svn commit: r284161 - stable/9/bin/ps

John Baldwin jhb at
Mon Jun 8 18:59:15 UTC 2015

Author: jhb
Date: Mon Jun  8 18:59:14 2015
New Revision: 284161

  MFC 233665:  (just to ps.1)
  mandoc complains loudly when <TAB>s are misused in columnated lists. Fix
  this syntax violation and while I'm here also convert <TAB> to Ta and adjust
  quotation marks in order to prevent this problem in the future.

Directory Properties:
  stable/9/bin/ps/   (props changed)

Modified: stable/9/bin/ps/ps.1
--- stable/9/bin/ps/ps.1	Mon Jun  8 18:06:00 2015	(r284160)
+++ stable/9/bin/ps/ps.1	Mon Jun  8 18:59:14 2015	(r284161)
@@ -307,37 +307,37 @@ The flags associated with the process as
 the include file
 .In sys/proc.h :
 .Bl -column P_SINGLE_BOUNDARY 0x40000000
-.It Dv "P_ADVLOCK" Ta No "0x00001	Process may hold a POSIX advisory lock"
-.It Dv "P_CONTROLT" Ta No "0x00002	Has a controlling terminal"
-.It Dv "P_KTHREAD" Ta No "0x00004	Kernel thread"
-.It Dv "P_FOLLOWFORK" Ta No "0x00008	Attach debugger to new children"
-.It Dv "P_PPWAIT" Ta No "0x00010	Parent is waiting for child to exec/exit"
-.It Dv "P_PROFIL" Ta No "0x00020	Has started profiling"
-.It Dv "P_STOPPROF" Ta No "0x00040	Has thread in requesting to stop prof"
-.It Dv "P_HADTHREADS" Ta No "0x00080	Has had threads (no cleanup shortcuts)"
-.It Dv "P_SUGID" Ta No "0x00100		Had set id privileges since last exec"
-.It Dv "P_SYSTEM" Ta No "0x00200	System proc: no sigs, stats or swapping"
-.It Dv "P_SINGLE_EXIT" Ta No "0x00400	Threads suspending should exit, not wait"
-.It Dv "P_TRACED" Ta No "0x00800	Debugged process being traced"
-.It Dv "P_WAITED" Ta No "0x01000	Someone is waiting for us"
-.It Dv "P_WEXIT" Ta No "0x02000		Working on exiting"
-.It Dv "P_EXEC" Ta No "0x04000		Process called exec"
-.It Dv "P_WKILLED" Ta No "0x08000	Killed, shall go to kernel/user boundary ASAP"
-.It Dv "P_CONTINUED" Ta No "0x10000	Proc has continued from a stopped state"
-.It Dv "P_STOPPED_SIG" Ta No "0x20000	Stopped due to SIGSTOP/SIGTSTP"
-.It Dv "P_STOPPED_TRACE" Ta No "0x40000	Stopped because of tracing"
-.It Dv "P_STOPPED_SINGLE" Ta No "0x80000	Only one thread can continue"
-.It Dv "P_PROTECTED" Ta No "0x100000	Do not kill on memory overcommit"
-.It Dv "P_SIGEVENT" Ta No "0x200000	Process pending signals changed"
-.It Dv "P_SINGLE_BOUNDARY" Ta No "0x400000	Threads should suspend at user boundary"
-.It Dv "P_HWPMC" Ta No "0x800000	Process is using HWPMCs"
-.It Dv "P_JAILED" Ta No "0x1000000	Process is in jail"
-.It Dv "P_ORPHAN" Ta No "0x2000000	Orphaned by original parent, reparented to debugger"
-.It Dv "P_INEXEC" Ta No "0x4000000	Process is in execve()"
-.It Dv "P_STATCHILD" Ta No "0x8000000	Child process stopped or exited"
-.It Dv "P_INMEM" Ta No "0x10000000	Loaded into memory"
-.It Dv "P_SWAPPINGOUT" Ta No "0x20000000	Process is being swapped out"
-.It Dv "P_SWAPPINGIN" Ta No "0x40000000	Process is being swapped in"
+.It Dv "P_ADVLOCK" Ta No "0x00001" Ta "Process may hold a POSIX advisory lock"
+.It Dv "P_CONTROLT" Ta No "0x00002" Ta "Has a controlling terminal"
+.It Dv "P_KTHREAD" Ta No "0x00004" Ta "Kernel thread"
+.It Dv "P_FOLLOWFORK" Ta No "0x00008" Ta "Attach debugger to new children"
+.It Dv "P_PPWAIT" Ta No "0x00010" Ta "Parent is waiting for child to exec/exit"
+.It Dv "P_PROFIL" Ta No "0x00020" Ta "Has started profiling"
+.It Dv "P_STOPPROF" Ta No "0x00040" Ta "Has thread in requesting to stop prof"
+.It Dv "P_HADTHREADS" Ta No "0x00080" Ta "Has had threads (no cleanup shortcuts)"
+.It Dv "P_SUGID" Ta No "0x00100" Ta "Had set id privileges since last exec"
+.It Dv "P_SYSTEM" Ta No "0x00200" Ta "System proc: no sigs, stats or swapping"
+.It Dv "P_SINGLE_EXIT" Ta No "0x00400" Ta "Threads suspending should exit, not wait"
+.It Dv "P_TRACED" Ta No "0x00800" Ta "Debugged process being traced"
+.It Dv "P_WAITED" Ta No "0x01000" Ta "Someone is waiting for us"
+.It Dv "P_WEXIT" Ta No "0x02000" Ta "Working on exiting"
+.It Dv "P_EXEC" Ta No "0x04000" Ta "Process called exec"
+.It Dv "P_WKILLED" Ta No "0x08000" Ta "Killed, shall go to kernel/user boundary ASAP"
+.It Dv "P_CONTINUED" Ta No "0x10000" Ta "Proc has continued from a stopped state"
+.It Dv "P_STOPPED_SIG" Ta No "0x20000" Ta "Stopped due to SIGSTOP/SIGTSTP"
+.It Dv "P_STOPPED_TRACE" Ta No "0x40000" Ta "Stopped because of tracing"
+.It Dv "P_STOPPED_SINGLE" Ta No "0x80000" Ta "Only one thread can continue"
+.It Dv "P_PROTECTED" Ta No "0x100000" Ta "Do not kill on memory overcommit"
+.It Dv "P_SIGEVENT" Ta No "0x200000" Ta "Process pending signals changed"
+.It Dv "P_SINGLE_BOUNDARY" Ta No "0x400000" Ta "Threads should suspend at user boundary"
+.It Dv "P_HWPMC" Ta No "0x800000" Ta "Process is using HWPMCs"
+.It Dv "P_JAILED" Ta No "0x1000000" Ta "Process is in jail"
+.It Dv "P_ORPHAN" Ta No "0x2000000" Ta "Orphaned by original parent, reparented to debugger"
+.It Dv "P_INEXEC" Ta No "0x4000000" Ta "Process is in execve()"
+.It Dv "P_STATCHILD" Ta No "0x8000000" Ta "Child process stopped or exited"
+.It Dv "P_INMEM" Ta No "0x10000000" Ta "Loaded into memory"
+.It Dv "P_SWAPPINGOUT" Ta No "0x20000000" Ta "Process is being swapped out"
+.It Dv "P_SWAPPINGIN" Ta No "0x40000000" Ta "Process is being swapped in"
 .It Dv "P_PPTRACE" Ta No "0x80000000" Ta "Vforked child issued ptrace(PT_TRACEME)"
 .It Cm flags2

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