Phabricator + 'Reviewed by' [was Re: svn commit: r278472 - in head/sys: netinet netinet6]

Steven Hartland steven at
Sat Feb 14 15:17:46 UTC 2015

On 13/02/2015 23:56, Bryan Drewery wrote:
> On 2/9/2015 3:45 PM, Bjoern A. Zeeb wrote:
>>>   Commented upon by hiren and sbruno
>>>   See Phabricator D1777 for more details.
>>>   Commented upon by hiren and sbruno
>>>   Reviewed by:	adrian, jhb and bz
>> I have not reviewed this;  as a matter of fact you are aware that I still wanted to do that.
> Something about Phabricator is not jiving with our commit terminology.
> This has happened before as well with other commits. I'm sure everyone
> is good-intentioned as well.
> There's not 1 person on D1777 who has 'accepted' it. That is what
> warrants a 'Reviewed by' to me.
> It's clear to me, but seems unclear to others. I really think the
> reviewer list needs to be split up. Rather than using icons, use
> separate lists. Reviewers requested: accepted: commented: changes
> requested:.
I don't think it needs to be split up, that feels unnecessary, if 
someone hasn't accepted it then they haven't review it period IMO.

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