svn commit: r232266 - in head/sys: amd64/include i386/include pc98/include x86/include

Bruce Evans brde at
Wed Feb 29 05:14:00 UTC 2012

On Tue, 28 Feb 2012, Tijl Coosemans wrote:

> On Tuesday 28 February 2012 21:55:57 Dimitry Andric wrote:
>> On 2012-02-28 20:39, Tijl Coosemans wrote:
>>> Log:
>>>   Copy amd64 endian.h to x86 and merge with i386 endian.h. Replace
>>>   amd64/i386/pc98 endian.h with stubs.
>>>   In __bswap64_const(x) the conflict between 0xffUL and 0xffULL has been
>>>   resolved by reimplementing the macro in terms of __bswap32(x). As a side
>>>   effect __bswap64_var(x) is now implemented using two bswap instructions on
>>>   i386 and should be much faster. __bswap32_const(x) has been reimplemented
>>>   in terms of __bswap16(x) for consistency.
>> ...
>>> +#define	__bswap32_const(_x)		\
>>> +	(((__uint32_t)__bswap16(_x) << 16) | __bswap16((_x) >> 16))
>>> +
>>> +#define	__bswap32(_x)			\
>>> +	(__builtin_constant_p(_x) ?	\
>>> +	    __bswap32_const((__uint32_t)(_x)) : __bswap32_var(_x))
>>> +
>>> +#define	__bswap64_const(_x)		\
>>> +	(((__uint64_t)__bswap32(_x) << 32) | __bswap32((_x) >> 32))
>> Hmm, shouldn't __bswap32_const() be implemented in terms of
>> __bswap16_const(), and similarly for __bswap64_const(), which should be
>> implemented in terms of __bswap32_const()?
>> The whole reason for the difficult dance with __builtin_constant_p is to
>> allow for compile-time resolving of bswap'd constants.  Invoking the
>> regular __bswap() macros doesn't gain you anything here.
> __bswap64_const is also used in __bswap64_var, so its argument isn't
> always a compile time constant and then __bswap32 becomes __bswap32_var.
> If it is a constant __bswap32 becomes __bswap32_const (even at -O0).

I cleaned this up a bit according to ideas in my previous mails, and
added a comment about the confusing use of __bswap64_const() (now
named __bswap64_gen()) in __bswap64_var():

% Index: endian.h
% ===================================================================
% RCS file: /home/ncvs/src/sys/x86/include/endian.h,v
% retrieving revision 1.1
% diff -u -2 -r1.1 endian.h
% --- endian.h	28 Feb 2012 19:39:54 -0000	1.1
% +++ endian.h	29 Feb 2012 03:10:33 -0000
% @@ -37,8 +37,4 @@
%  #include <sys/_types.h>
% -#ifdef __cplusplus
% -extern "C" {
% -#endif
% -
%  /*
%   * Define the order of 32-bit words in 64-bit words.
% @@ -68,32 +64,24 @@
%  #endif
% -#if defined(__GNUCLIKE_ASM) && defined(__GNUCLIKE_BUILTIN_CONSTANT_P)
% -
% -#define	__bswap16_const(_x)	(__uint16_t)((_x) << 8 | (_x) >> 8)
% -
% -#define	__bswap16(_x)			\
% -	(__builtin_constant_p(_x) ?	\
% -	    __bswap16_const((__uint16_t)(_x)) : __bswap16_var(_x))
% -
% -#define	__bswap32_const(_x)		\
% -	(((__uint32_t)__bswap16(_x) << 16) | __bswap16((_x) >> 16))
% -
% -#define	__bswap32(_x)			\
% -	(__builtin_constant_p(_x) ?	\
% -	    __bswap32_const((__uint32_t)(_x)) : __bswap32_var(_x))
% +#define	___bswap16(x)	(__uint16_t)((x) << 8 | (x) >> 8)
% +#define	__bswap16(x)	(___bswap16((__uint16_t)(x)))
% +#define	__bswap32_gen(x)		\
% +	(((__uint32_t)__bswap16(x) << 16) | __bswap16((x) >> 16))
% +#define	__bswap64_gen(x)		\
% +	(((__uint64_t)__bswap32(x) << 32) | __bswap32((x) >> 32))
% -#define	__bswap64_const(_x)		\
% -	(((__uint64_t)__bswap32(_x) << 32) | __bswap32((_x) >> 32))
% -
% -#define	__bswap64(_x)			\
% -	(__builtin_constant_p(_x) ?	\
% -	    __bswap64_const((__uint64_t)(_x)) : __bswap64_var(_x))
% +#if defined(__GNUCLIKE_ASM) && defined(__GNUCLIKE_BUILTIN_CONSTANT_P)
% -static __inline __uint16_t
% -__bswap16_var(__uint16_t _x)
% -{
% +/*
% + * The following messes are old optimizations for gcc.  The messes have
% + * been reduced significantly, but I don't know how to implement the
% + * preferred way of defining defaults above and overriding them cleanly
% + * here.  Even clang needs help for the 64-bit case, so to keep the
% + * ifdefs sane we use this for the 32-bit case with clang too.
% + */
% -	return (__bswap16_const(_x));
% -}
% +#define	__bswap32(x)			\
% +	(__builtin_constant_p(x) ?	\
% +	    __bswap32_gen((__uint32_t)(x)) : __bswap32_var(x))
%  static __inline __uint32_t
% @@ -105,34 +93,35 @@
%  }
% +#define	__bswap64(x)			\
% +	(__builtin_constant_p(x) ?	\
% +	    __bswap64_gen((__uint64_t)(x)) : __bswap64_var(x))
% +
%  static __inline __uint64_t
%  __bswap64_var(__uint64_t _x)
%  {
% -#ifdef	_LP64
% +
% +#ifdef _LP64
%  	__asm ("bswap %0" : "+r" (_x));
%  	return (_x);
%  #else
% -	return (__bswap64_const(_x));
% +	/*
% +	 * It is important for the optimizations that the following is not
% +	 * really generic, but expands to 2 __bswap32_var()'s.
% +	 */
% +	return (__bswap64_gen(_x));
%  #endif
%  }
% -#define	__htonl(x)	__bswap32(x)
% -#define	__htons(x)	__bswap16(x)
% -#define	__ntohl(x)	__bswap32(x)
% -#define	__ntohs(x)	__bswap16(x)
% -
% -/*
% - * No optimizations are available for this compiler.  Fall back to
% - * non-optimized functions by defining the constant usually used to prevent
% - * redefinition.
% - */
% +#define	__bswap32(x)	(__bswap32_gen((__uint32_t)(x)))
% +#define	__bswap64(x)	(__bswap64_gen((__uint64_t)(x)))
% -#ifdef __cplusplus
% -}
% -#endif
% +#define	__htonl(x)	__bswap32(x)
% +#define	__htons(x)	__bswap16(x)
% +#define	__ntohl(x)	__bswap32(x)
% +#define	__ntohs(x)	__bswap16(x)
%  #endif /* !_MACHINE_ENDIAN_H_ */

This passes simple tests, but I had to restore some messes for clang
that I originally left out to get clang to optimize __bswap64()
like it did before for the `var' case.  clang apparently only
understands the general expression for __bswapN() up to N = 32.


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