svn commit: r345708 - in head: lib/clang lib/libc++ lib/libc++experimental lib/libc++fs lib/libclang_rt lib/libcxxrt lib/libgcc_eh lib/libomp lib/ofed/libibnetdisc share/mk usr.bin/dtc usr.sbin/pmc

Jan Beich jbeich at
Wed Apr 10 11:04:08 UTC 2019

Enji Cooper <ngie at> writes:

> +.if ${COMPILER_FEATURES:Mc++11}
> +CXXSTD?=	c++11

POLA violation. Clang 6.0 or later defaults to gnu++14, not c++11.

> +.elif ${COMPILER_TYPE} == "gcc"
> +# Prior versions of g++ support C++98 with GNU extensions by default.
> +CXXSTD?=	gnu++98

POLA violation. GCC 6.0 or later defaults to gnu++14, not gnu++98.

> +CXXFLAGS+=	-std=${CXXSTD}

POLA violation. Breaks consumers that pass different -std= e.g.,

Index: share/mk/
--- share/mk/	(revision 346076)
+++ share/mk/	(working copy)
@@ -25,16 +25,19 @@ CFLAGS+=	-std=iso9899:1999
 CFLAGS+=	-std=${CSTD}
 .endif # CSTD
-CXXSTD?=	c++11
-.elif ${COMPILER_TYPE} == "gcc"
-# Prior versions of g++ support C++98 with GNU extensions by default.
+.if (${COMPILER_TYPE} == "clang" || ${COMPILER_TYPE} == "gcc") && ${COMPILER_VERSION} >= 60000
+CXXSTD?=	gnu++14
+.elif ${COMPILER_TYPE} == "clang" || ${COMPILER_TYPE} == "gcc"
+# Prior versions of clang++ and g++ support C++98 with GNU extensions by default.
 CXXSTD?=	gnu++98
 # Assume that the compiler supports at least C++98.
 CXXSTD?=	c++98
+# Only pass -std= if missing to facilitate compatibility with previous FreeBSD versions
+.if empty(CXXFLAGS:M-std=*)
 # -pedantic is problematic because it also imposes namespace restrictions

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