svn commit: r263614 - stable/9/release/doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/relnotes

Glen Barber gjb at
Sat Mar 22 02:15:31 UTC 2014

Author: gjb
Date: Sat Mar 22 02:15:30 2014
New Revision: 263614

  Wrap long lines.
  Sponsored by:	The FreeBSD Foundation


Modified: stable/9/release/doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/relnotes/article.xml
--- stable/9/release/doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/relnotes/article.xml	Sat Mar 22 02:06:13 2014	(r263613)
+++ stable/9/release/doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/relnotes/article.xml	Sat Mar 22 02:15:30 2014	(r263614)
@@ -13,7 +13,8 @@
-      <holder role="mailto:doc at">The &os; Documentation Project</holder>
+      <holder role="mailto:doc at">The &os; Documentation
+	Project</holder>
     <legalnotice xml:id="trademarks" role="trademarks">
@@ -26,13 +27,13 @@
-      <para>The release notes for &os; &release.current; contain a summary
-	of the changes made to the &os; base system on the
-	&release.branch; development line.
-	This document lists applicable security advisories that were issued since
-	the last release, as well as significant changes to the &os;
-	kernel and userland.
-	Some brief remarks on upgrading are also presented.</para>
+      <para>The release notes for &os; &release.current; contain
+	a summary of the changes made to the &os; base system on the
+	&release.branch; development line.  This document lists
+	applicable security advisories that were issued since the last
+	release, as well as significant changes to the &os; kernel and
+	userland.  Some brief remarks on upgrading are also
+	presented.</para>
@@ -44,18 +45,22 @@
       deleted features of &os;.  It also provides some notes on
       upgrading from previous versions of &os;.</para>
-    <para>This distribution of &os; &release.current; is a
-      &release.type; distribution.  It can be found at <uri xlink:href="&release.url;">&release.url;</uri> or any of its mirrors.  More
-      information on obtaining this (or other) &release.type;
-      distributions of &os; can be found in the <link xlink:href="&url.books.handbook;/mirrors.html"><quote>Obtaining
-      &os;</quote> appendix</link> to the <link xlink:href="&url.books.handbook;/">&os; Handbook</link>.</para>
+    <para>This distribution of &os; &release.current; is
+      a &release.type; distribution.  It can be found at <uri
+	xlink:href="&release.url;">&release.url;</uri> or any of its
+      mirrors.  More information on obtaining this (or other)
+      &release.type; distributions of &os; can be found in the <link
+	xlink:href="&url.books.handbook;/mirrors.html"><quote>Obtaining
+	  &os;</quote> appendix</link> to the <link
+	xlink:href="&url.books.handbook;/">&os;
+	Handbook</link>.</para>
-    <para>All users are encouraged to consult the release errata before
-      installing &os;.  The errata document is updated with
+    <para>All users are encouraged to consult the release errata
+      before installing &os;.  The errata document is updated with
       <quote>late-breaking</quote> information discovered late in the
       release cycle or after the release.  Typically, it contains
-      information on known bugs, security advisories, and corrections to
-      documentation.  An up-to-date copy of the errata for &os;
+      information on known bugs, security advisories, and corrections
+      to documentation.  An up-to-date copy of the errata for &os;
       &release.current; can be found on the &os; Web site.</para>
@@ -78,10 +83,10 @@
     <sect2 xml:id="security">
       <title>Security Advisories</title>
-      <para>Problems described in the following security advisories have
-	been fixed.  For more information, consult the individual
-	advisories available from
-	<uri xlink:href=""></uri>.</para>
+      <para>Problems described in the following security advisories
+	have been fixed.  For more information, consult the individual
+	advisories available from <uri
+	  xlink:href=""></uri>.</para>
       <informaltable frame="none" pgwide="1">
 	<tgroup cols="3">
@@ -636,15 +641,17 @@
-      <title xml:id="upgrade-pitfalls">User-visible incompatibilities</title>
+      <title xml:id="upgrade-pitfalls">User-visible
+	incompatibilities</title>
       <para>FreeBSD 9.0 and later have several incompatibilities in
 	system configuration which you might want to know before
 	upgrading your system.  <emphasis>Please read this section and
-	the <link xlink:href="">Upgrading
-	Section in 9.0-RELEASE Release Notes</link> carefully before
-	submitting a problem report and/or posting a question to the
-	FreeBSD mailing lists.</emphasis></para>
+	  the <link
+	    xlink:href="">Upgrading
+	    Section in 9.0-RELEASE Release Notes</link> carefully
+	  before submitting a problem report and/or posting a question
+	  to the FreeBSD mailing lists.</emphasis></para>

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