svn commit: r254615 - head/sys/dev/mps

Scott Long scott4long at
Fri Aug 23 20:12:08 UTC 2013

On Aug 22, 2013, at 7:58 AM, Dmitry Morozovsky <marck at> wrote:

> On Thu, 22 Aug 2013, Kenneth D. Merry wrote:
>>>>  Fix mps(4) driver breakage that came in in change 253550 that
>>>>  manifested itself in out of chain frame conditions.
>>>>  When the driver ran out of chain frames, the request in question
>>>>  would get completed early, and go through mpssas_scsiio_complete().
>>> what is real impact of the bug?
>> Your system will essentially hang, certainly as far as anything connected
>> to the controller in question.
> [snip]
>> 5.  Look for an out of chain frames message on the console.  To see how far
>> you are towards using the chain frames, run 'sysctl dev.mps'.  You can see
>> how many chain frames you have free, and how many requests have failed.
>> This change just needs to be merged along with the other changes to avoid
>> having the regression in stable.
> Thank you very much for the explanation.  We use a couple of servers with mps 
> (and many spindles there), all on stable/9 from this summer, and you commit 
> turns on an alarm light in my head ;)

I'll confirm with my netflix hat on that this isn't a problem in 9.


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