svn commit: r353542 - head/tests/sys/net

Kristof Provost kp at
Tue Oct 15 04:50:09 UTC 2019

Author: kp
Date: Tue Oct 15 04:50:08 2019
New Revision: 353542

  tests: basic VLAN test
  Set up two jails connected by an epair. Create VLAN interfaces in both
  jails and check connectivity.
  This is a very basic test, but exposed panics during the network stack
  epoch work, so this is worth testing.

  head/tests/sys/net/   (contents, props changed)

Modified: head/tests/sys/net/Makefile
--- head/tests/sys/net/Makefile	Tue Oct 15 03:51:46 2019	(r353541)
+++ head/tests/sys/net/Makefile	Tue Oct 15 04:50:08 2019	(r353542)
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ BINDIR=		${TESTSDIR}
 ATF_TESTS_SH+=	if_lagg_test
 ATF_TESTS_SH+=	if_clone_test
 ATF_TESTS_SH+=	if_tun_test
+ATF_TESTS_SH+=	if_vlan
 # The tests are written to be run in parallel, but doing so leads to random
 # panics.  I think it's because the kernel's list of interfaces isn't properly

Added: head/tests/sys/net/
--- /dev/null	00:00:00 1970	(empty, because file is newly added)
+++ head/tests/sys/net/	Tue Oct 15 04:50:08 2019	(r353542)
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+# $FreeBSD$
+. $(atf_get_srcdir)/../common/vnet.subr
+atf_test_case "basic" "cleanup"
+	atf_set descr 'Basic VLAN test'
+	atf_set require.user root
+	vnet_init
+	epair_vlan=$(vnet_mkepair)
+	vnet_mkjail alcatraz ${epair_vlan}a
+	vnet_mkjail singsing ${epair_vlan}b
+	vlan0=$(jexec alcatraz ifconfig vlan create vlandev ${epair_vlan}a \
+		vlan 42)
+	jexec alcatraz ifconfig ${epair_vlan}a up
+	jexec alcatraz ifconfig ${vlan0} up
+	vlan1=$(jexec singsing ifconfig vlan create vlandev ${epair_vlan}b \
+		vlan 42)
+	jexec singsing ifconfig ${epair_vlan}b up
+	jexec singsing ifconfig ${vlan1} up
+	atf_check -s exit:0 -o ignore jexec singsing ping -c 1
+	vnet_cleanup
+	atf_add_test_case "basic"

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