svn commit: r241629 - in head: . etc/defaults etc/mtree include lib lib/libprocstat rescue/rescue sbin/mount share/examples share/man/man5 share/man/man7 share/mk sys/conf sys/kern sys/modules usr....

Andreas Tobler andreast at
Wed Oct 17 18:57:59 UTC 2012

On 17.10.12 20:50, Attilio Rao wrote:
> On Wed, Oct 17, 2012 at 6:41 PM, Andreas Tobler <andreast at> wrote:
>> On 17.10.12 19:35, Attilio Rao wrote:
>>> On Wed, Oct 17, 2012 at 6:23 PM, Andreas Tobler <andreast at>
>>> wrote:
>>>> On 17.10.12 13:16, Attilio Rao wrote:
>>>>> Author: attilio
>>>>> Date: Wed Oct 17 11:16:17 2012
>>>>> New Revision: 241629
>>>>> URL:
>>>>> Log:
>>>>>      Disconnect non-MPSAFE NWFS from the build in preparation for
>>>>> dropping
>>>>>      GIANT from VFS. In addition, disconnect also netncp, which is a base
>>>>>      requirement for NWFS.
>>>>>      In the possibility of a future maintenance of the code and later
>>>>>      readd to the FreeBSD base, maybe we should think about a better
>>>>> location
>>>>>      for netncp. I'm not entirely sure the / top location is actually
>>>>> right,
>>>>>      however I will let network people to comment on that more
>>>>> specifically.
>>>>>      This is not targeted for MFC.
>>>> Hi Attilio,
>>>> I get the following error when running 'make delete-old':
>>>> [root at tritium] /usr/src/> make delete-old
>>>> "/export/devel/fbsd/src/tools/build/mk/", line
>>>> 3461: Malformed conditional (${MK_NCP} == no)
>>>> "/export/devel/fbsd/src/Makefile.inc1", line 1566: if-less endif
>>>> make: fatal errors encountered -- cannot continue
>>>> *** [delete-old] Error code 1
>>>> Do we have to remove the stuff in
>>>> tools/build/mk/ too where we have the
>>>> .if ${MK_NCP} == no
>>>> ...
>>>> .endif
>>>> If so I'm happy to prep a patch, test and commit it.
>>> You are indeed right. Please go ahead.
>> Just to be sure, am I right to move the part from
>> tools/build/mk/ enclosed in the if MK_NCP == no
>> to the toplevel without any ifdefs.
>> Iow, the netncp part should go away.
> For the moment we should not move the files yet into
> This is done because all the FS removed code will
> make it into into a separate pass, in 3-4 months,
> giving people time to possibly fix and re-link a filesystem.
> What I suggest to do, then, is just axe the
> part out. I will take care to do the proper move
> when needed.

Ok. I was testing the removal part. This fortunately delayed the commit ;)

I will shortly commit the part from the and 
leave the as is.


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