pending em0 commits for FreeBSD 8.1 STABLE

Mike Tancsa mike at
Sun Oct 31 00:20:26 UTC 2010

At 10:06 AM 10/29/2010, Bjoern A. Zeeb wrote:

>Yes what you have down there looks *sigh* hopefully like a different
>issue thought it mbuf fiddling again but way further up the stack.
>Could you please concentrate on only reproducing the
>         if<n>: discard frame w/o packet header
>issue rather than breaking things left and right as well? ;-)

OK, some good news.  After recompiling RELENG_8 with the em driver 
from HEAD I am no longer able to recreate the "discard frame w/o 
packet header" !


Mike Tancsa,                                      tel +1 519 651 3400
Sentex Communications,                            mike at
Providing Internet since 1994          
Cambridge, Ontario Canada               

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