svn commit: r363110 - in head: share/man/man5 usr.sbin/periodic usr.sbin/periodic/etc/daily

Allan Jude allanjude at
Sat Jul 11 20:53:32 UTC 2020

Author: allanjude
Date: Sat Jul 11 20:53:31 2020
New Revision: 363110

  Add a periodic script to backup the partition table and boot code
  Optionally, alert you if the contents change from the previous backup
  PR:		86388
  Submitted by:	Rob Fairbanks <rob.fx907 at>, Miroslav Lachman <000.fbsd at> (Original Version)
  MFC after:	4 weeks
  Relnotes:	yes
  Sponsored by:	Klara Inc.
  Event:		July 2020 Bugathon
  Differential Revision:

  head/usr.sbin/periodic/etc/daily/221.backup-gpart   (contents, props changed)

Modified: head/share/man/man5/periodic.conf.5
--- head/share/man/man5/periodic.conf.5	Sat Jul 11 19:44:12 2020	(r363109)
+++ head/share/man/man5/periodic.conf.5	Sat Jul 11 20:53:31 2020	(r363110)
@@ -252,6 +252,22 @@ Files will be deleted using the same criteria as
 would normally use when determining whether to believe the cached information,
 as configured in
 .Pa /etc/mail/ .
+.It Va daily_backup_efi_enable
+.Pq Vt bool
+Set to
+.Dq Li YES
+To create backup of EFI System Partion (ESP).
+.It Va daily_backup_gpart_enable
+.Pq Vt bool
+Set to
+.Dq Li YES
+To create backups of partition tables, and bootcode partition contents.
+.It Va daily_backup_gpart_verbose
+.Pq Vt bool
+Set to
+.Dq Li YES
+To be verbose if existing backups for kern.geom.conftxt or the partition tables differ
+from the new backups.
 .It Va daily_backup_passwd_enable
 .Pq Vt bool
 Set to

Added: head/usr.sbin/periodic/etc/daily/221.backup-gpart
--- /dev/null	00:00:00 1970	(empty, because file is newly added)
+++ head/usr.sbin/periodic/etc/daily/221.backup-gpart	Sat Jul 11 20:53:31 2020	(r363110)
@@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
+## $FreeBSD$
+## Created by: Miroslav Lachman <000.fbsd at>
+## Backup of disk partitions layout, useful for gpart restore.
+## Data are stored on local filesystem, in /var/backup.
+## It is recommended to copy those files to off-site storage.
+## If there is a global system configuration file, suck it in.
+if [ -r /etc/defaults/periodic.conf ]
+	. /etc/defaults/periodic.conf
+	source_periodic_confs
+rotate() {
+	base_name=$1
+	show_diff=$2
+	file="$bak_dir/$base_name"
+	if [ -f "${file}.bak" ] ; then
+		rc=0
+		if cmp -s "${file}.bak" "${file}.tmp"; then
+			rm "${file}.tmp"
+		else
+			rc=1
+			[ -n "$show_diff" ] && diff "${file}.bak" "${file}.tmp"
+			mv "${file}.bak" "${file}.bak2" || rc=3
+			mv "${file}.tmp" "${file}.bak" || rc=3
+		fi
+	else
+		rc=1
+		mv "${file}.tmp" "${file}.bak" || rc=3
+		[ -n "$show_diff" ] && cat "${file}.bak"
+	fi
+case "$daily_backup_gpart_verbose" in
+	[Yy][Ee][Ss]) show="YES"
+case "$daily_backup_gpart_enable" in
+	[Yy][Ee][Ss])
+	echo ""
+	echo "Dump of kern.geom.conftxt:";
+	sysctl -n kern.geom.conftxt > "$bak_dir/kern.geom.conftxt.tmp"
+	rotate "kern.geom.conftxt" $show
+	gpart_devs=$(gpart show | awk '$1 == "=>" { print $4 }')
+	if [ -n "$daily_backup_gpart_exclude" ]; then
+		gpart_devs=$(echo ${gpart_devs} | grep -E -v "${daily_backup_gpart_exclude}")
+	fi
+	if [ -z "$gpart_devs"  ]; then
+		echo '$daily_backup_gpart_enable is set but no disk probed by kernel.' \
+		"perhaps NFS diskless client."
+		rc=2
+	else
+		echo ""
+		echo "Backup of partitions information for:";
+		for d in ${gpart_devs}; do
+			echo "$d"
+			safe_name=$(echo "gpart.${d}" | tr -cs ".[:alnum:]\n" "_")
+			gpart backup "$d" > "$bak_dir/$safe_name.tmp"
+			rotate "$safe_name" $show
+		done
+		gpart_show=$(gpart show -p)
+		boot_part=$(echo "$gpart_show" | awk '$4 ~ /(bios|freebsd)-boot/ { print $3 }')
+		if [ -n "$boot_part" ]; then
+			echo ""
+			echo "Backup of boot partition content:"
+			for b in ${boot_part}; do
+				echo "$b"
+				safe_name=$(echo "boot.${b}" | tr -cs ".[:alnum:]\n" "_")
+				dd if="/dev/${b}" of="$bak_dir/$safe_name.tmp" 2> /dev/null
+				rotate "$safe_name"
+			done
+		fi
+		mbr_part=$(echo "$gpart_show" | awk '$1 == "=>" && $5 == "MBR" { print $4 }')
+		if [ -n "$mbr_part" ]; then
+			echo ""
+			echo "Backup of MBR record:"
+			for mb in ${mbr_part}; do
+				echo "$mb"
+				safe_name=$(echo "boot.${mb}" | tr -cs ".[:alnum:]\n" "_")
+				dd if="/dev/${mb}" of="$bak_dir/$safe_name.tmp" bs=512 count=1 2> /dev/null
+				rotate "$safe_name"
+			done
+		fi
+	fi
+	;;
+	*)  rc=0
+	;;
+case "$daily_backup_efi_enable" in
+    [Yy][Ee][Ss])
+    efi_part=$(gpart show -p | awk '$4 ~ /efi/ {print $3}')
+    if [ -n "$efi_part" ]; then
+        echo ""
+        echo "Backup of EFI partition content:"
+        for efi in ${efi_part}; do
+            echo "$efi"
+            safe_name=$(echo "efi.${efi}" | tr -cs ".[:alnum:]\n" "_")
+            dd if="/dev/${efi}" of="$bak_dir/$safe_name.tmp" 2> /dev/null
+            rotate "$safe_name"
+        done
+    fi
+    ;;
+exit $rc

Modified: head/usr.sbin/periodic/periodic.conf
--- head/usr.sbin/periodic/periodic.conf	Sat Jul 11 19:44:12 2020	(r363109)
+++ head/usr.sbin/periodic/periodic.conf	Sat Jul 11 20:53:31 2020	(r363110)
@@ -77,6 +77,11 @@ daily_backup_passwd_enable="YES"			# Backup passwd & g
 # 210.backup-aliases
 daily_backup_aliases_enable="YES"			# Backup mail aliases
+# 221.backup-gpart
+daily_backup_gpart_enable="YES"             		# Backup partition table/boot partition/MBR
+daily_backup_gpart_verbose="NO"             		# Be verbose if new backup differs from the new one
+daily_backup_efi_enable="NO"                		# Backup EFI system partition (ESP)
 # 300.calendar
 daily_calendar_enable="NO"				# Run calendar -a

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