svn commit: r221853 - in head/sys: dev/md dev/null sys vm

mdf at mdf at
Tue May 31 22:47:22 UTC 2011

On Tue, May 31, 2011 at 2:48 PM, Pieter de Goeje <pieter at> wrote:
> On Sunday 29 May 2011 05:01:57 mdf at wrote:
>> On Sat, May 28, 2011 at 12:03 PM, Pieter de Goeje <pieter at> wrote:
>> > To me it looks like it's not able to cache the zeroes anymore. Is this
>> > intentional? I tried to change ZERO_REGION_SIZE back to 64K but that
>> > didn't help.
>> Hmm.  I don't have access to my FreeBSD box over the weekend, but I'll
>> run this on my box when I get back to work.
>> Meanwhile you could try setting ZERO_REGION_SIZE to PAGE_SIZE and I
>> think that will restore things to the original performance.
> Indeed it does. I couldn't find any authoritative docs stating wether or not
> the cache on this CPU is virtually indexed, but apparently at least some of
> it is.

On my physical box (some Dell thing from about 2008), I ran 10 loops
of dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/null bs=XX count=XX where bs went by powers
of 2 from 512 bytes to 2M, and count was set so that the dd always
transferred 8GB.  I compared ZERO_REGION_SIZE of 64k and 2M on amd64.

The summary of the ministat(1) output is:

bs=512b - no difference
bs=1K - no difference
bs=2k - no difference
bs=4k - no difference
bs=8k - no difference
bs=16k - no difference
bs=32k - no difference
bs=64k - no difference
bs=128k - 2M is 0.69% faster
bs=256k - 2M is 0.98% faster
bs=512k - 2M is 0.65% faster
bs=1M - 2M is 1.02% faster
bs=2M - 2M is 2.17% slower

I'll play again with a 4K buffer.  For some applications (/dev/zero) a
small size is sufficient.  For some (md(4)) a ZERO_REGION_SIZE at
least as large as the sectorsize is desired so that a single kernel
buffer pointer can be used to set up a uio for VOP_WRITE(9).

Attached is the ministat output; I hope it makes it. :-)

-------------- next part --------------
x /data/zero-amd64-small/zero-512.txt
+ /data/zero-amd64-large/zero-512.txt
|                             +           x                                |
|+                      +     +x*x+  +x x *  x+    x +                    x|
|                  |__________|__AM_______MA___|_______|                   |
    N           Min           Max        Median           Avg        Stddev
x  10     13.564276     13.666499     13.590373     13.591993   0.030172083
+  10      13.49174     13.616263     13.569925     13.568006   0.033884281
No difference proven at 95.0% confidence

x /data/zero-amd64-small/zero-1024.txt
+ /data/zero-amd64-large/zero-1024.txt
|+            +           ++xx      x  x +* ++     xx+                    +|
|               |____________|_______AAM__M____|_________|                 |
    N           Min           Max        Median           Avg        Stddev
x  10      7.155384      7.182849      7.168076     7.1661382    0.01041489
+  10      7.124263      7.207363      7.170449     7.1647896   0.023453662
No difference proven at 95.0% confidence

x /data/zero-amd64-small/zero-2048.txt
+ /data/zero-amd64-large/zero-2048.txt
|                  +                                                       |
|+          +      +    xx   *x   +* xx+   ++x                x           x|
|            |_________|____A_____M__M__A_|_____________|                  |
    N           Min           Max        Median           Avg        Stddev
x  10      3.827242      3.867095      3.837901      3.839988   0.012983755
+  10      3.809213      3.843682      3.835748     3.8302765   0.011340307
No difference proven at 95.0% confidence

x /data/zero-amd64-small/zero-4096.txt
+ /data/zero-amd64-large/zero-4096.txt
|+ +   ++xxx   x   + + * x    +              ++       x           x       x|
|   |_______________AM_M_____A_______|_________________|                   |
    N           Min           Max        Median           Avg        Stddev
x  10      2.165541      2.201224      2.173227     2.1769029   0.013803193
+  10      2.161362      2.185911      2.172388     2.1719634  0.0088129371
No difference proven at 95.0% confidence

x /data/zero-amd64-small/zero-8192.txt
+ /data/zero-amd64-large/zero-8192.txt
|                            +x                                            |
|+   x      +  +  +x  +    x++x    +  x x            x  +           x     x|
|         |______|_______A__M_________A_|___________________|              |
    N           Min           Max        Median           Avg        Stddev
x  10      1.332291      1.360346      1.345818     1.3458022  0.0087284257
+  10      1.330499      1.353158      1.341425     1.3401464  0.0061269639
No difference proven at 95.0% confidence

x /data/zero-amd64-small/zero-16384.txt
+ /data/zero-amd64-large/zero-16384.txt
|x       x        +++x+ x  x  x++  x          +  + x            +       + x|
|     |___________|________MA___M____A____________|______|                 |
    N           Min           Max        Median           Avg        Stddev
x  10      0.951439      0.971786      0.958732     0.9590033  0.0060412881
+  10      0.956137      0.971252      0.960056     0.9615789  0.0054704496
No difference proven at 95.0% confidence

x /data/zero-amd64-small/zero-32768.txt
+ /data/zero-amd64-large/zero-32768.txt
|                                       +           x                      |
|x      x  +            +    x+ *     x *           x+    xx     ++       +|
|                |_____|_____________A__M___A____________|______|          |
    N           Min           Max        Median           Avg        Stddev
x  10       0.87878       0.88416      0.882391     0.8820918  0.0018622742
+  10      0.879725      0.885514      0.882384     0.8827088  0.0018915254
No difference proven at 95.0% confidence

x /data/zero-amd64-small/zero-65536.txt
+ /data/zero-amd64-large/zero-65536.txt
|           +              x                                               |
|x          + x   xx  +x+  *x + x+                   +    +      x        +|
|        |____|__________A_M__M___A_______|____________|                   |
    N           Min           Max        Median           Avg        Stddev
x  10      0.777364       0.78245      0.779413     0.7792997  0.0013134559
+  10      0.778201      0.783168      0.779648     0.7800255  0.0016438081
No difference proven at 95.0% confidence

x /data/zero-amd64-small/zero-131072.txt
+ /data/zero-amd64-large/zero-131072.txt
|              +                                            x  x  x        |
|+   + ++ ++   + +   +                        x            xx  xx x       x|
|    |_____A_____|                                     |______AM_____|     |
    N           Min           Max        Median           Avg        Stddev
x  10      0.730835       0.73364      0.732564     0.7324519 0.00071514528
+  10      0.726385      0.728366      0.727345     0.7273731 0.00060064733
Difference at 95.0% confidence
	-0.0050788 +/- 0.000620493
	-0.693397% +/- 0.0847144%
	(Student's t, pooled s = 0.000660382)

x /data/zero-amd64-small/zero-262144.txt
+ /data/zero-amd64-large/zero-262144.txt
|++++ ++  ++    +  +                                           x  x xxxx  x|
| |____MA_____|                                                   |__AM_|  |
    N           Min           Max        Median           Avg        Stddev
x  10      0.707463      0.708759      0.708302     0.7082057 0.00035200002
+  10      0.700438      0.702515       0.70112     0.7012383 0.00068573984
Difference at 95.0% confidence
	-0.0069674 +/- 0.00051212
	-0.98381% +/- 0.0723123%
	(Student's t, pooled s = 0.000545043)

x /data/zero-amd64-small/zero-524288.txt
+ /data/zero-amd64-large/zero-524288.txt
|+     + ++    +++ +       +       +                               xx xxxxx|
|     |_________A________|                                           |_AM| |
    N           Min           Max        Median           Avg        Stddev
x  10      0.695949      0.696504      0.696329     0.6962698 0.00017254359
+  10      0.690561      0.693309      0.691775      0.691745 0.00079908114
Difference at 95.0% confidence
	-0.0045248 +/- 0.000543141
	-0.649863% +/- 0.0780072%
	(Student's t, pooled s = 0.000578058)

x /data/zero-amd64-small/zero-1048576.txt
+ /data/zero-amd64-large/zero-1048576.txt
|    +                                                                     |
| +  ++                                                            x xx    |
| + +++   +          +                                            xxxxx  xx|
||___M_A____|                                                      |_A__|  |
    N           Min           Max        Median           Avg        Stddev
x  10      0.689866       0.69072      0.690193     0.6902068 0.00028761657
+  10      0.682613      0.684775       0.68301     0.6831473 0.00062588534
Difference at 95.0% confidence
	-0.0070595 +/- 0.00045764
	-1.02281% +/- 0.0663048%
	(Student's t, pooled s = 0.00048706)

x /data/zero-amd64-small/zero-2097152.txt
+ /data/zero-amd64-large/zero-2097152.txt
|                                                      +    +              |
|x  xx  x  xxx x              x         x +  ++     +  ++   +             +|
| |_________M_A___________|                  |_________A________|          |
    N           Min           Max        Median           Avg        Stddev
x  10      0.707658      0.722499      0.712014     0.7126138  0.0046570165
+  10      0.723395       0.73552      0.728367     0.7281022   0.003517792
Difference at 95.0% confidence
	0.0154884 +/- 0.00387762
	2.17346% +/- 0.544141%
	(Student's t, pooled s = 0.0041269)

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