svn commit: r290590 - stable/9/usr.sbin/makefs

Garrett Cooper ngie at
Mon Nov 9 09:02:32 UTC 2015

Author: ngie
Date: Mon Nov  9 09:02:30 2015
New Revision: 290590

  MFstable/10 r290589:
  MFC r289203,r290180:
  r289203 (by adrian):
  makefs: introduce a new option to specify what to round the resulting
  image up to.
  From ticket:
  While trying to run FreeBSD/mips on some device having very small flash media,
  one is forced to compress file system with mkulzma(8) utility. It is desirable
  to specify small UFS block/fragment sizes like 4096/512 bytes for makefs(8)
  and big compression block size like 65535 bytes to mkulzma at the same time.
  Then one obtains very good comression ratios (like 75% and more) but faces
  the following problem.
  geom_uncompress kernel module reports GEOM provider size rounded up to its
  compression block size. Generally, this changes original media size and now
  it fails to match the size of embedded UFS file system that leads to other
  problems, f.e. geom_label kernel module does not like this and skips the
  file system while tasting the GEOM and looking for UFS label.
  This makes it impossible to refer to the file system using known UFS label
  instead of something like /dev/map/rootfs.uncompress.
  The following patch introduces new command line option "-r roundup" for makefs
  that makes it round up the image to specified block size. Hence, geom_uncompress
  does not change GEOM media size for images rounded that way and geom_label
  accepts such GEOMs just fine.
  With the patch applied, one can use following commands:
  $ makefs -t ffs -r 65536 -o bsize=4096,fsize=512,label=flash optimization=space fs.img fs
  $ mkulzma -s 65536 -o fs.img.ulzma fs.img
  PR:		bin/203707
  Submitted by:	<eugen at>
  Follow up to roundup feature addition in r289203
  - Rename -r to -R to avoid the clash with makefs -r in NetBSD
  - Note that -R is an FFS-specific option because it's not implemented
    in cd9660 today
  - Rename the roundup variable to "roundup-size" in the manpage and help
    text for consistency with other variables.
  - Bump .Dd (missed in r289203)
  PR: 203707
  Differential Revision:
  Reviewed by: adrian (earlier patch), emaste
  Sponsored by: EMC / Isilon Storage Division

Directory Properties:
  stable/9/   (props changed)
  stable/9/usr.sbin/   (props changed)
  stable/9/usr.sbin/makefs/   (props changed)

Modified: stable/9/usr.sbin/makefs/ffs.c
--- stable/9/usr.sbin/makefs/ffs.c	Mon Nov  9 08:59:55 2015	(r290589)
+++ stable/9/usr.sbin/makefs/ffs.c	Mon Nov  9 09:02:30 2015	(r290590)
@@ -410,6 +410,10 @@ ffs_validate(const char *dir, fsnode *ro
 		/* round up to the next block */
 	fsopts->size = roundup(fsopts->size, ffs_opts->bsize);
+		/* round up to requested block size, if any */
+	if (fsopts->roundup > 0)
+		fsopts->size = roundup(fsopts->size, fsopts->roundup);
 		/* calculate density if necessary */
 	if (ffs_opts->density == -1)
 		ffs_opts->density = fsopts->size / fsopts->inodes + 1;

Modified: stable/9/usr.sbin/makefs/makefs.8
--- stable/9/usr.sbin/makefs/makefs.8	Mon Nov  9 08:59:55 2015	(r290589)
+++ stable/9/usr.sbin/makefs/makefs.8	Mon Nov  9 09:02:30 2015	(r290590)
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
 .\" $FreeBSD$
-.Dd August 16, 2013
+.Dd October 29, 2015
@@ -53,6 +53,7 @@
 .Op Fl m Ar maximum-size
 .Op Fl N Ar userdb-dir
 .Op Fl o Ar fs-options
+.Op Fl R Ar roundup-size
 .Op Fl S Ar sector-size
 .Op Fl s Ar image-size
 .Op Fl t Ar fs-type
@@ -195,6 +196,14 @@ Deprecated.
 See the
 .Fl Z
+.It Fl R Ar roundup-size
+Round the image up to
+.Ar roundup-size .
+.Ar roundup-size
+should be a multiple of the file system block size.
+This option only applies to the
+.Sy ffs
+file system type.
 .It Fl S Ar sector-size
 Set the file system sector size to
 .Ar sector-size .

Modified: stable/9/usr.sbin/makefs/makefs.c
--- stable/9/usr.sbin/makefs/makefs.c	Mon Nov  9 08:59:55 2015	(r290589)
+++ stable/9/usr.sbin/makefs/makefs.c	Mon Nov  9 09:02:30 2015	(r290590)
@@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ main(int argc, char *argv[])
 	start_time.tv_sec = start.tv_sec;
 	start_time.tv_nsec = start.tv_usec * 1000;
-	while ((ch = getopt(argc, argv, "B:b:Dd:f:F:M:m:N:o:ps:S:t:xZ")) != -1) {
+	while ((ch = getopt(argc, argv, "B:b:Dd:f:F:M:m:N:o:pr:s:S:t:xZ")) != -1) {
 		switch (ch) {
 		case 'B':
@@ -209,6 +209,12 @@ main(int argc, char *argv[])
 			fsoptions.sparse = 1;
+		case 'R':
+			/* Round image size up to specified block size */
+			fsoptions.roundup =
+			    strsuftoll("roundup-size", optarg, 0, LLONG_MAX);
+			break;
 		case 's':
 			fsoptions.minsize = fsoptions.maxsize =
 			    strsuftoll("size", optarg, 1LL, LLONG_MAX);
@@ -359,9 +365,9 @@ usage(void)
 	prog = getprogname();
 "usage: %s [-t fs-type] [-o fs-options] [-d debug-mask] [-B endian]\n"
-"\t[-S sector-size] [-M minimum-size] [-m maximum-size] [-s image-size]\n"
-"\t[-b free-blocks] [-f free-files] [-F mtree-specfile] [-xZ]\n"
-"\t[-N userdb-dir] image-file directory | manifest [extra-directory ...]\n",
+"\t[-S sector-size] [-M minimum-size] [-m maximum-size] [-R roundup-size]\n"
+"\t[-s image-size] [-b free-blocks] [-f free-files] [-F mtree-specfile]\n"
+"\t[-xZ] [-N userdb-dir] image-file directory | manifest [extra-directory ...]\n",

Modified: stable/9/usr.sbin/makefs/makefs.h
--- stable/9/usr.sbin/makefs/makefs.h	Mon Nov  9 08:59:55 2015	(r290589)
+++ stable/9/usr.sbin/makefs/makefs.h	Mon Nov  9 09:02:30 2015	(r290590)
@@ -130,6 +130,7 @@ typedef struct {
 	int	needswap;	/* non-zero if byte swapping needed */
 	int	sectorsize;	/* sector size */
 	int	sparse;		/* sparse image, don't fill it with zeros */
+	off_t	roundup;	/* round image size up to this value */
 	void	*fs_specific;	/* File system specific additions. */
 } fsinfo_t;

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