svn commit: r362191 - head/sbin/md5

Yuri Pankov yuripv at
Mon Jun 15 13:57:04 UTC 2020

Mateusz Piotrowski wrote:
> Hi,
> On 6/15/20 2:33 PM, Rodney W. Grimes wrote:
>> [ Charset UTF-8 unsupported, converting... ]
>>> Author: fernape (ports committer)
>>> Date: Mon Jun 15 10:08:02 2020
>>> New Revision: 362191
>>> URL:
>>> Log:
>>>    md5(1): fix style in man page
>> Mandoc is fine to ignore this, but it is wrong to call it useless.
>> I really wish that this stop.  .Tn might be useless to mandoc,
>> but it is a very usable thing if your formatting to something
>> other than txt, as in a ps or pdf.
> In that case I would consider patching our in-tree mandoc to not warn
> about Tn. Or request support for Tn or a well-defined replacement upstream.
> I can see the benefit of keeping Tn around, as it /might/ potentially
> create nice formatting for HTML. On the other hand, I don't like the
> idea of not following the linter.

It's marked as obsolete exactly because it's misused, quoting mdoc(7):

     Even though the macro name (“tradename”) suggests a semantic
     function, historic usage is inconsistent, mostly using it as a
     presentation-level macro to request a small caps font.

If we want to somehow emphasize the text, .Sy, .Em, or similar macros 
should be used instead, I don't see why though, it certainly doesn't 
help the readability (IMO, of coursE).

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