svn commit: r190098 - in head/sys/sparc64: fhc sparc64

Colin Percival cperciva at
Sun Mar 22 02:19:02 PDT 2009

Christoph Mallon wrote:
> (two loops plus three if ()s, which can easily 
> happen in a non-trivial algorithm, and you start at column 48 of 80)

I've found that this is usually a very good point at which to ask myself
if the code in question can be refactored.  I'm not saying that I refactor
code just to make it fit into an 80 character width -- it's just that I
often don't notice how complex a routine is getting while I'm writing it,
unless I have some external prompt; and finding that I'm wrapping lots of
lines provides exactly the sort of reminder I need.

Colin Percival
Security Officer, FreeBSD | | The power to serve
Founder / author, Tarsnap | | Online backups for the truly paranoid

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