svn commit: r346848 - in stable/11/sys/dev/cxgbe: . common tom

Navdeep Parhar np at
Sun Apr 28 18:30:21 UTC 2019

Author: np
Date: Sun Apr 28 18:30:19 2019
New Revision: 346848

  MFC r331902:
  r331902: cxgbe: Implement tcp_info handler for connections handled by t4_tom.

Directory Properties:
  stable/11/   (props changed)

Modified: stable/11/sys/dev/cxgbe/adapter.h
--- stable/11/sys/dev/cxgbe/adapter.h	Sun Apr 28 17:27:06 2019	(r346847)
+++ stable/11/sys/dev/cxgbe/adapter.h	Sun Apr 28 18:30:19 2019	(r346848)
@@ -1118,6 +1118,7 @@ int vi_full_init(struct vi_info *);
 int vi_full_uninit(struct vi_info *);
 void vi_sysctls(struct vi_info *);
 void vi_tick(void *);
+int rw_via_memwin(struct adapter *, int, uint32_t, uint32_t *, int, int);
 #ifdef DEV_NETMAP
 /* t4_netmap.c */
@@ -1210,4 +1211,19 @@ t4_wrq_tx(struct adapter *sc, struct wrqe *wr)
+static inline int
+read_via_memwin(struct adapter *sc, int idx, uint32_t addr, uint32_t *val,
+    int len)
+	return (rw_via_memwin(sc, idx, addr, val, len, 0));
+static inline int
+write_via_memwin(struct adapter *sc, int idx, uint32_t addr,
+    const uint32_t *val, int len)
+	return (rw_via_memwin(sc, idx, addr, (void *)(uintptr_t)val, len, 1));

Modified: stable/11/sys/dev/cxgbe/common/common.h
--- stable/11/sys/dev/cxgbe/common/common.h	Sun Apr 28 17:27:06 2019	(r346847)
+++ stable/11/sys/dev/cxgbe/common/common.h	Sun Apr 28 18:30:19 2019	(r346848)
@@ -520,6 +520,12 @@ static inline u_int us_to_tcp_ticks(const struct adapt
 	return (us * adap->params.vpd.cclk / 1000 >> adap->;
+static inline u_int tcp_ticks_to_us(const struct adapter *adap, u_int ticks)
+	return ((uint64_t)ticks << adap-> /
+	    core_ticks_per_usec(adap);
 void t4_set_reg_field(struct adapter *adap, unsigned int addr, u32 mask, u32 val);
 int t4_wr_mbox_meat_timeout(struct adapter *adap, int mbox, const void *cmd,

Modified: stable/11/sys/dev/cxgbe/t4_main.c
--- stable/11/sys/dev/cxgbe/t4_main.c	Sun Apr 28 17:27:06 2019	(r346847)
+++ stable/11/sys/dev/cxgbe/t4_main.c	Sun Apr 28 18:30:19 2019	(r346848)
@@ -592,11 +592,6 @@ struct filter_entry {
 static void setup_memwin(struct adapter *);
 static void position_memwin(struct adapter *, int, uint32_t);
-static int rw_via_memwin(struct adapter *, int, uint32_t, uint32_t *, int, int);
-static inline int read_via_memwin(struct adapter *, int, uint32_t, uint32_t *,
-    int);
-static inline int write_via_memwin(struct adapter *, int, uint32_t,
-    const uint32_t *, int);
 static int validate_mem_range(struct adapter *, uint32_t, uint32_t);
 static int fwmtype_to_hwmtype(int);
 static int validate_mt_off_len(struct adapter *, int, uint32_t, uint32_t,
@@ -2712,7 +2707,7 @@ position_memwin(struct adapter *sc, int idx, uint32_t 
 	t4_read_reg(sc, reg);	/* flush */
-static int
 rw_via_memwin(struct adapter *sc, int idx, uint32_t addr, uint32_t *val,
     int len, int rw)
@@ -2758,22 +2753,6 @@ rw_via_memwin(struct adapter *sc, int idx, uint32_t ad
 	return (0);
-static inline int
-read_via_memwin(struct adapter *sc, int idx, uint32_t addr, uint32_t *val,
-    int len)
-	return (rw_via_memwin(sc, idx, addr, val, len, 0));
-static inline int
-write_via_memwin(struct adapter *sc, int idx, uint32_t addr,
-    const uint32_t *val, int len)
-	return (rw_via_memwin(sc, idx, addr, (void *)(uintptr_t)val, len, 1));
 static int

Modified: stable/11/sys/dev/cxgbe/tom/t4_tom.c
--- stable/11/sys/dev/cxgbe/tom/t4_tom.c	Sun Apr 28 17:27:06 2019	(r346847)
+++ stable/11/sys/dev/cxgbe/tom/t4_tom.c	Sun Apr 28 18:30:19 2019	(r346848)
@@ -396,7 +396,85 @@ t4_ctloutput(struct toedev *tod, struct tcpcb *tp, int
+static inline int
+get_tcb_bit(u_char *tcb, int bit)
+	int ix, shift;
+	ix = 127 - (bit >> 3);
+	shift = bit & 0x7;
+	return ((tcb[ix] >> shift) & 1);
+static inline uint64_t
+get_tcb_bits(u_char *tcb, int hi, int lo)
+	uint64_t rc = 0;
+	while (hi >= lo) {
+		rc = (rc << 1) | get_tcb_bit(tcb, hi);
+		--hi;
+	}
+	return (rc);
+ * Called by the kernel to allow the TOE driver to "refine" values filled up in
+ * the tcp_info for an offloaded connection.
+ */
+static void
+t4_tcp_info(struct toedev *tod, struct tcpcb *tp, struct tcp_info *ti)
+	int i, j, k, rc;
+	struct adapter *sc = tod->tod_softc;
+	struct toepcb *toep = tp->t_toe;
+	uint32_t addr, v;
+	uint32_t buf[TCB_SIZE / sizeof(uint32_t)];
+	u_char *tcb, tmp;
+	INP_WLOCK_ASSERT(tp->t_inpcb);
+	MPASS(ti != NULL);
+	addr = t4_read_reg(sc, A_TP_CMM_TCB_BASE) + toep->tid * TCB_SIZE;
+	rc = read_via_memwin(sc, 2, addr, &buf[0], TCB_SIZE);
+	if (rc != 0)
+		return;
+	tcb = (u_char *)&buf[0];
+	for (i = 0, j = TCB_SIZE - 16; i < j; i += 16, j -= 16) {
+		for (k = 0; k < 16; k++) {
+			tmp = tcb[i + k];
+			tcb[i + k] = tcb[j + k];
+			tcb[j + k] = tmp;
+		}
+	}
+	ti->tcpi_state = get_tcb_bits(tcb, 115, 112);
+	v = get_tcb_bits(tcb, 271, 256);
+	ti->tcpi_rtt = tcp_ticks_to_us(sc, v);
+	v = get_tcb_bits(tcb, 287, 272);
+	ti->tcpi_rttvar = tcp_ticks_to_us(sc, v);
+	ti->tcpi_snd_ssthresh = get_tcb_bits(tcb, 487, 460);
+	ti->tcpi_snd_cwnd = get_tcb_bits(tcb, 459, 432);
+	ti->tcpi_rcv_nxt = get_tcb_bits(tcb, 553, 522);
+	ti->tcpi_snd_nxt = get_tcb_bits(tcb, 319, 288) -
+	    get_tcb_bits(tcb, 375, 348);
+	/* Receive window being advertised by us. */
+	ti->tcpi_rcv_space = get_tcb_bits(tcb, 581, 554);
+	/* Send window ceiling. */
+	v = get_tcb_bits(tcb, 159, 144) << get_tcb_bits(tcb, 131, 128);
+	ti->tcpi_snd_wnd = min(v, ti->tcpi_snd_cwnd);
  * The TOE driver will not receive any more CPLs for the tid associated with the
  * toepcb; release the hold on the inpcb.
@@ -1292,6 +1370,11 @@ t4_tom_activate(struct adapter *sc)
 	tod->tod_syncache_respond = t4_syncache_respond;
 	tod->tod_offload_socket = t4_offload_socket;
 	tod->tod_ctloutput = t4_ctloutput;
+#if 0
+	tod->tod_tcp_info = t4_tcp_info;
+	(void)&t4_tcp_info;
 	for_each_port(sc, i) {
 		for_each_vi(sc->port[i], v, vi) {

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