svn commit: r295461 - in stable/10/etc: . defaults mtree ntp periodic/daily rc.d
Cy Schubert
cy at
Wed Feb 10 07:16:19 UTC 2016
Author: cy
Date: Wed Feb 10 07:16:17 2016
New Revision: 295461
MFC r289421, r293037, r294773, and r294884.
ntp leap-leapseconds support.
Add default leap-seconds file. This should help ntp networks get the
leap second date correct
Updates to the file can be obtained from or
Update leap-seconds to latest. This will satisfy the ntpd leap-second
version check.
Add support for automatic leap-second file updates.
The working copy of leapfile resides in /var/dbntpd.leap-seconds.list.
/etc/ntp/leap-seconds (periodically updated from
or contains the master copy should
automatic leapfile updates be disabled (default).
Automatic leapfile updates are fetched from $ntp_leapfile_sources,
defaulting to,
within $ntp_leapfile_expiry_days (default 30 days) from leap-seconds
file expiry. Automatic updates can be enabled by setting
$daily_ntpd_leapfile_enable="YES" in periodic.conf. To avoid congesting
the ntp leapfile source the automatic update randomized by default but
can be disabled through daily_ntpd_avoid_congestion="NO" in
Allow specification of fetch options for ntp leap-seconds fetch.
Approved by: re (gjb)
- copied from r289421, head/etc/ntp/
- copied unchanged from r294773, head/etc/periodic/daily/480.leapfile-ntpd
Directory Properties:
stable/10/ (props changed)
Modified: stable/10/etc/Makefile
--- stable/10/etc/Makefile Wed Feb 10 04:56:38 2016 (r295460)
+++ stable/10/etc/Makefile Wed Feb 10 07:16:17 2016 (r295461)
@@ -244,6 +244,9 @@ distribution:
${_+_}cd ${.CURDIR}/defaults; ${MAKE} install
${_+_}cd ${.CURDIR}/devd; ${MAKE} install
${_+_}cd ${.CURDIR}/gss; ${MAKE} install
+.if ${MK_NTP} != "no"
+ ${_+_}cd ${.CURDIR}/ntp; ${MAKE} install
${_+_}cd ${.CURDIR}/periodic; ${MAKE} install
.if ${MK_PKGBOOTSTRAP} != "no"
${_+_}cd ${.CURDIR}/pkg; ${MAKE} install
Modified: stable/10/etc/defaults/periodic.conf
--- stable/10/etc/defaults/periodic.conf Wed Feb 10 04:56:38 2016 (r295460)
+++ stable/10/etc/defaults/periodic.conf Wed Feb 10 07:16:17 2016 (r295461)
@@ -138,6 +138,11 @@ daily_status_mail_rejects_enable="YES"
daily_status_mail_rejects_logs=3 # How many logs to check
daily_status_mail_rejects_shorten="NO" # Shorten output
+# 480.leapfile-ntpd
+daily_ntpd_leapfile_enable="NO" # Fetch NTP leapfile
+daily_ntpd_avoid_congestion="YES" # Avoid congesting
+ # leapfile sources
# 480.status-ntpd
daily_status_ntpd_enable="NO" # Check NTP status
Modified: stable/10/etc/defaults/rc.conf
--- stable/10/etc/defaults/rc.conf Wed Feb 10 04:56:38 2016 (r295460)
+++ stable/10/etc/defaults/rc.conf Wed Feb 10 07:16:17 2016 (r295461)
@@ -366,6 +366,17 @@ ntpd_config="/etc/ntp.conf" # ntpd(8) co
ntpd_sync_on_start="NO" # Sync time on ntpd startup, even if offset is high
ntpd_flags="-p /var/run/ -f /var/db/ntpd.drift"
# Flags to ntpd (if enabled).
+ # Initial source for ntpd leapfile
+ # Working copy (updated weekly) leapfile
+ # Source from which to fetch leapfile
+ntp_leapfile_fetch_opts="-mq" # Options to use for ntp leapfile fetch,
+ # e.g. --no-verify-peer
+ntp_leapfile_expiry_days=30 # Check for new leapfile 30 days prior to
+ # expiry.
+ntp_leapfile_fetch_verbose="NO" # Be verbose during NTP leapfile fetch
# Network Information Services (NIS) options: All need rpcbind_enable="YES" ###
nis_client_enable="NO" # We're an NIS client (or NO).
Modified: stable/10/etc/mtree/BSD.var.dist
--- stable/10/etc/mtree/BSD.var.dist Wed Feb 10 04:56:38 2016 (r295460)
+++ stable/10/etc/mtree/BSD.var.dist Wed Feb 10 07:16:17 2016 (r295461)
@@ -46,6 +46,8 @@
ipf mode=0700
+ ntp mode=0700
+ ..
Modified: stable/10/etc/ntp.conf
--- stable/10/etc/ntp.conf Wed Feb 10 04:56:38 2016 (r295460)
+++ stable/10/etc/ntp.conf Wed Feb 10 07:16:17 2016 (r295461)
@@ -77,3 +77,10 @@ restrict
#fudge stratum 10
+# See
+# for documentation regarding leapfile. Updates to the file can be obtained
+# from or
+# Use either leapfile in /etc/ntp or weekly updated leapfile in /var/db.
+#leapfile "/etc/ntp/leap-seconds"
+leapfile "/var/db/ntpd.leap-seconds.list"
Modified: stable/10/etc/ntp/leap-seconds
--- head/etc/ntp/leap-seconds Fri Oct 16 14:04:16 2015 (r289421)
+++ stable/10/etc/ntp/leap-seconds Wed Feb 10 07:16:17 2016 (r295461)
@@ -1,119 +1,221 @@
# $FreeBSD$
-# The Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) is the reference time scale derived
-# from The "Temps Atomique International" (TAI) calculated by the Bureau
-# International des Poids et Mesures (BIPM) using a worldwide network of atomic
-# clocks. UTC differs from TAI by an integer number of seconds; it is the basis
-# of all activities in the world.
-# ASTRONOMICAL TIME (UT1) is the time scale based on the rate of rotation of the earth.
-# It is now mainly derived from Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI). The various
-# irregular fluctuations progressively detected in the rotation rate of the Earth lead
-# in 1972 to the replacement of UT1 by UTC as the reference time scale.
-# Atomic clocks are more stable than the rate of the earth rotatiob since the later
-# undergoes a full range of geophysical perturbations at various time scales (lunisolar
-# and core-mantle torques,atmospheric and oceanic effetcs, ...)
-# Leap seconds are needed to keep the two time scales in agreement, i.e. UT1-UTC smaller
-# than 0.9 second. So, when necessary a "leap second" is introduced in UTC.
-# Since the adoption of this system in 1972 it has been necessary to add 26 seconds to UTC,
-# firstly due to the initial choice of the value of the second (1/86400 mean solar day of
-# the year 1820) and secondly to the general slowing down of the Earth's rotation. It is
-# theorically possible to have a negative leap second (a second removed from UTC), but so far,
-# all leap seconds have been positive (a second has been added to UTC). Based on what we know about the earth's rotation,
-# it is unlikely that we will ever have a negative leap second.
-# The first leap second was added on June 30, 1972. Until 2000, it was necessary in average to add a leap second at a rate
-# of 1 to 2 years. Since 2000, due to the fact that the earth rate of rotation is accelerating, leap seconds are introduced
-# with an average frequency of 3 to 4 years.
-# The decision to introduce a leap second in UTC is the responsibility of the Earth Orientation Center of
-# the International Earth Rotation and reference System Service (IERS). This center is located at Paris
-# Observatory. According to international agreements, leap second date have to occur at fixed date :
-# first preference is given to the end of December and June, and second preference at the end of March
-# and September. Since the system was introduced in 1972, only dates in June and December were used.
-# Questions or comments to:
-# Daniel Gambis, daniel.gambis at
-# Christian Bizouard: christian.bizouard at
-# Earth orientation Center of the IERS
-# Paris Observatory, France
-# It is important to express the validity of the file. These next two dates are
-# given in units of seconds since 1900.0.
-# 1) Last update of the file.
-# Updated through IERS Bulletin C (
-# The following line shows the last update of this file in NTP timestamp:
-#$ 3645216000
-# 2) Expiration date of the file given on a semi-annual basis: last June or last December
-# File expires on 28 December 2015
-# Expire date in NTP timestamp:
-#@ 3660249600
-# NTP timestamp (X parameter) is the number of seconds since 1900.0
-# MJD: The Modified Julian Day number. MJD = X/86400 + 15020
-# DTAI: The difference DTAI= TAI-UTC in units of seconds
-# It is the quantity to add to UTC to get the time in TAI
-# Day Month Year : epoch in clear
-#NTP Time DTAI Day Month Year
-2272060800 10 # 1 Jan 1972
-2287785600 11 # 1 Jul 1972
-2303683200 12 # 1 Jan 1973
-2335219200 13 # 1 Jan 1974
-2366755200 14 # 1 Jan 1975
-2398291200 15 # 1 Jan 1976
-2429913600 16 # 1 Jan 1977
-2461449600 17 # 1 Jan 1978
-2492985600 18 # 1 Jan 1979
-2524521600 19 # 1 Jan 1980
-2571782400 20 # 1 Jul 1981
-2603318400 21 # 1 Jul 1982
-2634854400 22 # 1 Jul 1983
-2698012800 23 # 1 Jul 1985
-2776982400 24 # 1 Jan 1988
-2840140800 25 # 1 Jan 1990
-2871676800 26 # 1 Jan 1991
-2918937600 27 # 1 Jul 1992
-2950473600 28 # 1 Jul 1993
-2982009600 29 # 1 Jul 1994
-3029443200 30 # 1 Jan 1996
-3076704000 31 # 1 Jul 1997
-3124137600 32 # 1 Jan 1999
-3345062400 33 # 1 Jan 2006
-3439756800 34 # 1 Jan 2009
-3550089600 35 # 1 Jul 2012
-3644697600 36 # 1 Jul 2015
-# In order to verify the integrity of this file, a hash code
-# has been generated. For more information how to use
-# this hash code, please consult the README file under the
-# 'sha' repertory.
+# In the following text, the symbol '#' introduces
+# a comment, which continues from that symbol until
+# the end of the line. A plain comment line has a
+# whitespace character following the comment indicator.
+# There are also special comment lines defined below.
+# A special comment will always have a non-whitespace
+# character in column 2.
+# A blank line should be ignored.
+# The following table shows the corrections that must
+# be applied to compute International Atomic Time (TAI)
+# from the Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) values that
+# are transmitted by almost all time services.
+# The first column shows an epoch as a number of seconds
+# since 1900.0 and the second column shows the number of
+# seconds that must be added to UTC to compute TAI for
+# any timestamp at or after that epoch. The value on
+# each line is valid from the indicated initial instant
+# until the epoch given on the next one or indefinitely
+# into the future if there is no next line.
+# (The comment on each line shows the representation of
+# the corresponding initial epoch in the usual
+# day-month-year format. The epoch always begins at
+# 00:00:00 UTC on the indicated day. See Note 5 below.)
+# Important notes:
+# 1. Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) is often referred to
+# as Greenwich Mean Time (GMT). The GMT time scale is no
+# longer used, and the use of GMT to designate UTC is
+# discouraged.
+# 2. The UTC time scale is realized by many national
+# laboratories and timing centers. Each laboratory
+# identifies its realization with its name: Thus
+# UTC(NIST), UTC(USNO), etc. The differences among
+# these different realizations are typically on the
+# order of a few nanoseconds (i.e., 0.000 000 00x s)
+# and can be ignored for many purposes. These differences
+# are tabulated in Circular T, which is published monthly
+# by the International Bureau of Weights and Measures
+# (BIPM). See for more information.
+# 3. The current defintion of the relationship between UTC
+# and TAI dates from 1 January 1972. A number of different
+# time scales were in use before than epoch, and it can be
+# quite difficult to compute precise timestamps and time
+# intervals in those "prehistoric" days. For more information,
+# consult:
+# The Explanatory Supplement to the Astronomical
+# Ephemeris.
+# or
+# Terry Quinn, "The BIPM and the Accurate Measurement
+# of Time," Proc. of the IEEE, Vol. 79, pp. 894-905,
+# July, 1991.
+# 4. The insertion of leap seconds into UTC is currently the
+# responsibility of the International Earth Rotation Service,
+# which is located at the Paris Observatory:
+# Central Bureau of IERS
+# 61, Avenue de l'Observatoire
+# 75014 Paris, France.
+# Leap seconds are announced by the IERS in its Bulletin C
+# See or for more details.
+# All national laboratories and timing centers use the
+# data from the BIPM and the IERS to construct their
+# local realizations of UTC.
+# Although the definition also includes the possibility
+# of dropping seconds ("negative" leap seconds), this has
+# never been done and is unlikely to be necessary in the
+# foreseeable future.
+# 5. If your system keeps time as the number of seconds since
+# some epoch (e.g., NTP timestamps), then the algorithm for
+# assigning a UTC time stamp to an event that happens during a positive
+# leap second is not well defined. The official name of that leap
+# second is 23:59:60, but there is no way of representing that time
+# in these systems.
+# Many systems of this type effectively stop the system clock for
+# one second during the leap second and use a time that is equivalent
+# to 23:59:59 UTC twice. For these systems, the corresponding TAI
+# timestamp would be obtained by advancing to the next entry in the
+# following table when the time equivalent to 23:59:59 UTC
+# is used for the second time. Thus the leap second which
+# occurred on 30 June 1972 at 23:59:59 UTC would have TAI
+# timestamps computed as follows:
+# ...
+# 30 June 1972 23:59:59 (2287785599, first time): TAI= UTC + 10 seconds
+# 30 June 1972 23:59:60 (2287785599,second time): TAI= UTC + 11 seconds
+# 1 July 1972 00:00:00 (2287785600) TAI= UTC + 11 seconds
+# ...
+# If your system realizes the leap second by repeating 00:00:00 UTC twice
+# (this is possible but not usual), then the advance to the next entry
+# in the table must occur the second time that a time equivlent to
+# 00:00:00 UTC is used. Thus, using the same example as above:
+# ...
+# 30 June 1972 23:59:59 (2287785599): TAI= UTC + 10 seconds
+# 30 June 1972 23:59:60 (2287785600, first time): TAI= UTC + 10 seconds
+# 1 July 1972 00:00:00 (2287785600,second time): TAI= UTC + 11 seconds
+# ...
+# in both cases the use of timestamps based on TAI produces a smooth
+# time scale with no discontinuity in the time interval.
+# This complexity would not be needed for negative leap seconds (if they
+# are ever used). The UTC time would skip 23:59:59 and advance from
+# 23:59:58 to 00:00:00 in that case. The TAI offset would decrease by
+# 1 second at the same instant. This is a much easier situation to deal
+# with, since the difficulty of unambiguously representing the epoch
+# during the leap second does not arise.
+# Questions or comments to:
+# Jeff Prillaman
+# Time Service Department
+# US Naval Observatory
+# Washington, DC
+# jeffrey.prillaman at
+# Last Update of leap second values: 31 Dec 2015
+# The following line shows this last update date in NTP timestamp
+# format. This is the date on which the most recent change to
+# the leap second data was added to the file. This line can
+# be identified by the unique pair of characters in the first two
+# columns as shown below.
+#$ 3660508800
+# The data in this file will be updated periodically as new leap
+# seconds are announced. In addition to being entered on the line
+# above, the update time (in NTP format) will be added to the basic
+# file name leap-seconds to form the name leap-seconds.<NTP TIME>.
+# In addition, the generic name leap-seconds.list will always point to
+# the most recent version of the file.
+# This update procedure will be performed only when a new leap second
+# is announced.
+# The following entry specifies the expiration date of the data
+# in this file in units of seconds since 1900.0. This expiration date
+# will be changed at least twice per year whether or not a new leap
+# second is announced. These semi-annual changes will be made no
+# later than 1 June and 1 December of each year to indicate what
+# action (if any) is to be taken on 30 June and 31 December,
+# respectively. (These are the customary effective dates for new
+# leap seconds.) This expiration date will be identified by a
+# unique pair of characters in columns 1 and 2 as shown below.
+# In the unlikely event that a leap second is announced with an
+# effective date other than 30 June or 31 December, then this
+# file will be edited to include that leap second as soon as it is
+# announced or at least one month before the effective date
+# (whichever is later).
+# If an announcement by the IERS specifies that no leap second is
+# scheduled, then only the expiration date of the file will
+# be advanced to show that the information in the file is still
+# current -- the update time stamp, the data and the name of the file
+# will not change.
+# Updated through IERS Bulletin C 50
+# File expires on: 1 Jun 2016
+#@ 3673728000
+2272060800 10 # 1 Jan 1972
+2287785600 11 # 1 Jul 1972
+2303683200 12 # 1 Jan 1973
+2335219200 13 # 1 Jan 1974
+2366755200 14 # 1 Jan 1975
+2398291200 15 # 1 Jan 1976
+2429913600 16 # 1 Jan 1977
+2461449600 17 # 1 Jan 1978
+2492985600 18 # 1 Jan 1979
+2524521600 19 # 1 Jan 1980
+2571782400 20 # 1 Jul 1981
+2603318400 21 # 1 Jul 1982
+2634854400 22 # 1 Jul 1983
+2698012800 23 # 1 Jul 1985
+2776982400 24 # 1 Jan 1988
+2840140800 25 # 1 Jan 1990
+2871676800 26 # 1 Jan 1991
+2918937600 27 # 1 Jul 1992
+2950473600 28 # 1 Jul 1993
+2982009600 29 # 1 Jul 1994
+3029443200 30 # 1 Jan 1996
+3076704000 31 # 1 Jul 1997
+3124137600 32 # 1 Jan 1999
+3345062400 33 # 1 Jan 2006
+3439756800 34 # 1 Jan 2009
+3550089600 35 # 1 Jul 2012
+3644697600 36 # 1 Jul 2015
+# the following special comment contains the
+# hash value of the data in this file computed
+# use the secure hash algorithm as specified
+# by FIPS 180-1. See the files in ~/sha for
+# the details of how this hash value is
+# computed. Note that the hash computation
+# ignores comments and whitespace characters
+# in data lines. It includes the NTP values
+# of both the last modification time and the
+# expiration time of the file, but not the
+# white space on those lines.
+# the hash line is also ignored in the
+# computation.
+#h 44a44c49 35b22601 a9c7054c 8c56cf57 9b6f6ed5
-#h 620ba8af 37900668 95ac09ba d77640f9 6fd75493
Copied: stable/10/etc/periodic/daily/480.leapfile-ntpd (from r294773, head/etc/periodic/daily/480.leapfile-ntpd)
--- /dev/null 00:00:00 1970 (empty, because file is newly added)
+++ stable/10/etc/periodic/daily/480.leapfile-ntpd Wed Feb 10 07:16:17 2016 (r295461, copy of r294773, head/etc/periodic/daily/480.leapfile-ntpd)
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+# $FreeBSD$
+# If there is a global system configuration file, suck it in.
+if [ -r /etc/defaults/periodic.conf ]
+ . /etc/defaults/periodic.conf
+ source_periodic_confs
+case "$daily_ntpd_leapfile_enable" in
+ [Yy][Ee][Ss])
+ case "$daily_ntpd_avoid_congestion" in
+ [Yy][Ee][Ss])
+ # Avoid dogpiling
+ (sleep $(jot -r 1 0 86400); service ntpd fetch) &
+ ;;
+ *)
+ service ntpd fetch
+ ;;
+ esac
+ ;;
+exit $rc
Modified: stable/10/etc/periodic/daily/Makefile
--- stable/10/etc/periodic/daily/Makefile Wed Feb 10 04:56:38 2016 (r295460)
+++ stable/10/etc/periodic/daily/Makefile Wed Feb 10 07:16:17 2016 (r295461)
@@ -34,7 +34,8 @@ FILES+= 130.clean-msgs
.if ${MK_NTP} != "no"
-FILES+= 480.status-ntpd
+FILES+= 480.status-ntpd \
+ 480.leapfile-ntpd
.if ${MK_PKGTOOLS} != "no"
Modified: stable/10/etc/rc.d/ntpd
--- stable/10/etc/rc.d/ntpd Wed Feb 10 04:56:38 2016 (r295460)
+++ stable/10/etc/rc.d/ntpd Wed Feb 10 07:16:17 2016 (r295461)
@@ -14,6 +14,8 @@ name="ntpd"
load_rc_config $name
@@ -30,6 +32,10 @@ ntpd_precmd()
return 0;
+ if [ ! -f $ntp_db_leapfile ]; then
+ ntpd_fetch_leapfile
+ fi
# If running in a chroot cage, ensure that the appropriate files
# exist inside the cage, as well as helper symlinks into the cage
# from outside.
@@ -44,10 +50,71 @@ ntpd_precmd()
( cd /dev ; /bin/pax -rw -pe clockctl "${ntpd_chrootdir}/dev" )
ln -fs "${ntpd_chrootdir}/var/db/ntp.drift" /var/db/ntp.drift
+ ln -fs "${ntpd_chrootdir}${ntp_tmp_leapfile}" ${ntp_tmp_leapfile}
# Change run_rc_commands()'s internal copy of $ntpd_flags
rc_flags="-u ntpd:ntpd -i ${ntpd_chrootdir} $rc_flags"
+current_ntp_ts() {
+ # Seconds between 1900-01-01 and 1970-01-01
+ # echo $(((70*365+17)*86400))
+ ntp_to_unix=2208988800
+ echo $(($(date -u +%s)+$ntp_to_unix))
+get_ntp_leapfile_ver() {
+ expr "$(awk '$1 == "#$" { print $2 }' "$1" 2>/dev/null)" : \
+ '^\([1-9][0-9]*\)$' \| 0
+get_ntp_leapfile_expiry() {
+ expr "$(awk '$1 == "#@" { print $2 }' "$1" 2>/dev/null)" : \
+ '^\([1-9][0-9]*\)$' \| 0
+ntpd_fetch_leapfile() {
+ local ntp_tmp_leapfile rc verbose
+ if checkyesno ntp_leapfile_fetch_verbose; then
+ verbose=echo
+ else
+ verbose=:
+ fi
+ ntp_tmp_leapfile="/var/run/ntpd.leap-seconds.list"
+ ntp_ver_no_src=$(get_ntp_leapfile_ver $ntp_src_leapfile)
+ ntp_ver_no_db=$(get_ntp_leapfile_ver $ntp_db_leapfile)
+ $verbose ntp_src_leapfile version is $ntp_ver_no_src
+ $verbose ntp_db_leapfile version is $ntp_ver_no_db
+ if [ "$ntp_ver_no_src" -gt "$ntp_ver_no_db" ]; then
+ $verbose replacing $ntp_db_leapfile with $ntp_src_leapfile
+ cp -p $ntp_src_leapfile $ntp_db_leapfile
+ ntp_ver_no_db=$ntp_ver_no_src
+ else
+ $verbose not replacing $ntp_db_leapfile with $ntp_src_leapfile
+ fi
+ ntp_leap_expiry=$(get_ntp_leapfile_expiry $ntp_db_leapfile)
+ ntp_leapfile_expiry_seconds=$((ntp_leapfile_expiry_days*86400))
+ ntp_leap_fetch_date=$((ntp_leap_expiry-ntp_leapfile_expiry_seconds))
+ if [ $(current_ntp_ts) -ge $ntp_leap_fetch_date ]; then
+ $verbose Within ntp leapfile expiry limit, initiating fetch
+ for url in $ntp_leapfile_sources ; do
+ $verbose fetching $url
+ fetch $ntp_leapfile_fetch_opts -o $ntp_tmp_leapfile $url && break
+ done
+ ntp_ver_no_tmp=$(get_ntp_leapfile_ver $ntp_tmp_leapfile)
+ if [ "$ntp_ver_no_tmp" -gt "$ntp_ver_no_db" ]; then
+ $verbose using $url as $ntp_db_leapfile
+ mv $ntp_tmp_leapfile $ntp_db_leapfile
+ else
+ $verbose using existing $ntp_db_leapfile
+ fi
+ fi
run_rc_command "$1"
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