svn commit: r353070 - head/usr.sbin/certctl

Kyle Evans kevans at
Thu Oct 3 20:45:53 UTC 2019

Author: kevans
Date: Thu Oct  3 20:45:52 2019
New Revision: 353070

  certctl(8): let one blacklist based on hashed filenames
  It seems reasonable to allow, for instance:
  $ certctl list
  # reviews output -- ah, yeah, I don't trust that one
  $ certctl blacklist ce5e74ef.0
  $ certctl rehash
  We can unambiguously determine what cert "ce5e74ef.0" refers to, and we've
  described it to them in `certctl list` output -- I see little sense in
  forcing another level of filesystem inspection to determien what cert file
  this physically corresponds to.


Modified: head/usr.sbin/certctl/
--- head/usr.sbin/certctl/	Thu Oct  3 20:39:17 2019	(r353069)
+++ head/usr.sbin/certctl/	Thu Oct  3 20:45:52 2019	(r353070)
@@ -74,11 +74,21 @@ create_trusted_link()
-	local hash
+	local hash srcfile filename
-	hash=$( do_hash "$1" ) || return
-	[ $VERBOSE -gt 0 ] && echo "Adding $hash.0 to blacklist"
-	[ $NOOP -eq 0 ] && ln -fs $(realpath "$1") "$BLACKLISTDESTDIR/$hash.0"
+	# If it exists as a file, we'll try that; otherwise, we'll scan
+	if [ -e "$1" ]; then
+		hash=$( do_hash "$1" ) || return
+		srcfile=$(realpath "$1")
+		filename="$hash.0"
+	elif [ -e "${CERTDESTDIR}/$1" ];  then
+		srcfile=$(realpath "${CERTDESTDIR}/$1")
+		filename="$1"
+	else
+		return
+	fi
+	[ $VERBOSE -gt 0 ] && echo "Adding $filename to blacklist"
+	[ $NOOP -eq 0 ] && ln -fs "$srcfile" "$BLACKLISTDESTDIR/$filename"

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