svn commit: r254224 - head/share/man/man7

Glen Barber gjb at
Tue Aug 13 20:54:52 UTC 2013

On Wed, Aug 14, 2013 at 05:35:54AM +0900, Hiroki Sato wrote:
> gj> Why is get_rev_branch() redundant?
>  Because variables in get_rev_branch() are already defined in
>  src/release/Makefile, too.  If one wants to use them in
>  for some reason, "make -VBRANCH" is preferable instead of duplicating
>  the same logic in Makefile to extract them from  This
>  script should not do the same job which Makefile does.
>  IMO, the default value of OSRELEASE is not needed here.  It seems
>  used in RELSTRING, but it does not work (and even if it works, it
>  just generates the same default value).  If we always need to
>  override the default value, Makefile should be fixed instead.

Got it.  I think (based on my local revision history) that this was
added before the changes to Makefile to set the RELSTRING, when it was
done in

I'll remove it.


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