_set "require.user" "root"
+	local size=12345
+	create_test_dir
+	atf_check -e ignore -o empty -s exit:0 dd if=/dev/zero of=a.file \
+	    bs=$size count=1
+	atf_check -e ignore -o empty -s exit:0 dd if=/dev/zero of=b.file \
+	    bs=$size count=1
+	atf_check -e empty -o empty -s exit:0 chflags uarch a.file
+	atf_check -e empty -o match:"[[:space:]]+uarch[[:space:]]$size+.+a\\.file" \
+	    -s exit:0 ls -lo a.file
+	atf_check -e empty -o match:"[[:space:]]+\\-[[:space:]]$size+.+b\\.file" \
+	    -s exit:0 ls -lo b.file
+atf_test_case p_flag
+	atf_set "descr" "Verify that the output from ls -p prints out '/' after directories"
+	create_test_inputs
+	paths=$(find -L .)
+	[ -n "$paths" ] || atf_skip 'Could not find any paths to iterate over (!)'
+	for path in $paths; do
+		suffix=
+		# If path is not a symlink and is a directory, then the suffix
+		# must be "/".
+		if [ ! -L "${path}" -a -d "$path" ]; then
+			suffix=/
+		fi
+		atf_check -e empty -o match:"$path${suffix}" -s exit:0 \
+		    ls -dp $path
+	done
+atf_test_case q_flag_and_w_flag
+	atf_set "descr" "Verify that the output from ls -q prints out '?' for ESC and ls -w prints out the escape character"
+	atf_skip "kyua report-jenkins doesn't properly escape non-printable chars:"
+	create_test_dir
+	test_file="$(printf "y\01z")"
+	atf_check -e empty -o empty -s exit:0 touch "$test_file"
+	atf_check -e empty -o match:'y\?z' -s exit:0 ls -q "$test_file"
+	atf_check -e empty -o match:"$test_file" -s exit:0 ls -w "$test_file"
+atf_test_case r_flag
+	atf_set "descr" "Verify that the output from ls -r sorts the same way as reverse sorting with sort(1)"
+	create_test_inputs
+	WITH_r=$PWD/../with_r.out
+	WITH_sort=$PWD/../with_sort.out
+	atf_check -e empty -o save:$WITH_r -s exit:0 ls -1r
+	atf_check -e empty -o save:$WITH_sort -s exit:0 sh -c 'ls -1 | sort -r'
+	echo "Sorted with -r"
+	cat $WITH_r
+	echo "Reverse sorted with sort(1)"
+	cat $WITH_sort
+	atf_check_equal "$(cat $WITH_r)" "$(cat $WITH_sort)"
+atf_test_case s_flag
+	atf_set "descr" "Verify that the output from ls -s matches the output from stat(1)"
+	create_test_inputs2
+	for file in $files; do
+		atf_check -e empty \
+		    -o match:"$(stat -f "%b" $file)[[:space:]]+$file" ls -s $file
+	done
+atf_test_case t_flag
+	atf_set "descr" "Verify that the output from ls -t sorts by modification time"
+	create_test_dir
+	atf_check -e empty -o empty -s exit:0 touch a.file
+	atf_check -e empty -o empty -s exit:0 touch b.file
+	atf_check -e empty -o match:'a\.file' -s exit:0 sh -c 'ls -lt | tail -n 1'
+	atf_check -e empty -o match:'b\.file.*a\.file' -s exit:0 ls -Ct
+	atf_check -e empty -o empty -s exit:0 rm a.file
+	atf_check -e empty -o empty -s exit:0 sh -c 'echo "i am a" > a.file'
+	atf_check -e empty -o match:'b\.file' -s exit:0 sh -c 'ls -lt | tail -n 1'
+	atf_check -e empty -o match:'a\.file.*b\.file' -s exit:0 ls -Ct
+atf_test_case u_flag
+	atf_set "descr" "Verify that the output from ls -u sorts by last access"
+	create_test_dir
+	atf_check -e empty -o empty -s exit:0 touch a.file
+	atf_check -e empty -o empty -s exit:0 touch b.file
+	atf_check -e empty -o match:'b\.file' -s exit:0 sh -c 'ls -lu | tail -n 1'
+	atf_check -e empty -o match:'a\.file.*b\.file' -s exit:0 ls -Cu
+	atf_check -e empty -o empty -s exit:0 sh -c 'echo "i am a" > a.file'
+	atf_check -e empty -o match:'i am a' -s exit:0 cat a.file
+	atf_check -e empty -o match:'b\.file' -s exit:0 sh -c 'ls -lu | tail -n 1'
+	atf_check -e empty -o match:'a\.file.*b\.file' -s exit:0 ls -Cu
+atf_test_case x_flag
-	atf_set "descr" "Verify that -x prints out one item per line"
+	atf_set "descr" "Verify that the output from ls -x is multi-column, sorted across"
@@ -283,9 +864,34 @@ x_flag_body()
 	atf_check -e ignore -o not-empty -s exit:0 \
 	    egrep "a[[:space:]]+c[[:space:]]+d[[:space:]]+e[[:space:]]+h" $WITH_x
 	atf_check -e ignore -o not-empty -s exit:0 \
-	    egrep "i[[:space:]]+j[[:space:]]+klmn[[:space:]]+opqr[[:space:]]+stuv" $WITH_x
+	    egrep "i[[:space:]]+klmn[[:space:]]+opqr[[:space:]]+stuv[[:space:]]+wxyz" $WITH_x
+atf_test_case y_flag
+	atf_set "descr" "Verify that the output from ls -y sorts the same way as sort(1)"
+	create_test_inputs
+	WITH_sort=$PWD/../with_sort.out
+	WITH_y=$PWD/../with_y.out
+	atf_check -e empty -o save:$WITH_sort -s exit:0 sh -c 'ls -1 | sort'
+	atf_check -e empty -o save:$WITH_y -s exit:0 ls -1y
+	echo "Sorted with sort(1)"
+	cat $WITH_sort
+	echo "Sorted with -y"
+	cat $WITH_y
+	atf_check_equal "$(cat $WITH_sort)" "$(cat $WITH_y)"
+atf_test_case 1_flag
 	atf_set "descr" "Verify that -1 prints out one item per line"
@@ -312,47 +918,47 @@ x_flag_body()
+	export BLOCKSIZE=512
 	atf_add_test_case A_flag
 	atf_add_test_case A_flag_implied_when_root
 	atf_add_test_case B_flag
 	atf_add_test_case C_flag
-	#atf_add_test_case D_flag
-	#atf_add_test_case F_flag
+	atf_add_test_case D_flag
+	atf_add_test_case F_flag
 	#atf_add_test_case G_flag
-	#atf_add_test_case H_flag
+	atf_add_test_case H_flag
 	atf_add_test_case I_flag
 	atf_add_test_case I_flag_voids_implied_A_flag_when_root
-	#atf_add_test_case L_flag
+	atf_add_test_case L_flag
 	#atf_add_test_case P_flag
-	#atf_add_test_case R_flag
-	#atf_add_test_case S_flag
-	#atf_add_test_case T_flag
+	atf_add_test_case R_flag
+	atf_add_test_case S_flag
+	atf_add_test_case T_flag
 	#atf_add_test_case U_flag
 	#atf_add_test_case W_flag
 	#atf_add_test_case Z_flag
 	atf_add_test_case a_flag
-	#atf_add_test_case b_flag
+	atf_add_test_case b_flag
 	#atf_add_test_case c_flag
-	#atf_add_test_case d_flag
-	#atf_add_test_case f_flag
-	#atf_add_test_case g_flag
-	#atf_add_test_case h_flag
-	#atf_add_test_case i_flag
-	#atf_add_test_case k_flag
-	#atf_add_test_case l_flag
+	atf_add_test_case d_flag
+	atf_add_test_case f_flag
+	atf_add_test_case g_flag
+	atf_add_test_case h_flag
+	atf_add_test_case i_flag
+	atf_add_test_case k_flag
+	atf_add_test_case l_flag
 	atf_add_test_case lcomma_flag
-	#atf_add_test_case m_flag
-	#atf_add_test_case n_flag
-	#atf_add_test_case o_flag
-	#atf_add_test_case p_flag
-	#atf_add_test_case q_flag
-	#atf_add_test_case r_flag
-	#atf_add_test_case s_flag
-	#atf_add_test_case t_flag
-	#atf_add_test_case u_flag
-	#atf_add_test_case w_flag
+	atf_add_test_case m_flag
+	atf_add_test_case n_flag
+	atf_add_test_case o_flag
+	atf_add_test_case p_flag
+	atf_add_test_case q_flag_and_w_flag
+	atf_add_test_case r_flag
+	atf_add_test_case s_flag
+	atf_add_test_case t_flag
+	atf_add_test_case u_flag
 	atf_add_test_case x_flag
-	#atf_add_test_case y_flag
+	atf_add_test_case y_flag
 	atf_add_test_case 1_flag

Modified: stable/10/etc/mtree/BSD.tests.dist
--- stable/10/etc/mtree/BSD.tests.dist	Sun Oct 25 22:57:05 2015	(r289964)
+++ stable/10/etc/mtree/BSD.tests.dist	Sun Oct 25 23:03:04 2015	(r289965)
@@ -12,6 +12,8 @@
+        ls
+        ..

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