svn commit: r290889 - stable/9/usr.sbin/makefs

Garrett Cooper ngie at
Sun Nov 15 21:44:12 UTC 2015

Author: ngie
Date: Sun Nov 15 21:44:10 2015
New Revision: 290889

  MFstable/10 r290882,r290884,r290885:
  MFC r290260,r290262:
  Document undocumented long options for -t cd9660
  Note which options have been implemented and which options haven't
  been implemented
  Submitted as the following NetBSD PRs: bin/50390 and bin/50392
  Sponsored by: EMC / Isilon Storage Division
  Fix spelling of `isolevel` cd9660 option
  Sponsored by: EMC / Isilon Storage Division
  MFC r290259,r290601:
  Sync makefs(8) content a bit with src/usr.sbin/makefs/makefs.8 at 1.53
  Sections involving unimplemented filesystems (chfs, msdosfs, udf, v7fs) and
  options have been omitted.
  Obtained from: NetBSD
  Sponsored by: EMC / Isilon Storage Division
  Follow up to r290259 dealing with makefs(8)
  - Don't use contractions (don't -> do not)
  - Change "throw away" to "discard" when describing the -o keep-bad-images option
  - Revert author e-mail split I brought over from NetBSD, effectively reverting
    the change bapt made in r267668
  Submitted by: bjk
  Sponsored by: EMC / Isilon Storage Division
  Bump .Dd

Directory Properties:
  stable/9/   (props changed)
  stable/9/usr.sbin/   (props changed)
  stable/9/usr.sbin/makefs/   (props changed)

Modified: stable/9/usr.sbin/makefs/makefs.8
--- stable/9/usr.sbin/makefs/makefs.8	Sun Nov 15 21:41:51 2015	(r290888)
+++ stable/9/usr.sbin/makefs/makefs.8	Sun Nov 15 21:44:10 2015	(r290889)
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
 .\" $FreeBSD$
-.Dd October 29, 2015
+.Dd November 15, 2015
@@ -44,10 +44,10 @@
 .Op Fl DxZ
-.Op Fl B Ar byte-order
+.Op Fl B Ar endian
 .Op Fl b Ar free-blocks
 .Op Fl d Ar debug-mask
-.Op Fl F Ar specfile
+.Op Fl F Ar mtree-specfile
 .Op Fl f Ar free-files
 .Op Fl M Ar minimum-size
 .Op Fl m Ar maximum-size
@@ -69,9 +69,9 @@ from the directory tree
 .Ar directory
 or from the mtree manifest
 .Ar manifest .
-If optional directory tree
+If any optional directory trees are passed in the
 .Ar extra-directory
-is passed, then the directory tree of each argument will be merged
+arguments, then the directory tree of each argument will be merged
 into the
 .Ar directory
@@ -82,9 +82,9 @@ No special devices or privileges are req
 The options are as follows:
 .Bl -tag -width flag
-.It Fl B Ar byte-order
+.It Fl B Ar endian
 Set the byte order of the image to
-.Ar byte-order .
+.Ar endian .
 Valid byte orders are
 .Ql 4321 ,
 .Ql big ,
@@ -114,9 +114,9 @@ Enable various levels of debugging, depe
 set in
 .Ar debug-mask .
 XXX: document these
-.It Fl F Ar specfile
+.It Fl F Ar mtree-specfile
-.Ar specfile
+.Ar mtree-specfile
 as an
 .Xr mtree 8
 .Sq specfile
@@ -174,13 +174,13 @@ Set the maximum size of the file system 
 .Ar maximum-size .
 An error will be raised if the target file system needs to be larger
 than this to accommodate the provided directory tree.
-.It Fl N Ar dbdir
+.It Fl N Ar userdb-dir
 Use the user database text file
 .Pa master.passwd
 and group database text file
 .Pa group
-.Ar dbdir ,
+.Ar userdb-dir ,
 rather than using the results from the system's
 .Xr getpwnam 3
@@ -226,7 +226,9 @@ ISO 9660 file system.
 .It Fl x
 Exclude file system nodes not explicitly listed in the specfile.
 .It Fl Z
-Create the image as a sparse file.
+Create a sparse file for
+.Sy ffs .
+This is useful for virtual machine images.
 Where sizes are specified, a decimal number of bytes is expected.
@@ -301,10 +303,10 @@ The following keywords are supported:
 .It Sy allow-deep-trees
 Allow the directory structure to exceed the maximum specified in
 the spec.
-.\" .It Sy allow-illegal-chars
-.\" Unknown
-.\" .It Sy allow-lowercase
-.\" Unknown
+.It Sy allow-illegal-chars
+Allow illegal characters in filenames. This option is not implemented.
+.It Sy allow-lowercase
+Allow lowercase characters in filenames. This option is not implemented.
 .It Sy allow-max-name
 Allow 37 instead of 33 characters for filenames by omitting the
 version id.
@@ -318,6 +320,8 @@ Use the
 extension to encode
+.It Sy bootimagedir
+Boot image directory. This option is not implemented.
 .It Sy chrp-boot
 Write an MBR partition table to the image to allow older CHRP hardware to
@@ -338,8 +342,18 @@ or
 Load a generic boot image into the first 32K of the cd9660 image.
 .It Sy hard-disk-boot
 Boot image is a hard disk image.
+.It Sy isolevel
+An integer representing the ISO 9660 interchange level where
+.Dq level
+is either
+.Ql 1
+.Ql 2 .
+.Dq level
+.Ql 3
+is not implemented.
 .It Sy keep-bad-images
-Do not throw away images whose write was aborted due to an error.
+Do not discard images whose write was aborted due to an error.
 For debugging purposes.
 .It Sy label
 Label name of the image.
@@ -351,14 +365,16 @@ Boot image is a
 ElTorito image.
 .It Sy no-trailing-padding
 Do not pad the image (apparently Linux needs the padding).
-.\" .It Sy omit-trailing-period
-.\" Unknown
+.It Sy omit-trailing-period
+Omit trailing periods in filenames.
 .It Sy preparer
 Preparer ID of the image.
 .It Sy publisher
 Publisher ID of the image.
 .It Sy rockridge
 Use RockRidge extensions (for longer filenames, etc.).
+.It Sy verbose
+Turns on verbose output.
 .It Sy volumeid
 Volume set identifier of the image.
@@ -372,9 +388,8 @@ The
 utility appeared in
 .Nx 1.6 .
-.An Luke Mewburn
-.Aq lukem at
-(original program)
+.An Luke Mewburn Aq Mt lukem at
+(original program),
 .An Daniel Watt ,
 .An Walter Deignan ,
 .An Ryan Gabrys ,

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