svn commit: r236178 - in head: sbin/ifconfig sys/net

Eygene Ryabinkin rea at
Mon May 28 13:50:15 UTC 2012

Gleb, good day.

Mon, May 28, 2012 at 05:14:22PM +0400, Gleb Smirnoff wrote:
> the way of network roaming via stacking WiFi and Ethernet into
> lagg(4) always looked like a huge crutch to me.


> Isn't the problem solvable via a some kind of smarter dhclient?

It isn't always bound to DHCP: just now I am sitting at $WORK
and travelling via the building with WiFi and Ethernet -- I have
static IP and when I plug into wire -- I have wired setup, when
I am unplugged -- WiFi works here.  But the magic of switching
is inside if_lagg, not in some external app that looks for events
and does the plumbing.  And I like this way of doing things.

> How other UNIX-like OS-es solve this?

Looks like OSX does have the smart client that polls for the
interface events and configures network accordingly.  I should
dig it a bit more, since I hadn't touched this part of OSX yet.
Eygene Ryabinkin                                        ,,,^..^,,,
[ Life's unfair - but root password helps!           | ]
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