svn commit: r333590 - head/share/man/man9

Ed Schouten ed at
Mon Jun 25 07:25:51 UTC 2018

Hi Andriy, Matthew,

2018-06-24 23:36 GMT+02:00 Andriy Gapon <avg at>:
> Perhaps a little application of google can help.
> [keywords: epoch based reclamation]

Based on the man page, it wasn't clear that this refers to a generally
accepted construct or something that is specific to FreeBSD. Any
objections if I were to extend the man page as follows?

Index: epoch.9
--- epoch.9     (revision 335613)
+++ epoch.9     (working copy)
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@
 .Nm epoch_wait ,
 .Nm epoch_call ,
 .Nm in_epoch ,
-.Nd kernel epoch based reclamation
+.Nd kernel Epoch Based Reclamation (EBR)
 .In sys/param.h
 .In sys/proc.h
@@ -191,3 +191,10 @@
 .Xr sleep 9 ,
 .Xr sx 9 ,
 .Xr timeout 9
+.%A K. Fraser
+.%T Practical lock-freedom
+.%D February 2004
+.%P 79-81

Ed Schouten <ed at>
Nuxi, 's-Hertogenbosch, the Netherlands

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