svn commit: r191388 - head/lib/libbluetooth

Maksim Yevmenkin emax at
Wed Apr 22 15:50:04 UTC 2009

Author: emax
Date: Wed Apr 22 15:50:03 2009
New Revision: 191388

  Implement low-level Bluetooth HCI API.
  This should make it easier to make Linux BlueZ libhci port.
  Reviewed by:	Iain Hibbert < plunky -at- rya-online -dot- net > of NetBSD
  MFC after:	1 week
  Inspired by:	Linux BlueZ
  Inspired by:	NetBSD


Modified: head/lib/libbluetooth/Makefile
--- head/lib/libbluetooth/Makefile	Wed Apr 22 15:25:00 2009	(r191387)
+++ head/lib/libbluetooth/Makefile	Wed Apr 22 15:50:03 2009	(r191388)
@@ -33,6 +33,19 @@ MLINKS+=	bluetooth.3 bt_devname.3
 MLINKS+=	bluetooth.3 bt_devinfo.3
 MLINKS+=	bluetooth.3 bt_devenum.3
+MLINKS+=	bluetooth.3 bt_devopen.3
+MLINKS+=	bluetooth.3 bt_devclose.3
+MLINKS+=	bluetooth.3 bt_devsend.3
+MLINKS+=	bluetooth.3 bt_devreq.3
+MLINKS+=	bluetooth.3 bt_devfilter.3
+MLINKS+=	bluetooth.3 bt_devfilter_pkt_set.3
+MLINKS+=	bluetooth.3 bt_devfilter_pkt_clr.3
+MLINKS+=	bluetooth.3 bt_devfilter_pkt_tst.3
+MLINKS+=	bluetooth.3 bt_devfilter_evt_set.3
+MLINKS+=	bluetooth.3 bt_devfilter_evt_clr.3
+MLINKS+=	bluetooth.3 bt_devfilter_evt_tst.3
+MLINKS+=	bluetooth.3 bt_devinquiry.3
 MLINKS+=	bluetooth.3 bdaddr_same.3
 MLINKS+=	bluetooth.3 bdaddr_any.3
 MLINKS+=	bluetooth.3 bdaddr_copy.3

Modified: head/lib/libbluetooth/bluetooth.3
--- head/lib/libbluetooth/bluetooth.3	Wed Apr 22 15:25:00 2009	(r191387)
+++ head/lib/libbluetooth/bluetooth.3	Wed Apr 22 15:50:03 2009	(r191388)
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
 .\" $Id: bluetooth.3,v 1.5 2003/05/20 23:04:30 max Exp $
 .\" $FreeBSD$
-.Dd February 13, 2009
+.Dd April 9, 2009
@@ -41,6 +41,23 @@
 .Nm bt_endprotoent ,
 .Nm bt_aton ,
 .Nm bt_ntoa ,
+.Nm bt_devaddr ,
+.Nm bt_devname ,
+.Nm bt_devinfo ,
+.Nm bt_devenum ,
+.Nm bt_devopen ,
+.Nm bt_devclose ,
+.Nm bt_devsend ,
+.Nm bt_devrecv ,
+.Nm bt_devreq ,
+.Nm bt_devfilter ,
+.Nm bt_devfilter_pkt_set ,
+.Nm bt_devfilter_pkt_clr ,
+.Nm bt_devfilter_pkt_tst ,
+.Nm bt_devfilter_evt_set ,
+.Nm bt_devfilter_evt_clr ,
+.Nm bt_devfilter_evt_tst ,
+.Nm bt_devinquiry ,
 .Nm bdaddr_same ,
 .Nm bdaddr_any ,
 .Nm bdaddr_copy
@@ -84,6 +101,32 @@
 .Ft int
 .Fn bt_devenum "bt_devenum_cb_t *cb" "void *arg"
 .Ft int
+.Fn bt_devopen "char const *devname"
+.Ft int
+.Fn bt_devclose "int s"
+.Ft int
+.Fn bt_devsend "int s" "uint16_t opcode" "void *param" "size_t plen"
+.Ft ssize_t
+.Fn bt_devrecv "int s" "void *buf" "size_t size" "time_t to"
+.Ft int
+.Fn bt_devreq "int s" "struct bt_devreq *r" "time_t to"
+.Ft int
+.Fn bt_devfilter "int s" "struct bt_devfilter const *new" "struct bt_devfilter *old"
+.Ft void
+.Fn bt_devfilter_pkt_set "struct bt_devfilter *filter" "uint8_t type"
+.Ft void
+.Fn bt_devfilter_pkt_clt "struct bt_devfilter *filter" "uint8_t type"
+.Ft int
+.Fn bt_devfilter_pkt_tst "struct bt_devfilter const *filter" "uint8_t type"
+.Ft void
+.Fn bt_devfilter_evt_set "struct bt_devfilter *filter" "uint8_t event"
+.Ft void
+.Fn bt_devfilter_evt_clt "struct bt_devfilter *filter" "uint8_t event"
+.Ft int
+.Fn bt_devfilter_evt_tst "struct bt_devfilter const *filter" "uint8_t event"
+.Ft int
+.Fn bt_devinquiry "char const *devname" "time_t length" "int num_rsp" "struct bt_devinquiry **ii"
+.Ft int
 .Fn bdaddr_same "const bdaddr_t *a" "const bdaddr_t *b"
 .Ft int
 .Fn bdaddr_any "const bdaddr_t *a"
@@ -311,6 +354,240 @@ The function returns number of successfu
 or -1 if an error occurred.
+.Fn bt_devopen
+function opens a Bluetooth device with the given
+.Fa devname
+and returns a connected and bound
+.Dv HCI
+socket handle.
+The function returns -1 if an error has occurred.
+.Fn bt_devclose
+closes the passed
+.Dv HCI
+socket handle
+.Fa s ,
+previously obtained with
+.Xr bt_devopen 3 .
+.Fn bt_devsend
+function sends a Bluetooth
+.Dv HCI
+command with the given
+.Fa opcode
+to the provided socket
+.Fa s ,
+previously obtained with
+.Xr bt_devopen 3 .
+.Fa opcode
+parameter is exppected to be in the host byte order.
+.Fa param
+.Fa plen
+parameters specify command parameters.
+.Fn bt_devsend
+function does not modify the
+.Dv HCI
+filter on the provided socket
+.Fa s .
+The function returns 0 on success,
+or -1 if an error occurred.
+.Fn bt_devrecv
+function receives one Bluetooth
+.Dv HCI
+packet from the socket
+.Fa s ,
+previously obtained with
+.Xr bt_devopen 3 .
+The packet is placed into the provided buffer
+.Fa buf
+of size
+.Fa size .
+.Fa to
+parameter specifies receive timeout in seconds.
+Infinite timeout can be specified by passing negative value in the
+.Fa to
+.Fn bt_devrecv
+function does not modify the
+.Dv HCI
+filter on the provided socket
+.Fa s .
+The function returns total number of bytes recevied,
+or -1 if an error occurred.
+.Fn bt_devreq
+function makes a Bluetooth
+.Dv HCI
+request to the socket
+.Fa s ,
+previously obtained with
+.Xr bt_devopen 3 .
+The function will send the specified command and will wait for the specified
+or timeout
+.Fa to
+seconds to occur.
+.Vt bt_devreq
+structure is defined as follows
+.Bd -literal -offset indent
+struct bt_devreq
+        uint16_t        opcode;
+        uint8_t         event;
+        void            *cparam;
+        size_t          clen;
+        void            *rparam;
+        size_t          rlen;
+.Fa opcode
+field specifies the command and is expected to be in the host byte order.
+.Fa cparam
+.Fa clen
+fields specify command parameters data and command parameters data size
+.Fa event
+field specifies which Bluetooth
+.Dv HCI
+event ID the function should wait for, otherwise it should be set to zero.
+.Dv HCI
+Command Complete and Command Status events are enabled by default.
+.Fa rparam
+.Fa rlen
+parameters specify buffer and buffer size respectively where return
+parameters should be placed.
+.Fn bt_devreq
+function temporarily modifies filter on the provided
+.Dv HCI
+.Fa s .
+The function returns 0 on success, or -1 if an error occurred.
+.Fn bt_devfilter
+controls the local
+.Dv HCI
+filter associated with the socket
+.Fa s ,
+previously obtained with
+.Xr bt_devopen 3 .
+Filtering can be done on packet types, i.e.
+.Dv ACL ,
+.Dv SCO or
+.Dv HCI ,
+command and event packets, and, in addition, on
+.Dv HCI
+event IDs.
+Before applying the
+.Fa new
+filter (if provided) the function will try to obtain the current filter
+from the socket
+.Fa s
+and place it into the
+.Fa old
+parameter (if provided).
+The function returns 0 on success, or -1 if an error occurred.
+.Fn bt_devfilter_pkt_set ,
+.Fn bt_devfilter_pkt_clr 
+.Fn bt_devfilter_pkt_tst
+functions can be used to modify and test the
+.Dv HCI
+.Fa filter .
+.Fa type
+parameter specifies
+.Dv HCI
+packet type.
+.Fn bt_devfilter_evt_set ,
+.Fn bt_devfilter_evt_clr 
+.Fn bt_devfilter_evt_tst
+functions can be used to modify and test the
+.Dv HCI
+event filter
+.Fa filter .
+.Fa event
+parameter specifies
+.Dv HCI
+event ID.
+.Fn bt_devinquiry
+function performs Bluetooth inquiry.
+.Fa devname
+parameter specifies which local Bluetooth device should perform an inquiry.
+If not secified, i.e.
+.Dv NULL ,
+then first available device will be used.
+.Fa length
+parameters specifies the total length of an inquiry in seconds.
+If not specified, i.e. 0, default value will be used.
+.Fa num_rsp
+parameter specifies the number of responses that can be received before
+the inquiry is halted.
+If not specified, i.e. 0, default value will be used.
+.Fa ii
+parameter specifies where to place inquiry results.
+On success, the function will return total number of inquiry results,
+will allocate,
+.Xr calloc 3 ,
+buffer to store all the inquiry results and
+will return pointer to the allocated buffer in the
+.Fa ii
+It is up to the caller of the function to dispose of the buffer using
+.Xr free 3
+The function returns -1 if an error has occurred.
+.Vt bt_devinquiry
+structure is defined as follows
+.Bd -literal -offset indent
+struct bt_devinquiry {
+        bdaddr_t        bdaddr;
+        uint8_t         pscan_rep_mode;
+        uint8_t         pscan_period_mode;
+        uint8_t         dev_class[3];
+        uint16_t        clock_offset;
+        int8_t          rssi;
+        uint8_t         data[240];
 .Fn bdaddr_same ,
 .Fn bdaddr_any
@@ -444,6 +721,6 @@ will be bound and connected to the Bluet
 .An Maksim Yevmenkin Aq m_evmenkin at
-These functions use static data storage;
+Some of those functions use static data storage;
 if the data is needed for future use, it should be
 copied before any subsequent calls overwrite it.

Modified: head/lib/libbluetooth/bluetooth.h
--- head/lib/libbluetooth/bluetooth.h	Wed Apr 22 15:25:00 2009	(r191387)
+++ head/lib/libbluetooth/bluetooth.h	Wed Apr 22 15:50:03 2009	(r191388)
@@ -39,6 +39,7 @@
 #include <sys/endian.h>
 #include <sys/ioctl.h>
 #include <sys/socket.h>
+#include <sys/uio.h>
 #include <sys/un.h>
 #include <errno.h>
 #include <netdb.h>
@@ -46,6 +47,7 @@
 #include <netgraph/bluetooth/include/ng_hci.h>
 #include <netgraph/bluetooth/include/ng_l2cap.h>
 #include <netgraph/bluetooth/include/ng_btsocket.h>
+#include <time.h>
@@ -129,8 +131,48 @@ struct bt_devinfo
 	uint8_t		_padding[20];	/* leave space for future additions */
+struct bt_devreq
+	uint16_t	opcode;
+	uint8_t		event;
+	void		*cparam;
+	size_t		clen;
+	void		*rparam;
+	size_t		rlen;
+struct bt_devfilter {
+	bitstr_t	bit_decl(packet_mask, 8);
+	bitstr_t	bit_decl(event_mask, 256);
+struct bt_devinquiry {
+	bdaddr_t        bdaddr;
+	uint8_t         pscan_rep_mode;
+	uint8_t         pscan_period_mode;
+	uint8_t         dev_class[3];
+	uint16_t        clock_offset;
+	int8_t          rssi;
+	uint8_t         data[240];
 typedef int	(bt_devenum_cb_t)(int, struct bt_devinfo const *, void *);
+int		bt_devopen (char const *devname);
+int		bt_devclose(int s);
+int		bt_devsend (int s, uint16_t opcode, void *param, size_t plen);
+ssize_t		bt_devrecv (int s, void *buf, size_t size, time_t to);
+int		bt_devreq  (int s, struct bt_devreq *r, time_t to);
+int		bt_devfilter(int s, struct bt_devfilter const *new,
+			     struct bt_devfilter *old);
+void		bt_devfilter_pkt_set(struct bt_devfilter *filter, uint8_t type);
+void		bt_devfilter_pkt_clr(struct bt_devfilter *filter, uint8_t type);
+int		bt_devfilter_pkt_tst(struct bt_devfilter const *filter, uint8_t type);
+void		bt_devfilter_evt_set(struct bt_devfilter *filter, uint8_t event);
+void		bt_devfilter_evt_clr(struct bt_devfilter *filter, uint8_t event);
+int		bt_devfilter_evt_tst(struct bt_devfilter const *filter, uint8_t event);
+int		bt_devinquiry(char const *devname, time_t length, int num_rsp,
+			      struct bt_devinquiry **ii);
 int		bt_devinfo (struct bt_devinfo *di);
 int		bt_devenum (bt_devenum_cb_t *cb, void *arg);

Modified: head/lib/libbluetooth/hci.c
--- head/lib/libbluetooth/hci.c	Wed Apr 22 15:25:00 2009	(r191387)
+++ head/lib/libbluetooth/hci.c	Wed Apr 22 15:50:03 2009	(r191388)
@@ -30,15 +30,505 @@
  * $FreeBSD$
+#include <assert.h>
 #include <bluetooth.h>
+#include <inttypes.h>
 #include <stdio.h>
 #include <stdlib.h>
 #include <string.h>
 #include <unistd.h>
+#undef	MIN
+#define	MIN(a, b)	(((a) < (b))? (a) : (b))
+static int    bt_devany_cb(int s, struct bt_devinfo const *di, void *xdevname);
 static char * bt_dev2node (char const *devname, char *nodename, int nnlen);
+bt_devopen(char const *devname)
+	struct sockaddr_hci	ha;
+	bdaddr_t		ba;
+	int			s;
+	if (devname == NULL) {
+		errno = EINVAL;
+		return (-1);
+	}
+	memset(&ha, 0, sizeof(ha));
+	ha.hci_len = sizeof(ha);
+	ha.hci_family = AF_BLUETOOTH;
+	if (bt_aton(devname, &ba)) {
+		if (!bt_devname(ha.hci_node, &ba))
+			return (-1);
+	} else if (bt_dev2node(devname, ha.hci_node,
+					sizeof(ha.hci_node)) == NULL) {
+		errno = ENXIO;
+		return (-1);
+	}
+	if (s < 0)
+		return (-1);
+	if (bind(s, (struct sockaddr *) &ha, sizeof(ha)) < 0 ||
+	    connect(s, (struct sockaddr *) &ha, sizeof(ha)) < 0) {
+		close(s);
+		return (-1);
+	}
+	return (s);
+bt_devclose(int s)
+	return (close(s));
+bt_devsend(int s, uint16_t opcode, void *param, size_t plen)
+	ng_hci_cmd_pkt_t	h;
+	struct iovec		iv[2];
+	int			ivn;
+	if ((plen == 0 && param != NULL) ||
+	    (plen > 0 && param == NULL) ||
+	    plen > UINT8_MAX) { 
+		errno = EINVAL;
+		return (-1);
+	}
+	iv[0].iov_base = &h;
+	iv[0].iov_len = sizeof(h);
+	ivn = 1;
+	h.type = NG_HCI_CMD_PKT;
+	h.opcode = htole16(opcode);
+	if (plen > 0) {
+		h.length = plen;
+		iv[1].iov_base = param;
+		iv[1].iov_len = plen;
+		ivn = 2;
+	} else
+		h.length = 0;
+	while (writev(s, iv, ivn) < 0) {
+		if (errno == EAGAIN || errno == EINTR)
+			continue;
+		return (-1);
+	}
+	return (0);
+bt_devrecv(int s, void *buf, size_t size, time_t to)
+	ssize_t	n;
+	if (buf == NULL || size == 0) {
+		errno = EINVAL;
+		return (-1);
+	}
+	if (to >= 0) {
+		fd_set		rfd;
+		struct timeval	tv;
+		FD_ZERO(&rfd);
+		FD_SET(s, &rfd);
+		tv.tv_sec = to;
+		tv.tv_usec = 0;
+		while ((n = select(s + 1, &rfd, NULL, NULL, &tv)) < 0) {
+			if (errno == EAGAIN || errno == EINTR)
+				continue;
+			return (-1);
+		}
+		if (n == 0) {
+			errno = ETIMEDOUT;
+			return (-1);
+		}
+		assert(FD_ISSET(s, &rfd));
+	}
+	while ((n = read(s, buf, size)) < 0) {
+		if (errno == EAGAIN || errno == EINTR)
+			continue;
+		return (-1);
+	}
+	switch (*((uint8_t *) buf)) {
+	case NG_HCI_CMD_PKT: {
+		ng_hci_cmd_pkt_t	*h = (ng_hci_cmd_pkt_t *) buf;
+		if (n >= sizeof(*h) && n == (sizeof(*h) + h->length))
+			return (n);
+		} break;
+		ng_hci_acldata_pkt_t	*h = (ng_hci_acldata_pkt_t *) buf;
+		if (n >= sizeof(*h) && n == (sizeof(*h) + le16toh(h->length)))
+			return (n);
+		} break;
+		ng_hci_scodata_pkt_t	*h = (ng_hci_scodata_pkt_t *) buf;
+		if (n >= sizeof(*h) && n == (sizeof(*h) + h->length))
+			return (n);
+		} break;
+	case NG_HCI_EVENT_PKT: {
+		ng_hci_event_pkt_t	*h = (ng_hci_event_pkt_t *) buf;
+		if (n >= sizeof(*h) && n == (sizeof(*h) + h->length))
+			return (n);
+		} break;
+	}
+	errno = EIO;
+	return (-1);
+bt_devreq(int s, struct bt_devreq *r, time_t to)
+	uint8_t				buf[320]; /* more than enough */
+	ng_hci_event_pkt_t		*e = (ng_hci_event_pkt_t *) buf;
+	ng_hci_command_compl_ep		*cc = (ng_hci_command_compl_ep *)(e+1);
+	ng_hci_command_status_ep	*cs = (ng_hci_command_status_ep*)(e+1);
+	struct bt_devfilter		old, new;
+	time_t				t_end;
+	uint16_t			opcode;
+	ssize_t				n;
+	int				error;
+	if (s < 0 || r == NULL || to < 0) {
+		errno = EINVAL;
+		return (-1);
+	}
+	if ((r->rlen == 0 && r->rparam != NULL) ||
+	    (r->rlen > 0 && r->rparam == NULL)) {
+		errno = EINVAL;
+		return (-1);
+	}
+	memset(&new, 0, sizeof(new));
+	bt_devfilter_pkt_set(&new, NG_HCI_EVENT_PKT);
+	bt_devfilter_evt_set(&new, NG_HCI_EVENT_COMMAND_COMPL);
+	bt_devfilter_evt_set(&new, NG_HCI_EVENT_COMMAND_STATUS);
+	if (r->event != 0)
+		bt_devfilter_evt_set(&new, r->event);
+	if (bt_devfilter(s, &new, &old) < 0)
+		return (-1);
+	error = 0;
+	n = bt_devsend(s, r->opcode, r->cparam, r->clen);
+	if (n < 0) {
+		error = errno;
+		goto out;	
+	}
+	opcode = htole16(r->opcode);
+	t_end = time(NULL) + to;
+	do {
+		to = t_end - time(NULL);
+		if (to < 0)
+			to = 0;
+		n = bt_devrecv(s, buf, sizeof(buf), to);
+		if (n < 0) {
+			error = errno;
+			goto out;
+		}
+		if (e->type != NG_HCI_EVENT_PKT) {
+			error = EIO;
+			goto out;
+		}
+		n -= sizeof(*e);
+		switch (e->event) {
+			if (cc->opcode == opcode) {
+				n -= sizeof(*cc);
+				if (r->rlen >= n) {
+					r->rlen = n;
+					memcpy(r->rparam, cc + 1, r->rlen);
+				}
+				goto out;
+			}
+			break;
+			if (cs->opcode == opcode) {
+				if (r->event != NG_HCI_EVENT_COMMAND_STATUS) {
+					if (cs->status != 0) {
+						error = EIO;
+						goto out;
+					}
+				} else {
+					if (r->rlen >= n) {
+						r->rlen = n;
+						memcpy(r->rparam, cs, r->rlen);
+					}
+					goto out;
+				}
+			}
+			break;
+		default:
+			if (e->event == r->event) {
+				if (r->rlen >= n) {
+					r->rlen = n;
+					memcpy(r->rparam, e + 1, r->rlen);
+				}
+				goto out;
+			}
+			break;
+		}
+	} while (to > 0);
+	error = ETIMEDOUT;
+	bt_devfilter(s, &old, NULL);
+	if (error != 0) {
+		errno = error;
+		return (-1);
+	}
+	return (0);
+bt_devfilter(int s, struct bt_devfilter const *new, struct bt_devfilter *old)
+	struct ng_btsocket_hci_raw_filter	f;
+	socklen_t				len;
+	if (new == NULL && old == NULL) {
+		errno = EINVAL;
+		return (-1);
+	}
+	if (old != NULL) {
+		len = sizeof(f);
+		if (getsockopt(s, SOL_HCI_RAW, SO_HCI_RAW_FILTER, &f, &len) < 0)
+			return (-1);
+		memset(old, 0, sizeof(*old));
+		memcpy(old->packet_mask, &f.packet_mask,
+			MIN(sizeof(old->packet_mask), sizeof(f.packet_mask)));
+		memcpy(old->event_mask, &f.event_mask,
+			MIN(sizeof(old->event_mask), sizeof(f.packet_mask)));
+	}
+	if (new != NULL) {
+		memset(&f, 0, sizeof(f));
+		memcpy(&f.packet_mask, new->packet_mask,
+			MIN(sizeof(f.packet_mask), sizeof(new->event_mask)));
+		memcpy(&f.event_mask, new->event_mask,
+			MIN(sizeof(f.event_mask), sizeof(new->event_mask)));
+		len = sizeof(f);
+		if (setsockopt(s, SOL_HCI_RAW, SO_HCI_RAW_FILTER, &f, len) < 0)
+			return (-1);
+	}
+	return (0);
+bt_devfilter_pkt_set(struct bt_devfilter *filter, uint8_t type)
+	bit_set(filter->packet_mask, type - 1);
+bt_devfilter_pkt_clr(struct bt_devfilter *filter, uint8_t type)
+	bit_clear(filter->packet_mask, type - 1);
+bt_devfilter_pkt_tst(struct bt_devfilter const *filter, uint8_t type)
+	return (bit_test(filter->packet_mask, type - 1));
+bt_devfilter_evt_set(struct bt_devfilter *filter, uint8_t event)
+	bit_set(filter->event_mask, event - 1);
+bt_devfilter_evt_clr(struct bt_devfilter *filter, uint8_t event)
+	bit_clear(filter->event_mask, event - 1);
+bt_devfilter_evt_tst(struct bt_devfilter const *filter, uint8_t event)
+	return (bit_test(filter->event_mask, event - 1));
+bt_devinquiry(char const *devname, time_t length, int num_rsp,
+		struct bt_devinquiry **ii)
+	uint8_t				buf[320];
+	char				_devname[HCI_DEVNAME_SIZE];
+	struct bt_devfilter		f;
+	ng_hci_inquiry_cp		*cp = (ng_hci_inquiry_cp *) buf;
+	ng_hci_event_pkt_t		*e = (ng_hci_event_pkt_t *) buf;
+	ng_hci_inquiry_result_ep	*ep = (ng_hci_inquiry_result_ep *)(e+1);
+	ng_hci_inquiry_response		*ir;
+	struct bt_devinquiry		*i;
+	int				s, n;
+	time_t				to;
+	if (ii == NULL) {
+		errno = EINVAL;
+		return (-1);
+	}
+	if (devname == NULL) {
+		memset(_devname, 0, sizeof(_devname));
+		devname = _devname;
+		n = bt_devenum(bt_devany_cb, _devname);
+		if (n <= 0) {
+			if (n == 0)
+				*ii = NULL;
+			return (n);
+		}
+	}
+	s = bt_devopen(devname);
+	if (s < 0)
+		return (-1);
+	if (bt_devfilter(s, NULL, &f) < 0) {
+		bt_devclose(s);
+		return (-1);
+	}
+	bt_devfilter_evt_set(&f, NG_HCI_EVENT_INQUIRY_COMPL);
+	bt_devfilter_evt_set(&f, NG_HCI_EVENT_INQUIRY_RESULT);
+	if (bt_devfilter(s, &f, NULL) < 0) {
+		bt_devclose(s);
+		return (-1);
+	}
+	/* Always use GIAC LAP */
+	cp->lap[0] = 0x33;
+	cp->lap[1] = 0x8b;
+	cp->lap[2] = 0x9e;
+	/* Calculate inquire length in 1.28 second units */
+	to = (time_t) ((double) length / 1.28);
+	if (to <= 0)
+		cp->inquiry_length = 4;		/* 5.12 seconds */
+	else if (to > 254)
+		cp->inquiry_length = 255;	/* 326.40 seconds */
+	else
+		cp->inquiry_length = to + 1;
+	to = (time_t)((double) cp->inquiry_length * 1.28) + 1;
+	if (num_rsp <= 0 || num_rsp > 255)
+		num_rsp = 8;
+	cp->num_responses = (uint8_t) num_rsp;
+	i = *ii = calloc(num_rsp, sizeof(struct bt_devinquiry));
+	if (i == NULL) {
+		bt_devclose(s);
+		errno = ENOMEM;
+		return (-1);
+	}
+	if (bt_devsend(s,
+			cp, sizeof(*cp)) < 0) {
+		free(i);
+		bt_devclose(s);
+		return (-1);
+	}
+	n = bt_devrecv(s, buf, sizeof(buf), to);
+	if (n < 0) {
+		free(i);
+		bt_devclose(s);
+		return (-1);
+	}
+	if (n < sizeof(ng_hci_event_pkt_t)) {
+		free(i);
+		bt_devclose(s);
+		errno = EIO;
+		return (-1);
+	}
+	switch (e->event) {
+		break;
+		ir = (ng_hci_inquiry_response *)(ep + 1);
+		for (n = 0; n < MIN(ep->num_responses, num_rsp); n ++) {
+			bdaddr_copy(&i->bdaddr, &ir->bdaddr);
+			i->pscan_rep_mode = ir->page_scan_rep_mode;
+			i->pscan_period_mode = ir->page_scan_period_mode;
+			memcpy(i->dev_class, ir->uclass, sizeof(i->dev_class));
+			i->clock_offset = le16toh(ir->clock_offset);
+			ir ++;
+			i ++;
+			num_rsp --;
+		}
+	default:
+		goto wait_for_more;
+		/* NOT REACHED */
+	}
+	bt_devclose(s);
+	return (i - *ii);
 bt_devinfo(struct bt_devinfo *di)
 	union {
@@ -53,6 +543,7 @@ bt_devinfo(struct bt_devinfo *di)
 		struct ng_btsocket_hci_raw_node_debug		r8;
 	}						rp;
 	struct sockaddr_hci				ha;
+	socklen_t					halen;
 	int						s, rval;
 	if (di == NULL) {
@@ -60,27 +551,14 @@ bt_devinfo(struct bt_devinfo *di)
 		return (-1);
-	memset(&ha, 0, sizeof(ha));
-	ha.hci_len = sizeof(ha);
-	ha.hci_family = AF_BLUETOOTH;
-	if (bt_aton(di->devname, &rp.r1.bdaddr)) {
-		if (!bt_devname(ha.hci_node, &rp.r1.bdaddr))
-			return (-1);
-	} else if (bt_dev2node(di->devname, ha.hci_node,
-					sizeof(ha.hci_node)) == NULL) {
-		errno = ENXIO;
-		return (-1);
-	}
+	s = bt_devopen(di->devname);
 	if (s < 0)
 		return (-1);
 	rval = -1;
-	if (bind(s, (struct sockaddr *) &ha, sizeof(ha)) < 0 ||
-	    connect(s, (struct sockaddr *) &ha, sizeof(ha)) < 0)
+	halen = sizeof(ha);
+	if (getsockname(s, (struct sockaddr *) &ha, &halen) < 0)
 		goto bad;
 	strlcpy(di->devname, ha.hci_node, sizeof(di->devname));
@@ -138,7 +616,7 @@ bt_devinfo(struct bt_devinfo *di)
 	rval = 0;
-	close(s);
+	bt_devclose(s);
 	return (rval);
@@ -205,6 +683,13 @@ bt_devenum(bt_devenum_cb_t cb, void *arg
 	return (count);
+static int
+bt_devany_cb(int s, struct bt_devinfo const *di, void *xdevname)
+	strlcpy((char *) xdevname, di->devname, HCI_DEVNAME_SIZE);
+	return (1);
 static char *
 bt_dev2node(char const *devname, char *nodename, int nnlen)

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