svn commit: r199804 - in head: crypto/openssh
usr.sbin/cron/cron usr.sbin/inetd usr.sbin/syslogd
Dmitry Marakasov
amdmi3 at
Wed Nov 25 16:46:17 UTC 2009
* Attilio Rao (attilio at wrote:
> Avoid sshd, cron, syslogd and inetd to be killed under high-pressure swap
> environments.
> Please note that this can't be done while such processes run in jails.
> Note: in future it would be interesting to find a way to do that
> selectively for any desired proccess (choosen by user himself), probabilly
> via a ptrace interface or whatever.
You might be interested in looking at /usr/ports/sysutils/scprotect.
Dmitry Marakasov . 55B5 0596 FF1E 8D84 5F56 9510 D35A 80DD F9D2 F77D
amdmi3 at ..: jabber: amdmi3 at
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