svn commit: r313224 - stable/10/etc

Ngie Cooper ngie at
Sat Feb 4 16:43:37 UTC 2017

Author: ngie
Date: Sat Feb  4 16:43:35 2017
New Revision: 313224

  MFC r310467:
  Provide some guidance when dealing with sections and variables contained
  within them
  For example, using variables designated for %usm requires uncommenting
  %usm section header

Directory Properties:
  stable/10/   (props changed)

Modified: stable/10/etc/snmpd.config
--- stable/10/etc/snmpd.config	Sat Feb  4 16:40:28 2017	(r313223)
+++ stable/10/etc/snmpd.config	Sat Feb  4 16:43:35 2017	(r313224)
@@ -116,6 +116,14 @@ snmpEnableAuthenTraps = 2
 # modules
+# Control configuration for the modules in the module specific sections, e.g.
+# the "usm" module (begemotSnmpdModulePath."usm") can be controlled in the
+# %usm specific section. You must uncomment the section specific header in
+# order to use the enclosed variables, e.g. `usmUserStatus.$(engine).$(user1)`
+# can only be used if %usm is uncommented.
 # Bridge module
 #  This requires the mibII module.

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