svn commit: r228823 - in head/usr.bin: ar hexdump rctl
Glen Barber
gjb at
Fri Dec 23 00:29:01 UTC 2011
Author: gjb (doc committer)
Date: Fri Dec 23 00:29:01 2011
New Revision: 228823
Formatting fixes:
- Enclose tabbed content in quotes [1]
- Enclose tabbed content in quotes [1]
- Enclose tabbed content in quotes [1]
- Start a sentence on a newline [2]
Reported by: manlint [1], igor [2]
MFC after: 1 week
X-MFC-after: 9.0-RELEASE
Modified: head/usr.bin/ar/ar.1
--- head/usr.bin/ar/ar.1 Fri Dec 23 00:23:37 2011 (r228822)
+++ head/usr.bin/ar/ar.1 Fri Dec 23 00:29:01 2011 (r228823)
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
.\" $FreeBSD$
-.Dd May 17, 2010
+.Dd December 22, 2011
.Dt AR 1
@@ -414,7 +414,7 @@ character.
.Dq Li *
-.Dq Li "\;"
+.Dq Li "\&;"
characters start a comment.
Comments extend till the end of the line.
Modified: head/usr.bin/hexdump/od.1
--- head/usr.bin/hexdump/od.1 Fri Dec 23 00:23:37 2011 (r228822)
+++ head/usr.bin/hexdump/od.1 Fri Dec 23 00:29:01 2011 (r228823)
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
.\" @(#)od.1 8.1 (Berkeley) 6/6/93
.\" $FreeBSD$
-.Dd February 18, 2010
+.Dd December 22, 2011
.Dt OD 1
@@ -146,12 +146,12 @@ Named characters
.Pq Tn ASCII .
Control characters are displayed using the following names:
.Bl -column "000 NUL" "001 SOH" "002 STX" "003 ETX" "004 EOT" "005 ENQ"
-.It 000 NUL 001 SOH 002 STX 003 ETX 004 EOT 005 ENQ
-.It 006 ACK 007 BEL 008 BS 009 HT 00A NL 00B VT
-.It 00C FF 00D CR 00E SO 00F SI 010 DLE 011 DC1
-.It 012 DC2 013 DC3 014 DC4 015 NAK 016 SYN 017 ETB
-.It 018 CAN 019 EM 01A SUB 01B ESC 01C FS 01D GS
-.It 01E RS 01F US 020 SP 07F DEL
+.It "000 NUL 001 SOH 002 STX 003 ETX 004 EOT 005 ENQ"
+.It "006 ACK 007 BEL 008 BS 009 HT 00A NL 00B VT"
+.It "00C FF 00D CR 00E SO 00F SI 010 DLE 011 DC1"
+.It "012 DC2 013 DC3 014 DC4 015 NAK 016 SYN 017 ETB"
+.It "018 CAN 019 EM 01A SUB 01B ESC 01C FS 01D GS"
+.It "01E RS 01F US 020 SP 07F DEL"
.It Cm c
Characters in the default character set.
Modified: head/usr.bin/rctl/rctl.8
--- head/usr.bin/rctl/rctl.8 Fri Dec 23 00:23:37 2011 (r228822)
+++ head/usr.bin/rctl/rctl.8 Fri Dec 23 00:29:01 2011 (r228823)
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
.\" $FreeBSD$
-.Dd July 14, 2011
+.Dd December 22, 2011
.Dt RCTL 8
@@ -89,8 +89,8 @@ Syntax for a rule is subject:subject-id:
Subject defines the kind of entity the rule applies to.
It can be either process, user, login class, or jail.
-Subject ID identifies the subject. It can be user name,
-numerical user ID, login class name, or jail name.
+Subject ID identifies the subject.
+It can be user name, numerical user ID, login class name, or jail name.
Resource identifies the resource the rule controls.
@@ -122,35 +122,35 @@ A filter that matches all defined rules
.Bl -column -offset 3n "pseudoterminals"
-.It cputime CPU time, in seconds
-.It datasize data size, in bytes
-.It stacksize stack size, in bytes
-.It coredumpsize core dump size, in bytes
-.It memoryuse resident set size, in bytes
-.It memorylocked locked memory, in bytes
-.It maxproc number of processes
-.It openfiles file descriptor table size
-.It vmemoryuse address space limit, in bytes
-.It pseudoterminals number of PTYs
-.It swapuse swap usage, in bytes
-.It nthr number of threads
-.It msgqqueued number of queued SysV messages
-.It msgqsize SysV message queue size, in bytes
-.It nmsgq number of SysV message queues
-.It nsem number of SysV semaphores
-.It nsemop number of SysV semaphores modified in a single semop(2) call
-.It nshm number of SysV shared memory segments
-.It shmsize SysV shared memory size, in bytes
-.It wallclock wallclock time, in seconds
+.It "cputime CPU time, in seconds"
+.It "datasize data size, in bytes"
+.It "stacksize stack size, in bytes"
+.It "coredumpsize core dump size, in bytes"
+.It "memoryuse resident set size, in bytes"
+.It "memorylocked locked memory, in bytes"
+.It "maxproc number of processes"
+.It "openfiles file descriptor table size"
+.It "vmemoryuse address space limit, in bytes"
+.It "pseudoterminals number of PTYs"
+.It "swapuse swap usage, in bytes"
+.It "nthr number of threads"
+.It "msgqqueued number of queued SysV messages"
+.It "msgqsize SysV message queue size, in bytes"
+.It "nmsgq number of SysV message queues"
+.It "nsem number of SysV semaphores"
+.It "nsemop number of SysV semaphores modified in a single semop(2) call"
+.It "nshm number of SysV shared memory segments"
+.It "shmsize SysV shared memory size, in bytes"
+.It "wallclock wallclock time, in seconds"
.Bl -column -offset 3n "pseudoterminals"
-.It deny deny the allocation; not supported for cpu and wallclock
-.It log log a warning to the console
-.It devctl send notification to
+.It "deny deny the allocation; not supported for cpu and wallclock"
+.It "log log a warning to the console"
+.It "devctl send notification to"
.Xr devd 8
-.It sig* e.g. sigterm; send a signal to the offending process
+.It "sig* e.g. sigterm; send a signal to the offending process"
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