svn commit: r284970 - stable/10/libexec/atrun

Warren Block wblock at
Tue Jun 30 19:53:27 UTC 2015

Author: wblock (doc committer)
Date: Tue Jun 30 19:53:26 2015
New Revision: 284970

  MFC 284709:
    Call /etc/crontab the "system crontab", not "root's crontab".  While
    here, fix some other wording issues

Directory Properties:
  stable/10/   (props changed)

Modified: stable/10/libexec/atrun/
--- stable/10/libexec/atrun/	Tue Jun 30 19:35:14 2015	(r284969)
+++ stable/10/libexec/atrun/	Tue Jun 30 19:53:26 2015	(r284970)
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 .\" $FreeBSD$
-.Dd October 30, 2012
+.Dd June 22, 2015
 .Dt ATRUN 8
@@ -14,32 +14,32 @@
 runs jobs queued by
 .Xr at 1 .
+The system
 .Xr crontab 5
 .Pa /etc/crontab
-has to contain the line
+must contain the line
 .Bd -literal
 */5     *       *       *       *       root    /usr/libexec/atrun
-so that
-gets invoked every five minutes.
+is invoked every five minutes.
 At every invocation,
-will start all the jobs in the lowercase queues whose start
+starts all the jobs in the lowercase queues whose start
 time has elapsed.
 In addition, if the load average over the last minute was less than
-the specified limit then a maximum of one batch job (denoted by the
+the specified limit, then a maximum of one batch job (denoted by the
 uppercase queues) is started.
 Before starting a job,
-will check the status of its owner's account with
+checks the status of its owner's account with
 .Xr pam 3
-and refuse to run the job if the account is unavailable,
+and refuses to run the job if the account is unavailable,
 e.g., locked out or expired.
 .Bl -tag -width indent
@@ -53,9 +53,11 @@ Debug; print error messages to standard 
-to work, you have to start up a
+to work, a
 .Xr cron 8
+daemon must be running
 .Bl -tag -width /etc/pam.d/atrun -compact
 .It Pa /etc/pam.d/atrun

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