svn commit: r358611 - stable/12/share/misc

Baptiste Daroussin bapt at
Wed Mar 4 11:30:11 UTC 2020

Author: bapt
Date: Wed Mar  4 11:30:08 2020
New Revision: 358611

  MFC r358378:
  Update pci_vendors to 2020.02.22

Directory Properties:
  stable/12/   (props changed)

Modified: stable/12/share/misc/pci_vendors
--- stable/12/share/misc/pci_vendors	Wed Mar  4 11:28:49 2020	(r358610)
+++ stable/12/share/misc/pci_vendors	Wed Mar  4 11:30:08 2020	(r358611)
@@ -2,8 +2,8 @@
 #	List of PCI ID's
-#	Version: 2019.01.29
-#	Date:    2019-01-29 03:15:01
+#	Version: 2020.02.22
+#	Date:    2020-02-22 03:15:04
 #	Maintained by Albert Pool, Martin Mares, and other volunteers from
 #	the PCI ID Project at
@@ -14,6 +14,10 @@
 #	This file can be distributed under either the GNU General Public License
 #	(version 2 or higher) or the 3-clause BSD License.
+#	The database is a compilation of factual data, and as such the copyright
+#	only covers the aggregation and formatting. The copyright is held by
+#	Martin Mares and Albert Pool.
 # Vendors, devices and subsystems. Please keep sorted.
@@ -64,6 +68,7 @@
 # 018a is not LevelOne but there is a board misprogrammed
 018a  LevelOne
 	0106  FPC-0106TX misprogrammed [RTL81xx]
+01de  Oxide Computer Company
 # 021b is not Compaq but there is a board misprogrammed
 021b  Compaq Computer Corporation
 	8139  HNE-300 (RealTek RTL8139c) [iPaq Networking]
@@ -92,6 +97,7 @@
 	6663  Butane II (MPEG2 encoder board)
 	6666  MediaPress (MPEG2 encoder board)
 07d1  D-Link System Inc
+0824  T1042 [Freescale]
 0925  VIA Technologies, Inc. (Wrong ID)
 0a89  BREA Technologies Inc
 0b0b  Rhino Equipment Corp.
@@ -220,8 +226,7 @@
 0eac  SHF Communication Technologies AG
 	0008  Ethernet Powerlink Managing Node 01
 0f62  Acrox Technologies Co., Ltd.
-# Formerly NCR
-1000  LSI Logic / Symbios Logic
+1000  Broadcom / LSI
 	0001  53c810
 		1000 1000  LSI53C810AE PCI to SCSI I/O Processor
 	0002  53c820
@@ -266,7 +271,10 @@
 	0013  53c875a
 		1000 1000  LSI53C875A PCI to Ultra SCSI Controller
 	0014  MegaRAID Tri-Mode SAS3516
+		1028 1f3a  PERC H745 Adapter
+		1028 1f3b  PERC H745 Front
 		1028 1fd4  PERC H745P MX
+		1137 020e  UCSC-RAID-M5 12G Modular RAID Controller
 		1d49 0602  ThinkSystem RAID 930-16i 4GB Flash PCIe 12Gb Adapter
 		1d49 0604  ThinkSystem RAID 930-8e 4GB Flash PCIe 12Gb Adapter
 		1d49 0607  ThinkSystem RAID 930-16i 8GB Flash PCIe 12Gb Adapter
@@ -274,6 +282,8 @@
 		8086 9460  RAID Controller RSP3TD160F
 		8086 9480  RAID Controller RSP3MD088F
 	0015  MegaRAID Tri-Mode SAS3416
+		1028 1f3c  PERC H345 Adapter
+		1028 1f3d  PERC H345 Front
 		1d49 0503  ThinkSystem RAID 530-16i PCIe 12Gb Adapter
 	0016  MegaRAID Tri-Mode SAS3508
 		1028 1fc9  PERC H840 Adapter
@@ -401,7 +411,7 @@
 		8086 3510  RMS25PB080 RAID Controller
 		8086 3511  RMS25PB040 RAID Controller
 		8086 3512  RMT3PB080 RAID Controller
-		8086 3513  RMS25CB080 RAID Controller
+		8086 3513  Integrated RAID Module RMS25CB080
 		8086 3514  RMS25CB040 RAID Controller
 		8086 351c  RMS25PB080N RAID Controller
 		8086 351d  RMS25CB080N RAID Controller
@@ -428,6 +438,8 @@
 		1028 1fd1  PERC H730P MX
 		17aa 1052  ThinkServer RAID 720i
 		17aa 1053  ThinkServer RAID 720ix
+		1bd4 0014  6G SAS3108 2G
+		1bd4 0015  6G SAS3108 4G
 		1d49 0600  ThinkSystem RAID 730-8i 1GB Cache PCIe 12Gb Adapter
 		1d49 0608  ThinkSystem RAID 730-8i 2GB Flash PCIe 12Gb Adapter
 		1d49 0609  ThinkSystem RAID 730-8i 4GB Flash PCIe 12Gb Adapter
@@ -480,14 +492,18 @@
 	0062  SAS1078 PCI-Express Fusion-MPT SAS
 		1000 0062  SAS1078 PCI-Express Fusion-MPT SAS
 	0064  SAS2116 PCI-Express Fusion-MPT SAS-2 [Meteor]
+		1000 3030  9200-16e 6Gb/s SAS/SATA PCIe x8 External HBA
 		1000 30c0  SAS 9201-16i
+		1000 30d0  9201-16e 6Gb/s SAS/SATA PCIe x8 External HBA
 	0065  SAS2116 PCI-Express Fusion-MPT SAS-2 [Meteor]
 	006e  SAS2308 PCI-Express Fusion-MPT SAS-2
 	0070  SAS2004 PCI-Express Fusion-MPT SAS-2 [Spitfire]
 		1000 3010  SAS9211-4i
+		1014 040e  ServeRAID H1110
 	0071  MR SAS HBA 2004
 	0072  SAS2008 PCI-Express Fusion-MPT SAS-2 [Falcon]
 		1000 3040  9210-8i
+		1000 3080  9200-8e [LSI SAS 6Gb/s SAS/SATA PCIe x8 External HBA]
 		1000 30b0  9200-8e [LSI SAS 6Gb/s SAS/SATA PCIe x8 External HBA]
 		1028 1f1c  6Gbps SAS HBA Adapter
 		1028 1f1d  PERC H200 Adapter
@@ -495,6 +511,12 @@
 		1028 1f1f  PERC H200 Modular
 		1028 1f20  PERC H200 Embedded
 		1028 1f22  PERC H200 Internal Tape Adapter
+# Fujitsu D2607 SAS2008 HBA controller
+		1734 1177  HBA Ctrl SAS 6G 0/1 [D2607]
+		1bd4 000d  6G SAS2008IT
+		1bd4 000e  6G SAS2008IR
+		1bd4 000f  6G SAS2008IT SA5248
+		1bd4 0010  6G SAS2008IR SA5248
 		8086 350f  RMS2LL040 RAID Controller
 		8086 3700  SSD 910 Series
 	0073  MegaRAID SAS 2008 [Falcon]
@@ -502,6 +524,7 @@
 		1000 9241  MegaRAID SAS 9240-4i
 		1000 92a0  MegaRAID SAS 9220-8i
 		1014 03b1  ServeRAID M1015 SAS/SATA Controller
+		1014 040d  ServeRAID M1115 SAS/SATA Controller
 		1028 1f4e  PERC H310 Adapter
 		1028 1f4f  PERC H310 Integrated
 		1028 1f50  PERC H310 Mini Blades
@@ -594,10 +617,16 @@
 		15d9 0691  Onboard SAS2308 PCI-Express Fusion-MPT SAS-2
 	0087  SAS2308 PCI-Express Fusion-MPT SAS-2
 		1000 3020  9207-8i SAS2.1 HBA
+		1000 3030  SAS9207-4i4e
 		1000 3040  9207-8e SAS2.1 HBA
 		1000 3050  SAS9217-8i
+		1000 3060  SAS9217-4i4e
 		1014 0472  N2125 External Host Bus Adapter
+		1590 0041  H220i
+		1590 0042  H221 / 9207-8e
 		1590 0044  H220i
+		1bd4 0009  6G SAS2308IR
+		1bd4 000a  6G SAS2308IT
 		8086 3000  RS25GB008 RAID Controller
 		8086 3060  RS25FB044 RAID Controller
 		8086 3516  RMS25JB080 RAID Controller
@@ -624,10 +653,26 @@
 		1028 1f53  HBA330 Mini
 		1028 1fd2  HBA330 MX
 		1028 1fd3  HBA330 MMZ
+# Supermicro AOC-S3008L-L8e uses 0808 for their SAS3008 SAS controller
+		15d9 0808  AOC-S3008L-L8e
+		1bd4 000b  12G SAS3008IR
+		1bd4 000c  12G SAS3008IT
 		1bd4 0011  Inspur 12Gb 8i-3008 IT SAS HBA
+		1bd4 0012  12Gb SAS3008IR UDM
+		1bd4 0026  12G SAS3008IT RACK
+		1bd4 0027  12G SAS3008IMR RACK
+		1bd4 0028  12G SAS3008IR RACK
 	00ab  SAS3516 Fusion-MPT Tri-Mode RAID On Chip (ROC)
+# 8 Internal and 8 External port channel 9400 HBA
+		1000 3040  HBA 9400-8i8e
 		8086 3530  Integrated RAID Module RMSP3JD160J
 	00ac  SAS3416 Fusion-MPT Tri-Mode I/O Controller Chip (IOC)
+# Channel 16 internal port HBA
+		1000 3000  HBA 9400-16i
+# Channel 16 external port HBA
+		1000 3020  HBA 9400-16e
+		1028 1fe3  HBA345 Adapter
+		1028 1fe4  HBA345 Front
 		1d49 0201  ThinkSystem 430-16i SAS/SATA 12Gb HBA
 		1d49 0203  ThinkSystem 430-16e SAS/SATA 12Gb HBA
 		8086 3000  RAID Controller RSP3QD160J
@@ -635,6 +680,8 @@
 	00ae  SAS3508 Fusion-MPT Tri-Mode RAID On Chip (ROC)
 	00af  SAS3408 Fusion-MPT Tri-Mode I/O Controller Chip (IOC)
 		1000 3010  HBA 9400-8i
+# 9400 Channel 8 external port HBA
+		1000 3030  HBA 9400-8e
 		1d49 0200  ThinkSystem 430-8i SAS/SATA 12Gb HBA
 		1d49 0202  ThinkSystem 430-8e SAS/SATA 12Gb HBA
 		1d49 0204  ThinkSystem 430-8i SAS/SATA 12Gb Dense HBA
@@ -656,16 +703,57 @@
 	00cf  MegaRAID SAS-3 3324 [Intruder]
 		1000 9370  MegaRAID SAS 9361-24i
 	00d0  SAS3716 Fusion-MPT Tri-Mode RAID Controller Chip (ROC)
+# 9405W 16 internal port channel HBA
+		1000 3050  HBA 9405W-16i
+# 9405W 8 internal and 8 external port channel HBA
+		1000 3070  HBA 9405W-8i8e
 	00d1  SAS3616 Fusion-MPT Tri-Mode I/O Controller Chip (IOC)
+# 9405W 16 external port Channel HBA
+		1000 3080  HBA 9405W-16e
+# 9405W 16 internal port Channel HBA
+		1000 3090  HBA 9405W-16i
 	00d3  MegaRAID Tri-Mode SAS3716W
 	00e0  Fusion-MPT 12GSAS/PCIe Unsupported SAS39xx
 	00e1  Fusion-MPT 12GSAS/PCIe SAS39xx
 	00e2  Fusion-MPT 12GSAS/PCIe Secure SAS39xx
 	00e3  Fusion-MPT 12GSAS/PCIe Unsupported SAS39xx
 	00e4  Fusion-MPT 12GSAS/PCIe Unsupported SAS38xx
+# Invalid part
+		1028 200b  HBA355i Adapter Invalid
+# Invalid part
+		1028 200c  HBA355i Front Invalid
+# Invalid part
+		1028 200d  HBA355e Adapter Invalid
+# Invalid part
+		1028 200e  HBA350i MX Invalid
+# Soft Secure
 	00e5  Fusion-MPT 12GSAS/PCIe SAS38xx
+# Soft Secure
+		1028 200b  HBA355i Adapter
+# Soft Secure
+		1028 200c  HBA355i Front
+# Soft Secure
+		1028 200d  HBA355e Adapter
+# Soft Secure
+		1028 200e  HBA350i MX
+		1d49 0205  ThinkSystem 440-16i SAS/SATA PCIe Gen4 12Gb Internal HBA
+		1d49 0206  ThinkSystem 440-16e SAS/SATA PCIe Gen4 12Gb HBA
 	00e6  Fusion-MPT 12GSAS/PCIe Secure SAS38xx
+		1028 200b  HBA355i Adapter
+		1028 200c  HBA355i Front
+		1028 200d  HBA355e Adapter
+		1028 200e  HBA355i MX
+		1d49 0205  ThinkSystem 440-16i SAS/SATA PCIe Gen4 12Gb Internal HBA
+		1d49 0206  ThinkSystem 440-16e SAS/SATA PCIe Gen4 12Gb HBA
 	00e7  Fusion-MPT 12GSAS/PCIe Unsupported SAS38xx
+# Tampered part
+		1028 200b  HBA355i Adapter Tampered
+# Tampered part
+		1028 200c  HBA355i Front Tampered
+# Tampered part
+		1028 200d  HBA355e Adapter Tampered
+# Tampered part
+		1028 200e  HBA350i MX Tampered
 	02b0  Virtual Endpoint on PCIe Switch
 		1d49 0001  ThinkSystem 1610-4P NVMe Switch Adapter
 		1d49 0002  ThinkSystem 810-4P NVMe Switch Adapter
@@ -742,9 +830,37 @@
 	0901  61C102
 	1000  63C815
 	10e0  MegaRAID 12GSAS/PCIe Unsupported SAS39xx
+		1028 1ae0  PERC H755 Adapter - Invalid Device
+		1028 1ae1  PERC H755 Front - Invalid Device
+		1028 1ae2  PERC H755N Front - Invalid Device
+		1028 1ae3  PERC H755 MX - Invalid Device
 	10e1  MegaRAID 12GSAS/PCIe SAS39xx
+		1028 1ae0  PERC H755 Adapter
+		1028 1ae1  PERC H755 Front
+		1028 1ae2  PERC H755N Front
+		1028 1ae3  PERC H755 MX
+		1d49 060a  ThinkSystem RAID 940-8i 4GB Flash PCIe Gen4 12Gb Adapter
+		1d49 060b  ThinkSystem RAID 940-8i 8GB Flash PCIe Gen4 12Gb Adapter
+		1d49 060c  ThinkSystem RAID 940-16i 8GB Flash PCIe Gen4 12Gb Adapter
+		1d49 060d  ThinkSystem RAID 940-16i 8GB Flash PCIe Gen4 12Gb Internal Adapter
+		1d49 060e  ThinkSystem RAID 940-32i 8GB Flash PCIe Gen4 12Gb Adapter
+		1d49 060f  ThinkSystem RAID 940-8e 4GB Flash PCIe Gen4 12Gb Adapter
 	10e2  MegaRAID 12GSAS/PCIe Secure SAS39xx
+		1028 1ae0  PERC H755 Adapter
+		1028 1ae1  PERC H755 Front
+		1028 1ae2  PERC H755N Front
+		1028 1ae3  PERC H755 MX
+		1d49 060a  ThinkSystem RAID 940-8i 4GB Flash PCIe Gen4 12Gb Adapter
+		1d49 060b  ThinkSystem RAID 940-8i 8GB Flash PCIe Gen4 12Gb Adapter
+		1d49 060c  ThinkSystem RAID 940-16i 8GB Flash PCIe Gen4 12Gb Adapter
+		1d49 060d  ThinkSystem RAID 940-16i 8GB Flash PCIe Gen4 12Gb Internal Adapter
+		1d49 060e  ThinkSystem RAID 940-32i 8GB Flash PCIe Gen4 12Gb Adapter
+		1d49 060f  ThinkSystem RAID 940-8e 4GB Flash PCIe Gen4 12Gb Adapter
 	10e3  MegaRAID 12GSAS/PCIe Unsupported SAS39xx
+		1028 1ae0  PERC H755 Adapter - Tampered Device
+		1028 1ae1  PERC H755 Front - Tampered Device
+		1028 1ae2  PERC H755N Front - Tampered Device
+		1028 1ae3  PERC H755 MX - Tampered Device
 	10e4  MegaRAID 12GSAS/PCIe Unsupported SAS38xx
 	10e5  MegaRAID 12GSAS/PCIe SAS38xx
 	10e6  MegaRAID 12GSAS/PCIe Secure SAS38xx
@@ -781,7 +897,9 @@
 	1306  Kaveri
 	1307  Kaveri
 	1308  Kaveri HDMI/DP Audio Controller
+		17aa 3988  Z50-75
 	1309  Kaveri [Radeon R6/R7 Graphics]
+		17aa 3830  Z50-75
 	130a  Kaveri [Radeon R6 Graphics]
 	130b  Kaveri [Radeon R4 Graphics]
 	130c  Kaveri [Radeon R7 Graphics]
@@ -802,16 +920,22 @@
 	131c  Kaveri [Radeon R7 Graphics]
 	131d  Kaveri [Radeon R6 Graphics]
 	13e9  Ariel
+	1478  Navi 10 XL Upstream Port of PCI Express Switch
+	1479  Navi 10 XL Downstream Port of PCI Express Switch
 	154c  Kryptos
 	154e  Garfield
 	1551  Arlene
 	1552  Pooky
 	1561  Anubis
 	15d8  Picasso
+		103c 8615  Pavilion Laptop 15-cw1xxx
 	15dd  Raven Ridge [Radeon Vega Series / Radeon Vega Mobile Series]
 		103c 83c6  Radeon Vega 8 Mobile
 		1458 d000  Radeon RX Vega 11
-	15de  Raven Ridge HDMI/DP Audio Controller
+	15de  Raven/Raven2/Fenghuang HDMI/DP Audio Controller
+		103c 8615  Pavilion Laptop 15-cw1xxx
+	15df  Raven/Raven2/Fenghuang/Renoir Cryptographic Coprocessor
+		103c 8615  Pavilion Laptop 15-cw1xxx
 	15ff  Fenghuang [Zhongshan Subor Z+]
 	1607  Arden
 	1636  Renoir
@@ -986,7 +1110,7 @@
 	4382  SB600 AC97 Audio
 	4383  SBx00 Azalia (Intel HDA)
 		1019 2120  A785GM-M
-		103c 1611  Pavilion DM1Z-3000
+		103c 1611  Pavilion dm1z-3000
 		103c 280a  DC5750 Microtower
 		1043 8230  M3A78-EH Motherboard
 		1043 836c  M4A785TD Motherboard
@@ -1060,6 +1184,7 @@
 		1458 b002  GA-MA770-DS3rev2.0 Motherboard
 		1849 4390  Motherboard (one of many)
 	4391  SB7x0/SB8x0/SB9x0 SATA Controller [AHCI mode]
+		103c 1609  ProLiant MicroServer N36L
 		103c 1611  Pavilion DM1Z-3000
 		1043 82ef  M3A78-EH Motherboard
 		1043 8443  M5A88-V EVO
@@ -1073,6 +1198,7 @@
 	4395  SB8x0/SB9x0 SATA Controller [Storage mode]
 	4396  SB7x0/SB8x0/SB9x0 USB EHCI Controller
 		1019 2120  A785GM-M
+		103c 1609  ProLiant MicroServer N36L
 		103c 1611  Pavilion DM1Z-3000
 		1043 82ef  M3A78-EH Motherboard
 		1043 8443  M5A88-V EVO
@@ -1081,6 +1207,7 @@
 		174b 1001  PURE Fusion Mini
 	4397  SB7x0/SB8x0/SB9x0 USB OHCI0 Controller
 		1019 2120  A785GM-M
+		103c 1609  ProLiant MicroServer N36L
 		103c 1611  Pavilion DM1Z-3000
 		1043 82ef  M3A78-EH Motherboard
 		1043 8443  M5A88-V EVO
@@ -1101,10 +1228,12 @@
 	439c  SB7x0/SB8x0/SB9x0 IDE Controller
 		1002 4392  MSI MS-7713 motherboard
 		1019 2120  A785GM-M
+		103c 1609  ProLiant MicroServer N36L
 		1043 82ef  M3A78-EH Motherboard
 		105b 0e13  N15235/A74MX mainboard / AMD SB700
 	439d  SB7x0/SB8x0/SB9x0 LPC host controller
 		1019 2120  A785GM-M
+		103c 1609  ProLiant MicroServer N36L
 		103c 1611  Pavilion DM1Z-3000
 		1043 82ef  M3A78-EH Motherboard
 		1043 8443  M5A88-V EVO
@@ -1214,6 +1343,44 @@
 	4857  Xilleon 225 USB for X225
 	4858  Xilleon 225 DAIO-0 for X225
 	4859  Xilleon 225 DAIO-1 for X225
+	4860  Xilleon 210 HBIU for X210
+	4861  Xilleon 210 IDE for X210
+	4862  Xilleon 210 USB for X210
+	4863  Xilleon 210 DAIO-0 for X210
+	4864  Xilleon 210 DAIO-1 for X210
+	4865  Xilleon 226 HBIU for X226
+	4866  Xilleon 226 IDE for X226
+	4867  Xilleon 226 USB for X226
+	4868  Xilleon 226 DAIO-0 for X226
+	4869  Xilleon 226 DAIO-1 for X226
+	486a  Xilleon 240S HBIU for X240S
+	486b  Xilleon 240H HBIU for X240H
+	486c  Xilleon 240S USB for X240S
+	486d  Xilleon 240H USB for X240H
+	486e  Xilleon 250 USB 1.1 for X250
+	486f  Xilleon 260 USB 1.1 for X260
+	4870  Xilleon 250 HBIU for X250
+	4871  Xilleon 250 IDE for X250
+	4872  Xilleon 234/235 HBIU for X234/X235
+	4873  Xilleon 244/245 HBIU for X244/X245
+	4874  Xilleon 234/235 USB 1.1 for X234/X235
+	4875  Xilleon 260 HBIU for X260
+	4876  Xilleon 260 IDE for X260
+	4877  Xilleon 244/245 USB 1.1 for X244/X245
+	4878  Xilleon 270 HBIU for X270
+	487b  Xilleon 242 HBIU for X242
+	487d  Xilleon 242 USB 1.1 for X242
+	4880  Xilleon 254 HBIU for X254
+	4881  Xilleon 254 USB 1.1 for X254
+	4882  Xilleon 255 HBIU for X255
+	4883  Xilleon 255 USB 1.1 for X255
+	4884  Xilleon 243 HBIU for X243
+	4885  Xilleon 243 USB 1.1 for X243
+	4886  Xilleon 233 HBIU for X233
+	4887  Xilleon 233 USB 1.1 for X233
+	4888  Xilleon 143 HBIU for X143
+	4889  Xilleon 143 HBIU for X143L
+	488a  Xilleon 143 HBIU for X143S
 	4966  RV250 [Radeon 9000 Series]
 		10f1 0002  RV250 If [Tachyon G9000 PRO]
 		148c 2039  RV250 If [Radeon 9000 Pro "Evil Commando"]
@@ -1443,9 +1610,9 @@
 		1002 0028  Rage 128 AIW
 		1002 0029  Rage 128 AIW
 		1002 0068  Rage 128 AIW
-	5246  Rage 4 [Rage Fury/Xpert 128/Xpert 2000 AGP]
+	5246  Rage 128 (Rage 4) series
 		1002 0004  Magnum/Xpert 128/Xpert 99
-		1002 0008  Magnum/Xpert128/X99/Xpert2000
+		1002 0008  Rage 128 AGP 2x
 		1002 0028  Rage 128 AIW AGP
 		1002 0044  Rage Fury/Xpert 128/Xpert 2000
 		1002 0068  Rage 128 AIW AGP
@@ -1688,8 +1855,6 @@
 		103c 1952  ProBook 455 G1
 	6601  Mars [Radeon HD 8730M]
 		103c 2100  FirePro M4100
-	6602  Mars
-	6603  Mars
 	6604  Opal XT [Radeon R7 M265/M365X/M465]
 		1025 0776  Aspire V5 Radeon R7 M265
 		103c 8006  FirePro M4170
@@ -1715,6 +1880,7 @@
 		1642 3f09  Radeon R7 350
 	6611  Oland [Radeon HD 8570 / R7 240/340 OEM]
 		1028 210b  Radeon R5 240 OEM
+		1642 1869  AMD Radeon 520
 		174b 4248  Radeon R7 240 OEM
 		174b a240  Radeon R7 240 OEM
 		174b d340  Radeon R7 340 OEM
@@ -1722,9 +1888,6 @@
 	6613  Oland PRO [Radeon R7 240/340]
 		148c 7340  Radeon R7 340
 		1682 7240  R7 240 2048 MB
-	6620  Mars
-	6621  Mars PRO
-	6623  Mars
 	6631  Oland
 	6640  Saturn XT [FirePro M6100]
 		106b 014b  Tropo XT [Radeon R9 M380 Mac Edition]
@@ -1783,7 +1946,7 @@
 		17aa 3805  Radeon HD 8570M
 	6664  Jet XT [Radeon R5 M240]
 	6665  Jet PRO [Radeon R5 M230 / R7 M260DX / Radeon 520 Mobile]
-		17aa 1309  Radeon R7 M260DX
+		17aa 1309  Z50-75 Radeon R7 M260DX
 		17aa 368f  Radeon R5 A230
 	6667  Jet ULT [Radeon R5 M230]
 	666f  Sun LE [Radeon HD 8550M / R5 M230]
@@ -2412,18 +2575,22 @@
 		1462 3413  Radeon RX 480 Gaming X 8GB
 		1462 3416  Radeon RX 570
 		1462 3418  Radeon RX 580 Armor 4G OC
-		148c 2372  Radeon RX 480
+		1462 341e  Radeon RX 570 Armor 4G OC
+		1462 8a92  Radeon RX 580
+		148c 2372  Radeon RX 480 [Red Dragon]
 		148c 2373  Radeon RX 470
 		1682 9470  Radeon RX 470
 		1682 9480  Radeon RX 480
 		1682 9588  Radeon RX 580 XTR
+		1682 c570  Radeon RX 570
 		174b e347  Radeon RX 470/480
 		174b e349  Radeon RX 470
 		1787 a470  Radeon RX 470
 		1787 a480  Radeon RX 480
 		1849 5001  Phantom Gaming X RX 580 OC
+		1849 5030  Phantom Gaming D Radeon RX580 8G OC
 		1da2 e353  Radeon RX 570 Pulse 4GB
-		1da2 e366  Nitro+ Radeon RX 570/580
+		1da2 e366  Nitro+ Radeon RX 570/580/590
 	67e0  Baffin [Radeon Pro WX 4170]
 		103c 8270  Radeon Pro WX 4170
 		103c 8272  Radeon Pro WX 4170
@@ -2441,6 +2608,8 @@
 	67e9  Baffin [Polaris11]
 	67eb  Baffin [Radeon Pro V5300X]
 	67ef  Baffin [Radeon RX 460/560D / Pro 450/455/460/555/555X/560/560X]
+		1028 1703  RX 560D OEM OC 2 GB
+		103c 3421  Radeon RX 460
 		106b 0160  Radeon Pro 460
 		106b 0166  Radeon Pro 455
 		106b 0167  Radeon Pro 450
@@ -2456,6 +2625,7 @@
 		1028 1726  Radeon RX 560DX
 		103c 8479  Radeon RX 560X Mobile
 		1043 04bc  Radeon RX 560
+		1043 052f  Radeon RX 560
 		1458 22ed  Radeon RX 560
 		148c 2381  Radeon RX 560
 		1682 9560  Radeon RX 560
@@ -2679,6 +2849,8 @@
 	6868  Vega 10 [Radeon PRO WX 8100/8200]
 	686c  Vega 10 [Radeon Instinct MI25 MxGPU]
 	687f  Vega 10 XL/XT [Radeon RX Vega 56/64]
+		1002 0b36  RX Vega64
+		1002 6b76  RX Vega56
 	6880  Lexington [Radeon HD 6550M]
 		103c 163c  Pavilion dv6 Radeon HD 6550M
 	6888  Cypress XT [FirePro V8800]
@@ -3146,12 +3318,13 @@
 		174b e180  Radeon HD 7350
 		17af 3015  Radeon HD 7350
 	68fe  Cedar LE
-	6900  Topaz XT [Radeon R7 M260/M265 / M340/M360 / M440/M445]
+	6900  Topaz XT [Radeon R7 M260/M265 / M340/M360 / M440/M445 / 530/535 / 620/625 Mobile]
 		1025 1056  Radeon R7 M360 / R8 M365DX
 		1028 0640  Radeon R7 M260/M265
 		1028 0643  Radeon R7 M260/M265
 		1028 067f  Radeon R7 M260
 		1028 0767  Radeon R7 M445
+		1028 0810  Radeon 530
 		1028 130a  Radeon R7 M260
 		103c 2263  Radeon R7 M260
 		103c 2269  Radeon R7 M260
@@ -3198,12 +3371,12 @@
 	694e  Polaris 22 XL [Radeon RX Vega M GL]
 	694f  Polaris 22 MGL XL [Radeon Pro WX Vega M GL]
 	6980  Polaris12
-	6981  Polaris12
+	6981  Lexa XT [Radeon PRO WX 3200]
 	6985  Lexa XT [Radeon PRO WX 3100]
 	6986  Polaris12
-	6987  Lexa [Radeon E9171 MCM]
+	6987  Lexa [Radeon 540X/550X/630 / RX 640 / E9171 MCM]
 	6995  Lexa XT [Radeon PRO WX 2100]
-	699f  Lexa PRO [Radeon RX 550/550X]
+	699f  Lexa PRO [Radeon 540/540X/550/550X / RX 540X/550/550X]
 		1028 1720  Radeon RX 550X
 		148c 2380  Lexa XL [Radeon RX 550]
 		1da2 e367  Lexa PRO [Radeon RX 550]
@@ -3356,7 +3529,12 @@
 		1043 04a0  Radeon R9 FURY X
 		174b e329  Radeon R9 FURY
 	7310  Navi 10
-	731f  Navi 10
+	7312  Navi 10 [Radeon Pro W5700]
+	731f  Navi 10 [Radeon RX 5600 OEM/5600 XT / 5700/5700 XT]
+	7340  Navi 14 [Radeon RX 5500/5500M / Pro 5500M]
+	7341  Navi 14 [Radeon Pro W5500]
+	7347  Navi 14 [Radeon Pro W5500M]
+	734f  Navi 14 [Radeon Pro W5300M]
 	7833  RS350 Host Bridge
 	7834  RS350 [Radeon 9100 PRO/XT IGP]
 	7835  RS350M [Mobility Radeon 9000 IGP]
@@ -3570,16 +3748,16 @@
 	9613  RS780MC [Mobility Radeon HD 3100]
 	9614  RS780D [Radeon HD 3300]
 	9616  RS780L [Radeon 3000]
-	9640  BeaverCreek [Radeon HD 6550D]
-	9641  BeaverCreek [Radeon HD 6620G]
-	9642  Sumo [Radeon HD 6370D]
-	9643  Sumo [Radeon HD 6380G]
-	9644  Sumo [Radeon HD 6410D]
-	9645  Sumo [Radeon HD 6410D]
-	9647  BeaverCreek [Radeon HD 6520G]
+	9640  Sumo [Radeon HD 6550D]
+	9641  Sumo [Radeon HD 6620G]
+	9642  SuperSumo [Radeon HD 6370D]
+	9643  SuperSumo [Radeon HD 6380G]
+	9644  SuperSumo [Radeon HD 6410D]
+	9645  SuperSumo [Radeon HD 6410D]
+	9647  Sumo [Radeon HD 6520G]
 	9648  Sumo [Radeon HD 6480G]
-	9649  Sumo [Radeon HD 6480G]
-	964a  BeaverCreek [Radeon HD 6530D]
+	9649  SuperSumo [Radeon HD 6480G]
+	964a  Sumo [Radeon HD 6530D]
 	964b  Sumo
 	964c  Sumo
 	964e  Sumo
@@ -3592,6 +3770,7 @@
 		1019 2120  A785GM-M
 		1043 83a2  M4A785TD Motherboard
 	9712  RS880M [Mobility Radeon HD 4225/4250]
+		103c 1609  ProLiant MicroServer N36L
 	9713  RS880M [Mobility Radeon HD 4100]
 	9714  RS880 [Radeon HD 4290]
 	9715  RS880 [Radeon HD 4250]
@@ -3610,6 +3789,7 @@
 	9830  Kabini [Radeon HD 8400 / R3 Series]
 	9831  Kabini [Radeon HD 8400E]
 	9832  Kabini [Radeon HD 8330]
+		1849 9832  QC5000-ITX/PH
 	9833  Kabini [Radeon HD 8330E]
 	9834  Kabini [Radeon HD 8210]
 	9835  Kabini [Radeon HD 8310E]
@@ -3619,6 +3799,7 @@
 	9839  Kabini [Radeon HD 8180]
 	983d  Temash [Radeon HD 8250/8280G]
 	9840  Kabini HDMI/DP Audio
+		1849 9840  QC5000-ITX/PH
 	9850  Mullins [Radeon R3 Graphics]
 	9851  Mullins [Radeon R4/R5 Graphics]
 		1179 f928  Beema [Radeon R5 Graphics]
@@ -3682,9 +3863,10 @@
 	991e  Bishop
 	9920  Liverpool [Playstation 4 APU]
 	9921  Liverpool HDMI/DP Audio Controller
-	9922  Starship
+	9922  Starshp
 	9923  Starsha2 [Kingston/Clayton]
 	9924  Gladius
+	9925  Kingston/Clayton/Jupiter/Gladius/Montego HDMI Controller
 	9926  Jupiter
 	9990  Trinity 2 [Radeon HD 7520G]
 	9991  Trinity 2 [Radeon HD 7540D]
@@ -3698,7 +3880,7 @@
 	9999  Richland [Radeon HD 8510G]
 	999a  Richland [Radeon HD 8410G]
 	999b  Richland [Radeon HD 8310G]
-	999c  Richland
+	999c  Richland [Radeon HD 8650D]
 # AMD Quad-Core A8-Series APU A8-6500T with Radeon HD 8550D
 	999d  Richland [Radeon HD 8550D]
 	99a0  Trinity 2 [Radeon HD 7520G]
@@ -3732,7 +3914,8 @@
 	aa98  Caicos HDMI Audio [Radeon HD 6450 / 7450/8450/8490 OEM / R5 230/235/235X OEM]
 		174b aa98  Radeon HD 6450 1GB DDR3
 	aaa0  Tahiti HDMI Audio [Radeon HD 7870 XT / 7950/7970]
-	aab0  Cape Verde/Pitcairn HDMI Audio [Radeon HD 7700/7800 Series]
+	aab0  Oland/Hainan/Cape Verde/Pitcairn HDMI Audio [Radeon HD 7000 Series]
+	aab8  Tiran HDMI Audio
 	aac0  Tobago HDMI Audio [Radeon R7 360 / R9 360 OEM]
 	aac8  Hawaii HDMI Audio [Radeon R9 290/290X / 390/390X]
 	aad8  Tonga HDMI Audio [Radeon R9 285/380]
@@ -4274,6 +4457,35 @@
 	1302  Family 11h Processor DRAM Controller
 	1303  Family 11h Processor Miscellaneous Control
 	1304  Family 11h Processor Link Control
+	1305  Griffin Function 5
+	1306  Griffin Function 6
+	1307  Griffin Function 7
+	1308  Kaveri Audio Controller
+	1314  Wrestler/Bheem/Ontario/Krishna Audio Controller
+	13e0  Ariel Root Complex
+	13e1  Ariel IOMMU
+	13e2  Ariel PCIe Dummy Host Bridge
+	13e3  Ariel PCIe GPP Bridge
+	13e4  Ariel PCIe Dummy Host Bridge
+	13e5  Ariel Internal PCIe GPP Bridge 0 to Bus A
+	13e6  Ariel Internal PCIe GPP Bridge 0 to Bus B
+	13e7  Ariel SMBus Controller
+	13e8  Ariel LPC Bridge
+	13e9  Ariel Internal GPU
+	13ea  Ariel HD Audio Controller
+	13eb  Ariel HD Audio Coprocessor
+	13ec  Ariel Cryptographic Coprocessor
+	13ed  Ariel USB 3.1 Type C: Gen2 x 1port + DP Alt Mode
+	13ee  Ariel USB 3.1 Type A: Gen2 x 2 ports
+	13ef  Ariel ZCN/MP4
+	13f0  Ariel Device 24: Function 0
+	13f1  Ariel Device 24: Function 1
+	13f2  Ariel Device 24: Function 2
+	13f3  Ariel Device 24: Function 3
+	13f4  Ariel Device 24: Function 4
+	13f5  Ariel Device 24: Function 5
+	13f6  Ariel Device 24: Function 6
+	13f7  Ariel Device 24: Function 7
 	1400  Family 15h (Models 10h-1fh) Processor Function 0
 	1401  Family 15h (Models 10h-1fh) Processor Function 1
 	1402  Family 15h (Models 10h-1fh) Processor Function 2
@@ -4301,26 +4513,51 @@
 	1422  Family 15h (Models 30h-3fh) Processor Root Complex
 	1423  Family 15h (Models 30h-3fh) I/O Memory Management Unit
 	1424  Family 15h (Models 30h-3fh) Processor Root Port
+	1425  Kaveri P2P Bridge for GFX PCIe Port [1:0]
 	1426  Family 15h (Models 30h-3fh) Processor Root Port
-	142e  Liverpool Processor Function 0
-	142f  Liverpool Processor Function 1
-	1430  Liverpool Processor Function 2
-	1431  Liverpool Processor Function 3
-	1432  Liverpool Processor Function 4
+	142e  Liverpool Processor HT configuration
+	142f  Liverpool Processor Address Maps
+	1430  Liverpool Processor DRAM configuration
+	1431  Liverpool Processor Misc configuration
+	1432  Liverpool Processor PM configuration
+	1433  Liverpool Processor NB Performance Monitor
+	1434  Liverpool Processor SPLL Configuration
 	1436  Liverpool Processor Root Complex
 	1437  Liverpool I/O Memory Management Unit
-	1438  Liverpool Processor Root Port
+	1438  Liverpool UMI PCIe Dummy Host Bridge
 	1439  Family 16h Processor Functions 5:1
+	143a  Kingston/Clayton/Gladius/Montego Root Complex
+	143b  Kingston/Clayton/Gladius/Montego P2P Bridge for UMI Link
+	1440  Matisse Device 24: Function 0
+	1441  Matisse Device 24: Function 1
+	1442  Matisse Device 24: Function 2
+	1443  Matisse Device 24: Function 3
+	1444  Matisse Device 24: Function 4
+	1445  Matisse Device 24: Function 5
+	1446  Matisse Device 24: Function 6
+	1447  Matisse Device 24: Function 7
+	1448  Renoir Device 24: Function 0
+	1449  Renoir Device 24: Function 1
+	144a  Renoir Device 24: Function 2
+	144b  Renoir Device 24: Function 3
+	144c  Renoir Device 24: Function 4
+	144d  Renoir Device 24: Function 5
+	144e  Renoir Device 24: Function 6
+	144f  Renoir Device 24: Function 7
 	1450  Family 17h (Models 00h-0fh) Root Complex
 	1451  Family 17h (Models 00h-0fh) I/O Memory Management Unit
 	1452  Family 17h (Models 00h-1fh) PCIe Dummy Host Bridge
 	1453  Family 17h (Models 00h-0fh) PCIe GPP Bridge
 	1454  Family 17h (Models 00h-0fh) Internal PCIe GPP Bridge 0 to Bus B
+	1455  Zeppelin/Renoir PCIe Dummy Function
 	1456  Family 17h (Models 00h-0fh) Platform Security Processor
 	1457  Family 17h (Models 00h-0fh) HD Audio Controller
+	145a  Zeppelin/Raven/Raven2 PCIe Dummy Function
 	145b  Zeppelin Non-Transparent Bridge
 	145c  Family 17h (Models 00h-0fh) USB 3.0 Host Controller
-	145f  USB 3.0 Host controller
+	145d  Zeppelin Switch Upstream (PCIE SW.US)
+	145e  Zeppelin Switch Downstream (PCIE SW.DS)
+	145f  Zeppelin USB 3.0 Host controller
 	1460  Family 17h (Models 00h-0fh) Data Fabric: Device 18h; Function 0
 	1461  Family 17h (Models 00h-0fh) Data Fabric: Device 18h; Function 1
 	1462  Family 17h (Models 00h-0fh) Data Fabric: Device 18h; Function 2
@@ -4329,6 +4566,39 @@
 	1465  Family 17h (Models 00h-0fh) Data Fabric: Device 18h; Function 5
 	1466  Family 17h (Models 00h-0fh) Data Fabric: Device 18h; Function 6
 	1467  Family 17h (Models 00h-0fh) Data Fabric: Device 18h; Function 7
+	1468  Zeppelin Cryptographic Coprocessor NTBCCP
+	1480  Starship/Matisse Root Complex
+		1462 7c37  X570-A PRO motherboard
+	1481  Starship/Matisse IOMMU
+	1482  Starship/Matisse PCIe Dummy Host Bridge
+	1483  Starship/Matisse GPP Bridge
+	1484  Starship/Matisse Internal PCIe GPP Bridge 0 to bus[E:B]
+	1485  Starship/Matisse Reserved SPP
+	1486  Starship/Matisse Cryptographic Coprocessor PSPCPP
+	1487  Starship/Matisse HD Audio Controller
+		1462 9c37  X570-A PRO motherboard
+	1488  Starship Reserved SSP
+	1489  Starship Reserved SSP
+	148a  Starship/Matisse PCIe Dummy Function
+	148b  Starship/Matisse Non-Transparent Bridge
+	148c  Starship USB 3.0 Host Controller
+	148d  Starship/Matisse Switch Upstream (PCIE SW.US)
+	148e  Starship/Matisse Switch Downstream (PCIE SW.DS)
+	148f  Starship Reserved SSP
+	1490  Starship Device 24; Function 0
+	1491  Starship Device 24; Function 1
+	1492  Starship Device 24; Function 2
+	1493  Starship Device 24; Function 3
+	1494  Starship Device 24; Function 4
+	1495  Starship Device 24; Function 5
+	1496  Starship Device 24; Function 6
+	1497  Starship Device 24; Function 7
+	1498  Starship/Matisse PTDMA
+	1499  Starship/Matisse NVMe
+	149a  Starship PCIe GPP Bridge [1:0]
+	149b  Starship Reserved SSP
+	149c  Matisse USB 3.0 Host Controller
+		1462 7c37  X570-A PRO motherboard
 	1510  Family 14h Processor Root Complex
 		174b 1001  PURE Fusion Mini
 	1512  Family 14h Processor Root Port
@@ -4343,8 +4613,33 @@
 	1534  Family 16h Processor Function 4
 	1535  Family 16h Processor Function 5
 	1536  Family 16h Processor Root Complex
+		1849 1536  QC5000-ITX/PH
+	1537  Kabini/Mullins PSP-Platform Security Processor
 	1538  Family 16h Processor Function 0
+	1539  Kabini P2P Bridge for PCIe Ports[4:0]
+	1540  Kryptos/Cato/Garfield/Garfield+/Arlene/Pooky HT Configuration
+	1541  Kryptos/Cato/Garfield/Garfield+/Arlene/Pooky Address Maps
+	1542  Kryptos/Cato/Garfield/Garfield+/Arlene/Pooky DRAM Configuration
+	1543  Kryptos/Cato/Garfield/Garfield+/Arlene/Pooky Miscellaneous Configuration
+	1544  Kryptos/Cato/Garfield/Garfield+/Arlene/Pooky PM Configuration
+	1545  Kryptos/Cato/Garfield/Garfield+/Arlene/Pooky NB Performance Monitor
+	1546  Kryptos/Cato/Garfield/Garfield+/Arlene/Pooky Root Complex
+	1547  Kryptos/Cato/Garfield/Garfield+/Arlene/Pooky IOMMU
+	1548  Kryptos/Cato/Garfield/Garfield+/Arlene/Pooky UMI PCIe Dummy Host Bridge
+	1549  Kryptos/Cato/Garfield/Garfield+ P2P Bridge for PCIe Port [3:0]
+	154a  Kryptos/Cato/Garfield/Garfield+/Arlene/Pooky Audio Processor
+	154b  Kryptos/Cato/Garfield/Garfield+/Arlene/Pooky Security Processor
+	154d  Kryptos/Cato/Garfield/Garfield+/Arlene/Pooky/Anubis HDMI Controller
+	154f  Anubis Audio Processor
+	1550  Garfield+/Arlene/Pooky/Anubis SPLL Configuration
+	1553  Arlene/Pooky P2P Bridge for PCIE (3:0)
+	155b  Anubis Root Complex
+	155c  Anubis IOMMU
+	155d  Anubis UMI PCIe Dummy Bridge
+	155e  Anubis P2P Bridge for PCIe Ports [4:0]
+	1560  Anubis Security Processor
 	1566  Family 16h (Models 30h-3fh) Processor Root Complex
+	1567  Mullins IOMMU
 	156b  Family 16h (Models 30h-3fh) Host Bridge
 	1570  Family 15h (Models 60h-6fh) Processor Function 0
 	1571  Family 15h (Models 60h-6fh) Processor Function 1
@@ -4354,29 +4649,132 @@
 	1575  Family 15h (Models 60h-6fh) Processor Function 5
 	1576  Family 15h (Models 60h-6fh) Processor Root Complex
 	1577  Family 15h (Models 60h-6fh) I/O Memory Management Unit
+	1578  Carrizo Platform Security Processor
+	1579  Carrizo Audio Processor
 	157a  Family 15h (Models 60h-6fh) Audio Controller
 	157b  Family 15h (Models 60h-6fh) Host Bridge
 	157c  Family 15h (Models 60h-6fh) Processor Root Port
+	157d  Carrizo Audio Dummy Host Bridge
+	157e  Carrizo Audio Controller
 	1580  Family 16h (Models 30h-3fh) Processor Function 0
 	1581  Family 16h (Models 30h-3fh) Processor Function 1
 	1582  Family 16h (Models 30h-3fh) Processor Function 2
 	1583  Family 16h (Models 30h-3fh) Processor Function 3
 	1584  Family 16h (Models 30h-3fh) Processor Function 4
 	1585  Family 16h (Models 30h-3fh) Processor Function 5
+	1590  Amur/Nolan HT Configuration
+	1591  Amur/Nolan Address Maps
+	1592  Amur/Nolan DRAM Configuration
+	1593  Amur/Nolan Miscellaneous Configuration
+	1594  Amur/Nolan PM Configuration
+	1595  Amur/Nolan NB Performance Monitor
+	1596  Amur/Nolan Root Complex
+	1597  Amur/Nolan IOMMU
+	1598  Amur/Nolan Platform Security Processor
+	1599  Amur/Nolan PCIe Dummy Host Bridge
+	159d  Amur Function 6: Gasket
+	15b0  Stoney HT Configuration
+	15b1  Stoney Address Maps
+	15b2  Stoney DRAM Configuration
+	15b3  Stoney Miscellaneous Configuration
+	15b4  Stoney PM Configuration
+	15b5  Stoney NB Performance Monitor
+	15bc  Stoney PCIe [GFX,GPP] Bridge [4:0]
+	15be  Stoney Audio Processor
+	15d0  Raven/Raven2 Root Complex
+		103c 8615  Pavilion Laptop 15-cw1xxx
+	15d1  Raven/Raven2 IOMMU
+		103c 8615  Pavilion Laptop 15-cw1xxx
+	15d2  Raven/Raven2 PCIe Dummy Host Bridge
+	15d3  Raven/Raven2 PCIe GPP Bridge [6:0]
+	15d4  FireFlight USB 3.1
+	15d5  FireFlight USB 3.1
+	15da  Raven/Raven2 PCIe Dummy Host Bridge
+	15db  Raven/Raven2 Internal PCIe GPP Bridge 0 to Bus A
+	15dc  Raven/Raven2 Internal PCIe GPP Bridge 0 to Bus B
+	15de  Raven/Raven2/FireFlight HD Audio Controller
 	15df  Family 17h (Models 10h-1fh) Platform Security Processor
+	15e0  Raven USB 3.1
+		103c 8615  Pavilion Laptop 15-cw1xxx
+	15e1  Raven USB 3.1
+		103c 8615  Pavilion Laptop 15-cw1xxx
+	15e2  Raven/Raven2/FireFlight/Renoir Audio Processor
 	15e3  Family 17h (Models 10h-1fh) HD Audio Controller
+		103c 8615  Pavilion Laptop 15-cw1xxx
+	15e4  Raven/Raven2/Renoir Sensor Fusion Hub
+	15e5  Raven2 USB 3.1
+	15e6  Raven/Raven2/Renoir Non-Sensor Fusion Hub KMDF driver
+		1022 15e4  Raven/Raven2/Renoir Sensor Fusion Hub
+	15e8  Raven/Raven2 Device 24: Function 0
+	15e9  Raven/Raven2 Device 24: Function 1
+	15ea  Raven/Raven2 Device 24: Function 2
+	15eb  Raven/Raven2 Device 24: Function 3
+	15ec  Raven/Raven2 Device 24: Function 4
+	15ed  Raven/Raven2 Device 24: Function 5
+	15ee  Raven/Raven2 Device 24: Function 6
+	15ef  Raven/Raven2 Device 24: Function 7
+	15f0  FireFlight Device 24: Function 0
+	15f1  FireFlight Device 24: Function 1
+	15f2  FireFlight Device 24: Function 2
+	15f3  FireFlight Device 24: Function 3
+	15f4  FireFlight Device 24: Function 4
+	15f5  FireFlight Device 24: Function 5
+	15f6  FireFlight Device 24: Function 6
+	15f7  FireFlight Device 24: Function 7
+	15f8  FireFlight Root Complex
+	15f9  FireFlight IOMMU
+	15fa  FireFlight PCIe Dummy Host Bridge
+	15fb  FireFlight PCIe GPP Bride 3:0
+	15fc  FireFlight PCIe Dummy Host Bridge
+	15fd  FireFlight Internal PCIe GPP Bridge 0 to Bus A
+	15fe  FireFlight Internal PCIe GPP Bridge 0 to Bus B
+	15ff  FireFlight Bus A; Device 0: Function 0: Internal GPU
 	1600  Family 15h Processor Function 0
 	1601  Family 15h Processor Function 1
 	1602  Family 15h Processor Function 2
 	1603  Family 15h Processor Function 3
 	1604  Family 15h Processor Function 4
 	1605  Family 15h Processor Function 5
+	1606  Arden Security Processor
+	1608  Arden Device 18h: Function 0
+	1609  Arden Device 18h: Function 1
+	160a  Arden Device 18h: Function 2
+	160b  Arden Device 18h: Function 3
+	160c  Arden Device 18h: Function 4
+	160d  Arden Device 18h: Function 5
+	160e  Arden Device 18h: Function 6
+	160f  Arden Device 18h: Function 7
+	1620  Anubis HT Configuration
+	1621  Anubis Address Maps
+	1622  Anubis DRAM Configuration
+	1623  Anubis Miscellaneous Configuration
+	1624  Anubis PM Configuration
+	1625  Anubis NB Performance Monitor
+	1626  Arden Root Complex
+	1627  Arden IOMMU
+	1628  Arden PCIe Dummy Host Bridge
+	1629  Arden PCIe GPP Bridge
+	162a  Arden Internal PCIe GPP Bridge 0 to bus X
+	162b  Arden PCIe Non-Transparent Bridge
+	1630  Renoir Root Complex
+	1631  Renoir IOMMU
+	1632  Renoir PCIe Dummy Host Bridge
+	1633  Renoir PCIe GPP Bridge
+	1634  Renoir PCIe GPP Bridge
+	1635  Renoir Internal PCIe GPP Bridge to Bus
+	1637  Renoir HD Audio Controller
+	1639  Renoir USB 3.1
+	1641  Renoir 10GbE Controller Port 0 (XGBE0/1)
+	1642  Renoir WLAN
+	1643  Renoir BT
+	1644  Renoir I2S
 	1700  Family 12h/14h Processor Function 0
 	1701  Family 12h/14h Processor Function 1
 	1702  Family 12h/14h Processor Function 2
 	1703  Family 12h/14h Processor Function 3
 	1704  Family 12h/14h Processor Function 4
 	1705  Family 12h Processor Root Complex
+	1706  Llano P2P Bridge to external GPU
 	1707  Family 12h Processor Root Port
 	1708  Family 12h Processor Root Port
 	1709  Family 12h Processor Root Port
@@ -4450,6 +4848,9 @@
 	43c7  400 Series Chipset PCIe Port
 	43c8  400 Series Chipset SATA Controller
 	43d5  400 Series Chipset USB 3.1 XHCI Controller
+	57a3  Matisse PCIe GPP Bridge
+	57a4  Matisse PCIe GPP Bridge
+	57ad  Matisse Switch Upstream
 	7006  AMD-751 [Irongate] System Controller
 	7007  AMD-751 [Irongate] AGP Bridge
 	700a  AMD-IGR4 AGP Host to PCI Bridge
@@ -4508,6 +4909,8 @@
 	7801  FCH SATA Controller [AHCI mode]
 		103c 168b  ProBook 4535s Notebook
 		103c 194e  ProBook 455 G1 Notebook
+		17aa 3988  Z50-75
+		1849 7801  QC5000-ITX/PH
 	7802  FCH SATA Controller [RAID mode]
 	7803  FCH SATA Controller [RAID mode]
 	7804  FCH SATA Controller [AHCI mode]
@@ -4517,37 +4920,57 @@
 	7807  FCH USB OHCI Controller
 		103c 194e  ProBook 455 G1 Notebook
 		103c 1985  Pavilion 17-e163sg Notebook PC
+		17aa 3988  Z50-75
+		1849 7807  QC5000-ITX/PH
 	7808  FCH USB EHCI Controller
 		103c 194e  ProBook 455 G1 Notebook
 		103c 1985  Pavilion 17-e163sg Notebook PC
+		17aa 3988  Z50-75
+		1849 7808  QC5000-ITX/PH
 	7809  FCH USB OHCI Controller
 		103c 194e  ProBook 455 G1 Notebook
+		17aa 3988  Z50-75
+	780a  Kabini/Mullins SATA Raid/AHCI Mode (DotHill driver)
 	780b  FCH SMBus Controller
 		103c 194e  ProBook 455 G1 Notebook
 		103c 1985  Pavilion 17-e163sg Notebook PC
+		17aa 3988  Z50-75
+		1849 780b  QC5000-ITX/PH
 	780c  FCH IDE Controller
 	780d  FCH Azalia Controller
 		103c 194e  ProBook 455 G1 Notebook
 		103c 1985  Pavilion 17-e163sg Notebook PC
 		1043 8444  F2A85-M Series
+		17aa 3988  Z50-75
+		1849 8892  QC5000-ITX/PH
 	780e  FCH LPC Bridge
 		103c 194e  ProBook 455 G1 Notebook
 		103c 1985  Pavilion 17-e163sg Notebook PC
+		17aa 3988  Z50-75
+		1849 780e  QC5000-ITX/PH
 	780f  FCH PCI Bridge
 	7812  FCH USB XHCI Controller
 	7813  FCH SD Flash Controller
 	7814  FCH USB XHCI Controller
 		103c 194e  ProBook 455 G1 Notebook
 		103c 1985  Pavilion 17-e163sg Notebook PC
+		17aa 3988  Z50-75
+		1849 7814  QC5000-ITX/PH
 	7900  FCH SATA Controller [IDE mode]
 	7901  FCH SATA Controller [AHCI mode]
+		103c 8615  Pavilion Laptop 15-cw1xxx
+		1462 7c37  X570-A PRO motherboard
 	7902  FCH SATA Controller [RAID mode]
 	7903  FCH SATA Controller [RAID mode]
 	7904  FCH SATA Controller [AHCI mode]
 	7906  FCH SD Flash Controller
 	7908  FCH USB EHCI Controller
 	790b  FCH SMBus Controller
+		103c 8615  Pavilion Laptop 15-cw1xxx
+		1462 7c37  X570-A PRO motherboard


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