svn commit: r299826 - in stable/10: etc etc/ntp etc/rc.d share/examples/ipfilter share/examples/kld/cdev/test tools/regression/sockets/so_setfib tools/tools/fixwhite tools/tools/ipw tools/tools/nan...

Pedro F. Giffuni pfg at
Sun May 15 03:15:39 UTC 2016

Author: pfg
Date: Sun May 15 03:15:36 2016
New Revision: 299826

  MFC r298881, 298882, 298883, 298885:
  Minor spelling fixes in:
  tools, share, bluetooth, pmcstat, etc
  Many of these have user-visible strings.

Directory Properties:
  stable/10/   (props changed)

Modified: stable/10/etc/ntp/leap-seconds
--- stable/10/etc/ntp/leap-seconds	Sun May 15 03:04:21 2016	(r299825)
+++ stable/10/etc/ntp/leap-seconds	Sun May 15 03:15:36 2016	(r299826)
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@
 #	by the International Bureau of Weights and Measures
 #	(BIPM). See for more information.
-#	3. The current defintion of the relationship between UTC 
+#	3. The current definition of the relationship between UTC 
 #	and TAI dates from 1 January 1972. A number of different 
 #	time scales were in use before than epoch, and it can be 
 #	quite difficult to compute precise timestamps and time 

Modified: stable/10/etc/protocols
--- stable/10/etc/protocols	Sun May 15 03:04:21 2016	(r299825)
+++ stable/10/etc/protocols	Sun May 15 03:15:36 2016	(r299826)
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ merit-inp	32	MERIT-INP	# MERIT Internoda
 dccp	33	DCCP		# Datagram Congestion Control Protocol
 3pc	34	3PC		# Third Party Connect Protocol
 idpr	35	IDPR		# Inter-Domain Policy Routing Protocol
-xtp	36	XTP		# Xpress Tranfer Protocol
+xtp	36	XTP		# Xpress Transfer Protocol
 ddp	37	DDP		# Datagram Delivery Protocol
 idpr-cmtp	38	IDPR-CMTP	# IDPR Control Message Transport Proto
 tp++	39	TP++		# TP++ Transport Protocol

Modified: stable/10/etc/rc.d/sendmail
--- stable/10/etc/rc.d/sendmail	Sun May 15 03:04:21 2016	(r299825)
+++ stable/10/etc/rc.d/sendmail	Sun May 15 03:15:36 2016	(r299826)
@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ sendmail_cert_create()
 		crlnumber	= \$dir/crlnumber	# the current crl number
 		crl		= \$dir/crl.pem 	# The current CRL
 		private_key	= \$dir/cakey.pem
-		x509_extensions	= usr_cert		# The extentions to add to the cert
+		x509_extensions	= usr_cert		# The extensions to add to the cert
 		name_opt 	= ca_default		# Subject Name options
 		cert_opt 	= ca_default		# Certificate field options
 		default_days	= 365			# how long to certify for
@@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ sendmail_cert_create()
 		default_keyfile 	= privkey.pem
 		distinguished_name	= req_distinguished_name
 		attributes		= req_attributes
-		x509_extensions	= v3_ca	# The extentions to add to the self signed cert
+		x509_extensions	= v3_ca	# The extensions to add to the self signed cert
 		string_mask = utf8only
 		prompt = no
 		[ req_distinguished_name ]

Modified: stable/10/etc/rc.initdiskless
--- stable/10/etc/rc.initdiskless	Sun May 15 03:04:21 2016	(r299825)
+++ stable/10/etc/rc.initdiskless	Sun May 15 03:15:36 2016	(r299826)
@@ -103,7 +103,7 @@
 #		will be created. In case of multiple entries for the same
 #		directory M, the last one in the scanning order is used.
 #		NOTE: If you only need to create a memory filesystem but not
-#		initialize it from a template, it is preferrable to specify
+#		initialize it from a template, it is preferable to specify
 #		it in fstab e.g. as  "md /tmp mfs -s=30m,rw 0 0"
 # /conf/T/SUBDIR.cpio.gz

Modified: stable/10/share/examples/ipfilter/ipf-howto.txt
--- stable/10/share/examples/ipfilter/ipf-howto.txt	Sun May 15 03:04:21 2016	(r299825)
+++ stable/10/share/examples/ipfilter/ipf-howto.txt	Sun May 15 03:15:36 2016	(r299826)
@@ -1036,11 +1036,11 @@ In  this  case,  the server is running n
 it's not a server, it's a client.  And this  client  doesn't
 want  unauthorized  packets  entering  its  IP stack at all.
 However, the client wants full access to  the  internet  and
-the  reply packets that such privledge entails.  This simple
+the reply packets that such privilege entails.  This simple
 ruleset creates state entries for  every  new  outgoing  TCP
 session.   Again,  since a state entry is created, these new
 TCP sessions are free to talk back and forth as they  please
-without  the  hinderance or inspection of the firewall rule-
+without the hindrance or inspection of the firewall rule-
 set.  We mentioned that this also works for UDP and ICMP:
     block in  quick on tun0 all
@@ -1271,7 +1271,7 @@ forgeries and allow fragments:
 This  works  because  every  packet  that  should be allowed
 through makes it into the state table  before  the  blocking
 rules  are reached. The only scan this won't detect is a SYN
-scan itself.  If you're truely worried about that, you might
+scan itself.  If you're truly worried about that, you might
 even want to log all initial SYN packets.
 3.6.  Responding To a Blocked Packet

Modified: stable/10/share/examples/kld/cdev/test/Makefile
--- stable/10/share/examples/kld/cdev/test/Makefile	Sun May 15 03:04:21 2016	(r299825)
+++ stable/10/share/examples/kld/cdev/test/Makefile	Sun May 15 03:15:36 2016	(r299826)
@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ WARNS?=	5
 MODSTAT= /sbin/kldstat
-	@echo "This test program will call the sample kld characer device ";
+	@echo "This test program will call the sample kld character device ";
 	@echo "driver."
 	@echo "The sample driver will display a message on the"

Modified: stable/10/tools/regression/sockets/so_setfib/so_setfib.c
--- stable/10/tools/regression/sockets/so_setfib/so_setfib.c	Sun May 15 03:04:21 2016	(r299825)
+++ stable/10/tools/regression/sockets/so_setfib/so_setfib.c	Sun May 15 03:15:36 2016	(r299826)
@@ -175,7 +175,7 @@ main(int argc __unused, char *argv[] __u
 		return (0);
-	/* Initalize randomness. */
+	/* Initialize randomness. */
 	/* Get number of FIBs supported by kernel. */

Modified: stable/10/tools/tools/fixwhite/fixwhite.1
--- stable/10/tools/tools/fixwhite/fixwhite.1	Sun May 15 03:04:21 2016	(r299825)
+++ stable/10/tools/tools/fixwhite/fixwhite.1	Sun May 15 03:15:36 2016	(r299826)
@@ -43,6 +43,6 @@ trailing whitespace characters from ever
 Multiple successive empty lines are merged together.
 If the whitespace at the beginning of a sentence is exactly a multiple
 of eight spaces, the whitespace is replaced by tabs.
-Also, spaces preceeding tabs will be merged into the tab character.
+Also, spaces preceding tabs will be merged into the tab character.
 .An Ed Schouten Aq ed at

Modified: stable/10/tools/tools/fixwhite/fixwhite.c
--- stable/10/tools/tools/fixwhite/fixwhite.c	Sun May 15 03:04:21 2016	(r299825)
+++ stable/10/tools/tools/fixwhite/fixwhite.c	Sun May 15 03:15:36 2016	(r299826)
@@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ savewhite(char c, bool leading)
 		savebyte(' ');
 	case '\t':
-		/* Convert preceeding spaces to tabs. */
+		/* Convert preceding spaces to tabs. */
 		ncolumn = (column / 8 + 1) * 8;
 		while (peekbyte(1, ' ')) {

Modified: stable/10/tools/tools/ipw/ipwstats.c
--- stable/10/tools/tools/ipw/ipwstats.c	Sun May 15 03:04:21 2016	(r299825)
+++ stable/10/tools/tools/ipw/ipwstats.c	Sun May 15 03:15:36 2016	(r299826)
@@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ static const struct statistic tbl[] = {
 	{ 27, "Number of reassociation requests transmitted", INT },
 	{ 28, "Number of reassociation responses transmitted", INT },
 	{ 29, "Number of probe requests transmitted", INT },
-	{ 30, "Number of probe reponses transmitted", INT },
+	{ 30, "Number of probe responses transmitted", INT },
 	{ 31, "Number of beacons transmitted", INT },
 	{ 32, "Number of ATIM frames transmitted", INT },
 	{ 33, "Number of disassociation requests transmitted", INT },
@@ -137,7 +137,7 @@ static const struct statistic tbl[] = {
 	{ 89, "Number of reassociation requests received", INT },
 	{ 90, "Number of reassociation responses received", INT },
 	{ 91, "Number of probe requests received", INT },
-	{ 92, "Number of probe reponses received", INT },
+	{ 92, "Number of probe responses received", INT },
 	{ 93, "Number of beacons received", INT },
 	{ 94, "Number of ATIM frames received", INT },
 	{ 95, "Number of disassociation requests received", INT },

Modified: stable/10/tools/tools/nanobsd/dhcpd/common
--- stable/10/tools/tools/nanobsd/dhcpd/common	Sun May 15 03:04:21 2016	(r299825)
+++ stable/10/tools/tools/nanobsd/dhcpd/common	Sun May 15 03:15:36 2016	(r299826)
@@ -229,7 +229,7 @@ add_port () {
     local port_path=$1
     local port=`echo $1 | sed -e 's/\//_/'`
-    # Check if package allready exist
+    # Check if package already exist
     # Need to:
     # 1. check ARCH of this package!
     # 2. Add a trap

Modified: stable/10/tools/tools/shlib-compat/
--- stable/10/tools/tools/shlib-compat/	Sun May 15 03:04:21 2016	(r299825)
+++ stable/10/tools/tools/shlib-compat/	Sun May 15 03:15:36 2016	(r299826)
@@ -893,7 +893,7 @@ class DwarfdumpParser(Parser):
             offset = int(tag.args['DW_AT_low_pc'], 16)
             if self.offsetmap.has_key(offset):
                 raise ValueError("Dwarf dump parse error: " +
-                        "symbol is aleady defined at offset 0x%x" % offset)
+                        "symbol is already defined at offset 0x%x" % offset)
             self.offsetmap[offset] = tag
         if len(self.stack) > 0:
             prev = self.stack.pop()

Modified: stable/10/tools/tools/wtap/vis_map/vis_map.c
--- stable/10/tools/tools/wtap/vis_map/vis_map.c	Sun May 15 03:04:21 2016	(r299825)
+++ stable/10/tools/tools/wtap/vis_map/vis_map.c	Sun May 15 03:15:36 2016	(r299826)
@@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ main(int argc, const char* argv[])
-		printf("wtap ioctl: unkown command '%c'\n", *argv[1]);
+		printf("wtap ioctl: unknown command '%c'\n", *argv[1]);

Modified: stable/10/tools/tools/wtap/wtap/wtap.c
--- stable/10/tools/tools/wtap/wtap/wtap.c	Sun May 15 03:04:21 2016	(r299825)
+++ stable/10/tools/tools/wtap/wtap/wtap.c	Sun May 15 03:15:36 2016	(r299826)
@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ int main( int argc, const char* argv[])
-	printf("wtap ioctl: unkown command '%c'\n", *argv[1]);
+	printf("wtap ioctl: unknown command '%c'\n", *argv[1]);
 	return -1;
     return 0;

Modified: stable/10/usr.sbin/bluetooth/btpand/btpand.c
--- stable/10/usr.sbin/bluetooth/btpand/btpand.c	Sun May 15 03:04:21 2016	(r299825)
+++ stable/10/usr.sbin/bluetooth/btpand/btpand.c	Sun May 15 03:15:36 2016	(r299826)
@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ static const struct {
 	const char *	desc;
 } services[] = {
 	{ "PANU", SDP_SERVICE_CLASS_PANU, "Personal Area Networking User" },
-	{ "NAP",  SDP_SERVICE_CLASS_NAP,  "Network Acess Point"		  },
+	{ "NAP",  SDP_SERVICE_CLASS_NAP,  "Network Access Point"		  },
 	{ "GN",	  SDP_SERVICE_CLASS_GN,   "Group Network"		  },

Modified: stable/10/usr.sbin/bluetooth/hccontrol/node.c
--- stable/10/usr.sbin/bluetooth/hccontrol/node.c	Sun May 15 03:04:21 2016	(r299825)
+++ stable/10/usr.sbin/bluetooth/hccontrol/node.c	Sun May 15 03:15:36 2016	(r299826)
@@ -591,7 +591,7 @@ struct hci_command	node_commands[] = {
 "Write the value of the Role Switch parameter for the HCI node. By default,\n" \
 "if Role Switch is supported, local device will try to perform Role Switch\n" \
 "and become Master on incoming connection. Some devices do not support Role\n" \
-"Switch and thus incomming connections from such devices will fail. Setting\n" \
+"Switch and thus incoming connections from such devices will fail. Setting\n" \
 "this parameter to zero will prevent Role Switch and thus accepting device\n" \
 "will remain Slave",

Modified: stable/10/usr.sbin/pmcstat/pmcpl_calltree.c
--- stable/10/usr.sbin/pmcstat/pmcpl_calltree.c	Sun May 15 03:04:21 2016	(r299825)
+++ stable/10/usr.sbin/pmcstat/pmcpl_calltree.c	Sun May 15 03:15:36 2016	(r299826)
@@ -830,7 +830,7 @@ pmcpl_ct_node_printchild(struct pmcpl_ct
 	 * Child cost.
-	 * TODO: attach child cost to the real position in the funtion.
+	 * TODO: attach child cost to the real position in the function.
 	 * TODO: cfn=<fn> / call <ncall> addr(<fn>) / addr(call <fn>) <arccost>
 	for (i=0 ; i<ct->pct_narc; i++) {

Modified: stable/10/usr.sbin/pmcstat/pmcstat_log.c
--- stable/10/usr.sbin/pmcstat/pmcstat_log.c	Sun May 15 03:04:21 2016	(r299825)
+++ stable/10/usr.sbin/pmcstat/pmcstat_log.c	Sun May 15 03:15:36 2016	(r299826)
@@ -1361,7 +1361,7 @@ pmcstat_analyze_log(void)
 	assert(args.pa_flags & FLAG_DO_ANALYSIS);
 	if (elf_version(EV_CURRENT) == EV_NONE)
-		err(EX_UNAVAILABLE, "Elf library intialization failed");
+		err(EX_UNAVAILABLE, "Elf library initialization failed");
 	while (pmclog_read(args.pa_logparser, &ev) == 0) {
 		assert(ev.pl_state == PMCLOG_OK);

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