svn commit: r367701 - head/lib/libutil

Scott Long scottl at
Sun Nov 15 19:06:25 UTC 2020

> On Nov 15, 2020, at 12:01 PM, Jessica Clarke <jrtc27 at> wrote:
>> I felt similar concerns, but my misunderstanding of strlcpy() drove the
>> result.  Since the use case for getlocalbase() lends itself to also use
>> strlcat()/strlcpy(), I was trying to replicate the API semantics of those,
>> at least to the limit of my understanding.  Thanks for the feedback, I’ll
>> look at it some more.
> Thanks. ENOMEM also feels inappropriate as no allocation is taking
> place. Perhaps ENAMETOOLONG, which is used in similar cases for things
> like gethostbyname? Though sysctlbyname uses ENOMEM instead... sigh.

Yep, I wasn’t happy with ENOMEM either but I couldn’t find anything better.

> Also, if pathlen has already been checked against SSIZE_MAX (giving
> EINVAL) and tmplen against pathlen there's no need to then check tmplen
> against SSIZE_MAX.


> I'd be happy to give a review on Phabricator if/when you have a new
> patch.


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