svn commit: r359798 - stable/11/usr.bin/ruptime

Takahashi Yoshihiro nyan at
Sat Apr 11 07:37:10 UTC 2020

Author: nyan
Date: Sat Apr 11 07:37:10 2020
New Revision: 359798

  MFC: r314640 (by bde)
  > Fix formatting.  ruptime output on FreeBSD cluster machines annoyed me
  > by usually being double-spaced due to auto-wrap at column 80.
  > r212771 increased width of the hostname field from 12 to 25.  This was
  > supposed to allow for 80-column output with all 3 load averages taking
  > 5 characters each, but it actually gave width exactly 80 and thus worse
  > than useless auto-wrap in that case.  3 wide load average fields are
  > unusual, but later expansion of another field gave the auto-wrap with
  > just 2 wide load average fields.
  > Change to dynamic field widths for all fields except the uptime.  This
  > also fixes the formatting of high (above 9999) user counts and not
  > very high (above 9.99) load averages.  The formatting for numbers now
  > breaks at 99999.99, but scientific notation should be used starting
  > well below that.
  > The field width for the uptime remains hard-coded to work consistently
  > for uptimes less than 10000 days, but this gives too much space for
  > small uptimes.  Punctuation between fields could be improved in many
  > ways, for example by removing it.

Directory Properties:
  stable/11/   (props changed)

Modified: stable/11/usr.bin/ruptime/ruptime.c
--- stable/11/usr.bin/ruptime/ruptime.c	Sat Apr 11 07:37:08 2020	(r359797)
+++ stable/11/usr.bin/ruptime/ruptime.c	Sat Apr 11 07:37:10 2020	(r359798)
@@ -69,6 +69,7 @@ static DIR *dirp;
 static int	 hscmp(const void *, const void *);
 static char	*interval(time_t, const char *);
+static int	 iwidth(int);
 static int	 lcmp(const void *, const void *);
 static void	 ruptime(const char *, int, int (*)(const void *, const void *));
 static int	 tcmp(const void *, const void *);
@@ -143,6 +144,21 @@ interval(time_t tval, const char *updown)
 	return (resbuf);
+/* Width to print a small nonnegative integer. */
+static int
+iwidth(int w)
+	if (w < 10)
+		return (1);
+	if (w < 100)
+		return (2);
+	if (w < 1000)
+		return (3);
+	if (w < 10000)
+		return (4);
+	return (5);
 #define	HS(a)	((const struct hs *)(a))
 /* Alphabetical comparison. */
@@ -176,14 +192,17 @@ ruptime(const char *host, int aflg, int (*cmp)(const v
 	struct whod *wd;
 	struct whoent *we;
 	struct dirent *dp;
-	const char *hostname;
-	int fd, i, maxloadav;
+	int fd, hostnamewidth, i, loadavwidth[3], userswidth, w;
 	size_t hspace;
 	ssize_t cc;
 	hsp = NULL;
-	maxloadav = -1;
+	hostnamewidth = 0;
+	loadavwidth[0] = 4;
+	loadavwidth[1] = 4;
+	loadavwidth[2] = 4;
+	userswidth = 1;
 	for (nhosts = hspace = 0; (dp = readdir(dirp)) != NULL;) {
 		if (dp->d_ino == 0 || strncmp(dp->d_name, "whod.", 5) != 0)
@@ -206,22 +225,25 @@ ruptime(const char *host, int aflg, int (*cmp)(const v
 		if (cc < (ssize_t)WHDRSIZE)
-		if (host != NULL) {
-			hostname = wd->wd_hostname;
-			if (strcasecmp(hostname, host) != 0)
-				continue;
-		}
+		if (host != NULL && strcasecmp(wd->wd_hostname, host) != 0)
+			continue;
 		if (LEFTEARTH(wd->wd_recvtime))
-		for (i = 0; i < 2; i++)
-			if (wd->wd_loadav[i] > maxloadav)
-				maxloadav = wd->wd_loadav[i];
+		if (hostnamewidth < (int)strlen(wd->wd_hostname))
+			hostnamewidth = (int)strlen(wd->wd_hostname);
+		for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
+			w = iwidth(wd->wd_loadav[i] / 100) + 3;
+			if (loadavwidth[i] < w)
+				loadavwidth[i] = w;
+		}
 		for (hsp->hs_nusers = 0, we = &wd->wd_we[0];
 		    (char *)(we + 1) <= (char *)wd + cc; we++)
 			if (aflg || we->we_idle < 3600)
+		if (userswidth < iwidth(hsp->hs_nusers))
+			userswidth = iwidth(hsp->hs_nusers);
@@ -233,27 +255,28 @@ ruptime(const char *host, int aflg, int (*cmp)(const v
 	qsort(hs, nhosts, sizeof(hs[0]), cmp);
+	w = userswidth + loadavwidth[0] + loadavwidth[1] + loadavwidth[2];
+	if (hostnamewidth + w > 41)
+		hostnamewidth = 41 - w;	/* limit to 79 cols */
 	for (i = 0; i < (int)nhosts; i++) {
 		hsp = &hs[i];
 		wd = &hsp->hs_wd;
 		if (ISDOWN(hsp)) {
-			(void)printf("%-25.25s%s\n", wd->wd_hostname,
+			(void)printf("%-*.*s%s\n",
+			    hostnamewidth, hostnamewidth, wd->wd_hostname,
 			    interval(now - hsp->hs_wd.wd_recvtime, "down"));
-		    "%-25.25s%s,  %4d user%s  load %*.2f, %*.2f, %*.2f\n",
-		    wd->wd_hostname,
+		    "%-*.*s  %s,  %*d user%s  load %*.2f, %*.2f, %*.2f\n",
+		    hostnamewidth, hostnamewidth, wd->wd_hostname,
 		    interval((time_t)wd->wd_sendtime -
 		        (time_t)wd->wd_boottime, "  up"),
-		    hsp->hs_nusers,
+		    userswidth, hsp->hs_nusers,
 		    hsp->hs_nusers == 1 ? ", " : "s,",
-		    maxloadav >= 1000 ? 5 : 4,
-		        wd->wd_loadav[0] / 100.0,
-		    maxloadav >= 1000 ? 5 : 4,
-		        wd->wd_loadav[1] / 100.0,
-		    maxloadav >= 1000 ? 5 : 4,
-		        wd->wd_loadav[2] / 100.0);
+		    loadavwidth[0], wd->wd_loadav[0] / 100.0,
+		    loadavwidth[1], wd->wd_loadav[1] / 100.0,
+		    loadavwidth[2], wd->wd_loadav[2] / 100.0);
 	hs = NULL;

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