svn commit: r347638 - in head: . etc lib/libc/gen

Rodney W. Grimes freebsd at
Thu May 23 18:06:36 UTC 2019

-- Start of PGP signed section.
> On Thu, May 23, 2019 at 07:46:21PM +0200, Kirill Ponomarev wrote:
> > On 05/22, Conrad Meyer wrote:
> > > Hi Brad,
> > > 
> > > Ping.  It's still broken.  Can you revert this please?
> > 
> > Please, revert these changes, it's still broken here as well.
> In addition the in-tree breakage for updates, the broke external update
> systems and image building systems.  I don't care what mechanism is
> used (.PATH, ${SRCTOP}, something to tag the files in the src/etc
> Makefile), but moving these files is unacceptable and should be
> reverted.

I may have another, temporary solution/sugestion.
First revert this, then add a comment that while
the pkgbase work is sorted out that these files live
in 2 places and you must commit 2 both if you have
to touch one of them.

Then svn cp the files to the new location.

Everyone happy with that temporary, hackash, work around
so that both groups can move forward while all the sharp
pointy sticks are cleaned up?

Rod Grimes                                                 rgrimes at

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